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Joshua Frost

Future POS Releases Innovative Mobile Apps For Restaurants - 0 views

  • Future POS Releases Innovative Mobile Apps For Restaurants
  • Future POS Mobile Ordering and Future POS Remote Control
  • With Future POS Mobile Ordering, restaurateurs can enhance the end-user experience by offering their customers the convenience of placing orders directly from their smartphone.
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  • To provide an added level of flexibility, the app delivers on-the-go access to store level data, and it features five scrollable screens of configurable reports and charts. Future POS Remote Control also allows operators to easily link one phone to multiple stores, update menu prices and send messages directly to the staff or POS system.
    This article is about a latest point-of-sale technology released by Future POS that occupy a prominent place in Point of Sale software crowd designed for the hospitality industry. The release of two mobile apps for restaurant, Future POS Mobile Ordering and Future POS Remote Control, alters the way restaurant owners and customers interact with the point-of-sale system. With Future POS Mobile Ordering, restaurants now enable their customers to order directly from their Smartphone. Moreover, Future POS Remote Control allows restaurant owners/managers to run their restaurants more efficiently and flexibly by delivering on the go access to store level data and connecting with multiple stores through one phone. One of abilities the restaurants are having is updating menu prices and sending massage to the staff or POS system with that phone. I think although not everybody is willing to use these technologies, there is obvious reason this trend are gaining popularity. These kinds of technologies provide convenience for both the majority of customers and restaurant owners.
    I think I posted this article before but...ehh.. It talks about how restaurants will soon be using mobile applications as points of sales for customers. The reasoning behind the development of this company is to provide convenience to the clients and deliver services faster.

Study examines hotel guests' future needs - 0 views

    I wanted to give you all a link to an article written about Hotels 2020: Beyond Segmentation. I used 2020 a great bit for strategic management and figuring out the customer of tomorrow. Inside has great information on the technologies that will be used in hotels in the future like augmented reality and personalization of rooms. Imagine picking your own art work or using personal photos in frames and changing wall colors to suite your mood. The future guest is going to be harder to segment. They will demand a tailored high quality experience. Scanning the remote environment and becoming fast innovators will determine the most successful future hotels. You can click on a link to request a full copy of the Amedeus 2020 report.
Siyu Ma

Why Investing in Hospitality Technology is Investing in Good Business - 1 views

  • In consideration of how investment in hospitality technology can support business growth, rather than being an added cost, or unnecessary financial burden, to a hotel – it is important to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring, including any improvements in staff activities and morale that can be delivered and how the technology will ultimately benefit the hotels revenue performance.
  • In consideration of how investment in hospitality technology can support business growth, rather than being an added cost, or unnecessary financial burden, to a hotel – it is important to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring, including any improvements in staff activities and morale that can be delivered and how the technology will ultimately benefit the hotels revenue performance.
  • Those hotel groups that fail to recognize the speed of change in technology and what this can bring to the business will find themselves significantly under prepared when the market starts to strengthen. While “its never too late” to act – there is a significant opportunity cost in doing nothing or worse still, cutting technology out of the day to day operations. For a hotel to effectively operate and ensure it is maximizing its incoming revenue, the right technologies needs to be in place. Through investing in the right technology at the right time, savvy hoteliers will be ensuring that their facility(s) are able to effectively maximize their ongoing revenue capability now and into the future.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Equally as important, when considering whether to invest in new technology within the hospitality sector, is the need to recognize that technology is constantly changing and improving. Decision time frames are shortening. International hoteliers that have a good view on the future, realize that the technology decision they make today will only be relevant for the next 3-5 years at the most and are already planning next generation migrations.
  • In consideration of how investment in hospitality technology can support business growth, rather than being an added cost, or unnecessary financial burden, to a hotel – it is important to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring, including any improvements in staff activities and morale that can be delivered and how the technology will ultimately benefit the hotels revenue performance.
  • Whilst many international hotel organisations have used the economic downturn to adequately plan for the future through improved levels of technology and staff investment, many others are not heeding the warning signs and are instead shedding costs wherever possible – which can lead to disastrous consequences.
  • Importantly, hoteliers also need to realize that the hospitality industry is constantly changing and a lack of up-to-date technology and older strategies will not always be applicable to new, unique situations.
  • Whilst many international hotel organisations have used the economic downturn to adequately plan for the future through improved levels of technology and staff investme
  • Consider Revenue Management Technology: This technology is u
  • sed in a wide variety of industries.
  • IDeaS experience in many regions to date is that there are many technology vendors in hospitality that fail to acknowledge the above reality.
  • There are many technologies that tick all of the above boxes, including: Energy Management Systems Revenue Management Systems Property Management Systems In-Room Technology Sophisticated Telco Systems
    • Juan Du
      With the increase in the number of hotel, the technology in hospitality is more and more important. It is a good investment in this field. Because many of the facilities in hotel need the help of technology. Such as the energy management systems, revenue management systems, property management systems , In-room technology. To invest these technologies, it can increase the management level and increase the competition.
  • As the wider hospitality industry continues to face a slow recovery, savvy hotel owners and managers should be looking inwards during this time with a view to ensuring that the technology they use to help run their facilities are best suited for the roles they have to perform.
    In this weeks reading, the article, "Why Investing in Hospitality Technology is Investing in Good Business", mentions how due to the economic downturn hotels have turn to cutting technology and staff levels as a method to minimize costs, yet this is a recipe for disaster, if not conducted adequately. Technology is continuously evolving, it is important to make decisions regards IT investment that will be useful in the coming 3-5 years. Technological infrastructures should operate to facilitate a process or procedure for the overall benefit of the hotel, rather than take a day-by-day approach. In an ever-demanding industry, it is critical for hoteliers to be adequately prepared with automated systems, reducing if not eliminating important manually conducted tasks which are damaging the operations of the hotel due to the lack of real time information which will help revenue maximization. In moments of recessions, companies minimize their cost reducing what is foreseen as unnecessary such as IT investment, yet is important to maintain a level of preparation and not losing the opportunities presented by the market.
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    This article mainly talk about the benefit of investing in Hospitality Technology to hotel business.The author emphasizes the importance of looking at what operational effciencies the technology can bring ,including any improvements in staff activities and morale that can be delivered and how the technology will ultimately benefit the hotel revenue performance. We can conclude from the passage that in order to keep competitive in the hospitality industry, the managers should be aware of the dynamic market and technology changing and update the techonlogy in an efficient way.
    The hospitality industry is developing faster and faster. The hoteliers should be with a view to ensuring that the technology they use to help run their facilities and best suited for the roles. They lead to a rapid economic recovery but they also need improve their marketing. The hospitality organizations have taken the time to update or invest in the right technology and training. In consideration of how investment in hospitality technology can support business growth, It is important to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring. As the hotel industry continues to move towards a more dynamic and inter-connected environment it is vital that the correct technology infrastructure is in place to meet this challenge. The revenue management technology itself can be maximized by educating staff in the most effective ways to use it. The hotel groups should recognize the speed of change in technology. And they will be ensuring that their facilities are able to effectively maximize their ongoing revenue capability.
    As hospitality industry is now under recovery, many owners and managers are preparing using technology to help them run the facilities. Nowadays, there is a big requirement for investing the right technology and training to operate business in the market of 2010, 2011 later. Actually, hospitality technology investment can bring operational efficiencies instead of added cost to a hotel. Then the author takes revenue management technology as an example and points that a seamless flow of process of technology is a trend. All in all, in order for a hotel to adapt to the future trend, the right technology needs to be equipped.
    with the increase in the number of hotel, the technology in hospitality is more and more important. It is a good investment in this field. Because many of the facilities in hotel need the help of technology. Such as the energy management systems, revenue management systems, property management systems , In-room technology. To invest these technologies, it can increase the management level and increase the competition.
    This article is explaining why investing in hospitality technology is a good idea. Market changes from year to year, therefore it is important to know what the technology operations can offer to the business. It is vital to know how efficient it is in the workplace, and in what ways in can help the staff. The interest cost of having all this money invested should benefit the hotels revenue activity. Especially in hotels, there has to be a strict decision making, because of how technology is advancing so fast and how efficient the technology will be for the hotel. The correct technology is a challenge. Training the staff with the system is also a test because how fast can they learn and be connected to the operations. It is crucial that hotels manage systematically all information with the technology; instead of having the staffs do all the work by hand. Hotels need to invest in the correct technology so that they can collect their ideal revenue-for the future of the business and to ease the work flow inside the hospitality industry.
    "Equally as important, when considering whether to invest in new technology within the hospitality sector, is the need to recognize that technology is constantly changing and improving. Decision time frames are shortening. International hoteliers that have a good view on the future, realize that the technology decision they make today will only be relevant for the next 3-5 years at the most and are already planning next generation migrations. There is an onus on the vendors to also re-invent themselves and re-invent their technologie"
    Hotel owners and managers are putting eyes on technology in the hospitality industry slow recovery period. All pundits agree this method can bring some recovery. The international hotel organizations have made many plans of improving investment in technology and staff. Progressive hospitality organizations have updated and invested in new technology and training, change the industry requirements and market. Before investment, the most important is to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring and how the technology will benefit the hotels. There are many technologies are good choices for investment, such as Revenue Management Systems. This technology is efficient and can help hotels track historic data, forecast future demand and so on. We also need to technology is changing all the time. So this is a big challenge of managers to make decisions for a long development. We also need to realize that the hospitality industry is changing, strategies will not always be applicable to new, unique situations. It is important for hotels to increase advantages in the competition.
    Those hotel groups that fail to recognize the speed of change in technology and what this can bring to the business will find themselves significantly under prepared when the market starts to strengthen. While "its never too late" to act - there is a significant opportunity cost in doing nothing or worse still, cutting technology out of the day to day operations. For a hotel to effectively operate and ensure it is maximizing its incoming revenue, the right technologies needs to be in place. Through investing in the right technology at the right time, savvy hoteliers will be ensuring that their facility(s) are able to effectively maximize their ongoing revenue capability now and into the future.
Jing Huang

