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Nathan Goodyear

Late Disseminated Lyme Disease: Associated Pathology and Spirochete Persistence Post-Tr... - 0 views

  • In this study, we have demonstrated microscopic pathology ranging from minimal to moderate in multiple different tissues previously reported to be involved with LD, including the nervous system (central and peripheral), heart, skeletal muscle, joint-associated tissues, and urinary bladder 12 to 13 months following tick-inoculation of rhesus macaques by Bb strain B31
  • Based on histomorphology, inflammation consisted predominantly of lymphocytes and plasma cells, with rare scattered histiocytes
  • in rare instances, morphologically intact spirochetes were observed in inflamed brain and heart tissue sections from doxycycline-treated animals
  • ...41 more annotations...
  • colocalization of the Bb 23S rRNA probe was not observed in any of the sections of experimental inoculated animals shown to harbor rare persistent spirochetes (Supplemental Figure S1). Previous in vitro work has shown large decreases in Bb rRNA levels when in a stationary phase of growth despite the majority of spirochetes remaining viable
  • The possibility that the spirochetes were intact but dead also exists, though this may be unlikely given the precedence for viable but non-cultivable B. burgdorferi post-treatment
  • The doxycycline dose utilized in this study (5mg/kg) was based on a previous pharmacokinetic analysis of oral doxycycline in rhesus macaques proven to be comparable to levels achieved in humans and was meant to mimic treatment of disseminated LD
  • In addition to the brain of two treated animals, rare morphologically intact spirochetes immunoreactive to OspA were observed in the heart of one treated animal
  • Although we did not measure the doxycycline levels in the cerebrospinal fluid, they have been found to be 12% to 15% of the amount measured in serum
  • We and others have demonstrated the development of a drug-tolerant persister population when B. burgdorferi are treated with antibiotics in vitro
  • The adoption of a dormant or slow-growing phenotype likely allows the spirochetes to survive and re-grow following removal of antibiotic
  • The basic premise that antibiotic tolerance may be an adaptation of the sophisticated stringent response required for the enzootic cycle by the spirochetes is described in a recent review as well
  • Although current IDSA guidelines recommend intravenous ceftriaxone (2g daily for 30 days) over oral doxycycline for treatment of neuroborreliosis, a randomized clinical trial failed to show any enhanced efficacy of I.V. penicillin G to oral doxycycline for treatment of Lyme neuroborreliosis (no treatment failures were reported in this study of 54 patients).
  • we can speculate that the minimal to moderate inflammation that was observed, especially within the CNS and PNS can, in part, explain the breadth of symptoms experienced by late stage Lyme disease patients, such as cognitive impairment and neuralgia.
  • Erythema migrans, the clinical hallmark of early localized Lyme disease, was observed in one of the rhesus macaques from this study.
  • In 2014, a trailblazing study in mice demonstrated a dramatic decline in B. burgdorferi DNA in the tissues for up to eight months after antibiotic treatment followed by the resurgence of B. burgdorferi growth 12 months after treatment
  • This study provides evidence that the slow-growing spirochetes which persist after treatment, but are not cultivable in standard growth media may remain viable.
  • The first well-documented indication of Lyme disease (LD) in the United States occurred in the early 1970s
  • Lyme, Connecticut.
  • Lyme disease is now known to be caused by multiple closely related genospecies classified within the Bb sensu lato complex, representing the most common tick-borne human disease in the Northern Hemisphere
  • approximately 30,000 physician-reported cases occur annually in the United States, the annual incidence has been estimated to be 10-fold higher by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.6
  • Current antibiotic therapy guidelines outlined by the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) are successful in the treatment of LD for the majority of LD patients, especially when administered early in disease immediately following identification of erythema migrans (EM)
  • ‘post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome’ (PTLDS)
  • host-adapted spirochetes that persist in the tissues, probably in small numbers, inaccessible or impervious to antibiotic
  • inflammatory responses to residual antigens from dead organisms
  • residual tissue damage following pathogen clearance;
  • autoimmune responses, possibly elicited by antigenic mimicry
  • Experimental studies on immunocompetent mice, dogs, and rhesus macaques have provided evidence for the persistence of Bb spirochetes subsequent to antibiotic treatment in the form of residual spirochetes detected within tissue by IFA and PCR, and recovered by xenodiagnoses
  • Ten male rhesus macaques
  • half (five) of the NHP received antibiotic treatment, consisting of 5 mg/kg oral doxycycline twice per day.
  • Minimal and focal lymphoplasmacytic inflammation
  • inflammation was observed in the leptomeninges overlying a section of temporal cerebral cortex
  • Minimal localized lymphoplasmacytic choroiditis
  • Peripheral nerves contained minimal to moderate lymphoplasmacytic inflammation with a predilection for collagen-rich epineurium and perivascular spaces
  • Inflammation was observed in 56% (5/9) of the NHPs irrespective of treatment group
  • For all animals, inflammation was reserved to perineural tissue
  • The treatment lasted 28 days
  • Minimal to mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammation of either the myocardial interstitium (Figure 2Figure 2A), pericardium (Figure 2Figure 2B), or combination therein was observed in 60% of NHPs
  • A single morphologically intact spirochete, as indicated by positive red immunofluorescence (Figure 2Figure 2C), was observed in the myocardium of one treated animal
  • mild, multifocal lymphoplasmacytic inflammation was observed in one doxycycline-treated animal
  • three animals exhibited minimal to mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammation affecting joint-associated structures
  • 10% to -20% of human patients treated
  • Multiple randomized placebo-controlled studies which evaluated sustained antimicrobial therapy concluded that there is no benefit in alleviating patients’ symptoms and indicated that long-term antibiotic therapy may even be detrimental to patients due to potential associated complications (ie, catheter infection and/or clostridial colitis)
  • and the rapid clearance of dead spirochetes in a murine model
  • higher doses may be needed to combat neuroborreliosis
    persistent borrelia burgdorferia were found in the brain (2) and the heart (1) up to 13 months post standard antibiotic treatment suggesting borrelia burdorferia, the cause of Lyme, can persist in a chronic, persistant state poste acute treatment.
Nathan Goodyear

