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Nathan Goodyear

Influence of mode of delivery on gut microbiota composition in seven year old children -- Salminen et al. 53 (9): 1388 -- Gut - 0 views

    fascinating read.  This study looked at the mode of delivery and found that the balance of bifidobacterium and clostridium gut microbiota was altered by mode of delivery.  This has been associated with excessive IgE antibody production.  Ever wonder why we have so many allergies today?  Maybe it is because of the doctors rush to perform Ceserean Sections.
fitspresso - 0 views

    FitSpresso™ | Official Site FitSpresso Only $39/Bottle Limited Time Offer! FitSpresso Special Deal + Special 51% Discount Save $660 + 180 Days Money Back Guarantee FitSpresso Herpesyl Five Star A dietary product formulated to assist users in reducing weight can increase other advantages that can support overall health. This product can assist users in getting closer to the desirable body weight. Regular Price: 149/per bottle Only for: $39/per bottle Buy Now What IsFitSpresso? FitSpresso is promoted as a natural supplement that comes in the form of diet pills, and it can aid in rapid and efficient weight loss, similar to many other supplements. The term "natural supplements refers to a nutritional supplement that is made entirely of natural, chemical-free materials. You can utilize these organic ingredients to aid in natural weight loss. It can speed up your body's metabolism and assist with other crucial processes. All parts of our bodies are impacted by weight increase, and not only do we need to deal with the increased weight, but we also need to deal with the numerous problems and illnesses that come along with it. This refers to the risk of developing chronic cardiac conditions, low blood pressure, and, in some circumstances, problems with blood sugar. However, FitSpresso even with its bright and bold claims, can help you efficiently manage your weight and completely avoid these extra uncomfortable problems. FitSpresso is a supplement that comes in the form of a pill, which makes it tasty, simple to swallow, and handy. According to the manufacturer, these diet tablets are GMO-free and toxic-free, making them edible. This is why we have things such as weight loss supplements. Thanks to modern advancements, we can just take a dietary supplement pill to bring about significant weight loss in a completely healthy and natural manner. Not only this, but dietary supplements can also support healthy blood sugar levels and help with
Nathan Goodyear

International Journal of Obesity - Abstract of article: Childhood overweight after establishment of the gut microbiota: the role of delivery mode, pre-pregnancy weight and early administration of antibiotics - 0 views

    the usage of antibiotics during the first 6 months of a child's life appears to be associated with an increased risk of overweight in children.  There was a slight increased association with mode of delivery (C/S worse than vaginal), but this was not statistical.

Tynor Ankle Binder - 0 views

    The boot type walkers can be provided in a fixed mode or with ankle joints to provide articulation. Pneumatic support is also available. The brace has a lightweight, durable, semi rigid shell that will support the limb and provide protection. Incorporated are medial and lateral uprights, heel and rocker sole. Closure is achieved with Velcro. The strapping system provides full circumferential compression of the limb. The breathable fiber liner is washable. The articulated boot allows range of motion (ROM) usually from approximately 20 degrees dorsiflexion to 40 degrees plantar flexion. Tynor Walker Boot is designed by the Tynor to rehabilitate the person after injury or fracture. It allows easy movement as well as supports the ankle and leg. This can be a great substitute for cast and also useful during early cast removal. It can also be used during sprain in the foot and this walker gives great relief to the pain. It can easily do any mild activity. It also works for the persons with a lower leg and will give an equal level of the lower feet as well as reduces the pressure. It effectively enclosed the muscles of the leg or foot during the fracture and gives comfort without disturbing the recovery process. This walker boot is made up from the good quality material. It has Aluminum lateral bars that are corrosion free. It is light in weight and provides enhanced mobility. It gives sturdy support to feet and leg. Its Hook Loop system allows to adjust it according to the comfort. It is also infused with Foam liner and Pad set that gives soft feet and also provides great support. It is available in different sizes. Tynor Walker Boot is designed for rehabilitation after injury, fracture , sprains or surgery of foot, ankle or lower leg. The boots provide support to the ankle and leg without inhibiting mobility. They can be a substitute for cast or can be used in case of early cast removal. With a wider rocker bottom, these boots promote a natural gait, reduced
Nathan Goodyear