Property Management System- The Future of Hotel Industry - Tourism and Hospitality - Zi... - 1 views

  • They work completely on the web and are based on the cloud.
  • It is the age of the Internet, the age when many businesses solely run on the Internet. From marketing to reaching new people, there is a lot that can be done with the help of this medium.
  • one of the major boons of Internet on the hotel industry has been the web based property management systems. Unlike previous applications which would burn a hole on the pockets, these online hotel software are user-friendly and do not need any additional hardware or software expenses. They work completely on the web and are based on the cloud.
    • Juan Du
      "Property Management System" play an important role in Hospitality management. Because the Internet plays a major role in improving the sales and customer relationship. The hotel need collect data to analyze the market and make the market plan. Property management system have a lot advantages. It is easy to make a reservation, the system can control the over booking. Use this system can keeping a check on the add-on services. Also PMS has its own system to operate the whole things. PMS is able to provide some basic function: enable guests to make reservations, enable guests to check-in/register when they arrive and check-out/pay when they leave, enable staff to maintain guest facilities. And it is easy to use, especially for employees.
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  • Property Management System- The Future of Hotel Industry
  • Property Management System- The Future of Hotel Industry
  • Property Management System- The Future of Hotel Industry
  • It is the age of the Internet, the age when many businesses solely run on the Internet. From marketing to reaching new people, there is a lot that can be done with the help of this medium
  • Central Reservation System: One of the greatest advantages of using an online hotel software is that you do not have any more headaches about reservations.
  •   Numerous Point of Sale: Keeping a check on the add-on services your hotel provides can easily be done with the help of the numerous points of sales.
  • Sales and Marketing Console: To help popularize your hotel and make it known to people from across the globe, many PMSs have a dedicated sales and marketing console.
  • Travel Agents and Corporate Clients:It is also important that you properly deal with travel agents and corporate clients as they play a very important role in bringing in more guests to the hotel.
  • Connected to 1000s of Travel Portals: These property management systems  help you get connected to many travel portals like Travelocity, Tripadvisor and Expedia helping you reach more people. 
    This article particularly caught my attention because it points out the major advantages of web-based PMS, but it does not mention the risk of transfering such sensitive guest information over the unsecure and unregulated Internet. Surely there are great cost-related and operational advantages to web-based PMS and that alone often motivates hotels to upgrade in that general direction. Afterall, the reason why the hotel is operated is to generate revenues. However, is risking the identity of thousands of your guests worth the money you will save? That is what this article does not cover. As the title points out, web-based PMS is the future of the industry, but securing the identity of the biggest drivers behind all revenue for your hotel is arguably more important. Is the risk worth the reward? I believe the Internet needs to become a more secure highway of information before the industry can fully embrace this new technological advancement. My thoughts on considering an upgrade to web based PMS: Research and proceed with caution.
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    Karl- Valid point in saying is the "risk worth the reward", with all the viruses, glitches and hackers sensative information floating around in cyber world ready to be attacked and stolen. I feel its up to the cloud computing companies to set the security parameters to run their systems and for the industry to enforce them, so that we can embrace the growth of technology in hospitality.
    This article shows a lot of advantages of using online hotel software. Better Reservation system can be found on a cloud based PMS. More factors of hotel can come out to be a famous feature when they all come online. Much easier for a hotel to deal with travel agents and corporate clients when they using a cloud-based PMS.  The cloud-base PMS can bring the hotel to more travel portals which will lead to more clients. 
    This article focuses on the numerous advantages of a Property Management System. It summarizes the fact that it makes a business more proficient and how a company can save by not spending money on additional software or hardware expenses. The main benefits that this article gives attention to is the fact that it assists in the reservation process and point of sale process, helps market and target the correct people, positivity deals with travel agents, and connects to several travel portals. All in all, a Property Management System is a great tool and advantage in the hospitality industry because it facilitates in all operations and helps companies with daily challenges.
    The hotel industry is crossing over to web based PMS and this article states that because it works off a cloud its less headaches and more user friendly. There are many reasons why a web based PMS can be beneficial and why the hotel industry is swithcing over. It can be used for multiple properties and reduce double booking. Another great feature is you can have numerous points of sales and it all interconnects. This is the future of our industry.
    "Property Management System" play an important role in Hospitality management. Because the Internet plays a major role in improving the sales and customer relationship. The hotel need collect data to analyze the market and make the market plan. Property management system have a lot advantages. It is easy to make a reservation, the system can control the over booking. Use this system can keeping a check on the add-on services. Also PMS has its own system to operate the whole things. PMS is able to provide some basic function: enable guests to make reservations, enable guests to check-in/register when they arrive and check-out/pay when they leave, enable staff to maintain guest facilities. And it is easy to use, especially for employees.
    This article indicated the importance of Internet for hotel industry and also assumed that web based property management systems will widely used in future. The author listed some advantages of web based property management system:1) Central Reservation System: One of the greatest advantages of using an online hotel software is that you do not have any more headaches about reservations.2)   Numerous Point of Sale: Keeping a check on the add-on services your hotel provides can easily be done with the help of the numerous points of sales.3) Sales and Marketing Console. With the help of this console, you can access the database of your customers get in touch with them notifying them of special offers and discounts. 4)Travel Agents and Corporate Clients:It is important that you properly deal with travel agents and corporate clients as they play a very important role in bringing in more guests to the hotel.5)   Connected to 1000s of Travel Portals: Web based PMS help you get connected to many travel portals like Travelocity, Tripadvisor and Expedia helping you reach more people. 
    t is the age of the Internet, the age when many businesses solely run on the Internet. From marketing to reaching new people, there is a lot that can be done with the help of this medium. The hotel industry too is not insulated from its effect. Almost all kinds of hotels, from inns to bed and breakfasts to resorts, everyone is trying to tap the energies of the Internet and make optimum use of the medium. The Internet plays a major role in improving the sales and customer relationship.
Yi Sun