JAMA Network | JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association | Probiotics for t... - 0 views

    probiotics shown to not only prevent antibiotic induced diarrhea; but to be effective as a treatment. 
Nathan Goodyear

Long-term impacts of antibiotic exposure on the human intestinal microbiota - 0 views

    antibiotics reduce the bacterial population, microbiome, in the GI system. antibiotic induced imbalance remained for years.
Nathan Goodyear

Antibiotic growth promoters in agriculture: history and mode of action -- Dibner and Ri... - 0 views

    look to use of antibiotics in the poultry science to see how antibiotics disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in the gut, which leads to weight gain and obesity.  Ditto for humans
Nathan Goodyear

Altering the Intestinal Microbiota during a Critical Developmental Window Has Lasting M... - 0 views

    Study finds antibiotics given in late-pregnancy and during first months of life led to obesity in mice via altered gut flora.  This timed exposure was equal to life-time exposure.  This study points to the timing of antibiotic exposure as the key.
Nathan Goodyear

Prolonged antibiotic treatment induces a diabetogenic intestinal microbiome that accele... - 0 views

    Only abstract available here.  Animal study finds that gut bacteria induce diabetes and early antibiotic exposure accelerated this autoimmune activity.  This study also used VSL#3 to attempt to treat but no effect was evident.  
Nathan Goodyear

International Journal of Obesity - Abstract of article: Childhood overweight after esta... - 0 views

    the usage of antibiotics during the first 6 months of a child's life appears to be associated with an increased risk of overweight in children.  There was a slight increased association with mode of delivery (C/S worse than vaginal), but this was not statistical.
Nathan Goodyear

