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Tomas Moreira

Airline distribution - 0 views

  • THE INTERNET HAS A LOT TO ANSWER FOR IN MAKING LIFE DIFFICULT FOR TODAY'S AIRLINE LEADERS. Information technology has always created headaches for management, but the appearance of the internet added a whole new dimension of transparency – of prices and seat availability. This engaged the consumer more directly and opened up new opportunities for intermediary dealing
  • These, the so-called online travel agents (OTAs), were not in reality agents paid by the airline. They merely were able to insert themselves in the selling chain because they provided the public with an attractive proposition. And, instead of selling tickets directly, they referred a would-be traveller on – either to the airline directly or to a global distribution system (GDS), which then paid the OTA for the referra
  • American found this distasteful, firstly because the heavy accent on prices alone led to commoditisation of the airline’s product; and secondly because the GDS – to add insult to injury – was paying the OTA out of the fee the GDS then charged American for the referral. The concentration on pricing, argued American, meant that qualitative and other valuable items were overlooked. If instead the customers had gone to American’s website directly, they would have been able to see the full range of upsell opportunities, therefore preventing American from maximising its ancillary revenues.
    This article talks about the challenges of internet referral webpages that is hurting American Airlines and other big airlines.  This is an example of how this travel business is loosing profit by paying referral fees.
Paulette Grant

Sabre and United Airlines sign new distribution and merchandising agreement «... - 1 views

  • Sabre and United will co-develop solutions using next-generation technology that will permit United to offer more relevant personalized offers to their loyal customers.  These advancements will also better promote and disclose the unique value of the airline’s different fare and ancillary products and services to travel agents with additional descriptive text and graphics for enhanced on-screen merchandising within the Sabre Red Workspace and through Sabre Web Services.
    Sabre, one of the three largest Global Distribution System signs a long-term agreement with United Airlines. This agreement would allow customers to provide ancillary products and services to customers through the Sabre market place. With United airlines and Sabre joining forces they will use the latest technology allowing both companies to provide more personalize products and services to customers. Sabre will market United Airline ancillary products including air fares and economy plus seats to passengers that buy products and services from Sabre in a way that would differentiate United Airlines products from that of its competitors. Other Global Distribution systems such as Amadeus and Travelport are presently making it a standard policy, mandating airlines to provide ancillary products and services to GDS. American airline one of the major airline who for a long time was reluctant to market its ancillary products through GDS is now one of the many airlines that are presently jumping aboard the GDS wagon. The airlines are beginning to see the benefit of expanding their brand globally through GDS and reaping substantial revenue beyond the sale of air fares.
Stephanie Menendez

Air Moldova :: News :: Apollo global distribution system - 0 views

  • Air Moldova airline has implemented isuance of electronic tickets (e-ticketing) via Apollo global distribution system that is highly popular between travel agencies in USA.
  • Travellport Company
  • global distribution system (GDS)
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Apollo
  • Worldspan
  • Airline IT Solutions
  • Electronic ticket cannot be lost
  • GDS will increase airlines sales channels on north American market by granting the access to its transportation for more agents based in there business Apollo GDS.
  • Electronic ticket can be booked and paid via internet or at the agency’s desk.
  • issuing proses is easier,
  • Galileo
  • quicker and cheaper.

Airline Security: 'Body Scanners' Being Removed From Major Airports, Says Transportatio... - 0 views