Are tablets the future of Point of Sale? Retail & Hospitality | Retail Tech Inc. - 0 views

  • According to a New York Times article, Smartphones and Tablets to Take Over in 2011, the message could not be more clear. The article states, “mobile devices that are full-fledged computers” are the next logical progression after personal computers have run their course. Researchers say it was only a matter of time before these mobile devices moved in and overtook their predecessor (the PC), in the now overly-saturated technology market.
  • Without prior knowledge on POS hardware, an iPad tablet platform sounds like a great idea! However, before jumping on the bandwagon, there are a number of things that must be taken into consideration.
  • Tablets are not a cheap purchase, and while I like to trust people, it is important to plan ahead and think smart.
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  • Thirdly, companies who are releasing tablets have not traditionally manufactured point of sale solutions. As an IT manager, this should throw up a red flag. Clearly, IBM, NCR, Panasonic, and other manufacturers would have created a similar solution if they found the tablet platform as an essential technological progression for the Point of Sale industry. Rather, IBM offers a similar solution, AnyPlace kiosks. This system has been around pre-tablets, and is known for a lightweight, durable, and easily customizable design.
  • Consumer tablets may be the future, but I do not believe this is synonymous with the future of point of sale. The Wright brothers showed us the future of air transportation, but we don’t all drive flying cars. Most technology simply cannot span all industries! If you are an early adaptor who feels so inclined to try using an iPad tablet system, I would love to hear about your experience! For the rest of you, if tablets are indeed where POS technology is trending, wait for the experts to create one and follow in their able footsteps. Subscribe to the TechTOPICKS blog to receive more industry insight!
    I-pad POS system may become a future trend of the hospitality industry.

Global travel distribution: GDS system's role, growth, future outlook - 0 views

  • Global distribution systems have significantly changed the way people traveled and the work of travel companies as well. With GDSs, independent travel agents, travel companies, and online agents have a remote access to airline reservation databases, can place remote bookings (thus automating the booking process), and meet their customer needs by looking the database for the best available offers. Also, GDS systems provide such travel-based technology services as airline information technology products and revenue management tools for hotels, airlines, and car rental agents.
    • ngerv001
      Global Distribution Systems have greatly impacted the hospitality industry with pricing information widely available to multiple outlets. GDS ability to share and distribute pricing to OTA's either for hotels or airlines, car rental agents and other outlets. With guests looking for a edge in cheap purchases, GDS is able to provide pricing that is readily available. Technology is constantly evolving to help the consumer and there is no doubt that GDS will continued to be featured/
  • predictions
  • and GDS systems: the future prospects
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  • Travel distribution
  • Now the number of online travel sites providing price comparisons is quickly growing.
  • and predictions
  • pushing customers to book their services directly via their websites without any intermediaries,
  • The technology may change and become more customized to client specific needs and preferences such as leisure travel
  • Blockchain innovative technology is another growth perspective for travel distribution landscape
  • Blockchain provides high-security level: it consists of multiple transaction blocks, built according to certain rules and linked and secured using cryptography
    Everything in life and business today is about how you can make big bigger, fast faster and everything more personalized. This article is giving suggestion about how GDS may evolve in the future to make it more personalized to the buying customer as well as making it more GDS more secure. GDS are starting to price compare with competing sites and businesses are offering incentive of not having service fees if you book directly through them. Where is this leading the GDS systems? Perhaps into the Blockchian technology, where a customer can purchase a token and essentially cash it in when they exchange it for the service being done. This is allowing for more secure transactions of moneys. GDS will never go out of business, but there is always a way someone is looking to make it better, Blockchains may be something of the future trend.

Predicting the Future of Computer Networks and the Internet - 0 views

  • Broadband routers and other home gateways become obsolete: As people end up owning hundreds of wearable and mobile devices that need to communicate both inside in the home and away, installing fixed routers inside a home to manage traffic will no longer make sense: Devices will all communicate with each other and the Internet directly.
    This article predicts the future of networking and the internet, which is a challenging thing to do, considering how complex this technology is. Among some things predicted are that web site address space will eventually run out and the domain names will crash as human recognition will be able to navigate through web pages. The most interesting thing I found is that broadband routers will soon disappear due to multiple internet capable devices will be able to solely communicate with each other, meaning our phones, watches, and computers will all be connected without a router. It also goes deeper into the possibility of a future without an internet network. It's hard to predict that we will also be able to fight against cyber attacks and spam and keep our internet at use. Imagine a future with no internet! What will be the next big thing then?