Probiotics to minimize the disruption of faecal microbiota in healthy subjects undergoi... - 0 views

    probiotics taken at the time of oral antibiotics, help to restore baseline bacterial concentration quickly
Nathan Goodyear

ScienceDirect - Homeopathy : Pharmacoeconomic comparison between homeopathic and antibi... - 0 views

    head to head study of homeopathy and antibiotics shows homeopathy to be more effective in recurrent acute rhinopharyngitis in children
Nathan Goodyear

Evaluation of in-vitro antibiotic susceptibility of different morpholo - 0 views

    biofilms may play a role in recurrence of lyme disease following antibiotic therapy
Nathan Goodyear

International Journal of Obesity - Abstract of article: Antibiotic use and childhood bo... - 0 views

    study finds that increased use of antibiotics throughout childhood leads to increased weight in adulthood. The authors observed "reversible, persistent, and progressive effects. We shouldn't be surprised. This effect has been seen in the cattle industry for years. Also displays the amazing effects of the gut flora on metabolism.
Nathan Goodyear

Administration of Antibiotics to Children Before Age 2 Years Increases Risk for Childho... - 0 views

    no different than the cattle; early and often antibiotics associated with childhood obesity.
Nathan Goodyear

Hepatic safety of antibiotics used in primary care - 0 views

    Nice review of antibiotics and their impact on the liver
Nathan Goodyear

Oncotarget | Vitamin C and Doxycycline: A synthetic lethal combination therapy targetin... - 0 views

