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Ross Davis

iPads in Education - Exploring the use of iPads and mobile devices in education. - 187 views

  • How does the releaseof iOS 5 impact you? Multitouch gestures, Notification Center, an upgraded Safari browser, Newstand and more. iOS 5 comes with over 200 new features. Which ones will you use most - both personally and professionally? Share your opinions... News & Views Videos Using an iPad as a Document Camera Added by Sam Gliksman0 Comments 0 Likes First Look: Apple's iOS 5 Added by Sam Gliksman0 Comments 0 Likes Impromptu Field Trip Added by Skip Via0 Comments 0 Likes Add Videos View All xg.addOnRequire(function () { x$('.module_video').mouseover(function () { x$(this).find('.video-facebook-share').show(); }) .mouseout(function () { x$(this).find('.video-facebook-share').hide(); }); }); #iPadEd on Twitter Use the hashtag #iPadEd to tweet with network members // iPads in Education Tweets SamGliksman RT @kcalderw: Last call for participants for an iPad in Edu survey for Masters class. Looking for teachers who use them. #ipadchat #ipaded4 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite buddyxo Coding on the iPad: Looki
  • Finally, the goal of this community is to promote innovation in education through the use of technology. The site is not sponsored by Apple nor does it endorse the use of any specific technology or product.
  • Finally, the goal of this community is to promote innovation in education through the use of technology. The site is not sponsored by Apple nor does it endorse the use of any specific technology or product.
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  • Tablet computing and mobile devices promise to have a dramatic impact on education. This Ning network was created to explore ways iPads and other portable devices could be used to re-structure and re-imagine the processes of education.
    Lists of apps for k-6, teachers and parents

GOOD Video: Can Computers Enable Students to Teach Themselves? - Education - GOOD - 6 views

  • This video is part seven in our Future Learning video series about technology in classrooms. Check out our first video on Khan Academy here and learn about other forward-thinking innovators like Sifteo,  Digita Tabula,  Innovations in Learning, Connexions, and Collaborize Classroom.
    "This video is part seven in our Future Learning video series about technology in classrooms. Check out our first video on Khan Academy here and learn about other forward-thinking innovators like Sifteo,  Digita Tabula,  Innovations in Learning, Connexions, and Collaborize Classroom."
ivan alba

Vídeos tutoriales de Khanacademy - 49 views

  • Watch. Practice. Learn almost anything for free. With a library of over 2,400 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 125 practice exercises, we're on a mission to help you learn whatever you want, whenever you want, at your own pace.
  • feet wet, you may want to try some of the videos in the "Algebra I Worked Examples" playlist. Simple Equations Equations 2 Equations 3 Algebra: Linear Equations 4 Algebra: Solving Inequalities Algebra: graphing lines 1
    Hundreds of videos on high school math/science. They also have a YouTube channel.
  • ...13 more comments...
    Math/Science videos
    The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with the mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. They are complementing Salman's ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World.
    Tory suggested this site at the APU faculty meeting.
    Free web source for math
    We are complementing Salman's ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World.
    "We are complementing Salman's ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World. "
    review materials
    We've got to latch onto this idea and more like it so we don't lose our audience, who IS learning very differently now whether we like it or not!
    Watch. Practice. Learning almost anything for FREE!!!
    Recorded lectures-great for review or study
    Khan Academy is a widely know and used cross-curricular educational video site. While there is some content for younger students, most videos are for older students and adults.
    The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with the mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Despite being the work of one man, Salman Khan, this 2100+ video library is the most-used educational video resource as measured by YouTube video views per day and unique users per month.
    This site has videos and interactive lessons in Math and many other topics, all free
    Tutoriales en Inglés de varios cursos
    A site housing more than 3000 educational videos
Julie Whitehead

Making Videos on the Web - 151 views

    Animated Videos Fun and free services for creating short animated videos. Screencasting Use these services to create demonstration videos on your computer. Useful for teachers and students. Documentary Video In this section we'll look at some free services for creating documentary- style slideshow- based videos. Pages 11-21 Finding Images and Audio for Video Projects. Use these resources to locate images and sounds that you and your students can use in video projects. Pages 3-7 Page 26
rmollap Rafa

The Mad Video, agregar contenido interactivo a nuestros videos de YouTube - 10 views

    The Mad Video es una interesante opción si deseamos darle un toque diferente a los videos que compartimos en YouTube o buscamos una manera simple de agregar contenido interactivo. Es un servicio web que nos propone crear videos interactivos a partir de videos subidos en YouTube. Podemos agregar etiquetas para indicar los nombres de las personas que aparecen en el video, lugares que se muestran, productos que se promocionan, entre otros.