How Cloud-based Hotel Software is Changing the Industry - 8 views

  • Couple that with the fact that in the next two to three years hoteliers are expected to invest seven to eight percent more on cloud technology
  • Additionally, increased accessibility, greater profitability, and user-friendly dashboards make cloud-based software enticing for hoteliers
  • For starters, cloud-based hotel software has the ability to host a property management system (PMS) from a remote location, allowing hoteliers to access their property data from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. This feature is unique to cloud-based software and eliminates the need for hoteliers to be physically present at their property to be able to check in on daily management operations.
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  • Cloud-based hotel software has been shown to boost productivity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness
  • Additionally, through the centralization of operations, hoteliers can eliminate the need for on-premise servers at each property
  • In fact, the hotel group, Triple C Hotels and Resorts, reported a 60% savings on software costs when they switched to Cloudbeds’ cloud-based hospitality software
  • Unlike locally installed software, one of the more attractive elements of using a cloud-based hotel software system is the ability to adapt, grow, and integrate with future trends
  • The high-level security standards followed by cloud-based hotel software is due in part to its rigid compliance with PCI requirements.
  • For example, Cloudbeds hospitality software implements periodic auto-logoff features that require users to re-enter their password, two-factor authentication for an added level of user verification, and automatic removal of guest credit card data after 14 days
  • Unlike conventional hotel software models that require hoteliers to purchase licenses and hardware, cloud-based hotel software is sold as a service that enables clients to add on as many or as few tools and features as needed.
  • In fact, a study by Frost and Sullivan showed that businesses can cut IT costs in half by implementing cloud-based computing solutions to customer support.
  • ability to host a property management system (PMS) from a remote location, allowing hoteliers to access property data from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. This feature is unique to cloud-based software and eliminates the need for hoteliers to be physically present at their property to be able to check in on daily management operations.
  • Give staff more mobility and accessibility around the property
  • Eliminate the need for manual data sharing and processing
  • next two to three years hoteliers are expected to invest 7-8% more on cloud technology
    • cleon087
      This could be a determination if a hotel succeeds. It is important to not lag and instead adapt to the times.
  • an spend more time attending to guests
  • ransitioning to a cloud-based hotel software solution can seem like a daunting task at first
    • cleon087
      Not all bosses are even comfortable with technology to begin with so it would be difficult for them to spend the money to transition.
  • Accelerate hotel check-in / out
    • cleon087
      People value fast check in, especially someone that came to the hotel on a business trip and just wants to get to their room.
  • Eliminate the need for manual data sharing and processing
    • cleon087
      This saves a lot of time because you wont have to manually record data.
  • frequent security updates t
  • In an industry that is always changing, this kind of flexibility is priceless.
  • across multiple properties simultaneously
  • faster for operations, online booking and customer service.  
  • customizable
  • Cyber attacks and tighter regulations on privacy policies have made the need to protect guest information more important than ever. This topic is a main concern for those considering switching to a cloud-based PMS system since data servers are hosted off premises.
    Cloud-based hotel software is able to host a property management system from a remote location which therefore allows hotel staff to access data from wherever they are in the world. It is showing positive signs of increased efficiency and overall cost-effectiveness.
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    Cloud-based software is the future of the entire hospitality industry. The benefits of having this software heavily outweigh the cons. It would allow employees to better assist guests with check-in/out processes and it would also give them increased mobility throughout the system, accelerating the services we can offer to our guests. In addition, cloud-based systems allow for better data storage, giving us the tools we need to be prepared for returning guests and their accomodations.
    Providing the best customer service is the goal of any hotel. It is what attracts your guests to return and suggest your hotel to others. Imagine a software that eliminates the need for hoteliers to be physically present to check on daily management operations or even automate mundane daily tasks, allowing staff to spend more time attending to guests and improving the customer service experience. This software is known as cloud-based hotel software. This software is not sold as a product; it is sold as a service that allows hoteliers to add on as many or few features as needed, making it completely customizable. Cloud-based software is hosted by a vendor's server and gives hoteliers a scalable system that is flexible and easily updated across multiple properties simultaneously. A great key feature to this software is that the system is able to adapt, grow, and integrate with future trends. Flexibility is so important in this generation because new technologies are constantly being innovated and staying up with trends is a great way to satisfy your guests. Cloud-based software has shown to boost productivity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. What more could you ask for?
    The cloud based hotel software is a great addition to he hospitality industry because it gives the hoteliers a chance to be flexible with their stay. It gives the staff member a more relief on updates of property housekeeping status. Cloud based technology gives advantages of moreover frequent updates and enhancements for hoteliers inquiring.
    This article highlights the benefits of switching to Cloud-based hotel software. One of the highlights is the reduction in cost, by switching it allows employees to focus more on service then repetitive tasks. This is also an attractive deal for hoteliers because they're allowed to check on important data from their house. This software makes it more efficient and soon all hoteliers will have to invest in a innovative software.
    A general trend is that hoteliers are considering to use cloud-based systems more. Data have proved that hoteliers will invest more in cloud technology. Cloud-based hotel software can provide its users with many benefits like cost-efficiency, increased accessibility, and user-friendly dashboards. Furthermore, it makes remote/offsite information sharing and real-time offsite management possible. With a cloud-based system, staff can spend more time on guests and improving service. For security issues, cloud-based systems upgrades often and therefore reduce the risk of being hacked. Cloud-based systems are also enough flexible to meet the future needs of users. In sum, cloud-based technologies can help the hospitality businesses to deal with the changes better.
    Hotels are beginning to transition to cloud-based software because they are realizing the great impact it has caused on their business. The article mentioned, "in the next two to three years hoteliers are expected to invest 7-8% on cloud technology". This percentage exhibits how hotels are going to be ran in the future. Cloud-based software has brought positive impact to a hotel business such as "increased accessibility, greater profitability, and user-friendly dashboards". All of these benefits have caused hotels to run their business smoothly bringing back satisfied guests. This software allows check ins/out to be more quick and gives easy access to areas in the hotel for employees. Another gain received by using this software is that its cost-effective. It has been disclosed that a hotel has saved "60% on software costs". Using this software has saved a hotel a lot of money that can be used to satisfied guest more. Security on data is more secured using cloud-based software because the vendors take it seriously making it harder for hackers to retrieve information. Some hotels may halt to install new technology such as cloud-based software but with all the benefits it has given to other hotels, this is going to be the future for the hospitality industry.

The Future of Restaurants in 2022 & Beyond | SevenRooms - 1 views

  • what’s next for the restaurant industry? Which innovations and restaurant consumer trends will we see next? What will guests expect from restaurants, bars and nightlife venues?
  • Guests will expect moreThe digital experience will be more important than everConvenience will be a top priority for dinersOnline ordering is here to stayAutomation will be key to scaling hospitality effortsData will be critical to retaining guests
  • Guests will have high expectations, but restaurants will have a difficult time meeting them due to rising food costs, shifting pandemic-related situations and labor shortages. 
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  • 54% of guests believe that an online reservations system is the most important technology feature a restaurant can offer.
  • customers crave convenience, and they will continue to expect it in the years to come.
  • Personalized convenience is a restaurant consumer trend the hospitality industry will see in 2022 and beyond. Future-proof your restaurant:
  • Future-proof your restaurant
  • Online ordering is here to stay. If your restaurant doesn’t offer convenient takeout and delivery options, you can bet that your customers will satisfy their cravings with your competition.
  • In the very near future, automation will not only help restaurants keep up with demand and daily operations, but it will also help them do things that just aren’t possible otherwise
  • When you have information about your guests – such as their dining history and preference
  • You will be able to attract them with targeted marketing offers that speak to those habits and preferences.
  • Diners will crave a level of hospitality that not only gives them what they want, when they want it, but that also personalizes offers and makes it easier for them to decide when to make a reservation or what to order
    This article briefly describes predictions in trends for the future of restaurants in 2022 and beyond. The most commonly used trends to implement are: -Higher expectations in guest satisfaction -Digital platforms for things such as online reservations -Personalized convenience to feature relevant products to the consumer -Online ordering that offers both takeout and delivery -Automation in operations and marketing such as the usage of customer relationship management (CRM) -Guest data to target market offers
paige rosenberg

