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Eco-Travel Might Be Cool With Floating Resort | - 0 views

  • In the future, eco-travelers may have a green cruise option in the Solar Floating Resort (SFR) concept. Powered entirely by solar photovoltaic panels that cover it like a skin, this sleek boat/resort/luxury submarine is just the sort of place Italian industrial designer Michele Puzzolante imagines. "Solar energy technologies such as photovoltaic panels could provide a third of the world's energy by 2060 if politicians commit to limiting global warming," says Puzzolante on her Solar Floating Resort website. Puzzolante's SFR relies entirely on non-polluting solar power and uses modular manufacturing techniques currently being used in the naval and automobile industries, kind of like LEGO pieces.
    Designed by Michele Puzzolante, the floating resort touts to be eco-friendly, self-sustaining and non-polluting. It will harness solar energy for power and use modular manufacturing methods as a way of building the resort more efficiently. I whole-heartedly agree with the theory of the floating resort as an alternative to the travel carbon footprint, but do not believe this particular model is going to make a huge difference. It is targeted toward the luxury market, only holds 6 people in the resort, and does not explain the full effects its presence will have on the ocean.

Guest Column: How Distribution Systems Are Like Seat Belts - Business Travel News - 0 views

  • global distribution systems use old technology
  • their interfaces aren’t quite as attractive as airline websites
  • they still do what they’re designed to do efficiently and affordably.
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  • agency portals
  • Are not designed to manage high transaction volumes generated by large TMCs.Do not offer comparison shopping on competing airlines.
  • Its strategy seems to rest in shifting distribution costs to corporate buyers.
  • Building out airline websites, keeping website content updated, investing in agent portals and investing in direct connect technology all come with significant capital expenditures or resource costs.
    My article this week is about how GDS (Global Distribution Systems) can be compared to a seatbelt. The author opens the article discussing the main reasons we still continue to use seatbelts; even though they aren't the most comfortable or fashionable items to use, they still do their jobs in saving our lives when it comes to a collision of some sort. The author is in favor of GDS and makes the claim that like seatbelts, the GDS may not be the most up-to-date or may not appear to be as nice as other local systems to each individual airline, but they get the job done and there are no other systems out there like it that we know of (no other systems that do everything he GDS system does that is). The main topic of discussion that the article is concerned with is the recent decision made by the company Lufthansa to start charging its customers an additional surcharge for using GDS systems instead of going through its own system. The author clearly makes it know that she doesn't believe Lufthansa when they say they are charging this additional surcharge because GDS is the most expensive channel to go through. "Because there's no reason to think that an airline should expect to distribute its products without any cost, Lufthansa's recent gambit seems more of a tactic for increasing lagging direct distribution... Its strategy seems to rest in shifting distribution costs to corporate buyers" claims Rose, the author of the article. The author also points out some of the draw backs of using agency portals, the main reason being that a customer cannot compare rates of other competitors and that agency portals cannot handle high volume transactions like the GDS can. It is also made known that there are costs that come with other channels as well, like the prices you pay for building airline websites and keeping them updated. The author concludes that "Given the history of negotiations between airlines and GDSs, it's impossible to know whether Lufthansa is using DCC as
Jessica Schwec

