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On Orbitz, Mac Users Steered to Pricier Hotels - - 0 views

  • Orbitz Worldwide Inc. OWW 0.00% has found that people who use Apple Inc.'s AAPL +1.91% Mac computers spend as much as 30% more a night on hotels, so the online travel agency is starting to show them different, and sometimes costlier, travel options than Windows visitors see.
  • in this case, the fact that customers are visiting from a Mac—to start predicting their tastes and spending habits.
  • Orbitz found Mac users on average spend $20 to $30 more a night on hotels than their PC counterparts
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  • Rival travel sites Expedia Inc., EXPE +0.66% Inc. PCLN +2.24% and Travelocity, which is a unit of Sabre Holdings Corp., don't use a person's computer operating system when suggesting hotels, spokesmen said. Apple declined to comment.
    Here is something interesting for you Mac users. Did you knew that you are actually being charged more to use websites like Orbitz or Priceline? Don't believe me, well check it out. Over the last year or two Orbitz has been working on what they call "predictive analytics". Meaning they are able to predict where consumers will likely book their reservations based on what computer they are using. The article states that, Mac users are 40% more likely to book a four to five star hotel than PC users. Since companies like Orbitz (who took a 37 million dollar loss in 2011) are taking big hits from the lack of travelling thanks to the economy, they are trying to create any advantage they can in order to turn the market around. One thing to point out, is that Orbitz's competitors like Priceline and Expedia said that they do not base their sales on what computers the consumers are using, Apple had no comment. Orbitz said the effort to incorporate Mac vs. PC distinctions is still in its formative stages and isn't evident across the site. Other factors have more influence over results, Mr. Liew said, including a user's location and history on the site, as well as a hotel's overall popularity and promotions. Still, he said, use of a Mac can influence results.
    The best part of the article is how it states a good POS system is one that doesn't let you waste time with the POS. Instead your attention can be turned to your customers and staff. The system will do everything for you just by a touch of buttons from the screen. All you would have to do is print out the information and it will tell you everything you need to run a sucessfull establishment.

Big data and analytics in tourism and hospitality: opportunities and risks - ProQuest - 0 views

  • The purpose of this paper is to examine and provide insights into one of the most influential technologies impacting the tourism and hospitality industry over the next five years, i.e. big data and analytics. It reflects on both opportunities and risks that such technological advances create for both consumers and tourism organisations, highlighting the importance of data governance and processes for effective and ethical data management in both tourism and hospitality
  • This paper identifies and examines key opportunities and risks posed by the rising technological trend of big data and analytics in tourism and hospitality. While big data is generally regarded as beneficial to tourism and hospitality organisations, there are extensively held ethical, privacy and security concerns about it. Therefore, the paper is making the case for more research on data governance and data ethics in tourism and hospitality and posits that to successfully use data for competitive advantage, tourism and hospitality organisations need to solely expand compliance-based data governance frameworks to frameworks that include more effective privacy and ethics data solutions.
  • Technology (and its rapid development) is one of the key megatrends and driving forces that are seen to shape the future of tourism (Yeoman, 2012, 2018; Yeoman and McMahon-Beattie, 2018) via changes that will impact the way tourism and hospitality providers interact with travellers.
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  • A recent business report on key megatrends and market disruptors suggests that technology and new ways of engaging and interacting with customers are fuelling the rate of disruption as currently businesses are able to reach new customers in new ways and can reinvent customer engagement around service and convenience (Boumphrey, 2019).
  • One of the most important uses of data is to improve personalisation, travel companies using the information they gather to make specific adjustments to their offerings.
  • Currently, considerable amount of structured and unstructured data are produced globally (Nunan and Di Domenico, 2013; Verdino, 2013), a so-called “digital exhaust” (Wang, 2013; Barocas and Nissenbaum, 2014) that is passively generated by users of products and services using mobile devices (Shilton, 2009), an abundance of publicly available data shared on social networking platforms (Nov et al., 2010) and customer data and information purposely collected by tourism organisations’ booking systems or customer relations management (CRM) systems
  • This abundance of data and the act of processing data on a large scale has led to the concept of “Big Data,” which Mayer-Schönberger and Cukier (2013) define as “things one can do at a large scale that cannot be done at a smaller one, to extract new insights or create new forms of value, in ways that change markets, organisations, the relationship between citizens and governments, and more” (p. 6
  • ndeed, one of the latest Euromonitor International travel industry reports confirms that big data and analytics is expected to be the most influential technology impacting the industry in the next five years (Bremmer, 2019), followed by artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.
  • The use of data is viewed as a disruptive innovation in the tourism and hospitality industry, although it allows organisations in the industry to facilitate personalisation, offer convenience, save costs and overall gain competitive advantage (Evans, 2020).
  • Not surprisingly, privacy is now the top data issue and concern for organisations
  • In particular, in the tourism and hospitality sector, the effective use of big data is associated with revenue management (e.g. using and combining internal data, such as occupancy rates and current bookings, with external data such as information about local events, school holidays and flight information to forecast demand and maximise revenues); market research and strategic marketing purposes (e.g. identifying customer trends to best cater marketing opportunities); customer experience and reputation management (e.g. social media conversations and online reviews, service usage data and internal feedback via customer surveys). A good example of an organisation that successfully uses big data to gain competitive advantage is AirBnB (Evans, 2020; Guttentag, 2019).
  • These concerns have been intensified by recent global cyber-attacks and more specifically by significant data breaches in a wide range of industries and sectors, including the tourism and hospitality industry (Armerding, 2018; PwC, 2016, 2017). The hospitality industry is now in the media spotlight because of high profile breaches (PwC, 2016, 2017).
  • One of the biggest data breaches of the 21st century has affected one of the largest hospitality companies, Marriott International. Starting in 2014, the data breach occurred on systems supporting Starwood hotel brands, which were acquired by Marriott in 2016 and affected ∼500 million customers worldwide, with the breach only being discovered in September 2018. Data and information on names, contact information, passport numbers, travel information and other personal information were compromised, and information on credit card numbers and expiration dates of more than 100 million customers was stolen (Armerding, 2018).
  • Indeed, the 2018 Global State of Enterprise Analytics survey found that globally 49 per cent of companies surveyed believed that the primary challenges organisations most commonly face are data privacy and security concerns (MicroStrategy, 2018). Similarly, another recent industry report shows that over 40 per cent of tourism industry professionals claimed that data privacy and cybersecurity are one of the most influential factors impacting digital commerce in this sector (Bremmer, 2019).
  • These technological advances provide significant opportunities for businesses to harness the wealth of data to support their activities and gain competitive advantage. The efficient uses of data and analytics drive process and cost efficiencies and strategy and change (MicroStrategy, 2018).
  • When selecting analytics solutions, tourism and hospitality organisations are required to address the growing concerns around privacy and security of customer data by putting in place well-designed data governance frameworks capable of providing quality data and be able to provide effective frameworks of data security and protection for all stakeholders
  • Potential frameworks for ethical data management and digital privacy specific to tourism and hospitality would need to identify, in addition to the protections afforded under the recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (ICO, 2018), how data is collected, what it is used for and who has access to it and why
  • Big data and analytics are playing a crucial role in digital transformation efforts of organisations in general and in the tourism and hospitality industry, thus driving greater effectiveness and efficiency and the strategy to define new business models and bring about successful change (Evans, 2020; MicroStrategy, 2018)
    This was about the risks in the hospitality and tourism industry when it comes to big data and analytics. Big data is so important in the hospitality industry because it's how companies know who to cater to and with what and how. In addition to the importance of big data, there are risks that come with it. A few risks are data leaks, hackers, etc. Companies invest money in their systems so these things are avoided.