Vitamin D and autism: Clinical review. [Res Dev Disabil. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI - 1 views

    Vitamin D deficiency may play a role in autism.  Though this may seem logical, through NF-KappaB inhibition, the mode of protection may be more in pregnancy.  I believe that the in-utero environment is setting up our children for increased ASD rates.  Then add in the manner in which we treat our children as infants with massive vaccinations.
Nathan Goodyear

Branched-chain amino acids and muscle ammoni... [Metab Brain Dis. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

  • BCAA metabolism may improve muscle net ammonia removal by supplying carbon skeletons for formation of alfa-ketoglutarate that combines with two ammonia molecules to become glutamine
    Muscle becomes the primary mode of NH3 metabolism in liver cirrhosis.  The authors here propose that it is via an increase in muscle mass rather than specifically lowering NH3.  In fact, there is an early increase in NH3 production.
Nathan Goodyear

Analysis of the vascular responses in a murine model of polycystic ovary syndrome - 0 views

    Animal model of PCOS provides insight to changes in vascular response.  In this animal mode, DHT resulted in a decrease in vasorelaxation of arterial endothelium.
Nathan Goodyear

Estrogen Receptors in Colorectal Cancer: Goalkeepers, Strikers, or Bystanders? - 0 views

  • one can conclude that ERβ has an overall antiproliferative effect, thereby inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and antagonizing ERα function in the breast
  • HRT with estrogen alone did not increase the risk of breast cancer in the Women's Health Initiative clinical trials program
  • colorectal normal or cancer epithelium does not coexpress ERα and ERβ
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • ERβ expression resulted in the inhibition of proliferation and G1 phase cell-cycle arrest
  • ERβ expression strongly inhibited cMyc and tumor growth in a xenograft mouse model
  • induced ERβ in CRC cells has an antiproliferative, tumor-suppressive function that is independent of ERα
  • ERs also have the ability to bind many other compounds with an estrogen-like structure, including phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens (or endocrine disruptors)
  • Phytoestrogens are a diverse class of natural compounds with structural similarity to estradiol
  • Barone et al. recently found that two ERβ-selective phytoestrogens effectively counteracted CRC tumorigenesis and surprisingly increased ERβ expression in mice with mutations of the tumor-suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli
  • We can conclude that estrogens are important in protecting against CRC initiation and progression, and that the protective effect most likely is mediated by ERβ
    ER beta is a new potential mode of therapy in colon cancer.  ER beta stimulation has been shown to inhibit colon cancer cell growth.
Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone Treatment and Mortality in Men with Low Testosterone Levels: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism: Vol 97, No 6 - 0 views

    three year follow up study of 1031 men >40.  The study found a reduction in mortality with Testosterone treatment (10.3%) versus a mortality rate of 20.7% in men not treated.  This is a second study that points to a reduction in mortality with normalization of Testosterone levels with Testosterone therapy.  Breaking out of the mode, that Testosterone is also therapeutic not just a biomarker in men.
Nathan Goodyear

Effect of Probiotics on Blood Pressure - 0 views

    Isn't it amazing how "alternative" medical therapies are proven time and time again with science?   This study finds modes improvement in blood pressure with probiotics greater than 100 million CFU for more than 8 weeks.  The therapy provided a modest decrease in B/P, but a decrease none the less.
Nathan Goodyear

Chronic Testosterone Replacement Exerts Cardioprotection against Cardiac Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Attenuating Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Testosterone-Deprived Rats - 0 views