2014 Business Travel Survey: GDS Booking Volumes Still Rising - Business Travel News - 1 views

  • For all the talk of their ultimate demise, global distribution systems process growing volumes of travel transactions
  • Each of the three primary players continues to provide an array of services to travel management companies, corporate buyers and travelers, and their parent companies are pushing IT services to airlines, hotel companies and others.
    All of the big three global distribution systems were still expanding as well as increasing productivity and revenue as of June 2014. Amadeus, Sabre and Travelport have each made significant moves in the hospitality industry, although primarily for airlines. Amadeus is by far the largest and currently most successful GDS with the highest profit, booking volume, and market share (air travel). As of 2014 Southwest Airlines was their biggest client, but they provide GDS services and access to over 100 other airlines as well. Sabre is second best to Amadeus. The company elected to go public in 2014 and since then their billable bookings, booking share and growth have all increased modestly. During the same year they gained American Airlines, newly reformed at the time, as a client. Presently, the company expects continued improvement in revenue. Travelport has made the decision not to compete directly with Amadeus or Sabre in that they have chosen not to provide "full passenger services systems to airline on a multi-host basis." However the company is still working closely with Delta Airlines and researching "add-on" features with their main focus being the continued growth of "beyond air" activities. Honestly, I was shocked that Amadeus is the largest and most successful GDS. I truly expected it to be Sabre. This belief was based on what I have personally experienced: every OTA I have used required a link to the Sabre GDS, but I can only recall one that required one to the Amadeus GDS. After reading the chapter 8 of D.V. Tesone's "Hospitality Information Systems and E-Commerce, along with the research report from our discussion forum I have changed my paradigm. Regardless, GDSs are still used widely in the hospitality industry. Different segments of the market prefer to book in different ways: via offline Travel Agents, OTAs, hotel websites or on the phone. Those that use either form of TA are using a GDS.
    Leisure guests tend to book for themselves with rare exceptions including some forms of international travel and cruise travel. These guests use OTAs or intermediaries such as Travelocity (Owned by a GDS company) or TravelZoo. In the case of TravelZoo, a guest uses the TravelZoo website to access information such as availability and pricing that TravelZoo pulls from a GDS before making a selection and processing a transaction. On the other hand, business and corporate travelers are more likely to use an offline TA. An offline TA is better equipped to meet the needs of a customer whom is travelling for business. Offline TAs require less information when booking a hotel room then an OTA does, making it simple for a secretary to book the travel arrangements for the guest. In addition, offline TAs can work easily with a hotel to make special accommodations. The hotel receives contact information for the travel agency that booked the stay in case clarifications on requests are needed. In conclusion, as long as either form of TA is in the market, a GDS will be necessary to streamline bookings and ensure that each TA has the correct pertinent information when making a booking or completing a transaction. As a result, as new OTA options or hospitality enterprises enter the market GDSs are continuing to morph, merge and grow.

San Diego airport's multifunctional beacon app streamlines flying - Mobile Marketer - S... - 1 views

  • A growing number of airports are realizing the value of deploying beacons to their infrastructure, particularly when it comes to minimizing hassle and stress for time-strapped travelers.
  • In 2016, there has been a step increase in the activity in the airport market around BLE beacons.
  • users will be able to receive gate and flight information, real-time updates and taxi wait times
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  • major airports will have to move to indoor location technologies over the next five years
  • it can integrate with airline companies’ and airport retailers’ own apps, infrastructure and services
  • What is great about the deployment at San Diego International Airport is that it has built in a huge range of customer utility, while also opening up the platform to third-party apps from airlines
  • “From San Diego’s point of view, it is driving its own value from the platform for internal applications that improve overall efficiency, even before a passenger has downloaded the app.”
    Beacon-based indoor location technology is driving the future of airport consumer experiences. Mobile applications use these beacons to provide up-to-the-second information to travelers regarding everything from flight data and security checkpoint line length to taxi wait times and baggage tracking. The largest commercial value of these apps and beacons lies in the platforms' ability to integrate with third-party apps and infrastructure from airline carriers and airport retailers. While this integration could potentially drive advertisement revenue for the airports, many of the locations that have begun experimenting with these technologies report that the systems investment pays for itself in increased efficiencies in internal systems, including security checkpoints and taxi queues.