Safety Security and Loss Prevention During Hospitality Emergencies - Disaster Recovery ... - 0 views

  • Emergency preparedness should be a major part of the hospitality managers’ duties; they must work side by side with other tourism organizations to be prepared well to assist and save the lives of the tourist before, during and after the catastrophic events, and should adopt an updated effective emergency plan.
  • Safety and security are classified as the most important factors in the hospitality industry. Pizam et al., (1997) argued that safety and security are the most important factors to the tourist, and the first in mind when planning to travel.
  • The effective usage of safety surveillance such as closed circuit television (CCTV), electric emergency generators, body guards, fire extinguishers, fire sprinklers, emergency lights will maintain the security procedures adopted by the hotels to ensure their guests' safety, and updated emergency plans to confirm the emergency preparedness and effective planning to overcome the potential risks.
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  • Furthermore, it is important to consider the proper dress for the security staff to be in line with the hospitality management philosophy.
  • Safety is a term which relates to protecting guests and staff within the hotel from the potential hazards, injury, and death by dealing with dangerous materials and different kinds of accidents. In contrast, security regards the protection of property from criminal accidents and terrorist activities.
    • lvela051
      Main goal with safety.
  • Providing the highest levels of safety standards and security ensures good marketing for the hotels by preventing an accident before it becomes a major issue causing loss of life and property.
  • effective information system and being well prepared for emergencies could prevent or minimize loss for the hotels.
    • lvela051
      Preparedness helps to know the situation better.
  • four-phase model to plan for the crisis and to deal with the emergencies; this model proposed reduction, readiness, response, and recovery phases to deal with the crisis.
  • Many practitioners imply that regarding the technology evolution in the last decade, Information Technology has become a fundamental part of the hospitality industry,
    • lvela051
      The use of technology is becoming a part of how to prevent the problem.
  • the importance of an updated emergency plan
    • lvela051
      things change over time, its important to continuously update the plan.
  • The hospitality industry is one of the most vulnerable industries to crises.
  • is vulnerable to both internal and external emergencies.
    • lvela051
      Need plan for both to be prepared.
  • updated regularly, and a direct communication system should be employed to respond to and overcome the crisis.
  • The importance of continuous emergency training for the employees is also emphasized.
  • ole of the media, information, and the social media should be reviewed and evaluated continuously
    • lvela051
      With the use of technology becoming a bigger factor, its important to have someone assigned to handle the media.
  • causing negative impacts not only for the hospitality players, but also for the tourists and the local community.
    • lvela051
      It affects more than just the establishment.
  • biometric technologies could ensure the hotel security and increase the effectiveness of hotel information systems. This will reduce the costs, improve management of the employee and guest activities, and improve the ability to recognize the criminal activities.
  • Preparedness and an updated emergency plan with managers' awareness will help the hospitality industry to provide the necessary resources, as well as effective training to avoid or minimize risks. Safety surveillance and security systems are very important to save guests' lives and hospitality properties. These factors can also be used as a marketing tool for guests and meeting planners. Finally, it's very important to understand the crisis emergency frameworks to mitigate effects and be well prepared before the crisis strike, and furthermore, to minimize losses during evacuation when the disaster happens.
    • lvela051
      What can be done.
  • susceptible to epidemics movements,
    • lvela051
      Word of mouth is a big marketing tool that can either hurt of help an industry.
  • Hotels should issue a check-list concerning a hotel’s vulnerability to emergencies caused by natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis) or man-made crises (terrorist attacks, explosions, fires, spill, food poisoning).
  • This will transmit a positive image: hospitality may gain a lot by using its safety and security as a marketing tool to attract more tourists to the destination.
    This article was very interesting and it was about how safety security is very important to the hospitality industry. This article also explained how a study shows the safety and security systems work in the hospitality industry. They also said that it is very important to update the emergency plan because you never know when something going to happen in the hotel and you always have to be ready for anything. This study just showed how an effective information system could prevent and being well prepared can definitely help prevent any emergency.
    The article is a study that was conducted in regards to the security management within a hotel and how an effective security system can help in preventing accidents or emergencies from occuring. The main priority of a hotel or any establishment, besides the service provided, is having an effective emergency plan set in place to be able to respond and overcome a crisis. International hospitality being a focus over the recent years, has suffered crises, risks, and disasters causing negative impacts on tourism and the community. Hotels should "issue a check-list concerning a hotel's vulnerability to emergencies caused by natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis) or man-made crises (terrorist attacks, explosions, fires, spill, food poisoning)." Another part of the plan is to focus on the loss prevention aspect of a hotel by implementing information technology to secure or improve security. On technology mentioned was biometric to increase the hotel information system and also to help reduce cost and improve the way we recognize criminal activities. With the hospitality industry being one of the most vulnerable industries to crimes and disasters, it is important to recognize, improve and update the plans set into place to ensure accurate information. While it's impossible to say that these preventions are going to stop these problems from happening, it can help other learn about the proper steps to handling these situations. I personally think that as much as employers suggest different way, it's the job of the loss prevention team in every industry to construct a plan that address as many issues and conduct trainings that would help to prepare us for these occasions. Trainings are going to be the best way to properly analyze a problem and improve on the emergency plan set.

Data Security in Hospitality: Risks and Best Practices - 0 views

  • Best practices for companies in the hospitality sector to protect data include:
  • Always encrypt payment card information. Operate a continuous training program in cybersecurity to maintain a well-trained workforce. Always adhere to relevant regulations, such as PCI DSS. Use cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, network monitoring, anti-malware, and traffic filtering to protect against common threats. Conduct tests against your organization’s cybersecurity defenses in which you mirror the behavior of an actual hacker. Know where your data is and enforce the principle of least privileges to limit access to sensitive information.
  • From the perspective of cybercriminals, hospitality appears to offer an ideal target vector for conducting crimes such as identity theft and credit card fraud due to the existence of multiple databases and devices containing both Payment Card Information (PCI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
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  • five of the biggest data security concerns in the hospitality industry and highlights some best practices for protecting hospitality data.
  • Data Security Concerns in Hospitality
  • complex ownership structures
  • groups may use different computer systems to store information, and the information can also frequently move across those systems.
  • Reliance on Paying By Card
  • t was reported in 2017 that out of 21 of the most high-profile hotel company data breaches that have occurred since 2010, 20 of them were a result of malware affecting POS systems.
  • can go unnoticed for months.
  • High Staff Turnover
  • In the U.K., for example, the job turnover rate in hospitality is as high as 90 percent.
  • challenge to maintain teams of well-trained staff.
  • Compliance
  • Insider Threats
  • t involves employees selling data to third parties without the knowledge of the organization that employs them.
  • Hotels, motels, resorts, and rented apartment complexes all gather and electronically store a range of sensitive personal guest data, such as names, phone numbers, addresses, and credit card details.
  • A case in point was the Wyndham Worldwide breaches of 2008 and 2010. Hackers gained access to the systems of an individual operating company through easily guessed passwords, and the attack easily proliferated through the entire corporate network, with the result that 619,000 customers had their information compromised.
  • Each of these groups may use different computer systems to store information, and the information can also frequently move across those systems.
  • ospitality appears to offer an ideal target vector for conducting crimes such as identity theft and credit card fraud due to the existence of multiple databases and devices containing both Payment Card Information (PCI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
  • ybercriminals use this reliance on cards to infect point-of-sale (POS) systems with malware that steals credit and debit card information by scraping the data
  • The high level of turnover and high degree of staff movement between different locations makes it a real challenge to maintain teams of well-trained staff
  • While GDPR protects individual data within the EU and EEA, its ramifications have rippled through industries globally, and organizations are realizing the need to put greater compliance measures in place. PCI DSS is another important global regulation that protects credit card data, and fines for non-compliance begin at $500,000 per incident. The risk here is not just to data security but to the future survivability of hospitality companies, many of which would not be able to absorb the s
  • This type of data risk is more subtle and it involves employees selling data to third parties without the knowledge of the organization that employs them
  • Always encrypt payment ca
  • rd information. Operate a continuous training program in cybersecurity to maintain a well-trained workforce. Always adhere to relevant regulations, such as PCI DSS. Use cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, network monitoring, anti-malware, and traffic filtering to protect against common threats. Conduct tests against your organization’s cybersecurity defenses in which you mirror the behavior of an actual hacker. Know where your data is and enforce the principle of least privileges to limit access to sensitive information.
    This article highlights several important security issues in the hospitality industry, followed by the practice of protecting data from loss. The data structure of the hotel industry is complex, customers mainly use bank cards to pay, and the staff turnover rate is high. There are certain internal threats. In order to solve these problems and avoid data loss, it is not enough to strengthen network security. It is also important that employees are trained and familiar with and comply with relevant regulations.
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    Data security is a major issue in the hospitality industry. A lot of personal information is stored on the computers specifically credit card information of the guests staying at the hotel. It is the responsibility of the hotel to ensure that the data is protected. High turnover rate in the industry can make this an even bigger challenge. Ensuring that your staff is properly trained to ensure the highest level of security is maintained is highly important.
    This article speaks about the data security concerns in hospitality. Restaurants, hotels, and other companies in the hospitality sector often have complex ownership structures in which there's a franchisor and a management company that acts as the operator. Businesses use different computer systems to store information. The nature of the hospitality industry is such that it is extremely reliant on cards as a form of payment. Cybercriminals use this reliance on cards to infect point-of-sale (POS) systems with malware that steals credit and debit card information by scraping the data. A vital part of protecting data is training staff to securely gather and store personal information. Well-trained staff also know how to recognize social engineering attempts and they understand an organization's compliance requirements. Data security risks in the hospitality industry extend far beyond the reputation hit that a hotel can take if guests' data is compromised. Industry and political regulators are becoming stricter in governing how organizations process and store personal data. Some of the best practices for companies in the hospitality industry to use are: always encrypt payment card info, operate training programs in cybersecurity regularly to keep everyone informed, adhere to regulations, know where the data is, and enforce limit access to sensitive info, and more.
    This article explains how data security is at an all time high in the hospitality industry. Focuses on the 5 security concerns and what are some practices that leadership can help employees detect when someone is trying to hack into sensitive information. Also, making sure employees are in compliance with company policy when leaving the company if they have access to sensitive data and making sure employees are not using to their advantage when leaving the company.
    Hospitality offers an ideal target vector for conducting Cyber crimes such as identity theft and credit card fraud due to the existence of multiple databases and devices containing both Payment Card Information (PCI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Restaurants, hotels, and other companies in the hospitality sector often have complex ownership structures with an individual owner or group of owners, and a management company that acts as the operator. Each of these groups may use different computer systems to store information, and the information can also frequently move across those systems.
    In this article, we learn about the top five data security risks as well as best practices to help prevent data breaches. According to the article, the hospitality industry is a prime target since it stores a vast amount of sensitive guest information like names, phone numbers, addresses, and credit card numbers. Some of the five risks included complex ownership structures, reliance on paying by card, and insider threats to name a few. In order to avoid these threats, the article suggest that companies become PCI compliant, use cybersecurity measures like firewalls, and know where exactly their data is stored.

