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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Maria Gurova

Maria Gurova

Motivating Millennials Takes More than Flexible Work Policies - 0 views

  • A 2015 Gallup Poll found that Millennials are the least engaged cohort in the workplace, with only 28.9% saying that they are engaged at work. This, combined with high turnover rates and greater freelance and entrepreneurial opportunities, means that if companies want to retain these valued workers, they will have to double their efforts to meet Millennials where they are
  • A 2015 report on Millennials from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce emphasized flex-time as one way to do this — it found that three out of four Millennials reported that work-life balance drives their career choice
  • Multiple studies have revealed that Millennials are keen to see their work as addressing larger societal concerns
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  • Millennials are strongly drawn to the “anything is possible” spirit of entrepreneurship. Rather than chase these workers away, companies that embrace a risk-tolerant culture and promote learning and experimentation will benefit from the heightened energy around innovation
  • the number one reason this cohort leaves a job is directly related to a boss. Other research has found that Millennials want communication from the boss more frequently than any other generation in the workforce.
  • “[Millennials] expect to work in communities of mutual interest and passion – not structured hierarchies,”
  • Shifts in organizational design—including fewer management layers, matrix structures, shared services, and outsourcing
    Key factors that influences Millennials' workplace choices and keep them loyal
Maria Gurova

The Benefits of Workplace Sabbaticals - Experteer Magazine - 0 views

  • Many firms, including 25 percent of Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For, now offer sabbaticals. These typically four- to 10-week pauses allow employees time out to focus on their needs instead of the organization’s. 
  • Most organizations offer sabbaticals to employees who have been there for a certain period of time (at least five to seven years is common), and employees may take multiple sabbaticals so long as they work a minimum number of years in between. This provides an incentive for workers to remain at a company longer.
  • Adobe Systems encourages its employees to use their breaks to do volunteer work. Then they promote the good deeds in the Adobe Life magazine, a website directed at attracting new talent. Companies that have formal career pauses advertise them as part of the benefits package, like Boston Consulting Group’s Time For You/Flexleave program, which allows workers with just 12-months of time onboard to take an eight-week unpaid break to recharge.
Maria Gurova

Give Me a Break: Why Businesses Should Consider Workplace Sabbaticals | IRIS - 0 views

  • With technology keeping us connected around-the-clock, the divide between our professional and personal lives continue to be blurred.
  • A workplace sabbatical would provide eligible full-time employees with a pre-determined schedule for taking extended time off to pursue personal interests or to be with family.
  • Not only would your employees be recharged by virtue of a sabbatical, but they would be very clear that their company cares about their well-being and not just the bottom-line.
    we all deserve a break... with Millennials entering the workplace corporate HR policies might consider radical perks or benefit packages fro the new workforce, that is looking for a more fulfilling life experiences 
Maria Gurova

How Flexible Hours Can Harm Employees As Much As It Helps Them | Fast Company | Busines... - 0 views

  • Employees love workplace flexibility, and employers should, too, since it's linked with increased productivity and higher job satisfaction.
  • Some new behavioral evidence suggests that some bosses will harbor biases against employees with flexible work schedules without even realizing it.
  • So in the eyes of a boss, a late-arriving worker may be no different from a bad worker
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  • All else being equal, supervisors gave employees with late start times lower performance ratings, as well as lower "conscientiousness" ratings, than workers who arrived early
Maria Gurova

How to Bridge the Workplace Generation Gap - 0 views

  • The workplace has traditionally consisted of “old-timers” with 20 to 30 years of experience under their belts and the young “hot-shots” who know-it-all. The younger workers have historically viewed older workers as stuck in their ways.
    an article focusses on how to benefit from the multiple generations in one organization and lead them to work together for the success of the organization 
Maria Gurova

How to Approach the Generation Gap in the Workplace - The New York Times - 0 views

  • A generation gap is widening in the workplace. As baby boomers (ages 51 to 69 or so) express reluctance about retiring, so-called millennials (roughly ages 18 to 34) have become the single largest demographic in the American labor force. Because of this, more older workers have found themselves being hired and managed by people much younger than they are
  • Robert Goldfarb, 85, a working management consultant. “The moment I enter the office of a prospective client, there’s an elephant in the room,” he wrote. “My age.”
  • I doubt anyone will be surprised to hear that many readers emphasized staying current with technology. Many also pointed out that this is easier to do than ever: From instructional YouTube videos to courses at your local library, the resources are endless.
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  • And if they don’t want to work with you because you’re ‘too old,’ perhaps you don’t want to work with them either,” she said.
    The article explores the opposite side of the generation conflict - when older people are hired or happen to work for bosses twice younger then themselves. The set of good advices on how to apply your experience and wisdom in the organizations ruled by 30-somethings 
Maria Gurova

