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Contents contributed and discussions participated by selviwati


Providers of Free MOOC's Now Charge Employers for Access to Student Data - 0 views

    Providers of free online courses are officially in the headhunting business, bringing in revenue by selling to employers information about high-performing students who might be a good fit for open jobs. On Tuesday, Coursera, which works with high-profile colleges to provide massive open online courses, or MOOC's, announced its employee-matching service, called Coursera Career Services.

Behind the MOOC - 2 views

    This video is the project that I made with my partner. We tried to explore the business and sustainable model of MOOC. Hope it will be useful! And yes you can reuse and remix it.

Is There a Sustainable MOOC Business Model? - 0 views

    Is There a Sustainable MOOC Business Model? Is "open" in open eduction will remain open and free from restriction? Can Coursera, Khan Academy, and other MOOC platforms be a $100-million business or a billion dollar business? It will take more time to learn the answer.

The Economics of Open | BCcampus - 1 views

    Good article to start studying and understanding the economic behind open education. This article started by focusing at things like open source software economic models, the business share, and how high technology society and the Internet access affect supply and demand of open education.

Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries network meeting & O... - 0 views

    I think technology has very important role that we should mention. everything that we mentioned above is possible because of technology revolution. and here is the thing; the low-developing countries is the places that need education the most but people in those countries have minimum access to technology like internet and computer. So in this case, can open education really change the world?

The Crisis in Higher Education | MIT Technology Review - 1 views

    A hundred years ago, higher education seemed on the verge of a technological revolution. The spread of a powerful new communication network-the modern postal system-had made it possible for universities to distribute their lessons beyond the bounds of their campuses. Anyone with a mailbox could enroll in a class.
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