Hotels: Are Your Cyber Defenses Ready for 2021? | Hospitality Technology - 0 views
Two of the top five biggest data breaches made public in 2020 were at hotel chains. Attackers stole personal information including names, emails and addresses from 5.2 million guests at Marriott and 10.6 million guests of MGM Resorts.
To ensure a swift recovery from COVID-19, the hospitality industry must shore up its cybersecurity protections — or risk more headline-making breaches in the future.
Risk is especially high at hotels because attackers have multiple points of entry.
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This article describes the vulnerabilities in the security systems of the hotel Industry. The POS system was recognized as one of the most vulnerable areas that are more targeted by hackers. This is due to the multiple stations where the POS systems are located on the premises of the hotel. Likewise having POS systems independent of the hotels security system left the system open to hackers. Two options to defending the cyber-defense, are digital walls and employee training. Digital walls works by keeping hackers from accessing the systems. Although even with a strong firewall it is recommended to implement point-to-point encryption (P2PE), this encrypts payment information of guest. the other is tokenization. This uses alphanumeric pseudonym to protect data stored for long periods of time. Another way to prevent cyberattacks is employee training, encourage the use of strong passwords an dhow to detect fraud and phishing attacks.