  • The Transportation Security Administration is taking so-called body scanners that use a specific type of technology out of major airports and moving them to less-busy ones.
  • The reason for the move, said the TSA, is operational efficiency.
  • "TSA is strategically reallocating backscatter advance imaging technology units in order to allow for expanded use of advance imaging technology units at other airports,"
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  • The millimeter wave units that are arriving in the larger airports use a different type of technology. The machines do produce different types of images, but the customer experience is the same. Millimeter wave produces a generic outline of the passenger being scanned, while backscatter is more specific. The TSA maintains that with backscatter technology, the officer doing the screening cannot identify the person being scanned and the image is immediately discarded.
  • "It's not feasible to have the two different types of machines in the same airport,"
  • No matter the technology, the machines still have their detractors.
    Advanced technologies have always been tested or applied in large airports for operational effciency and better travel experience. This is an interesting article about the latest technology that will be used in major airports. The Transportation Security Administration gave reasons that why they want to relocate backscatter advance imaging technology units to smaller airports. Firstly, it allows the use of advance imaging technology units in some smaller airports. Secondly the newly introduced millimeter wave units can work faster in saving time and perform better in protecting the privacy of travelers since it just shows the outline of the passenger's body, while not a specific one. Thirdly under the economical consideration, it is better to use one type of machine in the same airport so they don't need different training and maintenance.  So larger airports can just use the latest technology for their large amount of work while smaller airports can benefit from the one with backscatter technology because of the smaller workload. Both sides will be satisfied if this transfer can be done successfully. 
yiran DING

Airlines vs. the World | An Analysis of Future GDS & OTA Trends | By Douglas Quinby - 1 views

    This article analysis the future of the GDS for airlines from both the airline company's perspective and the marketing perspective. The conflicts between airlines and GDS and the agencies is a recycling battle. It has been back and forth with the airlines withdraw from the system and ended up renewing contracts. The most recent war initiated by American airline pulled its inventory from Orbitz in December, 2010, in order to force GDS Travelport to drop the distribution cost. The two parties need each other and it is time for them to reach common ground and have mutual benefits.Delta has done something for that by adopting three second-tire OTAs. But those are the short-term issues. In the long term is that " airlines' long-term strategy to advance distribution from fare- and schedule-led selling to merchandising. " The article also give a marketing perspective. It shows the intention of American Airline to build a system that link directly to the airline that don`t have to obey the searching rules of the agency. It also listed nine unanswered questions and wild cards, which indicates the risk of this strategic shift.

The Global Distribution Systems (GDS) Market - 0 views

  • A Market of 3 Companies Reinventing their Relevance
  • The reports of the death of global distribution systems (GDS) have been greatly exaggerated. Several industry analysts believed that GDS would not last long and that airlines would eventually shy away from them
  • Three primary companies dominate the global distribution systems (GDS) market: Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport. Each of the companies has extended its market reachthrough affiliates or subsidiary companies that offer GDS.
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  • GDS companies have served as the stimulus for the growth of online travel sites (e.g., Expedia, Hotwire, Kayak, Orbitz, Priceline, Travelocity).
    Global distribution systems have thought to eventually become extinct but the growth of new technologies has given GDS new hope. The three main companies that control this market are Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport. Each of the companies has expanded their market penetration via their subsidiaries that are currently operating with global distribution systems. In 2014 Amadeus brought in almost $1billion in revenue. In addition, Sabre and Travelport showed positive growth. Airlines on the other hand, would prefer to directly have travelers book with them to save on fees. At the same time GDS brings attractive promotions to customers making them useful to the airlines and their revenue. GDS has stimulated the growth of online websites like, Expedia, Kayak, Orbitz, Priceline). Where potential customers find competitive rates and can book more than just a plane ticket.
Sungoo Kang

Air France and Airbus Undertake Green Commercial Flight :: Airline News Resource - 0 views

  • The (AF6129) commercial flight combined for the first time the use of bio-fuels (50 per cent in each engine), optimised air traffic management (ATM) and efficient Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) to minimise CO2 emissions.
    This is an interesting article mentioning how airline industry goes green. Air France and Airbus combined the latest Bio-fuel and air traffic management technologies and reduced CO2 emissions in half. Furthermore, Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) is becoming more widespread as a way to reduce fuel burn. It requires significantly less engine thrust and less fuel burn. These green bio-fuel and CDA strategies might make airline companies as sustainable and valuable chains.
Marla Baldomero

GuestLogix Releases Upgrade of Airline Industry's Most Popular Onboard Point-of-Sale Mo... - 0 views