Leaders Need To Bridge The Generation Gap - Forbes - 0 views

  • Now, it is the Millennials’ turn to be the whipping boys, and girls. Their attitudes are in sharp contrast with those of the Boomers who are increasingly running the organizations where they work. While Boomers believe strongly in the value of experience and working your way up, Millennials are seen as feeling entitled and over-pampered by parents only too well aware of how challenging the workplace has become for those who are not sufficiently prepared
  • Millennials are significantly more likely to ask for a pay rise and a promotion than their counterparts in either of the preceding generations
  • they are also rather more likely than their elders to complain of long hours.
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  • challenging as Millennials can be to manage – managers cannot shrink from embracing them and their attitudes. After all, as he points out, they and the generation following on from them will account for more than half the workforce within 10 years.
  • Among the Millennials’ attributes are a willingness to collaborate, a tendency to do extensive research before making a decision and an eagerness to network.
  • The research by Accenture referred to above mentions the need for organizations to adapt to the increasing numbers of women in management positions.
  • businesses need to ensure they are adapting their strategies to recruit, reward and retain these talented and valued leaders.” Then there is the matter of businesses becoming genuinely ethnically diverse
Maria Gurova

ВЕДОМОСТИ - У российских мультипликаторов есть шанс получить налоговые льготы - 1 views

  • Российский премьер-министр Дмитрий Медведев предварительно одобрил идею введения налоговых льгот для российских компаний, которые создают мультфильмы
  • Мультипликационные компании очень похожи по своей сути на разработчиков программного обеспечения
  • По словам Попова, идея с налоговыми льготами для мультипликаторов в целом и с возможной пропиской в «Сколково» в частности предварительно обсуждалась на совещании в Минэкономразвития, чиновники которого идею поддержали
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  • Российские мультсериалы сейчас транслируются на телеканалах 25 стран
  • По оценке Ассоциации анимационного кино, доля отечественных мультипликационных брендов на рынке лицензионных товаров за последние два года выросла с 7–8 до 15–19%, полнометражные фильмы увеличили долю в национальном кинопрокате в 1,3 раза, а в мировом топ-100 видеороликов YouTube сейчас пять российских мультфильмов
    Отечественные производители анимации, возможно, получат налоговые послабления, что позволит индустрии развиваться быстрее
Maria Gurova

Mattel Unveils ThingMaker, A $300 3D Printer That Lets Kids Make Their Own Toys | TechC... - 0 views

  • Mattel unveiled its new, $300 3D Printer, the “ThingMaker,” which will allow children to print their own toys at home
  • While there are affordably priced 3D printers available today, the software that works with them can sometimes have a learning curve that can hinder adoption. With the new application, live now on iOS and Android, the goal was to make it easy enough for anyone to design their own toys – even younger children
  • The idea isn’t just to print an object and be done, however – instead, kids will print parts that can be assembled to form larger creations, like dolls, robots, dinosaurs, scorpions, skeletons, bracelets or necklaces, for example
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  • This process can take anywhere from 30 minutes for a small item, up to overnight (e.g. 6 6 to 8 hours) for a larger toy
    Mattel presented a new affordable toy that allows kids to build their own toys at home using a kids-friendly app that is easy to use for a novice and a home 3D printer. The spread of this technology might put pressure on the traditional toy market and create opportunity for IPs owners to allow kids interact with their favorite franchise in the whole new way
Maria Gurova