Despegar, Latin America's top online travel agency, signs multi-year agreemen... - 0 views

  • , the leading technology provider to the global travel industry, today announced its renewed agreement with Despegar (NYSE: DESP), the leading online travel agency (OTA) in Latin America.
  • The multi-year contract extension ensures Despegar’s continued access to Sabre’s market-leading global dist
  • ribution system (GDS), propelling the OTA’s service to an estimated 140 million unique visitors.
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  • The OTA will also profit from the speed of results the Sabre GDS delivers across the distribution system’s vast breadth of content.
  • they reliably deliver technologies that are easy for us to adopt and easy for our customers to value.
  • Sabre Corporation is the leading technology provider to the global travel industry.
  • software, data, mobile and distribution solutions are used by hundreds of airlines and thousands of hotel properties to manage critical operations, including passenger and guest reservations, revenue management, flight, network and crew management.
    One of the reasons why I felt this article was very insteresting is tha I have use "despegar before and I have also not used or decided not to use this travel agency because of the "not friendly" sfoftware or technology they had on their website. As a customer I feel this would give an amazing positive revenue to the company. This articles texplain how this GDS software called SABRE has sign a contract of extension with

What is the digital outlook for 2021 in business travel? | PhocusWire - 0 views

  • The GDSs are finally competing with a wider group than the traditional oligopoly group that they have been complacent with for so many years.
  • I imagine that at some point in the next few years the GDSs and the airlines will finally figure out their commercial challenges and we will get NDC content in the GDS as mainstream. If they do not, a huge amount of development cost by the GDSs has been wasted. 
  • It will be interesting to see how the NDC specialists will adapt to NDC becoming mainstream in the GDS. To compete with the GDS they would need to fill some gaps quickly around hotel, car rental, and I expect they will utilize the wealth of API options. 
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  • With more and more airlines adding surcharges for booking on the GDS as well as removing lower tiers of fares, the GDS is simply becoming a more expensive environment to book in. As has been said many times, this model needs to change.
  • The OBTs will face some challenges in 2021, one being with respect to resources.
  • The OBTs might have added to their roadmaps the integration of new information sources that deal with COVID-19.
  • In some respects, the OBT workflows are ideal with regards approval processes, which are likely to be more complex in 2021 compared to a year previous. So, from that perspective the OBT’s have a strength to play on.
  • Automation is no longer a nice to have in 2021, TMCs need to find ways of working that avoid the costly touch of a human being. Fully touchless bookings are the holy grail.
  • Still missing is a system able to grab GDS bookings, NDC bookings, other direct booking sources (e.g. low cost carriers, bed banks) and offer one single place to be able to view and interact with the bookings (modify, cancel). 
    This article focuses on GDS emerging competitors now and in the future. Online booking has become more attractive to the consumer, with no surcharges unlike the GDS system airlines use for booking.
Mohan Song

Green Hotels: Eco-Friendly Hospitality Must Strike A Balance - 0 views

    I chose this article because it is an opinion article from the Huffington Post about the balance of luxury and being eco-friendly. Joanna Zelman shares her views on green hotels. She presents the question of whether living luxuriously during your hotel visit means sacrificing our planet. She also shares that hotels are indeed recognizing the major amounts of waste they have been producing. Zelman feels that hotels are trying to be green, but in the end they let the guests decide how green they want to be.
    "Some hotels now recognize the astronomical amount of waste they produce daily, and a green hotel movement is underway. The Hilton Americas-Houston generates a reported 675,000 pounds of dirty linens per month. With the purchase of an AquaRecycle water recycling system, they reduced their water usage by 75%, from 630,000 gallons to 157,500 gallons per month."
    Some hotels now recognize the astronomical amount of waste they produce daily, and a green hotel movement is underway.Element Times Square West is Starwood's most recent endeavor, an "eco-chic" hotel located on W. 39th street in New York City. The hotel proudly touts recycling bins in every room, complimentary bikes, reusable laundry bags, silverware instead of plastic, dispensable bath products, and an organic on-site pantry.But right next to the reusable laundry bag is a plastic laundry bag, beside the ceramic mugs are paper cups, across from the dispensable soap is an individually wrapped bar, and after consuming your organic food, you can rest your guilt-free head on a bunch of down feather pillows. Someone suggests that guests unplug chargers when not in use, turn lights off, and take advantage of linen reuse policies.
martha villamizar

