This detailed historical novel takes readers into Gutenberg's 15th-century Mainz workshop to experience the frustration and exhilaration of designing, typesetting, and rolling the first printed Bible off the press.
Pongamos, por enumerar solamente unas pocas, que las competencias que demandamos para nuestros hijos en el siglo XXI son las siguientes: que sean ciudadanos cívicamente implicados, que contribuyan a construir y sostener nuestra convivencia democrática, respetando y conviviendo con la diversidad y la heterogeneidad de las personas que conforman nuestra sociedad; que sepan ponerse en [...]
This video was prepared by the UK branch of Dorling Kindersley Books and produced by Khaki Films ( Originally meant solely for a DK sales conference, the video was such a hit internally that it is now being shared externally. We hope you enjoy it (and make sure you watch it up to at least the halfway point, there's a surprise!).
"But it's not the original, it's just a facsimile!" How often have we heard such a retort when confronted with an otherwise perfect reproduction of a painting? No question about it, the obsession of the age is for the original version. Only the original possesses an aura, this mysterious and mystical quality that no second hand version will ever get. But paradoxically, this obsession for pinpointing originality increases proportionally with the availability and accessibility of more and more copies of better and better quality. If so much energy is devoted to the search for the original - for archeological and marketing reasons- it is because the possibility of making copies has never been so open-ended. If no copies of the Mona Lisa existed would we pursue it with such energy - and, would we devise so many conspiracy theories to decide whether or not the version held under glass and protected by sophisticated alarms is the original surface painted by Leonardo's hand or not. In other words, the intensity of the search for the original depends on the amount of passion and the number of interests triggered by its copies. No copies, no original. In order to stamp a piece with the mark of originality, you need to apply to its surface the huge pressure that only a great number of reproductions can provide.
Although IASCP is devoted to the study of institutions for the management of environmental resources (such as forests, oceans and land) held or used collectively by communities, its WWW site provides a wealth of information for scholars of common pool resources in diverse disciplines. It also seeks to allow an exchange of scholarship between members, researchers, students and other CPR practitioners. Publishes quarterly journal called Common Property Resource Digest.
WWW site includes:
(a) Searchable CPR bibliographies (see entry for Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis)
(b) abstracts of papers from past IASCP conferences
(c) links to online articles, bibliographies and information sources on common pool resources
(d) information on IASCP conferences and membership.
Free access to 3 articles:
The Unfolding of the Knowledge Commons
pp. 13-24(12)
Author: Hess, Charlotte
Free Content From Lobsters to Universities: The Making of the Knowledge Commons
pp. 25-42(18)
Author: Caffentzis, C. George
Open Access Scientific Publishing and the Developing World
pp. 43-69(27)
Author: Contreras, Jorge
I think Elinor Ostrom's approach to commons pool resources (used by Hess, for example) is very useful not only for understand the case of natural resources as commons (the tragedy of the commons to which it was originally applied), but to matters more close to this course, as knowledge. The approach is useful because it complicates the original perspective on commons. Originally (Elinor Ostrom) her perspective considered only group boundaries clearly defined (very small groups, peasants or indigenous); rules governing the use of collective goods well matched to local needs and conditions; cases where most individuals affected by these rules can participate in modifying the rules; the right of community members to devise their own rules is respected by external authorities; monitoring mechanisms by community & graduated sanctions. With the new commons (surprisingly, not only knowledge but roads, budgets, radio spectrum; medical commons, atmospheric commons and even silence as commons), new questions rises on the evolution or building new types of commons with no pre-existing rules and norms; increasingly complex; with size, communities, incentives often unknown; extremely dynamic; reactions to threats of enclosure; heterogeneous community; new forms of collaboration and collective action; and global in many cases. I think is a perspective that can help a lot in the case of knowledge and new forms of learning.
En los últimos tiempos varios amigos han puesto a la venta de segunda mano numerosos libros en papel en algunas de las librerías de Internet que ofrecen este servicio, mucho más bajo el prisma de comprobar el funcionamiento del servicio y la elasticidad al precio, que por generar una fuente de ingresos.
The report was released as part of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) Technology Watch series. Title Preserving eBooks (DPC Technology Watch Report 14-01; June 2014) Authors Sheila Morrissey Ithaka S+R Source Digital Preservation Coalition Abstract This report discusses current developments and issues with which public, national, and higher education libraries, publishers, aggregators, and preservation institutions must contend to ensure long-term access to eBook content.