Data Mining: What is Data Mining? - 3 views

  • For example, one Midwest grocery chain used the data mining capacity of Oracle software to analyze local buying patterns. They discovered that when men bought diapers on Thursdays and Saturdays, they also tended to buy beer. Further analysis showed that these shoppers typically did their weekly grocery shopping on Saturdays. On Thursdays, however, they only bought a few items. The retailer concluded that they purchased the beer to have it available for the upcoming weekend. The grocery chain could use this newly discovered information in various ways to increase revenue. For example, they could move the beer display closer to the diaper display. And, they could make sure beer and diapers were sold at full price on Thursdays.
  • Data warehousing is defined as a process of centralized data management and retrieval. Data warehousing, like data mining, is a relatively new term although the concept itself has been around for years.
  • ata mining is primarily used today by companies with a strong consumer focus - retail, financial, communication, and marketing organizations. It enables these companies to determine relationships among "internal" factors such as price, product positioning, or staff skills, and "external" factors such as economic indicators, competition, and customer demographics. And, it enables them to determine the impact on sales, customer satisfaction, and corporate profits. Finally, it enables them to "drill down" into summary information to view detail transactional data.
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  • WalMart is pioneering massive data mining to transform its supplier relationships. WalMart captures point-of-sale transactions from over 2,900 stores in 6 countries and continuously transmits this data to its massive 7.5 terabyte Teradata data warehouse. WalMart allows more than 3,500 suppliers, to access data on their products and perform data analyses. These suppliers use this data to identify customer buying patterns at the store display level. They use this information to manage local store inventory and identify new merchandising opportunities. In 1995, WalMart computers processed over 1 million complex data queries. The National Basketball Association (NBA) is exploring a data mining application that can be used in conjunction with image recordings of basketball games. The Advanced Scout software analyzes the movements of players to help coaches orchestrate plays and strategies. For example, an analysis of the play-by-play sheet of the game played between the New York Knicks and the Cleveland Cavaliers on January 6, 1995 reveals that when Mark Price played the Guard position, John Williams attempted four jump shots and made each one! Advanced Scout not only finds this pattern, but explains that it is interesting because it differs considerably from the average shooting percentage of 49.30% for the Cavaliers during that game.
  • How does data mining work? While large-scale information technology has been evolving separate transaction and analytical systems, data mining provides the link between the two. Data mining software analyzes relationships and patterns in stored transaction data based on open-ended user queries. Several types of analytical software are available: statistical, machine learning, and neural networks. Generally, any of four types of relationships are sought: Classes: Stored data is used to locate data in predetermined groups. For example, a restaurant chain could mine customer purchase data to determine when customers visit and what they typically order. This information could be used to increase traffic by having daily specials. Clusters: Data items are grouped according to logical relationships or consumer preferences. For example, data can be mined to identify market segments or consumer affinities. Associations: Data can be mined to identify associations. The beer-diaper example is an example of associative mining. Sequential patterns: Data is mined to anticipate behavior patterns and trends. For example, an outdoor equipment retailer could predict the likelihood of a backpack being purchased based on a consumer's purchase of sleeping bags and hiking shoes.
  • Size of the database: the more data being processed and maintained, the more powerful the system required. Query complexity: the more complex the queries and the greater the number of queries being processed, the more powerful the system required.
    This article highlights the topic of Data Mining and the way in which companies use it to become informed and discover new ways to become more effective. Data Mining can be used to increase revenue, cut costs and identify growing trends. This article will feature key examples from major companies such as Oracle, Wal-Mart and the NBA, all of which use Data Mining to enhance their business performance. 

E-commerce - Technology and business - Edexcel - GCSE Business Revision - Edexcel - BBC... - 0 views

shared by kburn039 on 13 Sep 20 - No Cached
  • E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of products and services using devices connected to an electronic network, such as the internet.Three things are required for e-commerce to take place:a seller who has products and services that are displayed electronicallya buyer who has the equipment required to view the seller’s products and services, and a means of paying for thema network that enables information and payment to be exchanged by the buyer and seller
    • kburn039
      Could be a business, private party, third party, or family member.
  • Disadvantages of e-commerce
    • kburn039
      A disadvantage that sums the four up is the loss of jobs due to technology taking over.
  • E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of products and services using devices connected to an electronic network, such as the internet.Three things are required for e-commerce to take place:a seller who has products and services that are displayed electronicallya buyer who has the equipment required to view the seller’s products and services, and a means of paying for thema network that enables information and payment to be exchanged by the buyer and seller
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  • Advantages of e-commerce
    • kburn039
      E-Commerce has multiple benefits that will allow businesses to profit more with the numbers of technology use increasing every day.

Using data mining and analytics to your hotel's advantage - eHotelier - 3 views

  • Hire a well-trained staff and a knowledgeable IT manager.
  • Refine the process.
  • . Demand timely output
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  • . Select the appropriate tools for analysis and prediction
  • Collect data to support the models.
  • Build segmentation and predictive models.
  • Match your IT priorities with a skilled provider
  • Over the next decade, an evolution is predicted such that more attention is paid to data mining, both the onsite experience and customers social media profiles in order to integrate them into CRM activity and better target marketing communications, offers and rewards.
  • Data mining involves a continuous cycle of inputs and outputs based on models that must be modified and refined as conditions change in the competitive environment.
  • The hospitality industry is known as a highly customer-centered business and accumulates large amounts of customer data from central reservation systems (CRS), property management system (PMS), point-of-sale (POS), and guest loyalty program databases. Therefore, data mining application can play a huge role in the hospitality industry by assisting managers formulate marketing strategies, enhance guest experiences, increase retention and loyalty and ultimately, maximize profits.
  • Deviation detection
  • Clustering
  • Classification
  • Once data-mining is properly managed, the tasks performed can be grouped into five categories
  • Without data mining, valuable marketing insights about customers’ characteristics and purchase patterns may remain largely untapped. Success or failure often depends not only on how well you are able to collect data but also on how well you are able to convert this data set into knowledge that will help you better manage your business.
  • Forecasting
  • Association
  • Association
    This article discusses the use of data mining and analytic techniques to create a competitive edge for companies in the hotel industry. Hotel companies are a customer centered business which accumulate large amounts of data on customers from various databases. Implementing a data mining system will improve profits, loyalty and retention and enhance guest experiences by helping the marketing and management teams create focused policies. The article discusses seven guidelines that create appropriate use of data mining technology. These guidelines include synching your IT infrastructure with the right data experts. Also, creating accurate segmentation and predictive models of the customers information or profile. As well as gathering the correct data for use in the system's models. Also utilizing the proper methods to collect and sort relevant data. Another important guideline is to have a speedy turnaround of the data. Also, continuous improvement is important find better ways to implement the processes. The final guideline mentioned is to find the proper IT employees to manage the data. The article proceeds to discuss five categories to utilize the information. These are classification, clustering, deviation detection, association and forecasting. The article predicts that over the next ten years there will be more attention paid to data mining to improve the guest experience and focus marketing initiatives. Data mining will be a critical tool to understand and utilize customers behaviors and patterns.

