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Sharin Tebo

5 Research-Based Tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback | Edutopia - 85 views

  • providing students with meaningful feedback can greatly enhance learning and improve student achievement.
  • feedback
  • here are five research-based tips for providing students with the kind of feedback that will increase motivation, build on existing knowledge, and help them reflect on what they've learned.
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  • Specific
  • researchers suggest taking the time to provide learners with information on what exactly they did well, and what may still need improvement. They also note that it can be helpful to tell the learner what he is doing differently than before.
  • Sooner the Better
  • feedback is most effective when it is given immediately
  • the researchers found that participants who were given immediate feedback showed a significantly larger increase in performance than those who had received delayed feedback.
  • Advancement Toward a Goal
  • it should be clear to students how the information they are receiving will help them progress toward their final goal.
  • Involve Learners in the Process
  • When students have access to this information, they develop an awareness of their learning, and are more easily able to recognize mistakes and eventually develop strategies for tackling weak points themselves.
Roland Gesthuizen

Education Outrage: Back to School: A message to high school students who hate high scho... - 21 views

  • I say in this interview that the only way we can learn is by doing and to do that we must practice constantly. Schools rarely teach doing, mostly teaching abstract theories that will never matter to 99% of the population.
  • So, my advice. Know what matters to you. Learn that. Temporarily memorize nonsense if you want to graduate but have a proper perspective on it. Nothing you learn in high school will matter in your future life.
    "I believe that every single subject taught in high school is a mistake. What I write here will infuriate teachers, but teachers are not my enemy. It isn't their fault. They are cogs in a system over which they have no control. I believe there are many great teachers, and I believe that teaching and teachers are very important."
S. Roualet

Lessons Worth Sharing--TED - 64 views

shared by S. Roualet on 25 Apr 12 - No Cached
    • hollandchris
      Ted ed is going to a powerful resource in my classroom
    • hollandchris
      Ted ed is going to be a great tool in helping my students achieve their specified learning goal.  Ted ed will accomplish this by allowing my students to access educational videos from their home, smartphone, or in the computer lab.  This will be so powerful, because of the tools that ted ed supplies the user with think, and dig deeper, and the ability for user created quizzes.  I plan to assign videos for homework and then hold students accountable by tracking their quizzes.
    • Mary Solymossy
      Ted ed is going to shared to motivate my teachers and students. These resources will be infused into the curricular lessons to introduce engaging perspectives on information they're teaching/learning and to ignite creativity.
    this is an amazing new website from TED. Watch animated videos with built in quizzes and lessons, or upload your own videos and share. Wonderful resource for the flipped classroom
  • ...1 more comment...
  • This article by Joyce Valenza explains how videos from TED-Ed can be "flipped" to become lessons plans and extension ideas, allowing for a richer and more differentiated experience.
    The New TED website specifically for educators. Features illustrated videos. In Beta
    Create Lessons Worth Sharing around YouTube videos
Greta Oppe

A Vision of K-12 Students Today (Classic EdTech video) - 61 views

    This project was created to inspire teachers to use technology in engaging ways to help students develop higher level thinking skills. Equally important, it serves to motivate district level leaders to provide teachers with the tools and training to do so. Nesbitt, B. J. (2007). A vision of K-12 students today. Retrieved from
Dallas McPheeters

Questions That Evoke Wonder in Our Students | Faculty Focus - 8 views

  • “If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantments of later years, the sterile preoccupation with things artificial, the alienation from the sources of our strength.” Rachel Carson, A Sense of Wonder
    • Dallas McPheeters
      Evoking wonder motivates students to engage in a quest.
Dana Huff

Student Expectations Seen as Causing Grade Disputes - - 0 views

    • Dana Huff
      I have seen this in high school, too. I think students have learned that A is doing going to be the default grade but the exceptional grade, but I have to admit C is not my defaut grade either, but a low grade.
  • “Instead of getting an A, they make an A,” he said. “Similarly, if they make a lesser grade, it is not the teacher’s fault. Attributing the outcome of a failure to someone else is a common problem.”
    • Dana Huff
      External locus of control seems to be attained later and later. I have many times explained this distinction to students. They see grades as something that results from how much a teacher likes them or luck more than how much effort they put in or how well they've written.
  • if students developed a genuine interest in their field, grades would take a back seat, and holistic and intrinsically motivated learning could take place.
    • Dana Huff
      Sadly, I wonder how realistic this is, based on what I've seen. I wish I taught in a school with no grades. They come between the student and learning.
Ted Curran