Smart Travel Communications - About Smart Travel - 0 views

    E-marketing is the perfect way for a company to show his product to the consumers. Each day more companies are realizing that they need to put more effort and resources to the internet marketing. Today we could say that the traditional marketing media such as television, radio, newspaper are in the past. Not even talking about the traditional printing brochures .Through the internet, people can have the experience of being in their dream vacation while they still being home. Smart travel communication is a perfect example of how internet has impacted the Hospitality and tourism industry

Hertz builds mobile strategy with iPhone travel apps - Mobile Commerce Daily - Applicat... - 0 views

  • Hertz Corp. is introducing iPhone city travel applications to extend the brand’s reach beyond cars and enhance the customer experience.
  • In addition to New York, Boston and San Francisco, there are also apps for Dallas-Fort Worth, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami-West Palm, Sacramento-Northern California, Orlando, San Diego and Washington, D.C.
  • Customers can download the first app for free from the Apple App Store. After that, additional apps may be downloaded for $0.99 apiece.
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  • The Explore content is delivered wirelessly to cars to insure the content is up to date and includes the top restaurants and hotels as well as various attractions
    Hertz introduces iphone apps to deliver extended travel experience to customers. The app is called My Explore, including 11 major cities in U.S. with most travel information. Each city app includes six categories: explore, Top Must See, Events, Favorites, Tours and neighborhoods. Those probably cover major needs during traveling.
lin liu

What The Hospitality Industry Can Teach Facility Managers - Facilities Management Facil... - 0 views

  • I set my luggage on the bathroom's tile floor and head to the bed for a thorough bug check.
  • Next, I go to the thermostat and reset it to a higher, energy-efficient number.
  • Finally, I take a look at the room's layout: Is it maneuverable? Are desks/dressers/closets easy to access and use? And last, but of utmost importance, what's the evacuation route?
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  • we think that there's no better place than the NFMT Vegas Conference & Expo to discuss just how hospitality facilities can demonstrate best practices for all buildings in sustainability, energy efficiency, occupant safety and ADA compliance.
  • For the first time, this year's conference will feature a track dedicated to hospitality and provide perspectives from some of the market's most knowledgeable sources.
        This article is a kind of blog, written by a traveler who formed by years of working in the facility management field. She described her ritual when she checked in a hotel room. She mentioned the National Facilities Management & Technology Vegas Conference & Expo and discussed just how hospitality facilities can demonstrate best practices for all buildings in sustainability, energy efficiency, occupant safety and ADA compliance.       Nowadays, more and more hotels try to address the energy efficiency initiatives. And they also know the importance of controlling the operational costs.     The technological facilities can highlight some key innovations and solutions for the entire facility management marketplace.
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    The article tracks the author's journey to hotels and meetings, in order to provide information to hotel facility managers. The author saw some facilities in hotels, including the bathrooms, living rooms, and layout and so on. The author thought the facility manager should pay attention to the room layout; namely is it maneuverable? Are some desks or closets easy to access and use? Moreover, the author mentioned the sustainability. Nowadays, sustainability is important in hospitality industry. The managers should be responsible to have environmentally friendly facilities. Another physical plant concern is the ADA. Hotel facility managers should also pay attention to the ADA.
    "have knocked $5 million in operational costs off the annual budget"
    This article shows us some advanced facility and technology in hotels in Las Vegas. People have Many people would like pay attention to the physical plant. The author works in the facility management, he habit to check the floor, bed, energy-efficient equipment, and so on. The NFMT Vegas Conference & Expo, with best practices for all buildings in sustainability, energy efficiency, occupant safety and ADA compliance, which impresses the author a lot. The vice president of HEI Hotels and Resorts addressed "Energy Efficiency Initiatives for Hotels" as important goal. In the past three years, they have made 5 million in costs off, and also, there is a must-attend presentation on bedbugs. They won the 2012 U.S. EPA's Energy Star Sustained Excellence Award. The president discussed the impact of the ADA Final Regs on the hospitality industry. Some information about requirements, hospitality-specific concerns. The author desired to see the latest development in hospitality. He impressed the effects of key innovations and solutions for the facility management marketplace.
Ashley Reed