' Pirate Philosophy' explores how the development of various forms of so - called internet piracy is affecting ideas of the author, the book, the scholarly journal, peer review, intellectual property, copyright law, content creation and cultural production that were established pre - internet. To this end it contains a number of contributions that engage with the philosophy of internet piracy, as well as the emergence out of peer-to-peer file sharing networks of actual social movements- even a number of political 'Pirate Parties'
Culture Machine Journal of Culture and Theory Vol 10 (2009)
Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it highlights the value of free and open access to information.
Información en español sobre derechos de autor y su majo en América Latina. La información es producida por el Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), un organismo intergubernamental, bajo los auspicios de la UNESCO, que trabaja en la creación de condiciones para el desarrollo de sociedades lectoras.
From Book Censorship to Academic Peer Review Mario Biagioli
Together with tenure, peer review is probably the most distinctive feature of the modern academic system. Peer review, we are told, sets academia apart from all other professions by construing value through peer judgment, not market dynamics. Given the remarkable epistemological and symbolic burden placed on peer review, it is surprising to find that so little research has analyzed it either empirically (in its actual daily practices) or philosophically (as one of the conditions of possibility of academic knowledge).
Genomicist Neil Hall sparked an online tempest this summer by proposing a "Kardashian Index," or K-index-a comparison of a scientist's number of Twitter followers with their citations. Scientists with a high score on the index, named after the reality TV star Kim Kardashian, one of the most popular celebrities on the social media platform, should "get off Twitter" and write more papers, suggested Hall, who works at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom.
Sin duda, Olga, el asunto es más complicado que el índice K (inicial muy familiar para ti, supongo) y va más allá, coincido, de los rígidos esquemas de estímulos clásicos para sumar puntos en la academia. El vínculo lo puse un poco jugando, porque el que hayan intentado construir un índice académico cuya referencia sea la inefable Kardashian me pareció todo un logro y de un cinismo subido. Saludos desde una lluviosa Ciudad de México.
Varios razones para proponer el texto: es una visión crítica de los medios sociales (que vale la pena repasar, aunque no se esté de acuerdo necesariamente con todas las premisas); los vincula con el entorno democrático y de poder, y creo que aporta al texto que nos propusieron como lectura del módulo 3,, Against Henry Jenkins. Otra ventaja es que está en español.
Me sorprende la diferencia entre artículos en español puestos en la Wikipedia y, por ejemplo, los que hay en holándés. Si aceptamos que hay 500 millones de hablantes de español (en 2012,, 2012) contra 23 millones que hablan holandés, ¿por qué la diferencia tan marcada en artículos entre ambas lenguas? Según la propia Wikipedia, hay 1 790 118 de artículos en holandés y 1 125 621 en español. Supongo que hay varias maneras de explicar la poca participación de Iberoamérica en el conjunto de la construcción social del conocimiento, por la que apuesta la Wikipedia, pero me resisto a reducirlo a una sola variable.
It's amazing the difference between Spanish articles posts on Wikipedia, if we compare them with, for example, the Dutch case. If we accept that there are 500 million Spanish speakers (in 2012,, 2012) against 23 million Dutch speakers, why the difference between items is so marked between both languages? According to Wikipedia itself, there are 1,790,118 articles in Dutch and in Spanish 1,125,621. I guess there are several ways to explain the low participation of Latin America in the whole social construction of knowledge, by betting the Wikipedia, but I refuse to be reduced to a single variable as university degrees.
Denis Diderot's 'Rameau's Nephew': A Multi-Media Edition, edited by M. Hobson, translated by K. Tunstall and C. Warman, with music by the Conservatoire national de musique de Paris.
OBP, academic publishing of peer-reviewed open access monographs in the humanities and social sciences NaturaLista es un proyecto de una institución gubernamental mexicana, Conabio. Han creado esta una herramienta de ciencia ciudadana donde los usuarios pueden aprender sobre plantas, hongos y animales y contribuir al conocimiento científico de la naturaleza de México. Según el sitio oficial, NaturaLista es red social, enciclopedia, catálogo fotográfico, mapoteca, guía de campo y sobre todo un pasatiempo educativo. La plataforma actualmente contiene información de más de 70 mil especies mexicanas ( nativas y endémicas del país ), de especies en riesgo en México y en el mundo, y de especies introducidas (exóticas). NaturaList is a project of a mexican government agency, Conabio. They have created this citizen science tool where users can learn about plants, fungi and animals and contribute to the scientific knowledge of the nature of Mexico. According to the official site, NaturaList is a social network encyclopedia a photographic catalog, and map, field guide and above all an educational pastime. The platform currently contains information on more than 70,000 Mexican species (native and endemic to the country), species at risk in Mexico and the world, and introduced species (exotic).