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CLTV - Video Games and 21st Century Literacy - 9/11/2014 - YouTube - 2 views

    "CLTV - Video Games and 21st Century Literacy - 9/11/2014"

video evaluation -socialnomics - 1 views

Totally agree with the term "21st century" :)


Diane Vahab

21st Century fluency Project Making Learning Relevant to Your Life - 0 views

    Prezi introducting the fluencies outlined and sourced from

The 5 Main Fluencies of The 21st Century Learning ~ Educational Technology and Mobile L... - 0 views

    October 29, 2014 Today I want to share with you this awesome read I came across in Global Citizen Education. The article is entitled " 21st Century Fluencies" and is basically based on Crockett et al.'s book Literacy is Not Enough .

Changes in the Knowledge of the 21st century?! - 3 views

I recommend you an article on What Knowledge Is of Most Worth: Teacher Knowledge for 21st Century Learning, written by Kristen Kereluik, Punya Mishra, Chris Fahnoe and Laura Terry from Michigan Sta...


started by gabriela_t on 07 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

About - iStock - Build It and They Will Come - 0 views

    History of iStock In 2000, if you wanted to load up on digital stock photos you had to buy a CD-ROM. But iStock realized that in the 21st century the old way of distributing images wasn't going to work anymore. Instead of trying to sell physical copies of digital files, iStock put images online for free and saw a creative community grow around this radical idea. Web designers loved it and downloaded as many pictures as they could. Some of them had digital cameras and started uploading images of their own. When the monthly bandwidth bills topped $10,000, we asked the iStock community if they would support paying for images. The response was overwhelmingly positive.
v woolf

White Paper: Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for t... - 0 views

    The competencies discussed by Dr. Jenkins in the Module 3 video, for those who are interested, are: "Play - the capacity to experiment with your surroundings as a form of problem-solving Performance - the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery Simulation - the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real world processes Appropriation - the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content Multitasking - the ability to scan one's environment and shift focus as needed to salient details. Distributed Cognition - the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities Collective Intelligence - the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal Judgment - the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources Transmedia Navigation - the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities Networking - the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information Negotiation - the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms."

21st Century Competencies - 0 views

    Ideals from my old high school that are supposed to be worked into the curriculum of every class, with echoes of Rheingold's five literacies
Philip Sidaway

"The Library of the 21st century, through its online repository, is transforming the ro... - 9 views

    This is a weekly series highlighting Open Access Button users from around the world, discussing their work, and sharing their stories. If you would like to participate, please email Professor Ernesto Priego, part of the team at City University London's Library and Information Science Course, was thankfully able to chat with us after a...
    This title is SO meaningful. People always ask what librarians do in this digital-Google-era. Librarians enable access, that is what they do! And in many ways. In educating people on open access, how to search databases, by searching databases for patrons, by searching the full-text, by contacting other libraries to get interlibrary loans, etc. etc. etc. The role of the librarian today is still very important and relevant. Technologies did not diminish the role of the librarians, technologies pushed it to very advanced, specialized and precise roles.

Information Literacy and Engaging the 21st Century Learner - 4 views

    This video highlights ways in which educators (and parents) can incorporate 21st century skills in their lessons to digital natives. Admittedly, as a teacher, I get overwhelmed by all of the information out there and feel pressure to use technology that I'm still learning to be comfortable with. This is a good video that can show you how to get started, geared more towards middle/upper school.
    The video begins with 3 minutes of visuals and - very annoying - piano music. I would have turned it off after 30 seconds because I assumed that there would be 13 minutes of this. But since fraup74 says it was a good video I skipped ahead to see if there was more. Otherwise, I would not have persevered. In terms of content, it is a good basic resource (a woman speaks, using screenshots to show how to use online tools). The video is not very engaging.
Kevin Stranack

