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Rss Feed Group items tagged

Graham Perrin

space-separated tags presented as comma-separated tags but ultimately OK - 67 views

More recently, the Post to Diigo dialogue presents as space-separated the tags that I script as comma-separated. The end result is fine. Tag: resolved

API tag space comma separator compatibility puzzle resolved

Graham Perrin

Single tag including commas is misrepresented as single tag including spaces - 3 views

Whilst reporting I entered a tag, in quotation marks: "10,0,22,87" - that is, the v...

tag bug gpd4

started by Graham Perrin on 25 May 09 no follow-up yet
Sam Breach

Group Invite Emails are not being delivered - 56 views

It seems to be working now, thank you very much for fixing the problem so quickly. Just FYI - another thing I noted when doing this: When I was adding email addresses I was typing them in by hand...

groups join by invitation only private

jiaminn 212

tagging method - 31 views

i have a small suggestion about the 'tagging' input. in the tagging method, it requires quote " " , to make a tag like "read this bookmark later". i think it is much easier with the comma method. ...


started by jiaminn 212 on 16 Nov 08 no follow-up yet
k y

Comma or Space separated? - 23 views

Tags are space-separated like delicious -- but list keywords are comma separated? Can the conventions be unified?

lists tags help syntax inconsistency suggestion

started by k y on 20 Dec 08 no follow-up yet
Maggie Tsai

Family Matters » » Diigo Follow-Up: How to do Related Articles - 0 views

  • Here’s how to set up Related Articles links using Diigo. First, you will need to use a blogging platform that allows you to include RSS feeds within your posts. I use WordPress - the installed version, not the hosted one - and a plugin called inlineRSS.
  • Each entry includes a friendly name (which you’ll use later in your blog post), a comma, the URL of the feed that you copied from Diigo, another comma and the number of minutes between refreshes. I’ve got mine set to check for new additions to the list every 60 minutes. Now, go to your blog post and enter the following code at the point where you want the feed list to be displayed: That’s it!
Emanuele Quintarelli

Tag editing not stored - 37 views

absolutesubzero wrote: > I tried doing some tag editing. I choose some tags, edit them, click save but when I reload the tag cloud everything turn back as if nothing has changed. ====> Where do you...

bug editing tags


Cannot retrieve sites using tags: Message: "no items tagged [name of tag]..." - 72 views

And - hurray - the tags magically appeared. "Only" two days delayed.

bug help

Sandro Perotti

Tags Drop Down Menu - 12 views

Yes, it does, but only the tags starting with what you are typing, not all of them. If you have a bad memory, which is my case, you prefer to have all the tags in front of you. Exactly as Diigo's l...

suggestion tag bookmark dialogue


3spots: Diigo, goes public! (vs Flock) - 1 views

  • Diigo, "Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff", the web2.0 social bookmarks and annotation service, has finally announced going public today!*I've been waiting for this to write about it, well here it goes:Diigo is a great, no, a fantastic tool(!) Not only for bookmarking but also for research, blogging and a must for any social bookmark mania. It's a kind if mix between (social bookmarks), Wizlite (web highlight and notes), Onlywire (multi post to social bookmarks), with Blogging support. Diigo vs Flock: In fact, there are some similarities with Flock, the web 2.0 browser, though you can install Diigo on Flock you'll get some close features, like: blogging: They both support WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, Typepad and MovableType for now (+Dupral for Flock) exempt that Diigo, instead of a blog editor, uses the online blog editor.+ In flock you can save your post for later, in Diigo you can clip the text you want and blog from your bookmarks later on. (See an example, select all and expand to see what I mean.) Bookmarking: Both have a one click bookmark. Flock can sync and bookmark to Shadows and Diigo's, called QuickD, let's you set a custom tag and also can simultaneous bookmark to:, BlinkList, Furl, Netvouz, RawSugar, Simpy, Spurl, Yahoo, locally... and of course at Diigo! Search: They both have good search but very different. Flock can search though bookmarks, history, the web and add search plugins like in Firefox. Else Diigo let's you completely customize, add search engines and display them in one or more dropdown menus on the toolbar. (For example, I customized a part of mine for searching though social bookmarks: digg, popular, Netvouz, Hatena...and the same menu that will search my bookmarks.) And at the Diigo website there's an in-page pop-up advanced search which let's you search tags, url, title, phrase, in comments, in highlight or anywhere for only user's or community bookmarks.So using both, Diigo AND Flock, makes you someone very very... social!? ;-)Highlighting:This is the main interesting feature in Diigo.You may not have the Flock's RSS reader support*, nor the drag and drop Flickr or PhotoBucket toolbars but you can Clip text and images, Highlight, Web notes and Aggregate the clippings. Aggregating clippings lets you collect text on the web and later view them all on one page, very useful for research and blogging. See the screenshot. Diigo's highlighting styles Other special features: A bookmark status icon on the toolbar shows if the page has been bookmarked by you, has been commented by any Diigo user or both.Tag cloud which is also a batch tag manager. [Screenshot]Batch selected: Set the selected bookmarks to public/private, mark as read/un-read, expand details or delete them. Quick access: A customizable drop down menu to quickly access any bookmarks of a certain tag. Forward: Email link AND clipping. (usually it's just the link.)Highlight: Search terms like the Google toolbar but also possible on bookmarks and inside non expanded clippings.Tagging: They can be comma OR space separated!Delete: This is a small detail and would be better shown in a video but I love it: When you delete a bookmark it 'flies out' and disappears with a zooming effect! ...and of course it's a one click delete. + all the usual features, and not so usual features like: import directly from browser bookmarks and, follow a tag, user or search results, RSS links, Unicode support, an Ajax linkroll generator and much more... This without mentioning what's comming up! (API included!)As you see, they have done many updates since they started in Decamber. If you want to see more there's a recent review by John from Libraryclips and very good and complete help pages with screen-shots at Diigo.Note: The toolbar exists for Firefox, Internet Explorer and Flock, but incase you find yourself in an internet cafe, there's also an in-page bookmarklet for bookmarking. All the rest, annotation, blogging... comes with it's the toolbar.I've used, and still use now, the Diigo toolbar along many other extensions, where in the beginning it did have some compability problems, it's been a while I haven't had any.*I want to apologise to all the diigo team for the other day with a special thanks to Maggie Tsai for her kind understanding and reaction. -Some of you may know what it is, if you don't I won't tell you. (><") ::Shame::
    You can making over $59.000 in 1 day. Look this
Maggie Tsai