Why the U.S. is Terrible at Recycling Electronics | Digital Trends - 0 views

  • E-waste in the United States is out of control.
  • You may assume America has to at least be on par with the rest of the first world when finding a forever home for computers, phones, and printers, but you’d be wrong.
  • The current level and effectiveness of e-waste recycling depends on which state you live in and whether or not you trust locals to “do the right thing.” The hope for improvement sits with congressional reps, state lawmakers, manufacturers, and gadget freaks (yes, you).
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  • Others go belly up, leaving behind millions of pounds of old gadgets piled in mountainous heaps atop land which has lead levels many times normal.
  • You’re probably not screaming into a paper bag about the $20 billion or so of gold that’s trashed in electronics every year worldwide. Precious metals come and go. But if you care about the soil that comprises the land of the brave, you should start thinking about what happened to last year’s smartphone (even if it’s just sitting in the garage).
  • This list of reasons isn’t exhaustive, but serves as a solid starting point for understanding the United States’ e-waste dilemma and what can be done.
  • U.S. e-waste recycling laws are often outdated or nonexistent
  • Only 25 states (plus Washington, D.C.) have legislation that addresses e-waste recycling. The other 25 don’t have comprehensive programs, and don’t report what happens to the electronics beyond occasional voluntary numbers, says Jason Linnell, head of the National Center for Electronics Recycling (NCER). Federal laws don’t explicitly address e-waste recycling.
  • The U.S. isn’t good at recycling
  • Those millions of old motherboards and TVs consoles rotting in landfills and warehouses aren’t just eyesores. They amount to a massive health hazard. While electronics waste comprises only 2-3 percent of America’s solid waste stream, the lead, cadmium, chromium, and other materials in aging circuitry account for 70 percent of the hazardous material in landfills, according to an EPA report.
  • Single-stream recycling hasn’t helped
  • Between 2005 and 2014, single stream recycling programs increased from 29 to 80 percent in American towns and cities. During that same time period, material contamination rates increased from 7 to 25 percent.
  • E-waste legislation regularly disappears in Congress
  • This is not the first Congressional session in which similar bills have been introduced and allowed to die like a first grade classroom goldfish on summer break. SEERA currently sits with the house’s Foreign Affairs Committee. Why is it so tough to pass e-waste legislation?
  • The U.S. is an environmental rogue
  • As of late 2018, 186 states and the European Union have ratified it and follow its legal framework. The United States has signed the Basel Convention, indicating an intent to ratify, but is the only developed nation that hasn’t actually done so, which
  • After the initial Basel Convention was adopted in 1989, many organizations said the treaty didn’t do enough to address the disposal of waste from first world countries into the developing world, and pressed for an update, which eventually became 1995’s Basel Ban Amendment. The tweak — which was attacked by many industrial powers, including the U.S., Canada, and Japan — needed three decades before it was accepted by enough countries to go into effect. In August 2019, Croatia became the 97th country to ratify it, which transformed the updated stipulations into international law in December 2019.
  • Federal attempts at regulation have stalled, been killed
  • EPA regulations are incomplete
  • U.S. pushes back against international efforts
  • As a part of the 2003 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive), the public was guaranteed free recycling services, and conveniently located collection centers. Around the same time, the EU also passed the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS), aka the “lead-free directive,” which restricts the use of several toxic materials in the manufacture of circuitry and electronic products.
  • In Japan, the Association for Electric Home Appliances requires consumers to help pay for the processing of their goods and manufacturers to set up recycling programs. Electronics recycling has been promoted as such a point of national pride — because Japan is both a huge consumer of gadgets and the country has few indigenous precious metals — that there’s serious talk of making the 2020 Tokyo Olympic metals out of recycled materials. An estimated 80,000 cell phones need to be pulled apart and picked over to complete the plan.
  • State-level e-cycling programs are uneven
  • Certified e-cycling programs are important, but also confusing
  • If you’re the compliance officer who has to make sure the company’s used servers don’t wind up getting tossed in an Indonesian landfill, and you won’t have to nervously answer questions in a “60 Minutes” exposé, you probably want to get that e-waste removed by a disposal team with one of these
  • That all sounds great until you listen to Puckett, who helped create the e-Stewards protocols. He’s one of several people who took part in the development of R2 for over two years and then refused to continue when the proposed guidelines seemed to be too tainted by lobbyists, including ones at the Institute of Scrap Recycling (ISRI), an organization that favors a free market approach over regulation. Puckett and 13 recyclers created e-Stewards, which describes itself as the “the cleanest, most globally responsible standard for e-waste recycling.” He points out that the R2 certification still allows recyclers to export to developing countries. E-Stewards’ doesn’t. R2 recyclers can drop toxic e-waste in landfills or incinerators in the event of “circumstances beyond their
  • Scrap recycling lobby doesn’t like regulations
  • The announcer proudly explains e-cycling is a vibrant industry that adds 20.6 billion to the U.S. economy and supports 45,000 jobs domestically, “safeguarding our environment,” along the way.
  • Can anything be done? Possibly
  • Recycling isn’t the only answer for fewer landfills filled with decaying circuits. Chris Wellise, Chief Sustainability Officer for Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), which installs and recovers tech, emphasizes the importance of designing products for longevity, disassembly, and reuse.
  • “On average, 85 percent of the environmental impacts can be addressed in the design phase,” estimates Wellise.
  • Similar challenges exist for smartphones. Review IFixit’s guide for repairability and you can expect the phones that are easy to disassemble are also easier to refurbish or scrap. In an unusual display of transparency, eco-minded electronics company Fairphone sells spare parts on its site and has visual cues printed on the pieces to help novices figure out where everything goes. In case you’re wondering, it’s possible to make a Fairphone work in America, but most of the company’s sales are in Europe.
  • In 2018, Apple gave birth to Daisy, a robot that can disassemble 200 of the company’s phones in an hour — 1.2 million a year. The company has an installation of the machine in Austin, Texas, and another in the Netherlands. Daisy’s supply chain of used products comes from the company’s in-store trade-in program and a partnership with Best Buy.
  • Pretty awe-inspiring, right? Keep in mind that Apple sold over 217 million phones just in 2018 and has moved 2.2 billion iPhone units since the product line launched in 2007. The two Daisy divisions aren’t even working at capacity. Apple is willing to license the robot technology so any company can use it to disassemble phones, but none have approached them yet.
    "Maybe it's easy to ignore the huge percentage of vintage gadgets that wind up torched in dicey scrap heaps in developing countries". This article was written on Feb-27-2020. The problem we saw on the old video is still very much a problem now, only bigger.
    This article was super informative in the realm of E-waste. It covered every aspect of the issue and most definitely is relevant in today's world.

