10 ways smart technology is reshaping the hotel industry | Hotel Management - 2 views
In many ways, the hospitality industry is leading the charge in the adoption of smart business technology.
Smart energy-management systems can reduce hotel energy costs by up to 20 percent and generate some of the fastest payback periods in the industry (between 12-24 months).
As we move toward 2020, we can expect to see more hotel properties leveraging a variety of smart tech to reduce operational costs, improve guest experience and exploit new sources of revenue.
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This article includes ten ways smart technology is reshaping the hotel industry. Smart energy management, predictive maintenance, smart guest experience, big data protection, smart reserved parking, remote check in and check out, mobile room keys, smart room service, smart marketing practices, and online reputation management technology are all highlighted in this article.
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This article is about 10 ways that smart technology can help and reshape the hotel industry that would be beneficial in the long run.
This article explains 10 ways of smart technology in the hospitality industry. 1- Smart Energy 2- Predictive Maintenance 3 - Smart Guest Experiences 4 - Big Data and Big Data Protection 5 - Smart Reserved Parking 6 - Remote Check-in/Check-out 7 - Mobile Room Keys 8 - Smart RoomService 9 - Smart Marketing Practices 10 - Online Reputation Management Technology We all know most of these, but Smart reserved parking caught my attention because I've only seen this once where hotels now have smart sensors and hotel apps that allow to reserve parking spots in advance and it reduces labor since there's not really a valet person assigned. It proves guests a smoother experience from the moment they pull in.