The Future of Hotel Security - AOL Travel News - 1 views

  • Technology is opening new doors to hotel safety
  • Yet more card-free security systems are on the way
  • eventually new security measures will become such a part of our everyday lives that they will become the norm.
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  • Systems that track the other qualities that make each human unique are in development as well.
  • here are some systems being explored that can allegedly sniff someone, and also systems that can recognize the pattern of blood veins on a human being which are apparently unique to the individual,
  • new thing is contact-less Smartcards and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) cards that need just be waved to allow room access.
  • Kimpton's 190-room Nine Zero Hotel in Boston was the first hotel to install a biometric iris scanner back in 2004
  • we navigate hotels is set to change in the blink of an eye. Or the swipe of a cellphone. Or the print of a finger. With futuristic systems like scent and iris scanners and digital facial-recognition, hotel security is being taken to the next level. #plain_module { width: 590px; height:170px; border: none; float:left; margin:0px; font-size:12px;} #plain_module img {border:none; width: 13px; height:14; border: 0px; margin:0px; } #plain_module .mini_main { margin: 0px; padding:0px; width:585px; height:220px; repeat scroll 0 0} #plain_module .mini_item_header {padding:10px 0px; margin: 0px 0px; font-size:16px; color: #555555; border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;} #plain_module .mini_item {padding:5px 0px; margin: 0px 0px;} #plain_module a { color: #49A3CA; text-decoration:none; } #plain_module a:hover { color: #F98419; text-decoration:underline;} span.gray {color:#949494;} .mini_main li{list-style-type: none;background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 0 1px;padding-left: 10px;}
  • Those plastic key cards that once seemed so innovative will soon go the way of the actual key
  • "In addition to Radio Frequency Identification, there are also systems that use a smartphone, such as an iPhone,"
  • When a guest checks into a hotel and provides their phone number, they get an encrypted sound code via text message
  • Many industry watchers are keeping an eye on Houston's largest hotel, the vast 1,200-room Hilton Americas–Houston. The hotel has a facial recognition system that can identify and track guests, employees, and even suitcases
  • 1,200 rooms worth of luggage in transit, the system makes it a lot easier to find lost or misdirected bags.
  • Returning guests will be recognized and greeted by nam
  • "Hospitality all over the world has become more aware of past vulnerabilities that they might have had and have closed these holes by more in-depth training and awareness of guests and staff," he says. "In today's society, all travelers are becoming interdependent on each other for safety and security."
    This article talks about the future trend of the hospitality security, which is technology is opening new doors to hotel safety.  The author introduces some different technologies such as Contact-less Smartcards and RFID that hotels like New York's Plaza Hotel are currently using. Finger print or cellphone wipe technology is also used instead of card, which should be more safe. Some hotels even use video-capture systems to make sure the security is perfect. After introducing these technologies, the author also talks about the privacy issues. Because some customers are not willing to be on cameras. However, though some of them are concerning about this issue, an expert predicts that new security measures will eventually become such a part of everyone's everyday lives that he or she will become the norm. All in all, this article gives us the trend that more and more technologies will be used for hotel security in the future.
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    I think PR representatives should address the privacy controversy surrounding radio frequency identification technology with a safety campaign. This may help consumers realize that they are not in the privacy of their own home when they are in the hallways of hotels and cruise ships and the cameras/tracking could help protect them. As long as the data collected is not misused these technologies will continue to be present in these locations.
    It's pretty important for the hospitality industry to present these new technologies as wonderful security measures. People could be put off by knowing they have to swipe their finger to get into a bathroom. The success of these technologies depends on effective marketing and proven security measures that ensure collected information about a traveller will not be used in unethical ways.
    Interesting article it is. Security is always the big issue for hospitality. I would like to stay in a hotel that is using finger print as the key card of the hotel because i believe that is much safer than cards that anybody can access my room by using the card.
    In this article all of the new trends for hotel security are described and examples of where they are being implemented are given. Thanks to technological innovations hotel safety is heading into a whole different level. Now key cards are being change to more sophisticated ones that need just to be waved to open a room door. In the near future it is expected for these cards to be used as a payment method and to check-in and check-out. In the U.S biometrics technology is starting to be used by a small number of properties not only for guests to access their rooms but for employees. Facial recognition systems with the ability of tracking guests and employees are also being implemented. This system helps to improves customer service as it helps to really understand guest's preferences, as enormous amount of information can be extracted as they are constantly being monitored. Other technologies are also being developed. The most amazing ones are the systems that track other unique human characteristics as the way a person walks or it's DNA.
    The technology of hotel changes very fast, such as swipe of a cellphone or print of a finger, or the contact cards that need just be waved to allow room access. It is like the cruise world's one card system, these cards may soon make hotel stays easier by allowing guests to pay for services, as well as to check- in and check-out, through a single device. If customers lost their cards on cruise, the radio frequency identification and smartphone will provide customers their code via text message, so they can play back the code to unlock your room door. But more card free security systems are on the way. If you want to get into your room at New York's SoHo Loft , you are going to have to lift a finger. The Nine Zero Hotel in Boston us the technology to make the property safer all round ,that means non-staff members and intruders can not access the property. Systems that track the other qualities that make each human unique in development as well. The Houston's largest hotel has a facial recognition system that can identify and track guests and an annual $16 million payroll ,the system offers benefits such as employee time theft monitoring and prevention for the hotel. But with 1200 rooms worth of luggage in transit the system makes it a lot easier to find lost or misdirected bags The Wolfe feels that in addition to the biometrics and high-tech methods currently being deployed ,one of the greatest security measures of late is actually low tech.
    The full name of RFID is radio-frequency identification. RFID is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data from a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. Some tags require no battery and are powered by the electromagnetic fields used to read them. Others use a local power source and emit radio waves (electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies). The tag contains electronically stored information which can be read from up to several metres (yards) away. Now RFID in hospitality industry as a tool is used for improving service quality, customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability. As the new technology apply into hotel security, the hotels change their ways in the blink of an eye, or the swipe of a cell phone, or the print of a finger. With futuristic systems like scent and iris scanners and digital facial-recognition, hotel security is being taken to the high level and some of the luxury hotels begin to use RFID system. Usually customers will worry about lose the card of hotel. Then they can not open the door and even need to pay extra money to buy a new card. But now security systems in some hotels do away with cards altogether. Because of RFID system, customers can use the iPhone connect with the system. When a guest checks into a hotel and provides their phone number, they get an encrypted sound code via text message. Guests can play back the code to unlock your room door.
    i think there are some factors to consider. Customer Service - Many opportunities for "great" customer service are lost if guest and employee interaction is diminished. In many cases, the front desk staff give the first impression that a guest experiences. This first "experience" can be crucial for referring the guest to other property amenities, i.e. spa, restaurants, lounge, pool, attractions, etc. Often, the front desk staff are acting as the concierge and resolvers of guest issues.
    this article talks about new technology that is being implemented throughout out US and the world. Old key cards are now going to be replaced with even older standard keys or the radio frequency identification card that can be waived in front of the door to gain access. Also, there is a technology that will sent an encrypted sound text to guest;s cell phone, which when played back will open the door.  It talks about technology that tracks all employees, guests and their luggage.  There are several concerned that travelers have about their privacy, but article stated that it all depends on the type of the traveler.  Also, the face recognition technology used in Houston's largest hotel remembers guests names and when they return, guests are greeted by name.  Article concludes that even with all this technology, the best security is provided through interdependence of travelers and employees.  
    Technology in the hotel travel and tourism industry will be changing drastically in the near future, from the swipe of a cell phone, print of a finger, facial recognition, iris scanners, security is going to be taken to the next level. the plastic key cards will soon no longer exist. Radio frequency I'd cards are the new thing, where guest will use this for preferences for everything, from charging things to your room, preference of floor type to pillow choice, chick in and out etc. systems that track the other qualities of a person instead of using a key or card are in development as well. There are research going on how to open the door and. Lose wi just the persons walk and movements. Some people think these new security technologies are awesome, while some think they are not, people dont want to be watched 24/7while on vacation they just want to enjoy there stay. But in today's society all travelers are becoming interdependent on each other for safety and security.
Mirta Echazabal

Hotel Rooms of the Future: New Hospitality Technology Profiled | News Arc... - 2 views

    This article basically talks about how much technology has changed and what directors of softwares predict technology will be in the near future. The article informs how the Peachtree Plaza hotel like many other hotels replaced the keys to all the rooms with electronic key cards. Which increased security for the guest and cost saving. Hospitality consultants agreed that in the future mobile phones will be the way to open guest room doors and will probably occur through infrared or wirelesss access to rooms. Neil Roodyn the director of software developers informed that he predicts that in the future people will be sitting around touch sensitive table top computer in lobbies where they can searchfor places to go in the area and make their own restaurant reservations. Neil predicts this can also influence more communication and interaction between guest. My thoughts on this article is that the younger generation is far more technology oriented and feel more comfortable with working all these new gadgets, but for the baby boomers and older crowd have the want and need of having that human interaction. Technology seems a bit to advanced for them. The more technology advances the less human interaction will occur. I think that technology advancement is great for everyone, but human interaction needs to remain for those that are not very technology savy.
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    I am all for getting rid of hotel room key cards. I have the worst time keeping track of them. I also find your comments on the generation gap to be compelling. My Dad is terrified of anything electronic. I cannot imagine that he would easily trust technology to check him into a hotel and do the basic functions of customer service. He would walk right past the touch screen computers and ask the desk receptionist for area attractions. I do see the decrease in human interaction as a negative. I personally enjoy the opinions of local people when it comes to ideas about where to eat or what to see. All of this rapid technological change can be intimidating, but I am sure that once we all grow accustomed to the new ways of staying in a hotel, then the old key cards will seem like dinosaurs.
    My parents are also not very savy with technology and they dont even speak english, so it makes it that much harder for them. They both still have flip phones. Overall, I know in the end there has to be some sort of balance with the advancement of technology and still have that human interaction.
    This is an informative article, and I also understand Mary's opinion. Over decades, technology has rapidly advanced and it seems to be quite hard to catch up with all the new technology released quickly. For example, I stayed in a hotel called Aria, one of the newly built hotels in Las Vegas, and the hotel is equipped with state-of-the-art room technology (not just room but all over the hotel). To get into a room, unlike other hotels, I just put a room key on a sensor instead of inserting a key; as well as, I just touched a button right next to the door for privacy instead of putting the "Do not Disturb" card on a door knob. This is not something really huge, however this is how hotels are technologically changing. As a person studying Hospitality Management, the change was very impressive, but at the same time, it was intimidating. Obviously, our parents generation should have harder time to use new technology and/or to get used it than I do. I totally agree that there should be a balance between technology advancement and human interation.
    I agree with Mary regarding baby boomers may not be as quick to adapt to the advancement of technology, however what is noticeable in resort hotels is that more people are taking family vacation and the kids are the ones driving the technology. It will therefore just be a matter of time where the use of technology within hotels will be just like a regular lifestyle activity.

