Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Foreign Language Resources to Try in 2011 - 120 views
MLearning by Thomas Cochrane on Prezi - 82 views
Edudemic » Are You One of the 10 Million People Using MIT's OpenCourseWare? - 32 views
If you've never watched an online lecture from MIT, you are apparently in the minority. According to recently released statistics, more than 10 million people are now using MIT's OpenCourseWare Project. The OCW shares syllabi, exams, notes, problem sets, lectures, and even some discussions for just over 2,000 courses. (Discussions are held through online study groups using OpenStudy.
Educational Technology in ELT - 57 views
Terry Freedman's Amazing Web 2 Projects 2010 [eBook] - 93 views
Social Learning Tools for the School Classroom - 119 views
The technoLanguages Blog - 42 views
The Case for the Virtual Classroom - 65 views
Online education is often dismissed as a pipeline for expensive degrees of little value and a sponge for veterans' tuition payments. But while it's true that for-profit universities have made a hefty business out of e-learning, it's becoming apparent that learning online can also benefit almost everyone else.
ESL : Listening : Podcasts - 36 views
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