  • helps airlines perform transactions faster, in a PCI-compliant and secure environment
  • As airlines grow their onboard retailing programs, the need to process transactions more securely and faster requires technology such as the new XPDA-SP to support this
  • upgraded to provide improved processing power, communications and security.
    GuestLogix provides technology for airlines that require onboard store and merchandising solutions. It creates, manages and controls onboard retail for airlines and other travel operators by tailoring to their needs and their passengers. Their main focus is ensuring onboard transactions are conducted in a secure and trusted way. It recently upgraded its onboard handheld POS device to help airlines perform transactions quicker in a PCI-compliant and secure environment. These handheld devices include features such as a barcode scanner, integrated printer and magnetic stripe reader while improving processing power, communications and security.
Kamini Ramsaran

China Eastern Airlines, Shanghai Airlines and Sabre Sign New Long-term, Full Content Ag... - 1 views

  • China Eastern Airlines, a leading commercial airline in China, together with its subsidiary Shanghai Airlines, have reached a new full content agreement awarding Sabre Travel Network with preferred provider status.
  • irlines' fares and inventory will be made available to all Sabre travel agents worldwide through the Sabre Global Distribution System (GDS).
  • This new agreement will not only meet our distribution needs, but will also bring about immediate benefits to us as part of our distribution strategy in our global expansion, especially in the North America region.
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  • "Sabre continues to be committed to helping the China Eastern and Shanghai Airlines maximize their reach and revenue potential,
  • China Eastern Airlines and Shanghai Airlines also use Market Intelligence solutions and decision-support technology from Sabre Airline Solutions to optimize its flight scheduling, resource management and daily flight operations.
  • More than 300 million people purchase airline tickets through this channel annually.
  • Sabre Travel Network is part of Sabre Holdings, a global travel technology company serving the world's largest industry- travel and tourism.
    China's Eastern Airlines & Sabre, a Global Distribution System, just signed an agreement allowing Sabre to use the airlines inventory and airfares to market to the travel agencies associated with Sabra.  This will help increase their North American expansion.  Sabre's technology and resources will help enhance the expansion for for China Eastern and Shanghai Airlines.  Marketing intelligence from Sabre has helped the airlines cater to the flight schedules and operations for their customers.  Sabre's network reaches more than 300 million people! 
Nicole Beveridge

American Airlines Battles Expedia in Online Ticket War - TIME - 1 views

  • Southwest requires that consumers go directly to its website to book a trip. That makes it more difficult for passengers to comparison-shop, but Southwest has won customer trust, and loyalty, by delivering consistently low fares for decades rather than make consumers hunt them down. Capturing customers on its own website also allows Southwest to get additional revenue from ancillary items such as rental cars and frequent-flyer credit cards — a revenue stream American has undoubtedly taken note of.
  • In bypassing the online travel agents, American saves on distribution costs, but can also raise its ticket prices more easily, since its fares won't be displayed directly beside those of its competitors.
    Computer reservations have become the primary means of disseminating air travel information to the airline-sales distribution system. These systems have greatly impacted competition within the airline industry. Sophisticated automation is changing the method by which reservations are requested and accepted. Never before have airline reservations come from so many varied directions. The lack of capital barrier to entry, the mobility of financial and physical capital and a well established information and distribution system seem to preclude any carrier from maintaining unreasonable rates and services without inviting a timely competitive response
Nicole Beveridge

Computer reservation systems and airline competition - 0 views

    Sophisticated automation is changing the method by which reservations are requested and accepted. Never before have hotels had reservations coming into their property from so many varied directions. Legislation is being considered for presentation to Congress which would require divestiture of CRS by individual airlines. The bill would prevent any airline from owning more than ten percent of a CRS system that list flights and schedules of other carrier. The justification for this is that the airlines often find a way around any rules the US government enacts, including present ones.
Ting Li