Technology expert Jason Bradbury reviews Eccleston Square Hotel in the future - Hotel D... - 0 views

  • As technology marches inexorably forward, gaining speed at an exponential rate, it seems that the simple and the authentic have more value than ever before.
  • The hotel room of the future will still rely heavily on technology, but it will be engineered for invisibility.
  • The recently launched Magic Leap mixed reality headset offers insight into how a futuristic hotel room could be brought or augmented with ultra-high definition virtual assets.
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  • Hyper-personalisation will drive much high-end retail and leisure experiences in the future
  • It’s a contradiction for sure, but technology will deliver what the hotel guest of the future will desire most, authenticity.
  • The design ethos, eco and energy awareness, food and customer service expectations of the discerning hotel guest a decade hence will still be central to their choice.
    Jason Bradbury a technology expert and futurist spends a night in the Eccleston Square Hotel in London. He states how its a fine example of how smart technology can greatly enhance a hotel stay. Bradbury describes the rooms many technological aspects and reviews his stay entire stay. He states how technology will deliver what the future guest deires which is aunthenticity.

5 Visions For The Future Of POS - Retail TouchPoints - 0 views

    This article was very interesting. It is a short read but it talks about the future POS systems and it is a very cool and definitely increase customer satisfaction. The article mentions five examples which are image scanning, quick sales/mobile POS, RFID, Biometrics, and digital product tracking. Image scanning would recognize items on a conveyor belt so it will eliminate human error like double scanning and will speed up the process. The implementation of quick sales/mobile POS will also speed up the process of check outs by allowing associates and customers the ability to purchase anywhere in the store. RFID will ensure accurate scanning and product security. Instead of a tag on the garment a RFID transponder is printed directly into the cloth or packaging using biodegradable conductive inks. Biometrics will improve store operations and customer experience by personalizing the experience for each customer. Digital product tracking will eliminate the need for checkout lines. This will be done through the customers' mobile device, tracking the items on there and then transferred to the POS or self-checkout. Then a digital receipt will be sent to the mobile device. This article at the end is exciting because of what the future holds for POS systems.

POS of the Future Predictions & Insights | Hospitality Technology - 0 views

  • The point of service is becoming untethered from the point of sale. The next-generation point of sale is being shaped by the call for the POS to be all things for all people.
  • This year’s results indicate that restaurants are preparing to take an active role in the evolution of the POS. More than half are testing and researching new POS solutions for 2019 and beyond, and 46% plan to add functionalities to current software in 2019
  • the top three business drivers that will be prompting POS enhancements, two — adding mobile POS and enabling new payment options — speak to a bigger issue: providing customers with frictionless ways to pay, wherever and however they want.
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  • More than half (61%) of operators say that being able to use data to understand guest preferences and behavior is the top driver influencing a POS upgrade.
  • “Advanced payment types and allowing more payment types to be accepted at the POS will drive the POS of the Future. Pay-at-the-table, as well as mobility in general, are becoming very prevalent as businesses realize that mobility is a key factor in meeting guests where they want to be interacted with.
  • POS consolidation will continue to impact technology as POS options become more directly tied to payment processing. As the barrier to technology development continues to decrease
  • “The future POS will be shaped by the proliferation of consumer preferences to order ahead and online and their desire to drive the transaction in-store as well as merchant preferences to manage orders and payments in real-time, whether they are in-store or off-site.”  — Clover
  • “New forms of payment that eliminate interchange are going to make it difficult for companies to subsidize POS hardware and software with the payment processing revenue.
  • — Ingenico
  • The rise of off-premises ordering and digital enablement will mean an increased focus on advanced kitchen production, the enablement of consolidated and centralized menus and order entry across consumer and employee entry points, and automation of delivery orders and services through branded applications and third-party aggregators.
  • “As restaurants expand their adoption of software and analytic tools, security will be at the forefront of POS discussions. Data vulnerability is directly related to the number of access points in a hardware or software solution. The risk associated with having access to a wide range of value-add software applications is the increase in access points for potential data compromise.” — TableSafe
  • “We’ll see an increase in omni-channel ordering including via mobile and kiosk, plus more voice assistant-enabled ordering using the Amazon Echo (Alexa) or Google Home APIs.What’s more, because it’s Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven, the voice assistant ordering system will ‘learn’ and continually improve based on actual orders and spoken language.” — Xenial
  • With ever-changing customer demographics and demands, like the increase in integrated online ordering and food delivery, your POS software needs to adapt to your customer base and continue to adjust to reflect business efficiencies.
  • As an example, the movement to cloud POS highlights the limitations and decreasing utility of client server architecture. Also, closed systems are falling out of favor.
  • As a result, POS suppliers need to think about how this plays out through the system and in to kitchen operations.  Also, in an online ordering and delivery environment, store location may not be as relevant as store capacity and balancing work between sites.
    This article is the resultant of a survey by Hospitality Technology as a deep dive into the minds of Restaurant Technology experts and executives. The results of the survey, commented by various executives from POS provision companies details their thoughts on the needs and direction of POS systems in the industry. The article, though lengthy, outlines current additions to existing POS systems and upgrades they are or will be implementing as a contrast to the opinions of the Technology executives. Out of this, several distinct trends emerge. POS will no longer be just cash register alternatives. They as a class of products are evolving quickly, integrating data, inventory management, third party integration (both service and distribution side) as well as an emphasis on Cloud-Based and managed implementations. All seem to concur that the future of the POS is not merely operational and operator functionality but also payment systems integrations that will make payment by the consumer friction-less and more diversified. On-line ordering is a distinct focus for all POS providers as online ordering grows exponentially for the foreseeable future. This includes critical items for brand based application ordering as well as third party aggregators. This includes the integration of omni-channel ordering including mobile, amazon-echo, Google-Echo and other AI/Voice based systems and the implications of their increasing usage. Data Security will be at the forefront of POS implementations with Restaurants having to increase their focus on vulnerabilities in their current systems and look to Cloud based systems to offer greater safeguards against hacks and data compromise. Finally, there seems a general agreement that a POS needs to be ready for the future, that is is extensible, up-gradable, and flexible to meet the rapid changes in technology in as bio metrics, payment methods (ie Bitcoin), new devices and services come to market. .
Maria Zuniga