  • These eight distinct cancer types included: DCIS, breast (ER(+) and ER(-)), ovarian, prostate, lung, and pancreatic carcinomas, as well as melanoma and glioblastoma. Doxycycline was also effective in halting the propagation of primary cultures of CSCs from breast cancer patients, with advanced metastatic disease (isolated from ascites fluid and/or pleural effusions)
  • Doxycycline behaves as a strong radio-sensitizer, successfully overcoming radio-resistance in breast CSCs
  • cancer cells can indeed escape the effects of Doxycycline, by reverting to a purely glycolytic phenotype. Fortunately, the metabolic inflexibility conferred by this escape mechanism allows Doxycycline-resistant (DoxyR) CSCs to be more effectively targeted with many other metabolic inhibitors, including Vitamin C, which functionally blocks aerobic glycolysis
  • ...36 more annotations...
  • Vitamin C inhibits GAPDH (a glycolytic enzyme) and depletes the cellular pool of glutathione, resulting in high ROS production and oxidative stress
  • DoxyR CSCs are between 4- to 10-fold more susceptible to the effects of Vitamin C
  • Doxycycline and Vitamin C may represent a new synthetic lethal drug combination for eradicating CSCs, by ultimately targeting both mitochondrial and glycolytic metabolism
  • inhibiting their propagation in the range of 100 to 250 µM
  • metabolic flexibility in cancer cells allows them to escape therapeutic eradication, leading to chemo- and radio-resistance
  • used doxycycline to pharmacologically induce metabolic inflexibility in CSCs, by chronically inhibiting mitochondrial biogenesis
  • This treatment resulted in a purely glycolytic population of surviving cancer cells
  • DoxyR cells are mainly glycolytic
  • MCF7 cells survive and develop Doxycycline-resistance, by adopting a purely glycolytic phenotype
  • Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are thought to be the “root cause” of tumor recurrence, distant metastasis and therapy-resistance
  • the conserved evolutionary similarities between aerobic bacteria and mitochondria, certain classes of antibiotics inhibit mitochondrial protein translation, as an off-target side-effect
  • Vitamin C was more potent than 2-DG; it inhibited DoxyR CSC propagation by > 90% at 250 µM and 100% at 500 µM
  • IC-50
  • DoxyR CSCs are between 4- to 10-fold more sensitive to Vitamin C than control MCF7 CSCs
  • Berberine, which is a naturally occurring antibiotic that also behaves as an OXPHOS inhibitor
  • treatment with Berberine effectively inhibited the propagation of the DoxyR CSCs by > 50% at 1 µM and > 80% at 10 µM.
  • Doxycycline, a clinically approved antibiotic, induces metabolic stress in cancer cells. This allows the remaining cancer cells to be synchronized towards a purely glycolytic phenotype, driving a form of metabolic inflexibility
  • Doxycycline-driven aerobic glycolysis
  • new synthetic lethal strategy for eradicating CSCs, by employing i) Doxycycline (to target mitochondria) and ii) Vitamin C (to target glycolysis)
  • Doxycycline inhibits mitochondrial biogenesis and OXPHOS,
  • hibits glycolytic metabolism by targeting and inhibiting the enzyme GAPDH
  • CSCs act as the main promoter of tumor recurrence and patient relapse
  • a metabolic shift from oxidative to glycolytic metabolism represents an escape mechanism for breast cancer cells chronically-treated with a mitochondrial stressor like Doxycycline, as mitochondrial dys-function leads to a stronger dependence on glucose
  • Vitamin C has been demonstrated to selectively kill cancer cells in vitro and to inhibit tumor growth in experimental mouse models
  • many of these actions have been attributed to the ability of Vitamin C to act as a glycolysis inhibitor, by targeting GAPDH and depleting the NAD pool
  • here we show that DoxyR CSCs are more vulnerable to the inhibitory effects of Vitamin C, at 4- to 10-fold lower concentrations, between 100 to 250 μM
  • concurrent use of Vitamin C, with standard chemotherapy, reduces tumor recurrence and patient mortality
  • after oral administration, Vitamin C plasma levels reach concentrations of ~70-220 μM
  • intravenous administration results in 30- to 70- fold higher plasma concentrations of Vitamin C
  • pro-oxidant activity results from Vitamin C’s action on metal ions, which generates free radicals and hydrogen peroxide, and is associated with cell toxicity
  • it has been shown that high-dose Vitamin C is more cytotoxic to cancer cells than to normal cells
  • This selectivity appears to be due to the higher catalase content observed in normal cells (~10-100 fold greater), as compared to tumor cells. Hence, Vitamin C may be regarded as a safe agent that selectively targets cancer cells
  • the concurrent use of Doxycycline and Vitamin C, in the context of this infectious disease, appeared to be highly synergistic in patients
  • Goc et al., 2016, showed that Doxycycline is synergistic in vitro with certain phytochemicals and micronutrients, including Vitamin C, in the in vitro killing of the vegetative spirochete form of Borrelia spp., the causative agent underlying Lyme disease
  • Doxycycline, an FDA-approved antibiotic, behaves as an inhibitor of mitochondrial protein translation
  • CSCs successfully escape from the anti-mitochondrial effects of Doxycycline, by assuming a purely glycolytic phenotype. Therefore, DoxyR CSCs are then more susceptible to other metabolic perturbations, because of their metabolic inflexibility
    Not especially new, but IV vitamin C + daily doxycycline found to kill cancer stem cells.
Nathan Goodyear

renal dosing of antibiotics - 0 views

    Renal dosing of antibiotics
Nathan Goodyear

Commensal Bacteria Control Cancer Response to Therapy by Modulating the Tumor Microenvi... - 0 views

    Animal model finds that disruption of the gut microbiota by antibiotics disrupts the effects of chemotherapy.
Nathan Goodyear

Oral antibiotics for treating infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in people with cyst... - 0 views

    Oral Antibiotics, no less effective than IV therapy.  This is a cochrane review of the treatment of p aeruginosa in those with CF.
Nathan Goodyear

Cases Journal | Full text | Sudden elevation of liver enzymes in a 64-year-old patient:... - 0 views

    case study of elevated liver enzymes induced by antibiotics.
Nathan Goodyear - 0 views

    good read on which antibiotics to limit/avoid in Liver failure--particularly the macrolides and the beta-lactams.  The PCNs are the most safe class.
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