Know your clients - social tourism marketing | Pro Tourism - 0 views

  • It´s amazing how much money tourism organizations are wasting on inoperative marketing
  • Most of these fancy brochures are dropped in the waste bin after a quick glance at some nice photos.
  • H-U-G-E amounts are spent on traditional ads. Sure, you´ll probably reach some interested clients. But at least 3 out of four readers are not.
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  • If you´re marketing by ads and brochures, or collecting surveys at the hotel or tourism centre, you´ll never know who these people are or why they didn´t show up.
  • Todays E-marketing tools allows you to communicate with them, but I´m not talking about a simple newsletter. I mean dialogue. Questions. Answers. Problemsolving.
  • One way is to build a society, club or community. Social marketing with a specified topic.
  • Or running travel clubs for different tourism niches, like fishing, local culture, ancient architecture or whatever your destination has to offer certain target groups.
  • Competitions, lotteries, research studies, interviews, articles and movie clips are just a few samples of what´s attracting people enough to fill in their names and numbers because they want the information you´re providing.
    This article discusses different approaches to tourism marketing through social media outlets. The author points to excessive advertising costs especially with printing brochures and guides that are usually tossed in the trash. E-Marketing strategies need to involve the users interactively by having them join, register, or enter and engage in activities. This way you are collecting user information, gauging trends, and possibly making more customers out of viewers.
Karina Ziyangulova

How to Select Human Resources Information Technology - 0 views

  • But how do HR and other executives know they are selecting the best HR information technology to manage all of the details, and that the solution they select will stand the test of time?
  • Following are the key questions to ask and answer in the process of selecting Human Resources information technology.
  • What is the degree of flexibility and scalability that the HR information technology software provides?
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  • Will the software be able to accommodate HR’s company and benefits carriers’ rules?
  • Will the HR information technology be able to grow and scale with the organization?
  • Is the HR information technology software able to integrate with other systems?
  • Who is responsible for implementing, or building, the solution? What level of training is involved?
  • If training is involved, is there a charge?
  • Who will own the data?
  • What types of maintenance and upkeep are required?
  • What security measures are built into the HR information technology?
  • Will employees be able to enroll in benefits plans and make changes in real-time to their personal data and plan choices?
    This article tells us How to Select Human Resources Information Technology. The need for HR information technology systems is increasing. With HR staff finding a vast array of options in HR information technology systems, it is increasingly important to analyze and weigh all options available. Choosing an HR information technology system should be looked at as an investment that will grow with the department and company's needs.  Here are 18 questions that a HR manager should ask when selecting a HRIS.
    Human Resources information technology (HRIS) is essential for companies to manage their benefits plans and their employee information. Benefits management technology is no longer a nice to have, but a necessity to help HR manage both a sea of information and the money spent on benefits plans, as HR faces limited resources and constantly changing data. But how do HR and other executives know they are selecting the best HR information technology to manage all of the details, and that the solution they select will stand the test of time?
Michelle Munne

High-tech hotels a hit with geeky guests - - 0 views

  • the Andaz hotels, guests are greeted by a host bearing an iPad,
  • produce a room key via the iPad en route to the room.
  • keys that unlock the room door when flashed over a sensor
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  • to control audio and video and play files from their MP3 players or laptops through the room's 40 inch flatscreen TV.
  • investing in apps for the mobile market, which allow users to find nearby hotels and check their
  • which allow users to find nearby hotels and check their room rates.
    Hotels have been lax on keeping up with the technological advances that have come about in the past few years. This article talks about how a few different hotels all over the world are starting to use these technologies to their benefit. Some hotels have hosts greeting guests with an ipad and making room keys etc.. while they have a drink at the bar. Others have given their guests capabilities to play the movies or music they've purchased on their ipad or iphone directly on the room TV as opposed to purchasing movies from the hotel. It seems like hotels are starting to grasp what their guests really want which is quick, paperless and technilogical convenience.
    Hotels are catching up with the technological advances
Jennifer Mesa

South Florida hotels are tapping new technologies or existing ones to enhance the guest... - 0 views