Event Planning In The Hotel Of The Future - 1 views

  • Combining today’s recognizable technology, such as touchscreen and virtual reality, with concepts that are beyond our time, these are some of the notable features hotels in the future will have.
  • As one of the strongest drivers for change in the event industry, technology plays a prominent role in the planning and management of events
  • This includes robot butlers, entertainment, greeters and business services which for planning events can be more cost effective and reduce human error, streamlining the process of communicating with the systems to get exactly what you want.
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  • he idea of using robots could help break down the language barrier that is sometimes the case when planning in other countries as these robots are naturally multi-lingual and can adapt to the language you are using.
  • It could also be the case that it loses that human touch for the guests and when quick problem-solving is needed, robots won’t be able to deal with this as intuitively as they follow set protocols.
  • With 3D bio-printing currently being researched, it is not a huge leap to consider 3D printers in hotel rooms that can accommodate products such as headphones or clothing and accessories
  • Based on votes and crowdsourcing, venues can be made-to-order and self-assemble the environment around them to suit.
  • Larger venues and associated grounds could create an event in themselves by recreating famous landmarks or even movie settings that could be explored.
  • Based on your DNA, own health and genetics you would be able to visit health centers and spas that could promote longevity. It could become the latest trend in bachelorette parties or healthy event experiences that cater to the health conscious.
  • A hotel that is short-term and could pop-up in limited spaces would work hand in hand with pop-up events and mean they could be reproduced on a larger scale.
  • It is suggested that fast and effective hovering, autonomous airport transfers would be able to go supersonic in order to beat the traffic and reduce the journey. If this is the case it could free up plenty of time on the itinerary for corporate or destination events and this means providing a better experience.
  • As sustainability and environmental issues are becoming an increasing concern and given prominence, it makes sense that future hotels and venues would plan sustainable events and accommodation
  • Sustainable hotels that produce and operate on clean, self-sustaining energy will become a viable option for the environmentally conscious guest and the suggestion is that all hotels would have the option to become sustainable.
  • These would work in a similar way to how a concierge app works now and would streamline the travel bookings and searches. In the same way that Siri can help you access items from the internet or your phone, these avatars would be a more complex and capable version that cuts out the need for travel agents
  • rom biometric payment systems which can greatly reduce the risk of identity theft to eye scanner room entry, DNA authorizations will be more popular. As technology develops, so does the need for security
    This article talks about the future of event planning. The efforts hotels will have to make to be competitive in the industry. It also talks about the technology that will have to be offered such as VR (virtual reality).
    This article is very interesting because it lists all the ways that event planning will be in the future because of technological advances. It talks about autonomous staff, 3D shopping, made-to-order venues, personalized longevity health spas, pop-up hotels, supersonic air travel, sustainable hotels, personal travel avatars, and DNA authorization. The article describes the benefits and downfalls to each one and puts emphasis on the fact that these advances are closer than we can imagine.

ECommerce in Hospitality and Tourism Industry - 1 views

  • New technologies are providing different channels for marketing and management that improve the capabilities of society. And computers are providing faster and more reliable processing with lower cost continually.
  • In Hospitality and Tourism industry, hardware, software, information management, and telecommunications systems have allowed for the processing and information flow amongst organizations. The way in which tourism organizations take advantage of IT tools may determine their future success in the marketplace [4]. We consider the importance of the trend of Information Technology by implementing an effective IT system for advertising, distribution, encouragement and co-ordination of the industry. It is important that Hotel Industry take the lead of the emerging technologies to improve management abilities and develop business plans focusing on the most efficient income of delivering value added products to clients.
  • B2C transactions involve business-to-customer interactions.
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  • B2B transactions involve business-to-business.
  • B2E transactions involve a business and its employees.
  • C2C transactions involve two or more consumers (customer-to-customer).
  • The industry can make profits to many countries and pull foreign currencies into the country.
  • The travel distribution system is currently facing many changes as online agencies such as Priceline, Travelocity, Expedia, etc. have introduced a way to access travel suppliers directly via the worldwide web. In general, Global Distribution Systems have not shown much of an effort toward targeting on-line customers. As an alternative, Customer Relation Systems have remained trustworthy to their travel agency distributors.
  • The Internet is not the full solution to success in the Hospitality and Tourism industry. However, the Internet is the “overall business answer” across industries
  • The success of the Hospitality and Tourism industry will depend upon the abilities to identify and answer quickly to current and potential customer needs
  • Starwood Hotel Group was standing ahead of other Hotels to offer a online “virtual tours” of its properties. This feature provides a site visit to potential guests without having to travel to each property. And now, many well-known hotels are also providing this promotion feature for stand top of the roles to attract potential customers.
  • Google presented the vision of Internet marketing is likely to grow by 2015. Some of them are worth to be informed and aware about.
  • 50% of ad campaigns will include video ads bought on a cost-per-view basis 50% of ads will be bought using this real-time bidding technology to tailor experiences for different viewers Smartphones / mobile phone will be the number one screen for digital brands to engage users There will be at least 5 metrics that advertisers will regard as more important than the “click” 75% of web ads will be “social” in nature such as facebook. Therefore, Ads will be shared, discussed, subscribed to and recommended Multimedia formats enable great creativity and interaction – these will grow from 6% of display ad impressions to 50%, especially for brand building campaigns Digital display advertising is going to grow to a $50 billion industry This forecast shows that competition to attract potential customers via worldwide web will be more and more drastic.
  • World Tourism Organization (WTO) estimates that over 1.5 billion tourists would take international journeys in the year 2020.
  • Airlines have a stronger straight link to customers as they compete directly against travel agents [23]. Furthermore, they could have stronger control over the customers due in part to the e-ticketing. In this respect, online technology has replaced the travel agency by adding value via fare shoppers, promotions, and personalized recommendations
  • Another e-Commerce model such as Auction style-pricing models are becoming customer preference, where the customer are able to control the price of the products and services to be consumed.
  • Customers are almost guaranteed that they will obtain the best price by negotiating via an online agent such as Priceline. But a shortcoming to all of this is that the customer will not understand all of the normal benefits of air tickets as they are sacrificed via online auction purchases. For example, in many cases the travel ticket does not permit any changes or accrual of or without significant penalty charges.
  • Online companies have more of a chance at success in Hong Kong due to the dense population, strong education systems, high credit card and cell phone usage. This leaves room for the future development of the next Priceline or Travelocity in Asia which could pose a major threat to hospitality & tourism organizations. Based on the high volume cell phone usage in Hong Kong, Mobile commerce should be a new trend on next stage. [29]
  • As low cost computer real-time data, fast speed internet access, voice and video communications become a reality, travel agencies may no longer be needed. On the other hand, the Internet challenge can also mean chance. Hotel owners and operators who understand and master e-commerce or m-commerce challenges will be able to jump ahead of online threats from large players such as Priceline. Otherwise, many will find themselves out of business.
  • Information Technology tools have allowed travel intermediaries to expand their role in the industry by presenting opportunities to venture into other markets on a geographical level.
  • Not only should hoteliers focus on the business traveler, but they should also consider whether there are other types of potential target customers as we may find that both young and older generations were sitting in the Internet shops utilizing online services during their vacation as well.
  • Organizations have to invest in the expertise and equipment (Hardware, Software) for building a strong IT base at first.
  • Internet security has been a major issue surrounding the Internet community.
  • Governments are currently addressing Internet based global commerce by considering rules of conduct, guiding principles, laws and taxation. [*30]
  • Today, hotels are distributing their product via more and more channels. How they keep control of availability and price, maintain a consistent level of customer service, in addition to keep their distribution partners up to date at the same time has becomes a complicated and expensive process.
  • The core transactions of our business involve intimate face-to-face interactions, which have certain limitations in regard to the use of e-commerce in the hospitality industry compared with other enterprises
  • It is important to take a look at how Internet technology will affect the future of the tourism industry. Most IT tools are being utilized
  • The hospitality & tourism internet future suggests a universal system where property management systems will eliminate the need for expensive on-site computer hardware/software.
  • Future success for hospitality & tourism companies depends upon their abilities to identify a target market and the strategic opportunities available for survival and growth.
  • It is crucial for hospitality & tourism organizations to stay on top of the roles of the major online players that are posing a serious threat to the industry such as Travelocity, Priceline, Expedia, Yahoo, etc. Their role in the future of hospitality & tourism marketing is crucial to the survival of Hoteliers.
    This article highlights the different aspects that e-commerce brings to society. It highlights the many ways that e-commerce has affected the Hospitality Industry and the things that can be done about it, and it also highlights the economical and political impact that e-commerce might have on the future of our society (especially the hospitality industry).

