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Home/ Diigo In Education/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Julie Whitehead

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Julie Whitehead

Julie Whitehead

Comics in the Classroom and Beyond - 3 views

    This type of creativity can potentially be pulled into the classroom, or even become a form of scholarship idea for Alex
Julie Whitehead

Symphony of Science - 162 views

    a whole set of videos on science that are educational and beautiful
Julie Whitehead

Google Apps Training Resources | Google Gooru - 164 views

    video tutorials on how to use google apps
Julie Whitehead

Revolabs | HEAR EVERY WORD! - 5 views

    Xtag mic by Revolabs has proven to be an asset for lecture capture when yo want lapel mic
Julie Whitehead

Dare2Share project at BT - YouTube - 3 views

    non-training learning using social media
Julie Whitehead

A Social Network Can Be a Learning Network - Online Learning - The Chronicle of Higher ... - 28 views

    great ideas of how and why use social networking tools, twitter, soical bookmarking, blogging, collaborative writing (google docs)
Julie Whitehead

Zamzar - Free online file conversion - 16 views

    converts file to formats you can use
Julie Whitehead

Will the Real Digital Native Please Stand Up? -- Campus Technology - 2 views

    I have personally experienced this in the college level computer class I teach. Even those students that think they know computers and are an expert, don't know how to use the computer in a work environment to solve problems and critically assess ideas. They google something and only look at 1 source and even cite that course
Julie Whitehead

Citation Machine - 109 views

    Helps build citations and references for APA and MLA
Julie Whitehead

Tegrity - lecture capture - 4 views

    same sort of product as Wimba and Elluminate
Julie Whitehead

RefWorks New UI_demo - 34 views

    new interface demo
Julie Whitehead

YouTube - Adapt: Why success always starts with failure, by Tim Harford - 69 views

    learn from your mistakes. great video to show students
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