PRACTICAL TRAVELER: AIRFARES; Glitches in Booking First Class Online - 0 views

    In this article, the author mentions something about the online booking glitches happened sometimes. Although they are not a big deal, it affects consumers in some degree. First, the fare jump happens sometimes when consumers are booking their flights online. While they clicking the searching results, it will come out a price, the fare jumps after they click the price and they are ready to book it. For example, the price shows in the search result list is 582, when consumer clicks the price button and is ready to book it, the 'fare jump' happens at next booking procedure page. It always makes consumers a little angry but have nothing to do with it. I meet the same problems in the past when I booked the flight. Those spokesmen said that these are technical problems, those inventory systems, called global distribution systems, do not always have the freshest price information, which in some cases changes so frequently that between the time the travel agency site queries the distribution system for a requested fare and the consumer actually clicks on that fare, the prices could have changed. In my opinion, that's part of reason, staffs who in charge of the website is another big part of reason. Second, consumers also meet the problem of mix lower-class tickets into the first-class search results. That is the responsibility of e-travel agencies, because they mislabel or fail to label the fare on different occasions. It seems to be another glitches, but it will affect consumers a lot when they are booking. To sum it up, details determine success or failure. Even though these are tiny problems, in a long run, they will disappoint consumers and finally lose them.
Chang Ren

The case for a new airline distribution model [INFOGRAPHIC] | Tnooz - 1 views

  • The GDSs charge the airlines for each ticket sold through their systems, with the average charge being in the $12 per ticket range.
  • Multiply that $12 by 600,000,000 tickets per year and you get about $7 billion dollars.
  • Clearly, the GDS companies are critical pieces of the travel supply chain and it is foolish to suggest they go away. However, it is also fair to advocate for use of lower cost technologies and modernized business models that can lower costs across the board, including for consumers at the proverbial ticket counter.
    This GDS allows over 300 major airlines to get connected with thousands of points of Sale and this platform, consisted by only 3 major ticket distributors known as a GDS other than the airline website. Airlines are paying around $7 billion dollars per year for using GDSs. This is a huge amount and consumers have to pay this.  But at this moment, GDS is still needed as a neutral technology platform especially for small travel agencies.  
    Chang, Great Post! Technology continues to advance daily, with new technological advances we will be able to book airline tickets different ways and the need for GDS will continue to reduce. Southwest Airlines has been able to maintain cost by the limited involvement the company has with GDS's. Hopefully by decreasing GDS's cost, we will be able to afford cheaper airlines tickets with other carriers (
jennifer amador

American Airlines sues online travel giant Orbitz - - 0 views

  • American sees its direct booking system as a way to lower its costs and give fliers more information about the particular services it offers for an extra fee, such as priority boarding.
  • American’s push for travel agents to start using its direct link to find its fares and flights rather than the centralized systems that currently pool most airlines’ price information has set off a series of clashes.
  • In December, American pulled its flights off Orbitz because it would not make the switch. Travelport, which also has a majority stake in Orbitz, sued American. And Expedia, the biggest online travel company in the world, stopped showing American’s flights on its system, but it has recently resumed displaying them after reaching an agreement with the airline earlier this month.
    This article discusses a war between American Airlines and Orbits, and how they cannot come into an agreement in regards to using the GDS. American Airlines is mainly the provider for most of the fares and traveling but orbitz is there other marketing strategy that is used to sale the tickets online. Nonetheless, American wants and pushes for travel agents to use their direct system to book flights rather then using Orbitz or another chain of coming to book travelers flights. America does offer a variety of prices depending on different categories, as well as frequent flyers miles/points if they book with American website and sources. In essence, American Airlines still wants to have control of their flights and prices as they are the main sources from the beginning of time.
Deborah Fromer