Teacher Training Videos created by Russell Stannard - 101 views

    " * About Russell Stannard * ELT/ESL Videos * Web 2.0/ICT Videos * Russell's Research Videos * 9 Great Spelling Sites for ELT * Free on-line screen capture tool * Zimmer Twins-Brilliant Cartoon/Dialogue Tool for Kids * Word Magnets-Great vocabulary/Grammar Tool * How to use Survey Monkey * My favourite Website on the Web * 5 Simple but brilliant ELT tools * Great Text Tool called WordSift * Wolfram Alpha Great Question Making Tool * Fun Viral Marketing Tools * Amazing 3D dialogue builder * 2 amazing presentation tools * Best Pronunciation Sites * Best ELT sites 2008 * Great dictation site * Wordle-Great Vocab Site * My favourite Listening Site * 10 vocab sites for kids * ELT Videos with subtitles * Brilliant Comic Site * 7 Great Fun sites for ELT * Unusual Vocabulary Site * Really Fun Dialogue Building Tool * A site for drawing&Recording * 11 great sites for teaching English * Recording & Searching Podcasts with Podamatic * Good sites for ELT Video content * Review of the best ELT podcasts * Voicethread- Presentation tool * Fun drawing tool Humanising Language Teaching The Blogs I use most for ELT * Larry Ferlazzo's blog * Nik Peachey's blog * Blog at IH Barcelona * Ozge's Blog * Carl's Blog Newsletter For extra free materials and training videos, sign up to our monthly newsletter! Email Address: Confirm Email Address: Name: Organisation/Institution: "
Martin Burrett

Educational Videos - The Best Educational Videos Online | Educational Videos ... - 156 views

    Educational Videos dot com is a site devoted to finding you the best educational videos on the web. We intend to create an environment where students from all ages can learn while watching Educational Videos.
    Great collection of free, educational videos on the web.
    A site with hundreds of educational videos from every corner of the curriculum and for students of all ages.,+animation,+film+&+Webcams
Brad Belbas

update on Warner Music (UPDATED) (AGAIN) (Lessig Blog) - 0 views

    This is a video of a talk that Lawrence Lessig (Professor, Stanford Law School) gave for an organization. In his talk, Lessig provides a powerful and piercing analysis and critique on the impact that legal restrictions on the re/use of media resources has on creativity and cultural production. During his talk, Lessig shows some remarkably creative mash-ups videos on YouTube to exemplify the kind of creativity/cultural production that is possible through ubiquitous digital media. Ironically, the organization that hosted the talk received a notice from Warner Bros Music after posting a video of the Lessig's talk on YouTube, which, according to Lessig's blog, "objected to its being posted on copyright grounds." Warner Brother Music Group has implemented content-id algorithms (i.e., technology that detects the digital "fingerprint" of corporate-"owned" copyrighted works) through media hosting services, including YouTube, FaceBook, and others. When the video of Lessig's talk was posted, it was 'dusted' for fingerprints of WBMG copyrighted works. The detection system identified the soundtracks in the YouTube videos Lessig showed, as materials to which they held copyright. Both the video of Lessig's talk and the blog conversation regarding WBMG's objection are must-see resources.
Holly Barlaam

VCU Life Science Videos - 109 views

    Life science videos from VCU covering topics such as evolution, genetics, biotechnology, research careers. I really like how the videos aren't just informative but focus on relevant or interesting topics, giving a real-world connection for students. For example, within the biotechnology videos, there is a focus on topics such as silk making, individualized drugs, tissue engineering, alternative transplants, etc. Videos tend to be short as well and won't take an entire period but can easily be incorporated into your lesson at any point.
    Nice get! You need Realplayer installed to play the videos online or when you download them.
Martin Burrett

JayCut | Free Online Video Editor - 5 views

    A fantastic online video maker and edit. Upload image and video files and teachers and students can edit videos anywhere.,+animation,+film+&+Webcams
Roland Gesthuizen

6 Simple Ways To Use Video In Education - Edudemic - 82 views

    "For those looking to increase their use of video in education, there are almost as many ways to use video as there are videos available for use. Whether creating your own videos or using those available to you, here are a few ideas to get you started."