  • "With the rising use of tablets, smartphones and other devices, the needs of today's modern traveler are changing, making high-performance connectivity nearly just as important as price, location and loyalty programs when selecting a hotel
  • The new suite of products enables hotels and motels to leverage advanced technology from a single provider to improve the guest experience, streamline back-office operations and reduce costs."
  • By the end of 2013, the majority of hotels will have booking engines integrated into their social media channels and mobile websites
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  • ome 48 percent of the nearly 400 global hotels surveyed had a booking engine on Facebook or another social media site, and of the 52 percent that did not, about half planned to add one this year.
elena zhebrun


    inamo™ is like no other restaurant anywhere in the world. Located in central London inamo and inamo st james are pioneering Oriental fusion restaurants where the control of the dining experience is placed firmly in the customer's hands. At the core of inamo™ is its interactive ordering system, E-Table™. With an E-Table™ system, diners place orders from an illustrated food and drinks menu projected on to their table surface. Customers also set their table ambience, discover the local neighbourhood, and even order a taxi home. The Content Management System makes Restaurant management easy. All E-Table™ ambience and retail activity is conveniently connected to a central management system. It has been specially developed for E-Table™ and designed so anyone can intuitively control the management process. Features include: Easily update and edit Names, Images, and Descriptions of products. Create and modify food and drink menus. Instantly create paper menus and website copy direct from the Management System. Update images and patterns with direct upload from your computer to change the look and feel of the tables. Create new permanent and seasonal sets of images and patterns. Set up a private dining room. Create custom configurations and apply any combination of themes, menus, images and patterns, to groups of tables on the system. Change your menus according to the day of the week, season, time of the day, special events. Create and modify "where next" maps. Guests can see what they and their group have ordered at any time, call a waitress over to attend to them and request the bill when they are ready to go. A host of extra functions are available - guests can view a live video of the kitchen, order a taxi home, or see what's on at the local cinema.

5 Ways To Invest In Travel And Tourism - 0 views

  • Online Travel Providers As with many industries, revenue continues to shift to the internet when it comes to providing travel and tourism services.
  • Leading online travel providers include publicly-traded players such as Orbitz, Priceline and Expedia. In particular, Priceline has been highly successful in driving traffic to its website to book flights and bid for cheap, last minute travel deals.
  • Over the past five years, it has seen sales and profits grow around 20% annually. This growth has fully shown through in its stock price, which is up around 1,000% in the past five years.
    This article talks about five ways to invest in travel and tourism. It specifically mentions the Online Travel Providers. In many industries, including traveling industry, internet continues to generate revenue to the business. Priceline in particular has been increasing profit growth in the last five years offering lower price and online bookings, last minute travel deals and bids.
Nicole Stevens

Saudi Gazette - Kingdom healthcare sector's IT investment hits $4.1 billion in 2012 - 0 views

  • Saudi Arabia has remained one of the biggest IT markets in the region, with IT expenditure projected to have sustained a 9 percent year-on-year growth reaching $4.1 billion in 2012.
  • The Kingdom’s healthcare sector is expected to account for a significant percentage of the Kingdom’s massive IT investments, as the Saudi government continues to take advantage of the latest technological advances to address the growing healthcare requirements of the rapidly expanding Saudi population.
  • A substantial percentage of the total expenses was used to purchase specialized e-Health and related IT solutions for healthcare. Moreover, Saudi Arabia allocated $1.74 billion for medical devices in 2012, up 17.8 percent from 2011.
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  • Saudi Arabia as one of the most lucrative markets for healthcare IT solutions.
    Medical Tourism is a growing sector of the Hospitality Industry. Though Saudi Arabia is not a major part of this industry yet, a move to improve it's health services is a step in the right direction. 
elena zhebrun

What Apple's WiFi Slam acquisition means for consumer privacy and proximity marketing - 0 views

    Apple's $20 million acquisition of WiFi Slam, announced over the weekend, is more than a business move. What it does with the new technology brings the question of consumer privacy to the forefront and puts the spotlight on what's called proximity marketing, which companies like ISign Media Corp., are using to help brands.
Xueling Wang

