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Artists and the mind in the 21st century - 2 views This study draws on the work of eight New England artists to show significant change in the way contemporary artists visualize t...

started by elsatorfer on 06 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Kevin Stranack

Publishing Education in the 21st Century and the Role of the University - 0 views

    "This article argues for a model of university-level (graduate and undergraduate) publishing education that builds upon a vocational self-identification of incoming students, nurtures a community of practice and professional discourse, and in doing so generates and renews the very culture of publishing. In times of transition and disruption, this is a role uniquely suited to the university, where an environment of collaborative research, development, and innovation can be cultivated. "
    Kevin: Muchas gracias por la referencia. Es interesante no solo el artículo que mencionas sino varios de los textos del número monográfico, Dear Kevin: Thank you very much for the info. Interestingly, not only the article but several of the texts of special issue.

Best Websites for Teaching & Learning 2014 | American Association of School Librarians ... - 14 views

    "The 2014 Best Websites for Teaching & Learning foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. "
  • ...3 more comments...
    This as teachers place to go - Standards for the 21st-Century Learner.
    Terrific resource. I know just who to share it with.
    Excelente sitio, con buenos recursos! muchas gracias :)
    This is fantastic! I just shared this on twitter, and will forward the link to teacher colleagues. Teachers are always looking for ways to make learning fun and different, and they also like those resources to be free!
    Awesome! This site definitely will help teachers to have different and productive classes.
Kim Baker

21st Century Information Fluency - 3 views

    Information Fluency is the ability to locate digital information efficiently, evaluate it effectively and use it ethically.
    It also needs to be noted that this model has been critiqued by Sanderson for not taking into account different cultural lenses, and is biased towards the West - this also applies to most models of IL..See more here: :
    Hi, Kim, I have like this articles and think that the image of information fluency it is clear. Thank for sharing Julia
Pris Laurente

A student guide to personal publishing - 0 views

    jostens...good to see them join the 21st century. But why are they still pushing paper yearbooks on us?
Julia Echeverría

What's in store for YOUR digital future? - 9 views

    300,000+ contributors, 2 years of collaboration, 3 key recommendations. Check out Our Digital Future: a crowdsourced report on sharing and collaborating in the 21st century.
    Muy buena publicación, Julia, con una gran propuesta visual y todo. Los grandes editores aumentan los precios y la comunidad virtual busca la manera de superar ese obstáculo puesto al conocimiento.

From Intellectual Property to the Economy of Knowledge - 0 views

I would like to share with eveyone this text from a Brazilian economist who was born in Poland, named Ladislau Dowbor, and whose words are more than exciting and fresh to me.

open knowledge

started by gabrielromitelli on 04 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Knowledge as a global public good - 0 views

Joseph Stiglitz has a really important term for me to define and understand what knowledge is, economically and culturally. He defines it as a global public good, on the sense that it is non rival ...

knowledge global public good

started by gabrielromitelli on 04 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Participatory culture - 1 views

    Participatory culture is the way to go for young people in the 21st century.

Few great ways to teach critical thinking and problem solving - 1 views

    The article shows the differences and similarities between critical thinking and problem solving - one of the pillars of the 21st century.
    Great article. Thank you
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