Data privacy matters in the hotel industry - Insights - 0 views

  • Data privacy matters in the hotel industryDr Michael Toedt Posted on 3 March 2022
  • Data privacy matters – period. As companies (including hotel chains) collect more and more personal data from consumers for marketing and research purposes, consumers are becoming increasingly concerned with data privacy and data protection. They want control over their data and they want to know exactly how it will be used. With legislative changes giving consumers more rights over their personal information, hoteliers need to both know the law and understand why data privacy is so important to hotel guests.
  • Good data privacy builds trust and loyalty
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  • “Commitment to data protection” drives brand loyalty for 31% of consumers, a figure that increases to 40% for “Trustworthiness”[1].This backs up the findings from a 2018 survey by Salesforce, which found that consumers are more likely to stay loyal to a company, spend more money and recommend its services if they felt they could trust the organization with their data
  • Data breaches cause serious financial and reputational losses
  • Every type of organization could suffer a data breach if adequate data protection controls and systems aren’t in place.
  • Hotels concerned about their ability to adequately protect guests’ personal data should take immediate steps to address this. A common problem is the existence of multiple guest profiles across different platforms within the hotel tech stack, such as the PMS, CRM, RMS, POS, website, etc. Where these are not fully integrated, data has to be updated manually, which carries significant risks.
  • Key legislation explained
  • There are strict rules around how data can be obtained, stored, managed, and used.
  • Achieving data privacy compliance
  • large amount of valuable data held by hotel groups makes them a prime target for hackers and cyber thieves.
  • From compliance and reputational viewpoint, these functionalities are truly invaluable to hoteliers. However, IT can only do so much. Other key considerations for hoteliers include creating robust data privacy policies, providing clear guest communications, and training staff on data privacy processes. Taking a 360-degree approach is the best way for hotels to protect themselves and their guests from data breaches and the associated risks.
    This article by Michael Toedt on "Data privacy matters in the hotel industry" speaks on the approaches that can be taken to protect guests' data and their privacy since these practices increase guests' trust and loyalty to companies. Accordingly, it is vital for hotels to securely store guests' information. Thankfully, CDM systems make it much simpler for hotel staff to manage data-related requests from clients, such as updating personal details. They also enable one-click deletions, preventing data disputes.
Emily Bova

E-Commerce News: Ghost of Christmas Past Haunts Amazon - 0 views

  • Amazon's net income was US$177 million, or 38 cents per share, a 57 percent percent drop from a year ago.
  • Sales for the three months before Dec. 31 came out to $17.4 billion, lower than Wall Street expected over the traditionally busy holiday season.
  • Flooding in Thailand slowed down production for many tech companies this year
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  • The company used more third-party vendors than usual, which helps margins but cuts down drastically in revenue.
  • The world's largest online retailer has also been using promotions such as the Amazon Prime program, where customers can pay $79 a year to receive unlimited two-day shipping. The offer draws customers to the site, but over a busy holiday season, the shipping costs hit the retailer hard.
  • lower demand than it expected for video game sales and European currency fluctuations
  • A lot of people underestimate the profit of the e-book. You don't have to pay money for delivering or printing, so you can get tremendous revenue,"
    In Amazon's last quarter, net income dropped by 57 percent from a year ago. Sales for the three months before December 31 came out to $17.4 billion, lower than Wall Street expected over the traditionally busy holidy season. It is predicted that for the next quarter outlook, there could be anywhere from a gain of $100 million to a loss of $200 million. While Amazon continues to profit in sales of its best selling Kindle devices, there were a variety of factors that contirbuted to its losses. The flooding in Thailand slowed down production for many tech companies. Third-party sellers (which give a 13% commission to Amazon as oppsoed to 100% commission when Amazon sells themselves) were used more than usual. Promotions such as the Amazon Prime program which allows the customer to pay a fixed rate and get umlimited two-day shipping hurt the retailer hard over the busy holiday season with shipping costs. Other reasons were lower demand for skimwords

Three Ways to Overcome Hotel Accounting Challenges - 0 views

  • Managing payroll is a constant challenge, so it’s critical for hoteliers to have a way to monitor daily labor costs, manage overtime, oversee daily payroll transactions, and have access to simple reporting functions.
  • Adopting a cloud-based reporting system can offer seamless labor monitoring and management from clock-in to paycheck while giving hoteliers on-demand management of earnings to manage transactions in real time.
  • Hoteliers may have a difficult time deciphering what story the data is telling and which levers to pull to remedy an issue or to replicate success. Business intelligence and analytics tool can point to where efficiencies can be improved and how to best reduce expenses.
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  • Adopting an operations management platform that allows hoteliers to import data into one centralized dashboard combines critical accounting and performance data to aid hoteliers in identifying trends and making more informed decisions.
  • Hoteliers must expect the best but prepare for the worst and have a back-up accounting team in place ready to resume operations in the event of a disaster.
  • While increased corporate travel demand and a healthy economy paint a rosy picture for the hotel industry, the report also warns that the lodging ecosystem is vulnerable to threats from multiple fronts.
  • These unique challenges require hotels to be nimble, educated, and equipped with the latest technology to streamline processes and drive financial performance.
  • Hotels live or die on the ebb and flow of fluctuations in their business.
  • hotel-specific accountants can scale on demand to offer the needed expertise and ramp up quickly.
  • Because the hotel industry has a very specific set of needs, it is imperative for hoteliers have the right tools to navigate today’s challenges. The global travel industry shows no signs of slowing down any time soon, so hotels must incorporate cutting-edge technology to streamline operations, optimize labor management, and access critical data while preparing for the next unexpected event.
    This particular article on hospitality and tourism accounting states that the global travel industry is expanding at an accelerated rate. Although there are high demands in corporate travel and high level of satisfaction in the economy, the ever growing industry is vulnerable to many risks given by its consumers. Just as much as the guests utilizing these hospitality services are becoming more pressing towards great prices and expressing concern in the quality of service they receive, hotel businesses are adamant about increasing awareness in cost and profit. To balance all these exclusive challenges, hotels are insisting on being educated and equipped with the most up-to-date technological advances to keep up with the ever demanding industry. With this in mind, the article states three methods to conquer the challenges faced today. The first method is to utilize a cloud based system to keep track of all the innumerous activities present to keep the business running. Due to the fact that a hotel is run by an overflowing amount of employees, all with different jobs and tasks, all using different systems respective to their departments, and require several types of pay (part-time, full-time, tipped employees) methods, it is a challenge to keep things efficient without a proper system. This is the reason why the article recommends using a cloud based system to keep track of the daily labor costs, overtime management, daily payroll transactions, and incorporate easy accessibility to reporting functions. The cloud based system will be beneficial in keeping everything in record beginning from the moment an employees clocks in to the end where they receive their paycheck, as well as, the ability to manage transactions. The second method is to centralize all the various sources of data. Hotels have a countless amount of data being stored. That can range from guest satisfaction satisfaction survey and comment reports, PMS data, to financial reports. With all these busy ac
  • ...3 more comments...
    The hospitality industry today is said to be one of the fastest growing sectors in the world, as demands for travel accompanied by a healthy economy has pushed a flourishing industry. As the industry grows, businesses are having to become more cost/profit-conscious while maintaining an increased importance on price, quality, and level of service, all the while sustaining a profitable organization. The article states that business owners are relying more on financial data to ensure maximum efficiency and profitability out of each and every contract. The article goes on to discuss three new smart-technology accounting solutions for various industry challenges. Cloud-based reporting systems are beneficial as the hospitality industry has many different waged employees that make payroll challenging; cloud-based systems make monitoring and managing staff significantly easier. With all of the varying data that the hospitality industry finds necessary, it is often easy to be overwhelmed with data/numbers. Data from one source may indicate trends in one direction while data from another source may contradict. Operations management platforms can be put into play that can decipher through the data and find out the important details like what efficiencies can be improved and how to best reduce expenses. These platforms combine critical accounting and performance data to benefit business owners by identifying trends and aiding better informed decisions. Lastly, the article finishes with how the hospitality industry can be unpredictable and that back-up accounting teams may be necessary in times of distress.
    This article mentions way to overcome hotel accounting challenges. The article mentioned that technology has been helping the industry increase revenue, minimize cost, and maximize profit without affecting the quality of the service. One of the ways the author mentioned was to use cloud-based reporting for labor. Hotels have many employees working at all different times of the day and their pay rate varies, therefore it is much easier to monitor labor cost, have employees clock in electronically, and complete payroll having an electronic accounting system. Another way is to centralize multiple data sources. "Hoteliers may have a difficult time deciphering what story the data is telling and which levers to pull to remedy an issue or to replicate success. Business intelligence and analytics tool can point to where efficiencies can be improved and how to best reduce expenses." As a manager, its easier to monitor all your reports on one page making it easier to point out the areas that need improvement. Lately, having back-up accounting teams is a smart idea. Hotels are 24/7 hour establishments that host rooms for the needs of many people. In case of a natural disaster, the hotel must have a team ready to tackle the challenges on making room for those guests in need. "The global travel industry shows no signs of slowing down any time soon, so hotels must incorporate cutting-edge technology to streamline operations, optimize labor management, and access critical data while preparing for the next unexpected event."
    MOD 9: This article is about how hotels are able to overcome accounting challenges within their industry. According to the article, the travel industry on a global scale is one of the fastest growing industries. While this is great news for the hospitality industry, the lodging sector is prone to vulnerability from trying to stay competitive while being cost and profit conscious and providing customized service. With these challenges, this article discloses three ways hotels can attempt to overcome them and they include cloud-based reporting for labor, centralize multiple data sources, and back-up accounting teams. When managing hotel staff, there are some challenges in overseeing that employees are compliant to their schedule, managing payroll and monitoring labor costs for each department. Implementing a cloud-based labor reporting system could help alleviate those challenges. A similar example would be like ADP, my own property uses this system to monitor labor costs as well as manage payroll and scheduling issues. With implementing multiple centralized data sources, it helps hoteliers to easily identify trends and help make more informed decisions based on the data shown from their data sources. With any property, it is always in their best interest to prepare for worst case scenarios which could be a natural disaster as an example. By establishing a back-up accounting team, hoteliers will be able to make more informative decisions with their back-up accounting team to match the changes of the industry after events like a natural disaster.
    The article discusses how hotels can overcome accounting obstacles. Firstly managing payroll is cumbersome, so a cloud-based reporting system can provide an easy way to monitor labour and manage overtime, and daily payroll transactions. Secondly, hotels have a difficult time to read data as data can come from a huge variety of sources: STR reports, PMS data, satisfaction surveys, comments. Hotels need a centralized dashboard which combines all critical accounting and performance data to assist hotels in making better decisions. Lastly, the article talks about hotels needing a back-up accounting team in case of disasters. In-house accounting teams may not be able to tackle on one-time event disasters and there must be a back-up team in place in times of urgency. The author, Scott Watson, executive vice president of sales and marketing at a cloud-based financial platform, sees that hotels are becoming more "cost and profit conscious" and I agree with him. Technology solutions are what hotels are craving right now to increase revenue, minimize costs, and maximize profits without sacrificing service quality.
    This article helps guides hotels in how to overcome challenges when it comes to the accounting department in any situation that deals with staff tracking, how to decipher intricate data, and what to do in emergencies. The article details the usefulness of the Cloud and keeping track of staff members that are FOH and BOH that are both hourly and salary. That the accounting department could simply look them up in the cloud rather than searching through paperwork to understand exactly what their role is in the hotel and pay them accordingly. The article also goes over how having multiple centralized data sources can help accountants understand information from reports, guest satisfaction questionnaires, and other forms of reporting to pinpoint exactly what needs to be changed to become more efficient in the company. Lastly, the article covers how having back up accounting teams could be a definite positive just in case of emergencies (i.e. weather) so accounting can still be in progress no matter what situation occurs and the hotel can run smoothly.

