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Abdul Naser Tamim

Peer Learning in Higher Education - 3 views

    In everyday life we are learning continually from each other. Whatever the situation, most of us draw on the knowledge, skills and experience of our friends and colleagues. Within any educational setting learners naturally engage in informal peer learning to make sense of their course, test their ideas and share their concerns.
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    Esto viene a ser un aprendizaje colaborativo, que contribuye a la alfabetización de la informaciuón.
    Peer learning is engaging, and researches say that people learns most effectively when they are interacting with each other. It creates this network of knowledge when you share and connect with people, it not only benefits the individual, but benefits everyone as a whole. It also relieves the pressure of University funding with teachers having to teach such a large class, which affects the quality of learning as well. With peer learning, students engage with one another, and will eventually find the correct answer. It is not independent learning, this is interdependent learning.
    Thank you for your share. I think this is a great article that introduces the potential of peer learning in higher education from the teacher's perspective. I agree that connected learning does a great job in promoting student's interactivity, creativity, motivation and interest in learning a particular topic with peers. In addition, peer learning provides learners with opportunities to collaborate and learn a subject together, which might maximize the productivity if used in a correct way. Peers and collaborative learners can do their own research separately, and meet together to discuss and express different opinions on the issue, which can inspire student's deep thinking. However, peer learning and collaborative learning is not always superior to individual work, or contributing to the learning result of every individual. Sometimes it might decrease the learning productivity if the group members or peer partners over reply on others in the group without doing much themselves, or if they didn't communicate well. Thus it's important to practice students learning ability and teacher's facilitating ability in peer learning or collaborative learning.

What is Connected Learning | Connected Learning - 0 views

    Description: A synthesis of theories, principles and core values of connected learning 

Connected Learning - 2 views

    Connected learning is when you're pursuing expertise around something you care deeply about, and you're supported by friends & institutions who share this common passion that is tuned to the demands and opportunities of the digital age. This is the first in a series of three short animated films that explores why today's learners need a learning approach designed for our times, what connected learning looks like, and what is at stake if we do not make learning relevant. To learn more, visit­earning
Kevin Stranack

The Public Library as a Community Hub for Connected Learning - 9 views

    "This paper provides a brief overview of the ideas and principles underlying the connected learning movement, highlighting examples of how libraries are boosting 21st century learning and promoting community development by partnering with a range of organisations and individuals to incorporate connected opportunities into their programmes"
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    Robert Darnton about the centrality of public libraries (in the distant 2008): Meanwhile, I say: shore up the library. Stock it with printed matter. Reinforce its reading rooms. But don't think of it as a warehouse or a museum. While dispensing books, most research libraries operate as nerve centers for transmitting electronic impulses. They acquire data sets, maintain digital repositories, provide access to e-journals, and orchestrate information systems that reach deep into laboratories as well as studies. Many of them are sharing their intellectual wealth with the rest of the world by permitting Google to digitize their printed collections. Therefore, I also say: long live Google, but don't count on it living long enough to replace that venerable building with the Corinthian columns. As a citadel of learning and as a platform for adventure on the Internet, the research library still deserves to stand at the center of the campus, preserving the past and accumulating energy for the future. Source: The Research Library in the Digital Age. Available:
    Thank you very much Kevin for this report. For me has been very ilustrative; my last experience with internet connection, collaboration and public libraries in Spain was that the person in charge of the lecture hall told me I was not allowed to plug the mobile phone charger in (as I was running out of battery with my smart phone), but that I could use the library desk computers (only for 30 minutes per day for free...) I was really disgusted and for me it is great to hear that in other countries these initiatives are taking place. Thanks!
    Thanks Kevin for sharing this.
    El lado oscuro de las bibliotecas: "¿Quieren leer? Pues a pagar" Es un delirio: cuando tomemos prestado un libro de una biblioteca será preciso pagar un canon

Connected Learning Infographic | Connected Learning - 2 views

    A visual look at the characteristics of connected learning.

Connected Learning: You Have the World at Your Fingertips - YouTube - 2 views

    This is the digital project I created for this course. It's an animated video introducing the topic connected learning. I shared the it on Stanford Education with all the details, I just want to also share here to reach large audiences. Hope it's helpful for you guys. :) 
    This video is interesting. thanks for sharing your video with us. Yes, its very helpful for connected learning .
Kevin Stranack

Self-directed learning - a critique - 9 views

Great post to help us balance the conversation, Colin. As you probably noticed, I'm one of the those evangelists for self-determined learning, but I do respect the point. I'd argue that traditional...