  • In this study, the cardioprotective effects of testosterone in testosterone-deprived rats heart with I/R injury were demonstrated
  • Prior to I/R injury, testosterone replacement provided cardioprotective effects in testosterone-deprived rats as indicated by (1) improved cardiac functions by markedly preserved %EF and %FS, and (2) attenuated cardiac sympathovagal imbalance by a markedly decreased LF/HF ratio
  • Testosterone replacement exerts cardioprotective effects by improving left ventricular function and cardiac sympathovagal balance impaired by testosterone deprivation in ORX rats
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • During the I/R period, testosterone replacement in ORX rats exerted the beneficial effects as indicated by (1) improved left ventricular pressure; (2) markedly decreased infarct size; (3) reduced fatal cardiac arrhythmias by increased time to 1st VT/VF onset and reduced arrhythmia scores; and (4) attenuated cardiac mitochondrial dysfunction caused by I/R injury by reducing ROS production, cardiac mitochondrial swelling and mitochondria membrane depolarization.
  • Chronic testosterone replacement also ameliorates left ventricular dysfunction, and reduces the infarct size and cardiac arrhythmias impaired by I/R injury under testosterone-deprived conditions
  • The mechanisms responsible for these beneficial effects of testosterone could be due to its ability to attenuate cardiac mitochondrial dysfunction and cardiomyocyte apoptosis
    animal study finds that Testosterone therapy is cardioprotective in a preventative mode and with myocardial injury.  Normalization of Testosterone in these animals with low T reduced infant injury size and improved heart function.  
Nathan Goodyear

L-theanine Administration Results in Neuroprot... [Phytother Res. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    l-Theanine is neuroprotective in rat mode simulating CVA.
Nathan Goodyear

Dietary Supplementation With the Omega-3 Fatty Acid Docosahe... : Neurosurgery - 0 views

    Animal study finds pre-emptive DHA at 40 mg/kg reduced injury response during medically induced TBI.  Not only can DHA be used with TBI, but this study suggests it can be used in a prevention mode.
Nathan Goodyear

Bisphenol A and Reproduction, January 5, 2011, Friedrich 305 (1): 28 - JAMA - 0 views

    BPA from plastics known to cause reproductive problems in humans, now shown to cause sterility, suggesting mode of action
Nathan Goodyear

Delivery mode shapes the acquisition and structure of the initial microbiota across multiple body habitats in newborns - 0 views

    Study finds infants born vaginally have gut flora similar to mother's vaginal flora--Lactobacillus, Prevotella, or Sneathia species.  In contrast, those born via C/S have gut flora similar to that on the skin surface--staphylococcus, corynebacterium...
Nathan Goodyear

Effect of Vitamin C on Male Fertility in Rats Subjected to Forced Swimming Stress - 0 views

    Vitamin C improved stress response and thus fertility in stress rat mode.

Types of Heavy Duty Wheelchair and Its Features - 0 views

    Heavy Duty Wheelchair specialy design for disabled and handicapped persons. They two types of Heavy Duty Wheelchair for handicapped and disability product like- Karma 8020 X Heavy Duty Wheelchair Karma 8520 Heavy Duty Wheelchair Karma 8020 X Heavy Duty Wheelchair Karma 8020 or Karma KM-8020 Heavy Duty Wheelchair specialy design for disabled and handicapped persons. Some features are mentioned below- Features It comes with detachable swing away footrests. The wheel chair has flip-back armrests. It comes with centre of gravity adjustment. The wheel chair has wide profile casters. Seat Size 20'' inch & 22'' inch Total Weight 17 K.G. Karma 8020 X Heavy Duty Wheelchair Item Code and Price Item Code: WCI-52 MRP: Rs 45162 Our Price: Rs 32900 Net Price: Rs 32242( Apply Coupon Code 'MSW2365' Get 2% Discount ) Karma 8520 Heavy Duty Wheelchair Karma 8520 or Karma KM-8520 Heavy Duty Wheelchair specialy design for disabled and handicapped persons. Some features are mentioned below- Features It comes with detachable swing away footrests. The wheel chair has flip-back armrests. It comes with centre of gravity adjustment. The wheel chair has wide profile casters. Seat Size 20'' inch & 22'' inch Total Weight 17 K.G. Karma 8520 Heavy Duty Wheelchair Item Code and Price Item Code: WCI-29 MRP: Rs 32085 Our Price: Rs 24063 Net Price: Rs 23582( Apply Coupon Code 'MSW2365' Get 2% Discount ) Heavy Duty Wheelchair Online Purchases: This Website is only a venue where Users may meet and interact with us for their sale and purchase transactions. The commercial / contractual terms include without limitation price, shipping costs, date, period, mode of delivery, warranties related to products and services including after sales services related to product(s) and services, etc., over which we have complete control and same may be the subject to change. The agreement between you and is subject to the following terms and cond