Diigo « Social Bookmarking - 1 views

  • Diigo*:[PR6] “Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff.” Web 2.0 style text-based interface, bookmarks and annotation using Tags. The toolbar gives highlight and blogging support. Update! UI redesigned. Some Features: One click bookmark with custom Tag. One click copy. Related Tags(+add and remove), Search(My/Community/Tag/Full Text). In page Advanced Search(Anywhere/tags/title/URL/highlights/Text/comments/without). Direct Links. Public/Private Bookmark or only notes/highlights, Inbox(follow user and tags), Bookmark username, RSS, mail, batch checked bookmarks( public, private, edit, extract highlights, send), Tags, Tag Cloud that is also a Tag editor. Image bookmarks have thumbshots(toolbar required). Cache copy. Tools: in page Bookmarklet (annotate, bookmark & forward) for IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Import directly from browser bookmarks, file and Ajax Linkroll generator with options. Add to Diigo blog footer buttons and code. [button code]
  • Toolbar(Firefox 1.0+) features: Quick-D: a One click Bookmark with automatic tagging. Customize Search box-menu. Bookmark Status Icon that shows whether the current page has been bookmarked by yourself, an other user or has comments. Right click for highlighting and saving images. Blog This! button with support for WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, Typepad, MovableType. Quick access bookmarks drop-down menu by setting a tag. bookmark to:, , Furl, Netvouz, RawSugar, Simpy, Spurl, ma.gnolia, connotea and locally. Has a good about/help page
  • What’s special: Space OR comma separated tags. Earlier/Later Tag navigation shows number of bookmarks. Private notes on Public Bookmarks. With toolbar: Blogging support for WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, Typepad and Movable Type. Highlight with visual options, Multiple posting to other social bookmarks. Bookmark Status Icon. Quick-D. Customizable search.
    You can making over $59.000 in 1 day. Look this
Joel Liu

What's missing in v.3 … - 114 views

Thanks for all your input. You have good points. We are focusing on fixing bugs now. However we will consider all suggestions in the Diigo V3 improvement plan. For blinklist bookmarking, I exp...

Maggie Tsai

Tags with spaces - 31 views

Tags should be space-separated, and are case-insensitive. To use a phrase as a single tag, either put quotation marks around the phrase, or use hyphen between words.



How many characters are allowed in the tag list? - 42 views

Hi Maggie! You are absolutely right. I was redundant. It really unneccessarily increases the space. I will be attentive to this in the future! Thanks for drawing to my attention! maggie_diigo ...

feature tag

George Columbow

Auto-blog-post: does it work now? - 25 views

Hmm.. seems now, when I limited my choice by one single tag - it works! :-) I plan explore this tool. It looks promissing for me.


Roger Sevilla

Enhanced Linkrolls and only these tags - 56 views

Thank you! I looked pretty hard and never found those directions on the site. Perhaps that nugget should be a bit more "discoverable"? (in fact I found directions to use "tag1 +tag2" ) Thanks again!

linkrolls enhancedlinkrolls linkroll enhanced

Sara Stephens

how to configure google reader's "send to" feature for diigo? - 1206 views

There's a service that does that. It's called Basically, you set up tasks, like "starred Greader items to diigo" and it does it automatically.

google_chrome Google Reader send API help resolved application programming interface

Chris Lott

API request with multiple tags - 29 views

I'm having a bit of a problem with the API. Retrieval of a single tag works fine: but multiple tags, which the doc...

json api help application programming interface

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