Improving data security in the hotel industry lets guests sleep peacefully | Hotel Mana... - 1 views

  • The hospitality industry is quickly growing as a favored target of hackers and cybercriminals. In fact, according to the 2016 Trustwave Global Security Report, hospitality is the vertical industry with the second-highest number of data breaches, behind only the retail industry.
  • Hotels are high-value targets for cybercriminals because they not only hold payment card information on guests, but also a wealth of other sensitive personal data that can be used to steal their identity.
  • The fallout from a widespread data breach that compromises guests’ payment card data or personally identifiable information can be disastrous for a hotel chain. The average cost of a data breach in 2016 was $4 million. This figure encompasses everything from breach mitigation to crisis team management costs, business losses and even the more intangible consequences: damages to brand reputation.
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  • However, with more countries migrating to chip cards and EMV-compliant POS systems, attackers have shifted their focus to card-not-present fraud and are targeting industries where consumers are making their payments and reservations over the phone—such as hotel contact centers.
  • If guests aren’t convinced that the hotel is keeping their personal and financial data secure, they will take their business elsewhere. In order to protect their brand reputation and their business, hotels need to create a culture of security throughout their entire organization that focuses on protecting guests’ digital property in addition to their physical property. One of the best places to start is their contact center.
  • In an era of increasing cyberattacks, hotels can make themselves less of a target by adopting technology to ensure that payment card data and other personally identifiable information is kept secure and segregated from the contact center.
  • With such an approach, customers calling to make a reservation or order additional services discreetly type their card numbers into the telephone keypad, rather than reading them out loud to the agent on the phone line. The data is securely routed to the payment gateway or a more secure server so it is never shared with the agent and is not held in the contact center infrastructure. This ensures that there is no possible spillover of the data to the unsecured or unmonitored areas of the business. It also reduces the number of individuals with access to the sensitive data, and makes the hotel contact center a less attractive target for cybercriminals. As an added benefit, this approach makes it easier for the hotel to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards by reducing the scope of compliance. By keeping payment card data out of the contact center, hotels can significantly reduce the high costs and extensive time associated with maintaining PCI DSS compliance.  
  • With stronger security practices for handling guests’ sensitive data, the hotel industry as a whole can transform itself from being one of the most likely targets for data breaches to becoming a model for data security, thereby ensuring that fewer customers ever have to go through the experience
  • Guests can sleep peacefully knowing that their data is secure, and the hotel can rest assured that its name won’t be making headlines as victim of a costly data breach.
    The hospitality industry is a major target for cyberattacks, resulting in sensitive guest information being compromised. When these attacks happen it leaves guests restless, because they know or believe their information is not safe. This article discusses this issue and how security can be improved to avoid these attacks.
    The article titled, "Improving data security in the hotel industry lets guests sleep peacefully" shows how the breach of data security can be anywhere. As technologies improve, so do ways in which cyber security can become at stake. According to this article, "Hotels are obligated to maintain the physical security of guests and their belongings during their stay-if guests don't feel safe staying in their room or leaving their belongings there, they won't continue to patronize that hotel brand. The same thinking applies to data security: If guests aren't convinced that the hotel is keeping their personal and financial data secure, they will take their business elsewhere". Thus, hotels need to make sure they are safeguarding information such as their payment information as well as other confidential information. Hackers are becoming even more sophisticated, where they can target specific industries, such as hotel industries since guests speak with hotel representatives over the phone to provide payment information. In the even that a hotel's data has been compromised, what is its responsibility? First, they should send the client a letter of apology, and then handle the complete process efficiently, so the client can at least feel they re supported. The avoidance and handling of data breach is becoming even more common nowadays with the rise of technology.
kabir joshi

Hotels taking steps to improve data protection - 2 views

  • This being the case, it is encouraging to see some hotels are making moves to lock down their data security practices. There is clearly a great deal of work that needs to be done, but if a hotel can demonstrate it is capable of protecting customer information, it may be more likely to inspire confidence in consumers, which, in turn, could afford the hotel a competitive edge.
  • According to a 2010 Wall Street Journal report, the most common security vulnerability in hotels is point-of-sale software. Often, hotels do not require employees to change the default names and passwords of these programs, making it easier for hackers to break in and steal customer information. To overcome some of these and other concerns, McBeth said hotel operators are applying the best practices detailed by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which aims to address data security for businesses that handle payment cards. However, he admitted that the task of ensuring protection throughout an organization is difficult, given the number of channels where vulnerabilities could be uncovered.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • This type of situation was brought to a head earlier this year when marketing services giant Epsilon experienced a massive breach to its email systems. According to a SecurityWeek report, among those impacted by the breach were several hotel operators, including Hilton, Ritz-Carlton and Marriott.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a 2010 Wall Street Journal report, the most common security vulnerability in hotels is point-of-sale software. Often, hotels do not require employees to change the default names and passwords of these programs, making it easier for hackers to break in and steal customer information
  • According to a 2010 Wall Street Journal report, the most common security vulnerability in hotels is point-of-sale software. Often, hotels do not require employees to change the default names and passwords of these programs, making it easier for hackers to break in and steal customer information.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a 2010 Wall Street Journal report, the most common security vulnerability in hotels is point-of-sale software. Often, hotels do not require employees to change the default names and passwords of these programs, making it easier for hackers to break in and steal customer information
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • Hotels
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • otels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • Hotels
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
  • According to a USA Today report, a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators recently told an audience at the LodgeNet’s Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago that protecting customer data is becoming their top priority.
    This article is related to IT security in hotels. Around six months back a panel of IT executives from Starwood Hotels, Hilton and other lodgings operators met at the LodgeNet's Customer Technology Symposium in Chicago to discuss on how protecting customer data is becoming their top priority. This type of situation was brought to a head earlier this year when marketing services giant Epsilon experienced a massive breach to its email systems. According to a SecurityWeek report, among those impacted by the breach were several hotel operators, including Hilton, Ritz-Carlton and Marriott. According to a 2010 Wall Street Journal report, the most common security vulnerability in hotels is point-of-sale software. Often, hotels do not require employees to change the default names and passwords of these programs, making it easier for hackers to break in and steal customer information. To overcome some of these and other concerns, McBeth said hotel operators are applying the best practices detailed by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which aims to address data security for businesses that handle payment cards. However, he admitted that the task of ensuring protection throughout an organization is difficult, given the number of channels where vulnerabilities could be uncovered. This being the case, it is encouraging to see some hotels are making moves to lock down their data security practices. There is clearly a great deal of work that needs to be done, but if a hotel can demonstrate it is capable of protecting customer information, it may be more likely to inspire confidence in consumers, which, in turn, could afford the hotel a competitive edge.
    Its a tough task to monitor this, because at the end of the day, the responsibility is at the property level to ensure that data is secure across the board. So training employees on the importance of data security and what a breach means could go along way.