A Friendly Tricycle For The Disabled Users - 0 views

    Those of all ages whose physical disabilities restrict their movement, affect their ability to earn a living or become valued members of society. Specially designed tricycles provide a mode of transport for the physically disabled allowing them much sought after independence and an opportunity for self support. The tricycles will enable freedom of movement and less dependency on others. Most of the people who depend on these tricycles are daily wage workers who have to travel long distances every day. The regular tricycles have no suspension and the riders are prone to spinal injuries. Most of them also cannot afford good medical care, and driving these tricycles for a long time affects. To deal with the problem, come up with a model tricycle that can be very useful to people who have a disability in their lower limbs, but a strong torso. The Handy tricycle to provide the ideal cycling experience for users advancement of upper body strength and toning for athletic events. Especially valuable to triathletes and challenged, it provides the perfect way to get in shape and stay that way. The tricycle achieves the true convenience of transportation while providing easy-to-use pedaling, steering and breaking controls. These are amongst the top selling handcycles on the market today. Handy is available in upright and recumbent versions. Hand powered front wheel drive. An internal hub-based gear shifting system is built into the front wheel.This provides ultra smooth shifting and is virtually maintenance-free. The entire front frame section is removable and connects easily, quickly and securely using a bolt-on system. The seat can be repositioned quickly and easily to allow the rider to achieve an optimally efficient distance between seat and handlebars.The rear wheels are removed using a single finger push system, allowing the bike to be broken down very quickly. Defined by two ways: Fork steer: It represent the majority of handcycles. They work well for both low

Types of Heavy Duty Wheelchair and Its Features - 0 views

    Heavy Duty Wheelchair specialy design for disabled and handicapped persons. They two types of Heavy Duty Wheelchair for handicapped and disability product like- Karma 8020 X Heavy Duty Wheelchair Karma 8520 Heavy Duty Wheelchair Karma 8020 X Heavy Duty Wheelchair Karma 8020 or Karma KM-8020 Heavy Duty Wheelchair specialy design for disabled and handicapped persons. Some features are mentioned below- Features It comes with detachable swing away footrests. The wheel chair has flip-back armrests. It comes with centre of gravity adjustment. The wheel chair has wide profile casters. Seat Size 20'' inch & 22'' inch Total Weight 17 K.G. Karma 8020 X Heavy Duty Wheelchair Item Code and Price Item Code: WCI-52 MRP: Rs 45162 Our Price: Rs 32900 Net Price: Rs 32242( Apply Coupon Code 'MSW2365' Get 2% Discount ) Karma 8520 Heavy Duty Wheelchair Karma 8520 or Karma KM-8520 Heavy Duty Wheelchair specialy design for disabled and handicapped persons. Some features are mentioned below- Features It comes with detachable swing away footrests. The wheel chair has flip-back armrests. It comes with centre of gravity adjustment. The wheel chair has wide profile casters. Seat Size 20'' inch & 22'' inch Total Weight 17 K.G. Karma 8520 Heavy Duty Wheelchair Item Code and Price Item Code: WCI-29 MRP: Rs 32085 Our Price: Rs 24063 Net Price: Rs 23582( Apply Coupon Code 'MSW2365' Get 2% Discount ) Heavy Duty Wheelchair Online Purchases: This Website is only a venue where Users may meet and interact with us for their sale and purchase transactions. The commercial / contractual terms include without limitation price, shipping costs, date, period, mode of delivery, warranties related to products and services including after sales services related to product(s) and services, etc., over which we have complete control and same may be the subject to change. The agreement between you and is subject to the following terms and cond
Nathan Goodyear