IATA Chief Cites GDS Partner Role, But Remains Critical - 0 views

  • While remaining critical of GDSs, IATA director general Tony Tyler sounded a somewhat less combative tone toward “our global distribution system partners” during his keynote speech at the IATA annual general meeting in Beijing.
  • Giovanni Bisignani, who retired as director general last year after 10 years in the post, made the GDS industry a frequent target of his famous “Basta!” moments over segment fees.
  • More recently, Tyler has excoriated GDS companies for what he called a failure to meet the changing needs of airlines as they adopt new merchandising methods.
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  • Our global distribution system partners help us to sell 60% of our tickets,” he said. “Beginning four decades ago, when these systems were created, their cutting-edge technology expanded our distribution horizons.”
  • But are blocking innovation
  • Open AXIS messages were in turn donated by Farelogix, the company that developed American Airlines’ Direct Connect technology.
  • GDSs, which are built on operating systems dating from the 1970s, have not been able to facilitate innovation like we have seen in other industries.”
  • multimillion dollar airline product investments “cannot break free of product descriptions limited to booking classes like F, C, or Y and their derivatives. And personalized offers based on availability, customer needs, preferences or histories are effectively impractical.”
  • IATA is working on new distribution standards to enable airline product differentiation, he said. Those standards are based on XML messaging schema adopted as “standard” by Open AXIS, the U.S. organization that promotes XML as the ideal technology connection linking airlines with distributors.
  • “XML standards and customer-friendly interfaces are the new cutting edge, facilitating revolutions in how the world does business.
  • IATA will define the foundation standard this year
    The International Air Transport Associate (IATA) at their annual general meeting in Beijing have had enough with the outdated Global Distribution Systems technology. The new Director General Tony Tyler indicated that in the 70's the system was cutting edge technology expanding distribution for airlines but years later the technology lacks innovation and must be brought up to date with airline product differentiation. This can be done by adopting new standards through XML messaging schema. Farelogix has donated XML through Open Axis, an organization that promotes the XML technology for linking airlines with distributors, similar to the technology that American Airlines has been using. IATA indicates that this year they will define the foundation standards in partnership with the GDSs, a necessary progression.
jennifer amador

New Restrictions Quickly Added for Air Passengers - - 0 views

  • new restrictions on travelers that could lengthen lines at airports and limit the ability of international passengers to move about an airplane.
  • But several airlines released detailed information about the restrictions, saying that passengers on international flights coming to the United States will apparently have to remain in their seats for the last hour of a flight without any personal items on their laps.
  • Overseas passengers will be restricted to only one carry-on item, and domestic passengers will probably face longer security lines.
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  • Travel has declined about 20 percent since 2008 because of the economy, and airlines have been dealing with numerous delays in the past week because of snowstorms on the East Coast and in the Midwest.
  • T.S.A. had ordered new measures for flights departing from foreign locations to the United States, including mandatory screening of all passengers at airport gates during the boarding process. All carry-on items would be screened at security checkpoints and again at boarding, the airline said. It urged passengers to leave extra time for screening and boarding.
  • The new restrictions began to be instituted Saturday on flights from Canada and Europe to the United States. Air Canada said it was waiving fees for the first checked bag, and it told passengers to be prepared for delays, cancellations and missed connections because of the new limits.
    After September 2011 alot of changes have occured in airline and airports throughout the world. TSA has purchased, trained, and introduced innovative machinery that can easily detect authorized items inside luggages. The US governement have spend alot of money also to simply protect the nation from terrorists and any form on violence especially in the hospitality and tourism industry. Alot of th airlines have changed the way they used to operate before the attacks; for instance food is no longer served on airplanes, and more fees are charged for luggages and definitely more screening in airport terminals. The introduction of air marshalls and new machinery have definitely changed the perspective of traveling nowadays, travelers have to wait longer to be screened and to even get out of the plane after the plane have landed at its destination. On a positive note, everything that have changed is for our own safety as citizen of the US and i personally believe moew things should be implemented if it can only improve the way we are being protected.
Cecilia Lucas

Oracle Unveils Oracle Airline Data Model - MarketWatch - 0 views

  • Extending its comprehensive portfolio of applications and technology solutions that are designed to help airlines reduce costs and enterprise risk,
  • The Oracle Airline Data Model is a standards-based, pre-built database schema that helps airlines optimize the collection, storage, and analysis of passenger data from reservations, sales, operations, loyalty, customer service and finance in their data warehouse.
  • Oracle Airline Data Model makes this easier by delivering a comprehensive passenger data model with pre-built industry specific key performance indicators, OLAP cubes for multi dimensional analysis and data mining for predictive analytics. Built to work with Oracle data warehouses, airlines can quickly and easily realize the benefits."
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  • Oracle's comprehensive portfolio of applications and technology solutions for the airline industry helps airlines modernize their operating platforms, improve agility and efficiency, increase customer loyalty and enhance regulatory compliance
  • Passenger data management provides the critical base platform for airlines to build and manage customer experience management solutions,"
    Oracle launches a new data Management Model that will allow airlines to optimize the collection and analysis of passenger data in order to enhance and personalize the travel experience. With this model Airlines will be able to consolidate data collected by legacy systems, simplifyng it's analysis in order to support all aspects of it's business.
    With the implementation of Oracle Airline Data Model airlines will have all data needed to maximize the passenger experience and create a competitive analysis to reduce cost.
Jennifer Koren