2019 Hotel Accounting Trends Are All About the As | Hospitality Technology - 1 views

  • From an industry perspective, the next chapter of hospitality accounting will be all about the three “A’s”: apps, automation and analytics. Faced with greater demands in 2019, hoteliers will be forced to find new forms of automation to speed up financial processes and improve visibility on the backend, while enticing guests to utilize mobile apps through enhanced personalization on the frontend.
  • Mobile app reporting not only streamlines efficiencies and allows easier access to data, it also allows today’s hotelier to be more agile. GMs and other personnel can be on the go and still have KPIs, productivity data and real-time stats in the palm of their hand.
  • Good data supports good management. As more guests tap into hotel apps on the front end, hoteliers can track, analyze and adjust their offerings on the backend to meet guests’ needs, all while supporting a business synergy and strategy that makes sense.
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  • Increased automation will remove manual workloads and streamline processes. Putting the right industry-specific accounting software in place will be a game-changer for hotels looking to pinpoint inefficiencies and significantly reduce expenses across property lines.
  • As we continue to live in an increasingly customized world, hoteliers will seek targeted accounting tech partners to replace one-size-fits-all solutions.
  • Hotels have already begun replacing front-desk employees with apps, robots and automated kiosks. As a result, finding high-quality labor (at a reasonable cost) is no easy task.
  • During the next wave of hospitality technology, more and more hoteliers will recognize the power of analytics and adapt their strategy accordingly. Smart operators will seek out the most versatile technology on the market to collect and store information through data warehousing, which enhances data mining, analytics reporting, decision support and business forecasting.
  • Apps/AI Over the last decade, the hospitality industry has developed a fixation on mobile technology that has revolutionized hotel management. In the next phase, this trend will continue with full force—and any service that is currently delivered using pen and paper will eventually make the shift to mobile.
  • Hoteliers are already using their mobile apps for real-time data analysis, allowing them to make informed decisions whether they are on property, near their work areas, in the field or on the fly.
  • Predictive analytics and forecasting tools will continue to allow management teams to better anticipate and adjust decisions to meet future guest needs without sacrificing bottom-line results.
  • While there has been significant introductions with regard to guest-facing apps, and apps focused exclusively to enhance the guest experience, the untold value in mobile apps, for the operator, is behind the curtain
  • Automation Rising demands from guests will require hotels to be more responsive than ever. To keep up with the pace, managers will need to access an array of critical information on-the-fly, from in-house guest preferences to upcoming reservations, restaurant volumes, spa bookings and so forth—with automatic alerts set up that notify staff members when there’s a deviation from the plan related to forecasts or scheduling changes.
  • By combining varied data sources into one centralized location, or data warehouse, an API-powered data system will provide a holistic snapshot of entire portfolio raw data into a user-friendly format with gauges, dashboards, trendlines and more to equip hoteliers with the answers they need to impact bottom-lines.
  • Analytics The phenomenon of “big data” has infiltrated the professional world, spanning industries and transforming all facets of business, from accounting and operations management to marketing and business development. No longer bogged down by paper and binders, today’s hoteliers can access numerous data sets at every turn, from STR reports to PMS documents and guest satisfaction surveys.
  • On a micro level, big data will help property managers faced with countless day-to-day decisions make more informed choices on the floor, from keeping track of labor expenses to assessing the cost of a new light fixture.
  • On a macro level, corporate and regional managers will have the extended oversight necessary to ensure the right decisions are made at every level of the company from the ground-up.
  • And finally—partnering with a hotel-specific provider will continue to be invaluable for hoteliers to speed up their internal processes, minimize investment, reduce errors, and increase overall performance to make more informed decisions on the horizon.
  • the next chapter of hospitality accounting will be all about the three “A’s”: apps, automation and analytics.
  • Apps/AI
  • this trend will continue with full force—and any service that is currently delivered using pen and paper will eventually make the shift to mobile.
  • significant introductions with regard to guest-facing apps, and apps focused exclusively to enhance the guest experience, the untold value in mobile apps, for the operator, is behind the curtain.
  • Mobile app reporting not only streamlines efficiencies and allows easier access to data, it also allows today’s hotelier to be more agile.
  • interact with and enhance the guest experience by being more available and more attentive on the floor. Removing the chains and restrictions of the desktop and expediting report compilation, hoteliers can truly begin to refocus on delivering the best experience possible without worrying about becoming mired in the weeds of business ineffeciencies.
  • Predictive analytics and forecasting tools will continue to allow management teams to better anticipate and adjust decisions to meet future guest needs without sacrificing bottom-line results.
  • Good data supports good management. As more guests tap into hotel apps on the front end, hoteliers can track, analyze and adjust their offerings on the backend to meet guests’ needs, all while supporting a business synergy and strategy that makes sense.
  • Automation
  • managers will need to access an array of critical information on-the-fly, from in-house guest preferences to upcoming reservations, restaurant volumes, spa bookings and so forth—with automatic alerts set up that notify staff members when there’s a deviation from the plan related to forecasts or scheduling changes.
  • Increased automation will remove manual workloads and streamline processes. Putting the right industry-specific accounting software in place will be a game-changer for hotels looking to pinpoint inefficiencies and significantly reduce expenses across property lines.
  • Analytics
  • Smart operators will seek out the most versatile technology on the market to collect and store information through data warehousing, which enhances data mining, analytics reporting, decision support and business forecasting. These capabilities will result in increased efficiencies, reduction of expenses and improvement of overall performance and profitability.
  • Over the next five years, the advantages of having a big data strategy will be infinite. Hoteliers who decide to apply big data in a meaningful way will reap the rewards in every facet of their business, from sales and marketing to guest satisfaction. On a micro level, big data will help property managers faced with countless day-to-day decisions make more informed choices on the floor, from keeping track of labor expenses to assessing the cost of a new light fixture. Using consistent data monitoring and evaluation, hotel teams will be able to deliver a higher level of service while making informed strides every day.
  • Technology and Labor
  • Effective labor management technology can help proactively notify management when there’s an issue and eliminate overtime before it happens to ensure that guest satisfaction remains high while balancing profitability. Mobile and dashboard data related to key functions that consume labor will become the GM’s best friend.
  • finally—partnering with a hotel-specific provider will continue to be invaluable for hoteliers to speed up their internal processes, minimize investment, reduce errors, and increase overall performance to make more informed decisions on the horizon
    Accounting trends in the hospitality industry are always evolving with technology. Hotels are looking for technology that will catch their data and analyze it all while delivering it in a more user friendly app. Apps, Automation & Analytics are the A's of hotel accounting and technology.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Currently, accounting is about three different things. First, there are apps. Apps can be used to help hoteliers make informed decisions based off the analysis of real-time data. They are able to make these decisions from basically anywhere. Second is automation. Automation helps get rid of the looming manual workloads most hotels endure. The third thing is analytics. In today's hospitality industry, hoteliers are able to access data sets from wherever they may be. According to this article, apps, robots, and automated kiosks have already started to replace front-desk employees.
    Accounting cannot be without data. In my opinion it is mainly about data analysis. With automation and analytics, it will be more reliable and descriptive. Apps helps mainly in its portability and time efficiency.
    The article talks about three future trends called A's - apps, automation, and analytics. It makes examples of their function and works. In my opinion, the A's can use in any industry, not only in hospitality. They can help us work more efficiently and shorter working hours.