Future proof, defined: 10 things to look for when considering new hotel tech | PhocusWire - 0 views

  • a hub connects best-in-class technologies and thereby ensures that your hotel has a choice of best-in-class technologies today and into the future.
  • A hub like HapiCloud will make your technologies more powerful and connected, ensuring each piece of your hotel technology puzzle is leveraging the data and functionality of the others.
  • but tooling (that has a modular architecture which can be built atop the provided technology) is ke
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  • ok to work wit
  • Look for technologies that provide a code-free interface that can be managed by non-technical staf
  • cloud-connected devices will grow, adapt and change with your hotel’s (or hotel group’s) needs.
  • They’ll enable the personalization your guests expect and the fleet-management tools your hotel operations require.
  • technologies that are agnostic in approach and play well with others.
  • ook to devices that provide the same - perhaps brand standard - features that your guests expect, but in a modern future proof way. A great new example is the Echo Dot with a clock from Amazon
  • A great example of a feature-rich solution in the hotel technology market today
  • s the energy management system from INTEREL
  • has a lot of features - including Bluetooth beaconing - that you may not see the need for today, but, mark my words, you will in the future.
  • Leapfrogging over technologies that clearly have a shelf life is a giant step forward in the quest to protect against future switching costs.
  • Look at the track record of your potential partne
  • Technology is not static, and custom-building a product inherently means continued development costs just to keep up with change
    the article explores different types of softwares and new technologies that hotels should use to stay up to date with the needs of the guests and help employees perform their tasks better to give a better customer service.
Amanda Acosta

Future of Cloud Computing - 7 Trends & Prediction about Cloud - DataFlair - 0 views

  • We can see the future of Cloud computing as a combination of cloud-based software products and on-premises compute which will help to create hybrid IT solutions.
  • integral parts of cloud computing will be the organized process and a better way of processing data.
  • So many businesses are adopting cloud computing and it has been predicted that the Cloud providers will provide more data centers at a lower price as there is a large competition between them.
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  • With the help of the IoT and Cloud Computing, we can store data in the cloud, for further analyze & provide enhanced performance.
  • in the future applications will store in places other than the cloud
  • reduce the cost of software
  • as placing components of the program on different storage is economical.
  • The cloud computing market is growing at 22.8 percent and will exceed $127.5 after 2018. By 2018, 62% of all CRM software will be cloud-based. Moreover, 30% of all application spending is for software as a service based applications.
  • Cloud Computing will be one of the leading technologies in the future as the software as a service solution will account for more than 60% of the workload.
  • Cloud Computing is user-friendly and is compatible for both new as well as old organizations.
  • The cloud providers provide better security measures opening balance ways to prevent cyber attacks.
  • If cloud computing will continue to evolve the use of hardware will be less as most of the work will be done with the help of cloud computing and virtualization. We can save the setup cost of software by dividing it and this will lead to decreasing the use of hardware.If the evolution continues the data stored in the cloud will get analyzed with the help of a machine and it won’t require any human help.
    Technology continues to advance day after day. With that being said, trends either fade or grow. In the case of cloud computing it has grown over the years, especially during and post covid. Cloud computing offers storage, enhanced internet performance, security, and is cost effective. It is predicted that all these features will be enhanced and evolve in the future. It has shown to help businesses grow with features such as data analyzation and efficiency. It is said that cloud computing not only benefits the business, but the host as well. With such advancement and more and more businesses taking on cloud computing it is also important for them to stay up to date with latest development in this technology. Do you think businesses will start requiring a training done every year by their employees for cloud computing?

Local hotels get certified for their efforts to go green | The Desert Sun | - 0 views

  • Guest rooms have sensors that automatically raise the temperature a few degrees when unoccupied; ditto the kitchen’s new dishwasher, which turns off when no trays are pushed through, and a pile of new exhaust hoods, soon to be installed on the resort’s seven to eight stoves, that will turn off if they sense no cooking smoke.
    Facilities management is an area of a hotel, restaurant, or cruise ship guests do not often think about, but they play a huge role in the hospitality experience. Lately facilities management has a huge influence on making hotels energy efficient and greener. The Hyatt Hotel Corporation is working on creating greener properties like the Indian Wells' Hyatt Regency Spa and Resort. The property and Hyatt recently hired Sixto Ramirez a mechanical engineer to become a force behind making the property greener. The focus has been on new dishwashers that will turn off when no trays are being pushed through the system; guest rooms now have sensors to raise the A/C temperature when no one is inside to save energy; soon the property's stoves will have new exhaust hoods that will turn off when it senses no cooking smoke. The property is also updating cooling towers to energy efficient models to eliminate discharge into the sewer system. Facilities management is working on improving the property and becoming energy efficient. Sustainability is an important aspect to facilities management. Improving green technology in facilities management will help the hospitality industry to become sustainable and energy efficient. Large properties like the Hyatt will help improve energy efficiency by bringing in engineers to work on improving facilities on resort and hotel properties. This is an area that can help bring down costs in the future and improve properties. Facilities management plays a huge role in running a hospitality business and without this department a hospitality experience would never be the same. Sustainability is the future of facilities management. I found the article to be interesting with how the Hyatt has chosen to improve the property for the future.
Matt Turner

The Time is NOW for Social Media in the Hospitality Industry - 2 views

    Social media has revolutionized the way businesses are able to interact with consumers - It sets an unprecedented opportunity for brands to raise the bar in providing unique, personal experiences for customers past, present and future. The hospitality industry in particular has an enormous opportunity to market in innovative ways via tools like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, blogging, mobile-based initiatives and more. Now is the time for the hospitality business to use social media to target their customers. It is important for hotels to realize the importance of this and invest money in improving their company's image and awareness.
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    I definetely agree with this article. Social media seems to be the advertising method of the future. I do not follow any blogs, but I know a lot of people who will go and buy whatever their favorite blogger suggests are good products. The same will likely be true for the hospitality industry. If the right person suggests a restaurant or hotel, people will flock there. Bloggers are like internet celebrities and everyone knows how people blindly follow the celebs.
    This is an article that highlights the relationship between the hospitality industry and social media. The author, Debbie Miller, talks about how social media has enabled brands to provide personal and unique experiences to its customers, whether they are past, present, or future patrons. Miller also talks about the innovative ways that the hospitality industry is marketing itself, such as twitter, facebook, youtube, and more. Miller touches on location based loyalty, and we no longer need a stamp card, because everything can be managed to through cell phones, using applications such as foursquare. The author then goes on to talk about the fact that everyone can be a potential reviewer, and how restaurants and hotels must monitor sites such as tripadvisor and yelp. She makes a great point about how one bad experience can be posted in real time, for the world to see. The next point that Miller makes is how mobile access and video is key for hotels. She states that Hotels have a cliental that is always on the go, and that makes it important for the hotel to utilize a user friendly mobile site. Also, she talks about how hotels can use video to show potential guests all that they have to offer. Lastly, Miller moves on to talk about airlines and destinations, and how they use social media. She states that airlines have found a number of ways to use technology and social media, explaining that one airline, amidst a large words with friends debacle, used social media to clear the air. The author finishes with how destinations are using social marketing as well. She states that many destinations are now using social media sites to keep their guests informed about local events, as well as niches such as hotels, eateries, and other attractions.
    Social media has been around for a while but slowly has become more and more popular. We as a hospitality industry have so many opportunities with social media. For example.. I work in a restaurant and we do so much promoting on Facebook And twitter for specials and upcoming events. With social media in the industry it allows us to interact with customers from the past, present, and potential future guests. The author of this article hits it right on when talking about ways to use it with all the different allies there are now a days.
    This is a great article. This is the wave of the future as hospitality business can place ads and deals on places like facebook and travelocity. It is great as well to see reviews from other people when it comes to things like hotels and restaurants, so you too can choose if the place is right for you. While reviewing a place is great for future customers, it may not be a great tool for the establishment, if it receives bad reviews. One bad review can damage an establishments reputation over night.
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