Instagram to ramp up efforts to lure small businesses - - 1 views

  • When we launched ads two years ago, ads were available in just eight countries. In September, we opened for business in around 200 countries
  • Facebook’s global sales team was beginning to push Instagram’s advertising to small businesses, providing them with the ability to target marketing at particular users
  • Instagram’s monthly active user base could reach up to 520m by the end of 2016.
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  • it has said that its second-largest market outside its home country is Brazil, where it has about 29m users. On Monday, it announced that it has 9m users in Germany and has previously said that it has more than 14m users in the UK
  • Analysts only just started releasing their estimates last year, suggesting the app could generate between $1.2bn and $2bn in sales in 2016
  • that international expansion was a priority, with 75 per cent of its more than 400m users based outside the US
  • Instagram launched an advertising format that allowed marketers to include links to their products and websites. The so-called “carousel adverts” allow a brand to display several images at once and use a “learn more” button to lead consumers to its own sit
  • the company had no immediate plans to introduce a “Buy” button, similar to the one that Facebook has been trialling. Retailers want the group to introduce functions that will allow users to purchase products seen through the app
  • Instagram is attractive to advertisers partly because of its popularity with hard-to-reach teenagers.
  • A lobbying push by big technology groups, including Facebook, helped to water down the proposed ban. National governments will now be able to reduce the age at which personal data may be used to 13
    Instagram is now focusing on leveraging more of the parent company resources to increase app's monetization through ad sales. Therefore making their ad features available on the international markets and focusing on the smaller companies and entrepreneurs 
Maria Gurova

Amazon Will Open Over 300 Physical Bookstores Because Life Is a Practical Joke Played O... - 1 views

  • Amazon is working on plans to open hundreds of brick-and-mortar bookstores
  • Amazon already has one physical store that opened back in November.
  • Physical bookstores quickly turned into showroom floors where people would browse and then go buy books for cheap at Amazon.
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  • We can’t wait to see Netflix open up laserdisc rental shops next
    so far this is only speculations and rumors. but let's see how the story evolves 
Maria Gurova

Elon Musk Snags Top Google Researcher for New AI Non-Profit | WIRED - 0 views

  • Tesla founder Elon Musk, big-name venture capitalist Peter Thiel, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, and several other notable tech names have launched a new artificial intelligence startup called OpenAI,
  • OpenAI has the talent to compete with the industry’s top artificial intelligence outfits, including Google and Facebook—but the company has been setup as a non-profit.
  • The apparent aim is to build systems based on deep learning, a form of artificial intelligence that has proven extremely adept in recent years at identifying images, recognizing spoken words, translating from one language to another, and, to a certain extent, understanding the natural way that we humans talk.
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  • intend to open source their work, freely sharing it with the world at large. Recently, Google open sourced the core software engine, TensorFlow, that drives its deep learning services, and just this week, Facebook open sourced its deep learning hardware.
  • OpenAI says, its backers have committed $1 billion to the project.
Maria Gurova

These 3D-Printed Pictures Could Help the Blind Experience Classic Art - 0 views

    technology meets empathy 
Maria Gurova

Facebook will give video makers a cut - 0 views

  • "There's a certain class of content which is only going to come onto Facebook if there's a good way to compensate content owners for that,"
  • "We've recently rolled out the business model for this. We'll give a revenue share on a portion of the views to content owners
  • To grasp the scope of change unraveling in content creation, which is increasingly fragmented, consider all the mobile apps on your smartphone.
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  • Studies consistently show users thumb through only a handful of apps on a regular basis
  • This is why tech bellwethers — from social media platforms such as Facebook to traditional hardware companies like Apple — are churning out news products, designed to court and engage audiences to their brand-ecosystems.
  • Facebook plans to announce the launch of Notify, a standalone news app, the Financial Times reports. Featured content will come from media partners including Vogue, The Washington Post and CBS.
  • Professional content already is splintered across content creators and technology platforms
  • Apple News, for iOS 9. The mobile app aggregates news from a wide range of sources into a mobile-friendly format,
  • Twitter Moments is a feature on Twitter that links tweets in a traditional story format, from beginning to end.
  • Snapchat has been partnering with publishers for Snapchat Discover. The app, widely popular with millennials, includes a "Discover" feature that showcases stories from publishers including Vice, People, CNN and National Geographic
  • For example, with instant articles Facebook directly hosts outside publishers' articles on its social network — and Facebook pockets the traffic
  • Facebook on Wednesday also said its daily video views have reached 8 billion, though some tech analsyts including Pfeiffer wonder if a single view is measured by only a few seconds on an autoplay setting.
  • Facebook in fact is testing its own, site-specific video hub, as Re/code has reported.
    social media is rapidly moving towards serving as a one-stop destination for all consumer media needs 
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