The river blindness drug Ivermectin and related macrocyclic lactones inhibit WNT-TCF pathway responses in human cancer - 0 views

  • WNT signaling
  • early colon cancers commonly display loss of function of the tumor suppressor Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), a key component of the β-CATENIN destruction complex
  • Other cancers also show an active canonical WNT pathway; these include carcinomas of the lung, stomach, cervix, endometrium, and lung as well as melanomas and gliomas
  • ...31 more annotations...
  • In normal embryogenesis and homeostasis, the canonical WNT pathway is activated by secreted WNT ligands produced in highly controlled context-dependent manners and in precise amounts. WNT activity is transduced in the cytoplasm, inactivates the APC destruction complex, and results in the translocation of activate β-CATENIN to the nucleus, where it cooperates with DNA-binding TCF/LEF factors to regulate WNT-TCF targets and the ensuing genomic response
  • beyond the loss of activity of the APC destruction complex, for instance throughAPC mutation, phosphorylation of β-CATENIN at C-terminal sites is required for the full activation of WNT-TCF signaling and the ensuing WNT-TCF responses in cancer.
  • The WNT-TCF response blockade that we describe for low doses of Ivermectin suggests an action independent to the deregulation of chloride channels
  • involve the repression of the levels of C-terminally phosphorylated β-CATENIN forms and of CYCLIN D1, a critical target that is an oncogene and positive cell cycle regulator.
  • the Avermectin single-molecule derivative Selamectin, a drug widely used in veterinarian medicine (Nolan & Lok, 2012), is ten times more potent acting in the nanomolar range
  • Ivermectin also diminished the protein levels of CYCLIN D1, a direct TCF target and oncogene, in both HT29 and H358 tumor cells
  • Activated Caspase3 was used as a marker of apoptosis by immunohistochemistry 48 h after drug treatment. Selamectin and Ivermectin induced up to a sevenfold increase in the number of activated Caspase3+ cells in two primary (CC14 and CC36) and two cell line (DLD1 and Ls174T) colon cancer cell types (Fig​(Fig2C).2C). All changes were significative
  • The strong downregulation of the expression of the intestinal stem cell genesASCL2 andLGR5 (van der Flieret al, 2009; Scheperset al, 2012; Zhuet al, 2012b) by Ivermectin and Selamectin (Fig​(Fig2D)2D) raised the possibility that these drugs could affect WNT-TCF-dependent colon cancer stem cell behavior
  • Pre-established H358 tumors responded to Ivermectin showing a ˜ 50% repression of growth
  • Ivermectin hasin vivo efficacy against human colon cancer xenografts sensitive to TCF inhibition with no discernable side effects
  • Ivermectin (Campbellet al, 1983), an off-patent drug approved for human use, and related macrocyclic lactones, have WNT-TCF pathway response blocking and anti-cancer activities
  • these drugs block WNT-TCF pathway responses, likely acting at the level of β-CATENIN/TCF function, affecting β-CATENIN phosphorylation status.
  • anti-WNT-TCF activities of Ivermectin and Selamectin
  • Ivermectin has a well-known anti-parasitic activity mediated via the deregulation of chloride channels, leading to paralysis and death (Hibbs & Gouaux, 2011; Lynagh & Lynch, 2012). The same mode of action has been suggested to underlie the toxicity of Ivermectin for liquid tumor cells and the potentiation or sensitization effect of Avermectin B1 on classical chemotherapeutics
  • the specificity of the blockade of WNT-TCF responses we document, at low micromolar doses for Ivermectin and low nanomolar doses for Selamectin, indicate that the blockade of WNT-TCF responses and chloride channel deregulation are distinct modes of action