44 (And Counting) Ways To Use A Pocket Video Camera In The Classroom | Edudemic - 98 views

    Do you have a Flip video camera? What about an iPhone or other smartphone capable of somewhat-HD video? Video cameras have never been easier to obtain and use thanks to the web's big push towards video. Luckily, your teaching method can be greatly enhance
Martin Burrett

Viewbix - 60 views

    This site creates video windows using videos from YouTube and Facebook. It adds a link button and a customised launch page. Best of all, it blocks any pop up ads during and the suggested videos after the video. Embed on your site or share with a link.
Cheryl Corte

Animoto - Education Video Slideshows - 88 views

    • Kalin Wilburn
      Create an unlimited amount of full length videos with a FREE educator plus account.
    • Neel Brown
      Kalin, I don't see how to sign up for the educator upgrade?
  • videos and presentations. It takes just minutes to create a video which can bring your lessons to life.
  • Animoto makes it easy to share your videos via email, on a blog/website, exported to YouTube, or downloaded to a computer for use in presentations.
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  • images, video clips, music and text.
    • dawhiting
      could students use to create quick "process" math videos?
    • Cheryl Corte
      Definitely. Choose the right template to build your math videos. Add music (background), Animoto does the rest. Sign-up for an Educators account to create Math videos throughout the year.
    sign up for education account
  • ...1 more comment...
    Neel, You must sign up for an educator account and they automatically give you an Educator Plus account for 184 days, along with a promo code that you can share with up to 50 other individuals (typically students), after the 184 days it only costs $5.00/month or $30/yr. They also offer a referral program so that you can earn an upgraded account for FREE but each referral has to become a paying subscriber.
    I also am having trouble finding how to sign up for the educator.'s account. I follow the links but they do ot offer the educator option. Any ideas?
    could student use free version to make quick videos - you only get 30 seconds for free ... but I think that would work toward being concise and planning ahead
Michele Brown

Vocab Videos - 7 views

    Vocab Videos uses hilarious professionally produced short videos to illustrate the meanings of 500 essential vocabulary words. The platform is a highly effective system for learning words that appear on tests like the ISEE, SAT, ACT, GRE & TOEFL. Each video includes a representation of the meaning of a word in a way you can relate to and understand. Vocab Videos will expand your vocabulary--and you'll have fun along the way.
Stephen Bright

Online Video in Education - 150 views

    A magazine page which collates websites and resources for using online video for educational purposes. Focus is on the use of existing video resources rather than creating your own video resources.

4 Videos to Help you Create Videos for Flipping the Classroom - EdTechReview™... - 49 views

    Check out the 4 videos on how to create videos for the flipped classroom. These videos use the KISS method - "Keep it Simple and Sweet".
David Hilton

YouTube - No More "Learners" - 1 views

  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get better at it.
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get better at it.
    • David Hilton
      Rubbish. Teachers need to teach. These vacuous ideas that students know as much as teachers and we all teach each other have led to a dangerous decline in educational standards in the West. People do not process in a vacuum; they need to know the content before they can engage in that 'higher-order thinking' Blooms gunk. These theories are an excuse for teachers who don't know their subjects to feel less shamed at their ignorance.
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get better at it. The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b... Category:  Education Tags:  informl 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get better at it. The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b... Category:  Education Tags:  informl 
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b...
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b...
    The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b...
    Do you speak/teach from a pulpit? Take a look at "No More Learners" What was your first thought(s) when viewing this? Does 'talking down' to learners go on? Perhaps it goes on some; but, I don't think a great deal today. Who out there thinks they are or were ever in the pulpit? I was in the 70's and changed in 80's. There are too many smarter learners out there. Please consider leaving your IMHO comment as a note.
    The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b...
Steve Ransom

Video explains fair use for video (video video) - Boing Boing - 0 views

    Video explains fair use for video
Roland O'Daniel

Virtual Nerd has the best interactive math and science video tutorials to help high sch... - 82 views

    Virtual Nerd is developing some very interesting video tutorials. The videos are primarily symbolic and procedural but they are thorough , organized, and model notes accompany the videos.  they are in the process of developing physics videos. 
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