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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Stephen Bright

Stephen Bright

What Happens In An Internet Minute? - 3 views

    useful infographic from with a download image option
Stephen Bright

Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement | White | First Monday - 35 views

    digital visitors and digital residents - an alternative to prensky's digital native s and digital immigrants
Stephen Bright

Web Literacy Standard - Mozilla Webmaker - 65 views

    A map of competencies and skills that a group of Mozilla stakeholders (including Doug Belshaw) thought was important for getting better at reading, writing and participating on the web. Organised under three headings: exploring, building, connecting
Stephen Bright

Now You Can Ask Google Search To Compare, Filter And Play - ReadWrite - 90 views

    New Google features - especially like the 'card' style layout for search results and the 'football vs aussie rules' comparison searches
Stephen Bright

Advent of Google means we must rethink our approach to education | Education | The Obse... - 75 views

    Sugata Mitra (TED talks and hole-in-the-wall computer innovator) critiques traditonal 'pencil and paper' exams and learning and gives an alternative which is (I think) a problem-based learning approach which he calls SOLE (Self-organised learning environment). 
Stephen Bright

What Happens Each Minute on the Internet [Infographic] | Fluency21 - Committed Sardine ... - 114 views

    some interesting stats on what happens in 60 seconds on the Internet, with some growth projections
Stephen Bright

Google Life Project; A Resource of Great Images to Use in Classroom ~ Educational Techn... - 166 views

    Google life images for educational use - all taken from the LIFE magasine photo archive including published and unpublished images
Stephen Bright

How To Attribute Creative Commons Photos | Foter Blog - 62 views

    Infographic on Creative Commons attribution - excellent graphic explanation of what the different licences mean
Stephen Bright - Understand Your Students - 86 views

    uses a web browser - students tell the teacher anonymously whether they understand the material or are confused by it - the teacher gets a continuous graph during the lecture. All responses are anonymous. 
Stephen Bright

New World Notes: Virtual Worlds (Slowly!) Emerging from Disillusionment Trough In Gartn... - 20 views

    Hype Cycle tracks innovations through stages - technology trigger, peak of inflated expectations, trough of disillusionment, slope of enlightenment, plateau of productivity. Can't see MOOCs any where on this graph! 
Stephen Bright

7 Things You Should Know About... Learning Technology Topics | - 123 views

    library list of EDUCAUSE 2 page summaries '7 things you should know about...' extensive range of topics including items such as 3D printing, flipped classrooms, MOOCs etc. 
Stephen Bright - 26 views

    Innovating Pedagogy 2012. First report of an OU working group looking at exploring new forms of teaching, learning and assessment, to guide educators and policy makers
Stephen Bright

Digital Curation for Teachers | - 83 views

    digital curation page curated by Joyce Seitzinger @catspyjamasnz 
Stephen Bright

Understanding Content Curation - 70 views

    good 'compare and contrast' between what is just collection of digital content resources and what the 'added value' of curation of digital resources means
Stephen Bright

Literacy in the Digital Age - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 25 views

    collection of digital literacy links using the 21st. C. literacies model to organise them into categories e.g. visual literacy, critical literacy, tool literacy etc. 
Stephen Bright

Online Video in Education - 150 views

    A magazine page which collates websites and resources for using online video for educational purposes. Focus is on the use of existing video resources rather than creating your own video resources.
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