Roadmap to New Air Travel Security System Unveiled by Travel Industry, Security Experts... - 0 views

    A plan developed by the U.S Travel Association and a panel of travel and security experts aims to improve security at America's airports and reduce the burden on travelers. Among the most notable recommendations are the creation of a trusted traveler program and a requirement that travelers be allowed to check at least one bag at no additional cost to the ticket price as a means to reduce the amount of luggage going through the security checkpoint. There are recommendations about this plan: Reduce duplicative TSA screening for international arrivals.  Expand trusted traveler programs to qualified international passengers. Give TSA authority over the entire checkpoint area.  Develop a comprehensive technology procurement strategy.  Implement well-defined risk management processes. 

The HRIS solution - Express Hospitality - 0 views

  • The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software, an online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources (HR) and management functions within a business. Normally packaged as a data base, hundreds of companies sell some form of HRIS and every HRIS has different capabilities.
  • New business intelligence technologies offer HR departments the ability to invest in Human Capital Management analytics solutions designed to yield the insights essential for making informed decisions on HR. Business intelligence allows HR departments to become a strategic asset within the organisation.
  • Future of human resources analysis has to be linked to other key performance indicators such as revenue and profitability. HR professionals must understand the organisation’s business plans and the operational, financial and customer-facing goals they are expected to achieve. Then they should associate these goals with the existing workforce metrics. In many cases, HR information is scattered, which leads to non-systematic hiring, training, measurement data which is essential these days, as globalisation, tight labour markets and an aging workforce are causing many businesses to more closely inspect the performance of their largest investment, i.e. the workforce whose compensation represents 60 per cent to 70 per cent of the entire expenses of the organisation. New business intelligence technologies offer HR departments the ability to invest in Human Capital Management analytics solutions designed to yield the insights essential for making informed decisions on HR. Business intelligence allows HR departments to become a strategic asset within the organisation. It helps the HR department make key decisions around recruitment, planning, and budgeting to support the strategic goals. More than ever before, HR professionals are being asked to show how their company’s workforce policies affect the overall business plan. Investing time and money in software solutions is the need of the hour.
    "The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software, an online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources (HR) and management functions within a business. Normally packaged as a data base, hundreds of companies sell some form of HRIS and every HRIS has different capabilities."
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    Using information technology to assist in Human Resources allows easier management of information and benefit plans. Human Resources will be able to measure their contributions easier and become more accountable for their specific work. Many high-end hotels use web based HRIS, which enables a corporate executive team to have access to the data. This also allows team members to access their own data, apply for leaves, or change their residential address. HRIS has great benefits that can be used in the hospitality and tourism industry. Human Resources can be easily scattered and confusing to new hires, so having a better systematic system that is computerized makes information clearer. When much of the hospitality industry is under globalized companies this can benefit companies when they have properties all over the world. Corporate offices can easily access human resources information from another part of the globe at anytime of the day, instead of having to call up a human resource manager who may be in a different time zone. HRIS makes life easier and allows human resources to show policies and business plans in an easier way.
    The Hospitality industry is known to have very high attrition rates. This makes it all the more critical to have a robust HR information system (HRIS) in place. HRIS has emerged as among the most crucial aspects of hospitality IT. No hospitality management system can be considered complete without an effective HRIS system. An efficient HRIS system manages the recruitment, staff-shifts, time & attendance, and many other aspects of your hospitality HR requirements. It should be able to drill down to history files and provide e-leave application & training management. Immerauf has partnered with Greytip software to bring you one of the industry's best Folklore HR software to suit all your HR needs including a resume bank to store a active database of prospective employees.
    HRIS solution in hospitality industry is crucial. it makes managers save time and money to pursue the high profitability. this software can collect the employee information or interviewers information and choose the best employee who are suitable for hotel. this solution can compare the employee working experiences like how long this employee works in hospitality industry, what his job was before, what his position was before. using this software, managers can have a clear understanding of the performance of the employee.
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