The Crisis in Higher Education | MIT Technology Review - 1 views

    A hundred years ago, higher education seemed on the verge of a technological revolution. The spread of a powerful new communication network-the modern postal system-had made it possible for universities to distribute their lessons beyond the bounds of their campuses. Anyone with a mailbox could enroll in a class.
    This article provides a clear overview of the evolution of higher education along with the rapid development of technology during the past 100 year, and raises the issue whether today's networked education model has posted threat to higher education. Today's the rapid development of Internet and social networks have changed the way we learn, access information and connect with others. The emergence and popularity of MOOCs and various social media have brought a new learning model, connected learning, which is largely used in university and college courses. It expands learners' opportunities of learning, and brings them huge convenience to access information, share thoughts, and communicated with learners from world wide on the same topic. Learning in the current information age subverted the way we learn in traditional learning models, and sometimes caused problems. But I think it's normal for a new thing to cause problems, but as long as we figure out ways to overcome the problems and best utilize the new learning model and resource, it will bring us huge opportunities.
Balthas Seibold

Knowledge Commons .de » Peer-producing knowledge: a game-changer for developm... - 4 views

    Learning modes and principles of open, commons-based peer-production therefor have the potential to provide the "gold standard" of enhancing future skills, competencies, connections, capacities of people and their organisations on a global scale. In short: peer-to-peer learning around open, commons-based peer-production is a game changer in international development cooperation.
Kim Baker

Cybergogue: A Critique of Connectivism as a Learning Theory - 7 views

    "Having explored a "learning theory" that George Siemens (2005; 2006a) and Stephen Downes (2005; 2007) developed for a networked and digital world called connectivism. Fascinating and extensive conversations in the blogosphere and in educational journals debate whether connectivism is a new learning theory or whether it is merely a digital extension of constructivism."
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    I think the table in the end of the post is very useful to compare the 4 learning theories: Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivism Connectivis
    I agree, is a wonderful delineation.
    The article is great. I only have one observation, we always assume learning is all about connecting special nodes and sources of information but we forget that the opposite is also learning. When we disconnect our wrong nodes and sources of information in terms of beliefs and wrong information, I believe we are also learning.

Extremely inspiring (and "crazy" in a good way!) talk about using video games to change... - 9 views

    Dr Jane McGonigal (a professional game developer) talks about the time spent playing video games (which approximates to the span of human evolution), and that this time has to increase to make any major changes to the world. I have selected this resource partially in relation to week 3's Clarke's lecture (and others), which talks about using our idle time to do something meaningful - participate in citizen science games, for example. Dr McGonigal's talk very much illustrates this point - except that it talks about solving global issues through indirect games, e.g. a World Without Oil online game simulates a world in which you have to survive oil shortage. Creator's research shows, that people maintain the skills and habits they have taken up after playing this intense game, which include making better choices for our changing environment. The only difference here from actual citizen science games is that Dr McGonigal's games are fictional (rather than providing direct data / input for actual scientific research), however, they empower people to influence global change, which is the topic of the other lectures this week, especially Morozov's thoughts about the power of internet and connectiveness to create "revolutions". Although Morozov has taken up a rather critical view, suggesting only those who want it, take the best from the Internet, Dr McGonigal's ideas might be what bridges the two - taking games, which are integral part of many people's lives, especially in the younger generation, and turning them into real "life schools" may help more people get the idea and the essential skills to "fix" their environments. In all honesty, this is a video I would watch again and again, and recommend it to anyone who would listen (and that doesn't happen often for me).
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    Very interesting view about gaming in a digital world and gaming in a real world. How to balance both world is the challenge that we are all facing. One can see the advantage of computer gaming but also the disconnect with nature that over gaming can create.
    A very interesting perspective. I took a course of Organisational Analysis offered in Coursera by Stanford University and, in the modules of "Learning Organisations" and "Organizational Culture" we reviewed this issue. Gamers usually develop different skills by playing online games as World of Warcraft, such as: communication, decision making, collaborative work, frustration tolerance and goals setting. This is because they practice, in an alternative world, many different real life situations. In addition, in clinical psychology are using virtual games to treat pacients and educate chilldrens. So, for that reasons, i think it is something really possible.
    A thought-provoking viewpoint of gaming related to reality.Gamers can become empowered in the real world through skills learnt through gaming. Gaming is changing the look of education. 'Latest games are finally unlocking the key to making learning more fun' by Emmanuel Felton.
    Gamification for learning - using game elements - sounds very promising. Prior to the internet, technology, there were board games or hands on projects - all with the intent to engage and interact with each other. So it is no surprise to me given the appropriate design/project that students can learn and solve real world problems. Letting students choose their persona and role also allows them to make their own future and take ownership for how they want to participate. Just like the original promise of multimedia training that was purported to replace the traditional classroom events and enable getting the "best" teacher recorded for all to have the same experience...I believe it was then thought that the learning experience needs o be "blended". Different techniques - online, face to face, etc.. This is not my field of expertise so these are just personal opinions. If the online game approach can be combined with face to face and tactile/outdoor activities, aka a blended approach - I think that might be very useful. I do also believe that design solutions should be encouraging win win situations to reinforce collaboration and the feeling that all can succeed. One question I might have is how do you measure success in learning?
    Gaming promoters unfortunately for me have a commercial agenda and its always difficult to make that balance of pure learning and commercialization aspect
Penelope Hamblin