  • What is key then is to find a dose and a context where the use of Ivermectin has beneficial effects in patients, paralleling our results with xenografts in mice.
  • Cell toxicity appears at doses greater (> 10 μM for 12 h or longer or > 5 μM for 48 h or longer for Ivermectin) than those required to block TCF responses and induce apoptosis.
  • Our data point to a repression of WNT-β-CATENIN/TCF transcriptional responses by Ivermectin, Selamectin and related macrocylic lactones.
  • (i) The ability of Avermectin B1 to inhibit the activation of WNT-TCF reporter activity by N-terminal mutant (APC-insensitive) β-CATENIN as detected in our screen
  • (ii) The ability of Avermectin B1, Ivermectin, Doramectin, Moxidectin and Selamectin to parallel the modulation of WNT-TCF targets by dnTCF
  • (iii) The finding that the specific WNT-TCF response blockade by low doses of Ivermectin and Selamectin is reversed by constitutively active TCF
  • (iv) The repression of key C-terminal phospho-isoforms of β-CATENIN resulting in the repression of the TCF target and positive cell cycle regulator CYCLIN D1 by Ivermectin and Selamectin
  • (v) The specific inhibition ofin-vivo-TCF-dependent, but notin-vivo-TCF-independent cancer cells by Ivermectin in xenografts.
  • These results together with the reduction of the expression of the colon cancer stem cell markersASCL2 andLGR5 (e.g., Hirschet al, 2013; Ziskinet al, 2013) raise the possibility of an inhibitory effect of Ivermectin, Selamectin and related macrocyclic lactones on TCF-dependent cancer stem cells.
  • the capacity of cancer cells to form 3D spheroids in culture, as well as the growth of these, is also WNT-TCF-dependent (Kanwaret al, 2010) and they were also affected by Ivermectin treatment
  • If Ivermectin is specific, it should only block TCF-dependent tumor growth. Indeed, the sensitivity and insensitivity of DLD1 and CC14 xenografts to Ivermectin treatment, respectively, together with the desensitization to Ivermectin actionin vivo by constitutively active TCF provide evidence of the specificity of this drug to block an activated WNT-TCF pathway in human cancer.
  • Ivermectin has a good safety profile since onlyin-vivo-dnTCF-sensitive cancer xenografts are responsive to Ivermectin treatment, and we have not detected side effects in Ivermectin-treated mice at the doses used
  • previous work has shown that side effects from systemic treatments with clinically relevant doses in humans are rare (Yang, 2012), that birth defects were not observed after exposure of pregnant mothers (Pacquéet al, 1990) and that this drug does not cross the blood–brain barrier (Kokozet al, 1999). Similarly, only dogs with mutantABCB1 (MDR1) alleles leading to a broken blood–brain barrier show Ivermectin neurotoxicity (Mealeyet al, 2001; Orzechowskiet al, 2012)
  • Indications may include treatment for incurable β-CATENIN/TCF-dependent advanced and metastatic human tumors of the lung, colon, endometrium, and other organs.
  • Ivermectin, Selamectin, or related macrocyclic lactones could also serve as topical agents for WNT-TCF-dependent skin lesions and tumors such as basal cell carcinomas
  • they might also be useful as routine prophylactic agents, for instance against nascent TCF-dependent intestinal tumors in patients with familial polyposis and against nascent sporadic colon tumors in the general aging population
    Ivermectin, a common anti-parasitic, found to inhibit WTF-TCF pathway and decrease c-terminal phosophorylaiton of Beta-CATENIN all resulting in increased aptosis and inhibition of cancer growth in colon cancer cell lines and lung cancer cell lines.
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