The Public Library as a Community Hub for Connected Learning - 9 views

    "This paper provides a brief overview of the ideas and principles underlying the connected learning movement, highlighting examples of how libraries are boosting 21st century learning and promoting community development by partnering with a range of organisations and individuals to incorporate connected opportunities into their programmes"
  • ...2 more comments...
    Robert Darnton about the centrality of public libraries (in the distant 2008): Meanwhile, I say: shore up the library. Stock it with printed matter. Reinforce its reading rooms. But don't think of it as a warehouse or a museum. While dispensing books, most research libraries operate as nerve centers for transmitting electronic impulses. They acquire data sets, maintain digital repositories, provide access to e-journals, and orchestrate information systems that reach deep into laboratories as well as studies. Many of them are sharing their intellectual wealth with the rest of the world by permitting Google to digitize their printed collections. Therefore, I also say: long live Google, but don't count on it living long enough to replace that venerable building with the Corinthian columns. As a citadel of learning and as a platform for adventure on the Internet, the research library still deserves to stand at the center of the campus, preserving the past and accumulating energy for the future. Source: The Research Library in the Digital Age. Available:
    Thank you very much Kevin for this report. For me has been very ilustrative; my last experience with internet connection, collaboration and public libraries in Spain was that the person in charge of the lecture hall told me I was not allowed to plug the mobile phone charger in (as I was running out of battery with my smart phone), but that I could use the library desk computers (only for 30 minutes per day for free...) I was really disgusted and for me it is great to hear that in other countries these initiatives are taking place. Thanks!
    Thanks Kevin for sharing this.
    El lado oscuro de las bibliotecas: "¿Quieren leer? Pues a pagar" Es un delirio: cuando tomemos prestado un libro de una biblioteca será preciso pagar un canon

Global Digital Citizen Foundation - 2 views

    Resources for 21st century learning

November Learning - 3 views

    Many resources for educators related to 21st century learning
Kim Baker

How a Simple Spambot Became the Second Most Powerful Member of an Italian Social Network - 5 views

    "The surprising story of how an experiment to automate the creation of popularity and influence became successful beyond all expectation. Sometimes fascinating discoveries are made entirely by accident. This is a good example." This article shows how digital identify can be constructed and manipulated, leading to questions around authenticity. How many of us would have also been fooled by that Spambot? This example also reinforces why information literacy is now one of the most essential skills for the 21st century.

The Right to Read - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation - 0 views

    For those that haven't seen it, Richard Stallman's dystopian short story, written in 1997, on a dilemma posed by the use of computers and licensed content in the mid 21st century.

Phoning It In: My Year of Teaching Via Skype - 2 views

    This piece is related to the idea of open knowledge in that it deals with one professor's year-long experiment with synchronous teaching over a Skype connection. While the professor felt that it worked better and more seamlessly than anyone could have imagined, he remains unsure as to whether telepedagogy has a place in our traditional academic settings. While a bit different in scope, idea and execution than a mooc, it is another example of new ways in which traditional learning is giving way to 21st technology. Video conferencing is now an every day part of most businesses, and here is an entire semester's class being "phoned in" via Skype. As the article points out, its usefulness in a traditional setting is up in the air. Yet there would seem to be an obvious utility in bringing this give and take classroom setting to remote locations that might have internet access but not easy access to schools or specific professors. Yet another way to make knowledge or the access to knowledge more open.
    Great post .. Well I think it may take time for people to adapt into the digital situations.. And in developing counties situation is even worst than that.. not only with skype , online at all would not work because people think and so use to the didactic pedagogy. All the things are centered with in the teachers presence..

Social Media in Education: Resource Roundup - 2 views

    This collection of blogs, articles, and videos from Edutopia aims to help teachers deploy social media tools in the classroom to engage students in 21st-century learning.
    I enjoyed Mimi Ito's piece on learning in the social media space. She spoke about some parents feeling that online activities are hostile to learning. Interesting to think about the generation gap experienced in new media. As a parent/ home educator I am excited by the online opportunities open to my young son.Thank you for this link.
Gerald Louw

European Law Works to Move Copyright Into the 21st Century - 0 views

    Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt digitized a book from German publisher Eugen Ulmer KG without receiving permission in order to post sections of it for course reading. Eugen Ulmer filed suit, and on Sept.

índio mora em oca? - 1 views

    Does it still exist? Where do you live today? They can live in apartments? There are five hundred and eleven years ago, when our mother was Invaded Earth, some indigenous peoples living in different places: houses made straw, wood and clay. Each family had its full casa.Em 21st century some believe to be Indian Indian has to live in the respective housing (hollow), and in some villages there are still families who reside in this type of housing. However we know that the world revolves around globalization, indigenous and we (like everyone else) are predisposed to adhere to such technological advances if we deem it necessary to facilitate our life. The Brazilian society has changed greatly with respect to their homes, many living in buildings, or smaller house and still find riparian that make their homes on the banks of rivers. We also many indigenous peoples, living in their villages in houses of bricks, covered with shingles, or in homes made ​​of clay covered with straw or other Buriti palm. Still have Indians who live in owned or rented large apartments in big cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. As each country or region has its typical form of housing, and seek to improve the comfort of your family, so we are indigenous peoples, but the culture remains alive regardless of residence or the place where they live or are. What makes the Indian being Indian is not in the house yes, but tradition and ritual that revives every day, the strongest memories passed on from parents to children is in hollow, townhouses or apartments, once Indian always an Indian.
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