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Kevin Stranack

Hire Education: Mastery, Modularization, and the Workforce Revolution | Christensen Ins... - 0 views

    "Who will attend to the skills gap and create stronger linkages to the workforce? This book illuminates the great disruptive potential of online competency- based education. Workforce training, competency-based learning, and online learning are clearly not new phenomena, but online competency-based education is revolutionary because it marks the critical convergence of multiple vectors: the right learning model, the right technologies, the right customers, and the right business model."

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. - 2 views

    The Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, adopted by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) in 2000, have become an essential document related to the emergence of information literacy as a recognized learning outcome at many institutions of higher education
    As one of the academic libraries in the Philippines, we are also using the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education as bases for our Information Literacy program though its more than a decade. We recognize its competencies for outcomes based education.
Kevin Stranack

Web Literacy Map - 1.1.0 - Mozilla Webmaker - 7 views

    "The Web Literacy Map is a map of competencies and skills that Mozilla and our community of stakeholders believe are important to pay attention to when getting better at reading, writing and participating on the web."
    This is terrific. As someone who works in, on and around the web, a list like this makes it easier for me to describe to clients, colleagues and vendors just what it is I can do.
    Thanks for pointing to this useful resource, could use it both for teaching and evaluation, and for finding gaps in my own web literacy skills

DIGCOMP: A Framework for Developing and Understanding Digital Competence in Europe - 1 views

    In week 3 we've addressed how open knowledge can promote active citizenship. A pre-requisite for that is that individuals are equipped with the right set of digital skills. Being digital native does not necessarily imply that one is digital competent. The promotion of digital skills is at least as important as ensuring accessibility to technology. This document is a reference framework to identify what are the different elements of digital skills as these go much beyond than merely knowing how to use a computer. This has been developed by the European Commission, engaging several different stakeholders from several countries, and is being used as a support to strategies for the promotion of digital skills.

Communication Information Literacy Standards & Related Readings - Communication - U Res... - 0 views

    "The Information Literacy Competency Standards for Journalism Students and Professionals aim to adapt and apply the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards to journalism. Information literacy isdefined as the ability to recognize when information is needed and the ability to locate, evaluate, effectively use and ethically apply the needed information.
Balthas Seibold

Knowledge Commons .de » Peer-producing knowledge: a game-changer for developm... - 4 views

    Learning modes and principles of open, commons-based peer-production therefor have the potential to provide the "gold standard" of enhancing future skills, competencies, connections, capacities of people and their organisations on a global scale. In short: peer-to-peer learning around open, commons-based peer-production is a game changer in international development cooperation.
v woolf

White Paper: Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for t... - 0 views

    The competencies discussed by Dr. Jenkins in the Module 3 video, for those who are interested, are: "Play - the capacity to experiment with your surroundings as a form of problem-solving Performance - the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery Simulation - the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real world processes Appropriation - the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content Multitasking - the ability to scan one's environment and shift focus as needed to salient details. Distributed Cognition - the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities Collective Intelligence - the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal Judgment - the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources Transmedia Navigation - the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities Networking - the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information Negotiation - the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms."
Fabrizio Terzi

Bitcoin as Money? - 1 views

The spectacular rise late last year in the price of bitcoin, the dominant virtual currency, has attracted much public attention as well as scholarly interest. This policy brief discusses how some f...

money medium of exchange liquidity speculative bubble

started by Fabrizio Terzi on 18 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation - 0 views

    Canada's new anti-spam legislation (CASL) helps protect Canadians while ensuring that businesses can continue to compete in the global marketplace. On July 1, 2014 Canada's anti-spam law came into effect. I believe it's the strictest in the world. If you email anyone in Canada you need to make sure you comply with this new law. We had to take a number of measures at my company including ceasing all bulk emails until we get our new opt-in database populates; including a footer in all our emails that allows recipients to opt out of receiving emails from us, and company-wide training on CASL and what we need to do to comply. People can be personally liable for violating this law. I'm not sure if the government has any manpower to actually monitor and prosecute any violators but we will see. As a Canadian, I don't think my SPAM had decreased - I actually received more emails to 'opt in' to mailing lists. I have also noticed that almost every message I receive has an unsubscribe option at the bottom, something I've been taking advantage of. I am not sure how this will ultimately affect open knowledge or if it will but it has made me think twice about reaching out to people I don't know over email.

DIGCOMP: A Framework for Developing and Understanding Digital Competence in Europe - 0 views

    by IPTS - European Commission.

