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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lisa Francine

Lisa Francine

Tagboard - 26 views

    streaming/searching hashtags across multiple social media outlets
Lisa Francine

Home - Global Online Academy - 26 views

    Share with John and Steve
Lisa Francine

School Library Monthly - Student Inquiry and Web 2.0 - 54 views

    "The Stripling Inquiry Model has six phases; however, it's not a linear process but rather a recursive one in which the learner might revisit a previous stage to ask additional questions or organize information, as the need arises. Each phase involves critical thinking skills that empower young people to learn on their own and develop the thinking skills to be independent, lifelong learners. The phases are as follows: Connect: observe, experience, connect a subject to self and previous knowledge Wonder: predict, develop questions and hypotheses Investigate: find and evaluate information to answer questions, test hypotheses Construct: draw conclusions, arrive at new understandings Express: apply understandings to a new context, share learning with others Reflect: examine one's own learning and ask new questions (Stripling 2003, 8). Technology and, in particular, Web 2.0 tools and services can be used throughout the inquiry process to support the appropriate thinking skills. The key is to focus on student learning, not the Web 2.0 technology. The focus is on the phase(s) of inquiry at which students are concentrating and deciding which technology tool can best support the thinking processes and instructional strategies of that phase of inquiry. This increases the effectiveness of both the learning experience and the use of technology. An outline of the inquiry phases aligned with Web 2.0 technology tools and instructional strategies can be seen in Figure 2."
Lisa Francine

Norwood High School | PowerIT | Tech Tools - 137 views

    A great list of tech resources!
Lisa Francine

Digital Passport - Commonsense Media - 1 views

    Digital Citzenship curriculum for 3rd - 5th graders
    Digital Citzenship curriculum for 3rd - 5th graders
Lisa Francine

Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds - 168 views

    You can create an account and then save and search "My Clouds" - here is my example for Fenn Summer Reading:
Lisa Francine

EditMe - Wiki Web Publishing: Simple, Collaborative & Extensible - 1 views

    Another wiki platform to perhaps share with your educational institution.
Lisa Francine

MyMoon - 2 views

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