Airlines' New Online Marketing Strategies - Articles - Executive Travel - 0 views

  • Rather than eliminate the need for travel, however, the Internet seems to have enhanced it as airlines stoke the public’s appetite to go places and social networks turn airline passengers into cheerleaders for airlines and destinations.
  • Virgin Atlantic uses a hip voice along with photographs and design to excite customers about the travel experience.
  • By 2008, the entire airline industry had transitioned from paper to e-tickets for a savings of $18 billion, according to the International Air Transport Association.
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  • “The handheld device has broached a whole new paradigm of convenience.”
  • Southwest Airlines felt the online wrath of several passengers who posted videos to YouTube after airline employees told them they were too fat to fly. An anonymous traveler wrote to Richard Branson complaining about the food on a Virgin Atlantic flight, a letter that—along with photographs of the offending meal tray—soon went viral. And David Carroll, a Canadian folksinger whose guitar was broken while in the custody of United Airlines, became the voice of customer rage when the airline declined to reimburse him for the broken instrument. Carroll posted on YouTube three bitingly funny music videos assailing United. More than 10 million people have viewed them.
    In this article, Christine Negroni discusses the future of airline booking and travel. Over the last ten years, there has been a shift from telephone reservations to computer reservations with the birth of the World Wide Web. With new mobile devices and smart phones, customers are now trying to find the newest, easiest way to work a plane ticket or a vacation. Companies have to strategically plan how they will market to thei customers. FOr leisure, companies will want to reach them through Facebook and Twitter. With the internet, airlines today need to focus on their image. The image is just as important as the product you sell, or the plane ticket the customer purchases. With Youtube, anyone can post whatever they'd like, so hospitality companies and airlines especially, need to be weary. Because the aviation industry is so large, the internet give customers and companies a way to interact on a deeper, more personal level.

Booking trends: Don't ignore impact of GDSes - 0 views

  • Hotel bookings through travel agents are expected to reach a record high in 2015 and have held their share of the market despite dire predictions for years.
  • TravelClick projects 2015 to be a record year for bookings through global distribution systems
  • TravelClick is projecting 62 million bookings through GDSes in 2015, which is up from 61 million in 2014 and 42 million during the depths of the recession in 2009.
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  • Travel agency bookings captured the highest ADR in North America ($189) and internationally (€198).
  • a total of $12 billion in revenue was booked across all channels in the second quarter in the top 50 global markets, encompassing 69 million roomnights
  • GDS bookings covered 16.3% of those bookings.
  • GDS bookings have managed to hold their share of transient bookings through the past two years
  • Mobile booking is not a prediction; it’s reality
  • If you aren’t ready for mobile booking, then you’re already behind the curve
    Don't sleep on the GDS systems. The are making their mark and proving to be an important asset in the process of making a booking. Whether it is a hotel, car, cruise, or airline reservation, the GDS systems got you covered. Being that nowadays, travel agent would use this system for their non-tech savvy clients, bookings are expected to be at a record high this year. In a report generated by TravelClick, out of the $12 billion dollars generated in the second quarter alone, GDS systems accounted for a little over 16% of that total; the highest percentage came from direct bookings, of course. So at least we can count on the use of these GDSes to help turn a profit within our industry. 

TravelTecnik Consultants - Travel & Hospitality Technology: History of Global Distr... - 0 views

    This article was a great read, especially in conjunction with the others that were provided this week. It offers additional history on the GDS, where and why it was put together and how it evolved over time. I definitely enjoyed reading it for added knowledge on a topic that I was unaware of prior to this Module.
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