21st Century Competencies - 0 views

    Ideals from my old high school that are supposed to be worked into the curriculum of every class, with echoes of Rheingold's five literacies
Pris Laurente

Information Literacy Competencies Standards for Higher Education - 0 views

    Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information." Information literacy also is increasingly important in the contemporary environment of rapid technological change and proliferating information resources.

"Open" in the Age of Competency-based Education - 1 views

    A new, developing application in the area of open educational resources.
Balthas Seibold

Learning by Sharing- How global communities cultivate skills and capacity through peer-... - 12 views

    This piece was published as part of the GIZ compendium "10 trends in open innovation" and talks about self-organized and connected peer-to-peer learning for sustainable human development worldwide. Might be of interest as additional resource for Module 11: Global Perspectives on Equity, Development, and Open Knowledge
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    There are lot of ways to learn nowadays, technology spreads and most of the time it adds to our knowledge thru the information we get. It can be thru our friends, research, or even a single click over the internet. Shared thoughts helps us to understand and accept more about the particular topic, freedom has its own process that could eventually produce a network to others.
    Now people become students and teachers depending on the topic. We can share information, skills . . . that answer the question of what we are and what we will go . . . Non-formal education is more and more important not only in an individual but also in the society. Technologies and Internet can help us to develop our identity (individual and global).
    Dear Pris, dear Jurado, thanks a lot for your comments. I like the ideas and I would particularly like to know more about the thought, that "freedom has its own process tht could eventually produce a network ...". Thanks and cheers, Your Balthas
    Thanks for sharing this great article! These topics are where I would like discussions about open access to start. We may be able to use that base of peer learning communities to think about all the other issues of open access in a new light.

The Open Education Infrastructure, and Why We Must Build It - 1 views

    An article that discusses the importance of infrastructure in building the case for a open model for competency based education.
    In this article, author talk about the importance of building infrastructure of open education. He gives the reasons, and the solutions. I think open education is progressing day by day, so we need to fix many fundamental problems.
    I agree with this post. Establishing an open framework that results in an open infrastructure will help to create a solid foundation for educators and innovators to further improve their cause to their needs and goals, thus improving the system.

Another independent bookstore shutting down: Oscar's Art Books will close - 0 views

    Oscar's Art Books, an independent bookstore that has been operating for 24 years in Vancouver is shutting down. Chain bookstores were once thought to be the biggest threat to small, independent bookstores, but it appears the rise of e-books, not Chapters or Indigo is behind the demise of Oscar's Art Books. Appparently this is not the first bookstore to close the down due to people preferring e-books. What started this? Local bookstores are already competing with chain bookstores, but now, they have new threats that they have to face. If more and more people are turning to e-books, there may be possibility that printed will become a rare thing. There has been a lot of debates of printed vs. ebooks, by the looks of it, e-book is winning.

Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities - 0 views

    There are two versions (at least) of this text. One earlier version is a first draft of sorts "A BOOK CROWDSOURCED IN ONE WEEK MAY 21-28, 2010" The url supplied above (;c=dh;idno=12172434.0001.001;rgn=full%20text;view=toc;xc=1;g=dculture) gives you access to the slicker version. Both can be read online. The text professes to a hacker ethos: "1 The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved. 2 No problem should ever have to be solved twice. 3 Boredom and drudgery are evil. 4 Freedom is good. 5 Attitude is no substitute for competence." One of the opening chapters encourages academics to "get out of the business." "Burn the boats/books" focuses on the need to move away from "librocentrism." Something I hadn't thought of: "A PDF document is not a web-based document. It is a print-based document distributed on the web." This is to make the point that online materials should be interactive, which a pdf is not. The focus is hacking scholarship, teaching, and institutions. Seems worth dipping into here and there .
Dvora Marina Brodsky

Global Alliance on Partnership on Media and Information Literacy - 0 views

    GAPMIL is an international cooperation to ensure that all citizens have access to media and information competencies. This pioneering initiative was launched during the Global Forum for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) which took place from 26 to 28 June 2013.The forum was held under the theme "Promoting Media and Information Literacy as a Means to Cultural Diversity".
Kevin Stranack

Beating the Odds: Building a Publishing "Maker" Culture | American Libraries Magazine - 1 views

    "With the emergence of new publishing tools, public libraries are able to be publishers for themselves. In essence, we can build a Maker culture for local publishing. "
    Thanks! I did not know about Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing. Quite useful!
    Two competing views on the future of publishing, and how shifts in consumer behavior to purchasing or consuming electronic content is causing such a shift in the literary world. I found it interesting to read that a number of open source software platforms were identified as the harbingers of today's self-publishing model online. I never knew Wattpad existed - watt an awesome site (pun intended). I agree with the articles viewpoint about the role that public libraries can play in this shifting landscape. A good read.
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