Student Learning with Diigo - 109 views

  • With Diigo you can keep track of those favorite websites and revisit them from any computer at any time.
  • With Diigo  you can keep track of those favorite websites and revisit them from any computer at any time.
  •  Diigo is a great web-based tool for teachers to utilize, to motivate, and to engage students of all ages in the learning process.
Rachel Ernst

Seth's Blog: Learning from the MBA program - 0 views

  • I taught for five to twenty hours a week, and very little of it was about the books. So, if concepts from books are easy, what’s hard?Doing it.Picking up the phone, making the plan, signing the deal. Pushing ‘publish.’ Announcing. Shipping.We spent a lot of time on this area. Every morning, each person came in prepared to push someone in the group to overcome the next hurdle. This is what growth looks like, and it was energizing to be part of.We didn’t do this at all at when I was at Stanford. We spent a lot of time reading irrelevant case studies and even more time building complex financial models. The thing is, you can now hire someone to build a complex financial model for you for $60 an hour. And a week’s worth of that is just about all the typical entrepreneur is going to need. The rest of the time, it’s about shipping, motivating, leading, connecting, envisioning and engaging. So that’s what we worked on.It amazes me that MBA students around the world aren’t up in arms. How can schools justify taking $100,000 in cash and teaching exactly the wrong stuff?
    • Rachel Ernst
      How much of our instruction is truly relevant to students? How much engages their imagination, builds meaningful relationships and equips with skills to develop their own talents?
Andy Whiteway

Building an Internet Culture - 0 views

  • ten conclusions that might guide a country's development of a culturally appropriate Internet policy
  • Do not spend vast sums of money to buy machinery that you are going to set down on top of existing dysfunctional institutions. The Internet, for example, will not fix your schools. Perhaps the Internet can be part of a much larger and more complicated plan for fixing your schools, but simply installing an Internet connection will almost surely be a waste of money.
  • Learning how to use the Internet is primarily a matter of institutional arrangements, not technical skills
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  • Build Internet civil society. Find those people in every sector of society that want to use the Internet for positive social purposes, introduce them to one another, and connect them to their counterparts in other countries around the world. Numerous organizations in other countries can help with this.
  • Machinery does not reform society, repair institutions, build social networks, or produce a democratic culture. People must do those things, and the Internet is simply one tool among many. Find talented people and give them the tools they need. When they do great things, contribute to your society's Internet culture by publicizing their ideas.
  • For children, practical experience in organizing complicated social events, for example theater productions, is more important than computer skills. The Internet can be a powerful tool for education if it is integrated into a coherent pedagogy. But someone who has experience with the social skills of organizing will immediately comprehend the purpose of the Internet, and will readily acquire the technical skills when the time comes
  • Conduct extensive, structured analysis of the technical and cultural environment. Include the people whose work will actually be affected. A shared analytical process will help envision how the technology will fit into the whole way of life around it, and the technology will have a greater chance of actually being used.
  • Don't distribute the technology randomly. Electronic mail is useless unless the people you want to communicate with are also online, and people will not read their e-mail unless they want to. Therefore, you should focus your effort on particular communities, starting with the communities that have a strong sense of identity, a good record of sharing information, and a collective motivation to get online.
    • Andy Whiteway
      This community could so easily be the students - but how often do schools seem to be obsessed with givgin staff lots of access to technology and email but block/restrict students' use of it?
Tonya Thomas

elearn Best Practices & Tips Articles - 45 views

  • In the Google Age, Information Literacy is Crucial
  • Lights, Camera, Learn!: Five tips for using video in eLearning
  • Improving Motivation in eLearning By Matt Guyan / October 8, 2013
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Synchronous Learning: Is there a future? By Martin Sivula / September 26, 2013
  • eLearning and Digital Cultures: A multitudinous open online course By Jeremy Knox / September 24, 2013
  • The Rock Stars of eLearning: An interview with Connie Malamed By Rick Raymer / September 19, 2013
  • The Rock Stars of eLearning: An interview with Karl Kapp By Rick Raymer / September 5, 2013
Keith Landa

Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology - 65 views

    A good looking resource on learning theories, etc.
Jon Tanner

21st Century Education in New Brunswick, Canada - YouTube - 21 views

    Good promo video by New Brunswick schools designed to provoke thought and conversation. Particularly notable quotes: "The top ten jobs today didn't exist in 2004." and "Many skills learned in public schools today will be obsolete by graduation." I have some thoughts on this at
Steve Ransom

The complete list of problems with high-stakes standardized tests - The Answer Sheet - ... - 7 views

  • focus so narrowly
  • measure only “low level” thinking processes
  • they put the wrong people — test manufacturers — in charge of American education
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  • simplify and trivialize learning
  • allow pass-fail rates to be manipulated by officials for political purposes
  • they provide minimal to no useful feedback
  • unfairly advantage those who can afford test prep
  • lead to neglect of physical conditioning, music, art, and other, non-verbal ways of learning
  • keyed to a deeply flawed curriculum
  • penalize test-takers who think in non-standard ways
  • radically limit their ability to adapt to learner differences
  • encourage use of threats, bribes, and other extrinsic motivators
Craig Campbell

The Siege of Academe - - Readability - 1 views

    • Craig Campbell
      Fear is a powerful motivator. Running scared.
  • Thiel fellowship.”
  • PR move
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • the whole thing is a corrupt enterprise doomed to collapse in a spectacular, real-estate-market-circa-2008 fashion. The media lapped it up, and soon enough Thiel was featured in long New York and New Yorker profiles.
  • What Happened to the Future? We Wanted Flying Cars, Instead We Got 140 Characters.”
  • Investors have chased after clever short-term innovations and looked for quick profit, which is not only bad for the world but bad for most investors—since 1999, according to the manifesto, venture capital has lost money on average. Only the top 20 percent are any good.
  • There is a great deal of money and power at stake now. We may not know who and we may not know when, but someone is going to write the software that eats higher education.
  • most of the first adopters won’t be American students forgoing the opportunity to drink beer on weekends at State U. Instead, they’ll be students like Bali, among the hundreds of millions of people around the world with the talent and desire to learn but no State U to attend.
  • Political pressure will continue to grow for credits earned in low-cost MOOCs to be transferable to traditional colleges, cutting into the profit margins that colleges have traditionally enjoyed in providing large, lecture-based college courses.
Roland Gesthuizen

A driving question is the most important element of a PBL unit « EduRuminate - 1 views

  • Questions generated for research were based on the provocation and a focus question why do teens make stupid choices? As the questions generated for this task were generated by the students themselves they found them intrinsically motivating.
  • If you want students to have a voice and to have choice as well as developing a need to know about some area of content, then they should be generating their own questions.
    "While I agree all are important, I feel the most important factor in good PBL is a great driving question. If you find the right questions then most of the other factors identified are covered automatically. How do you generate a great question and who is the right person to generate that question?"
Ed Webb

Student Expectations Seen as Causing Grade Disputes - - 0 views

  • students must “read for knowledge and write with the goal of exploring ideas.” This informal mission statement, along with special seminars for freshmen, is intended to help “re-teach students about what education is.”
  • if students developed a genuine interest in their field, grades would take a back seat, and holistic and intrinsically motivated learning could take place
    Grades and entitlement
Lisa Francine

Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds - 168 views

    Like Wordle but embedable. Roll over a word & it pops. Click on it & it opens a search. #actfl09
    I love it! As students brainstorm ideas about a concept this will be motivating and take their learning to new levels. Thank you very much for taking the time to create it. I also enjoyed reading about who you are and your family.
    You can create an account and then save and search "My Clouds" - here is my example for Fenn Summer Reading:
Randolph Hollingsworth

New study challenges popular perceptions of AP | Inside Higher Ed - 38 views

    Denise Pope, senior lecturer at Stanford's Graduate School of Education and co-founder of the advocacy group Challenge Success, questions the assertions by the College Board about AP exams
Roland Gesthuizen

Always Late? Learn to Be On Time and to Stop Making Excuses for Being Late - 1 views

  • the first step is to make promptness a conscious priority. "Look at the costs of being late and the payoffs of being on time,"
  • Once you feel motivated to make a change, Morgenstern says the next step is to figure out why you're always late. The reason can usually be classified as either technical or psychological.
    "For some people, being on time seems nearly impossible -- no matter how important the event. They're always running out the door in a frenzy, arriving everywhere at least 10 minutes late. If this sounds like you, have you ever wished you could break the pattern?"
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