Cool connected learning project at Chattanooga Public Library - 2 views

    Chattanooga (no, I don't work or live there) is building the infrastructure for connected learning for all citizens. Gigabit broadband. Public library spaces where learners and entrepreneurs can play with all kinds of tools, not just tech ones. Make.Play.Read.Learn is a summer program offered by the library and the local Mozilla Hive Learning Community. I love the statement, "If you are reading this, you are already participating."

My design of an open course - 12 views

Dear Julia and Dilrukshi, Thank you for getting back to me and for your encouragement. I know it's been a while and this is not entirely good practice, but I would appreciate your feedback on the d...

mooc Open Knowledge

Balthas Seibold

Learning by Sharing- How global communities cultivate skills and capacity through peer-... - 12 views

    This piece was published as part of the GIZ compendium "10 trends in open innovation" and talks about self-organized and connected peer-to-peer learning for sustainable human development worldwide. Might be of interest as additional resource for Module 11: Global Perspectives on Equity, Development, and Open Knowledge
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    There are lot of ways to learn nowadays, technology spreads and most of the time it adds to our knowledge thru the information we get. It can be thru our friends, research, or even a single click over the internet. Shared thoughts helps us to understand and accept more about the particular topic, freedom has its own process that could eventually produce a network to others.
    Now people become students and teachers depending on the topic. We can share information, skills . . . that answer the question of what we are and what we will go . . . Non-formal education is more and more important not only in an individual but also in the society. Technologies and Internet can help us to develop our identity (individual and global).
    Dear Pris, dear Jurado, thanks a lot for your comments. I like the ideas and I would particularly like to know more about the thought, that "freedom has its own process tht could eventually produce a network ...". Thanks and cheers, Your Balthas
    Thanks for sharing this great article! These topics are where I would like discussions about open access to start. We may be able to use that base of peer learning communities to think about all the other issues of open access in a new light.
Nataša Ljubić Klemše

Can Public Education Coexist with Participatory Culture? - 3 views

    An interesting overview of the challenges that both teachers and students face in the era of participatory culture
    By Elisabeth Losh in Information Science and Web 2.0.
    Two interesting links extracted from the article: Connected learning Connected Learning is an educational approach designed for our ever-changing world. It makes learning relevant to all populations, to real life and real work, and to the realities of the digital age, where the demand for learning never stops.
Guaraciara Silva


Resource: ZELLO APP Website: It is a free tool and anyone can do until five profiles freely. It is available in 10 different languages as English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Ital...

knowledge zello app resources access global network

started by Guaraciara Silva on 18 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Connected learning - 0 views

    Connected learning is the way to go!
Kevin Stranack

Educators Connect Learning Through Citizen Science | Educator Innovator - 2 views

    Using the citizen science model for science education.
    Good connection between citizen science and learning, that I did not find so evident in the course content. Thanks!
Leticia Lafuente López

Why Connecte Learning - 2 views

Thank you very much for these two videos!



Connected Learning via Exchange 2.0 - 0 views

    Today's learners will be key players in societies and workforces that require multi-lateral and cross-cultural cooperation. Throughout, learn why--and how--virtual exchange programs can lead to empathetic, global, connected learning that prepares youth for tomorrow's world.
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