Converting Data into Business Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry | TravelDailyNew... - 1 views

  • hospitality is better primed than most industries to harness all that big data has to offer
  • Big data” as a buzzword is often thought to mean a large volume of information, but simply possessing the information is not tantamount to using it in a way that adds value to your business. Therefore, what you want is a “big data strategy.”
  • an API-powered data system will provide a holistic snapshot of your business that integrates with third-party business intelligence (BI) vendors to transform raw data into a user-friendly format with gauges, dashboards, trendlines and more to equip you with the exact answers you need to improve your business. 
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  • it is best to identify an industry-specific option so the collection process yields both sufficient quantity and quality of information. 
  • Hoteliers should choose a collection tool that combines numerous data sources with sufficient speed to process information in real-time
  • security must be inherent in a data storage system
  • data warehousing is an essential tool for hoteliers to stay ahead of the curve
  • The first phase of a big data strategy is data collection.
  • harnessing big data through data warehousing enhances data mining, analytics reporting, decision support and business forecasting
  • Collectively, these capabilities result in an increase in efficiency, reduction of costs and improvement of overall performance and profitability. 
  • Consistent data monitoring and evaluation allows hotel teams to deliver a high level of service while consistently striving toward continued improvemen
  • On the macro level, corporate and regional managers have the extended oversight necessary to ensure the right decisions are being made at every level of the company from the ground-up.
  • Hoteliers who decide to apply big data in a meaningful way will reap the rewards in every aspect of their business, from sales and marketing to guest satisfaction. To improve labor management, hotel operators can monitor employee productivity within an easy-to-use dashboard and gauge overtime hours to cut back on unnecessary expenses. 
  • The obsession with big data is here to stay. Success-oriented hotel operators must adapt to the changing landscape of the industry by adopting the most versatile technology on the market.
    Article explores the uses of data mining in hospitality. How when used effectively data mining can result in the creation of strategic sales and marketing plans that improve customer satisfaction and retention. Author also discusses the importance of data security and warehousing throughout the phases of executing a "big data strategy."
Endrich Reveil

IBM Security Tool Can Flag 'Disgruntled Employees' - The CIO Report - WSJ - 0 views

  • A new International Business Machines Corp.IBM -0.15% security tool uses Big Data to help CIOs detect internal and external security threats in new ways—and can even scan email and social media to flag apparently “disgruntled” employees who might be inclined to reveal company secrets
  • The new tool, called IBM Security Intelligence with Big Data, is designed to crunch decades worth of emails, financial transactions and website traffic, to detect patterns of security threats and fraud.
  • the new platform, based on Hadoop, a framework that processes data-intensive queries across clusters of computers, will allow CIOs to conduct sentiment analysis on employee emails to determine which employees are likely to leak company data,
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  • flagging workers who may be nursing grudges and are more likely to divulge company information.
  • The platform also helps companies protect against hacker attacks and fraud by allowing security personnel to look for patterns in past attacks
  • More and more companies are using Big Data to discover the pattern of security lapses as they struggle to keep up with emerging threats.
    I believe every business, especially if it is a huge corporation, should protect and control their company's data. A company's data falling into the wrong hands can be a huge drawback for the company, especially if it comes into contact with a competitor. This article explains how IBM have introduced a new security tool with Big Data to identify any suspicious internal and external security threats as well as flag any company secrets from displease employee's emails and their social medias. The new system can alert any frauds and risks from decade worth of emails, financial transactions, and websites. CIOs will be able to conduct a sentiment analysis on employees to see which worker is the most likely to expose company's information. Some can argue that employees have the right to post anything on their social media's accounts but if an employee still is employed by the company then it should be all bets off. The company should have all rights in making sure their information does not get leaked out by an employee who is simply having a bad day.

Travel Data Collective - 0 views

  • What is New Distribution Capability (NDC)?
  • NDC aims to transform the airline industry by addressing the current limitations in distribution
  • What is NDC?
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  • New Distribution Capability (NDC) is a new technology created by IATA to streamline the airline distribution process.
  • It's an XML-based communication standard originally developed by Farelogix in 2010 to create direct connections between airlines and third party distributors.
  • This was standardized in 2012 by IATA to replace the old EDIFACT messaging standard, which global distribution systems (GDSs) rely on.
  • NDC was orginally created as a way to bypass the GDS providers, but slowly these providers have become more involved in the process. The basic idea is that NDC is supposed to give indirect distribution channels, such as GDS and metasearch, the same capabilities as an airline’s website.
  • Who's Involved in NDC?
  • There are several different players involved in the NDC process: travel agents, airlines, aggregators and IT providers.
  • Travel agents and airlines are straightforward. The aggregators are the different intermediaries involved in communicating the travel agent's request to different airlines.
  • IT providers are responsible for integrating NDC into the airline’s IT infrastructure.
  • The integration layer method is less complicated, and companies such as Openjaw, Farelogix, and Paxport have created solutions by sitting above the airline’s PSS.
  • third party distribution process works as follows when a traveler needs to reach their destination at a certain time and price:
  • The traveler goes to their travel agent who then queries the GDS system.The GDS pulls information about schedules and fares from a third party. The GDS builds the offer, then goes to the airline to get information about availability. When the offer is available, the information is relayed back to the travel agent and passenger who can then see the airline, price and schedule.
  • In a complete NDC solution, the process goes like this:
  • A travel agent will create a shopping request which will be sent to an aggregator. The aggregator will then create an offer request to be sent out directly to airlines. The airlines will then determine a product that fits the offer.
  • The product is sent back to the travel agent through the aggregator and the offer will "evaporate" after a certain amount of time.
  • According to IATA, this process will eliminate confusion over what's included in the offer. It will also be able to simplify the airline ticketing process.
  • How Can NDC Be Implemented?
  • wo recommended ways
  • One is by integrating directly to the airline passenger service system (PSS), the other is an integration layer outside of the PSS.
  • Third Party Distribution Today and Under NDC
  • In order to set up a full NDC suite, airlines have to create an offer and order management system, which will interact with the PSS.
  • How is NDC Being Used Today?
  • There are currently 62 airlines who are either NDC Certified or XML-capable.
  • NDC connections mostly use it in limited cases, and not to its full potential. United has partnered with Amadeus to have an NDC connection to their GDS for selling their economy plus product.
  • Many airlines are piloting these simple types of connections through NDC (instead of developing their own direct connection) as it will be easier to increase the scope with other distribution providers.
  • Other carriers such as GOL are using NDC connections for offer and order management, providing ability to purchase seats, bags, upgrades, meals, car rentals, and travel insurance, as well as ability to bundle the products (this is being done with Navitaire as their IT provider).
  • What's the Future Outlook for NDC?
  • In the future, there are hopes that NDC will be able to connect to chatbots, allow purchasing and upsell through things such as Amazon and Alexa.
  • Part of the challenge is getting airlines, travel agencies and GDSs to spend money on the infrastructure needed to implement NDC.
  • Airlines are hoping that by using NDC connections either through GDS or directly to travel agents/metasearch they will be able to pull in additional revenue for each ticket sold
  • Some airlines such as Lufthansa, IAG (British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus), Meridiana, and Ukraine International Airways are introducing fees for tickets booked through GDS, however the fees are waived for tickets booked through NDC connections.
    The article talks deeply in NDC from the past to now and is very clear about how it works. NDC can help airlines to know the need for customs and without the commission. I think one day, NDC can instead of GDS, but it still needs to take such a long time.

The Concept of Comprehensive Tracking Software to Support Sustainable Tourism in Protec... - 0 views

shared by marble_bird on 25 May 20 - No Cached
  • Visitor management of protected areas [1–3] is supposed to keep the tourism intensity below the area limits while respecting the needs of the local economy and community as a multi-faceted goal of participative management [4]. It requires reliable, comprehensive, and detailed data about tourism intensity, including its impacts and practical methods and tools to exploit the data for the purpose of visitor management
  • Visitor management of protected areas [1–3] is supposed to keep the tourism intensity below the area limits while respecting the needs of the local economy and community as a multi-faceted goal of participative management [4]. It requires reliable, comprehensive, and detailed data about tourism intensity, including its impacts and practical methods and tools to exploit the data for the purpose of visitor management
  • At first, a literature review (Section 2) is conducted in the areas of tourism impacts, tourism sustainability , visitor management, tourism modelling and simulations, visitor monitoring and tracking, and the utilization of data about visitors. Specific attention is paid to the promising method of individual tracking, its variants, and the challenges related to its deployment.
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  • The LAC method [12,13], the carrying capacity [2,4,8,10,14–18], tourism sustainability indicators [8,10,19], or visitor management models [2,4,11] are some of the theoretical concepts and methods which the protected area visitor management may use to assess the effects of tourism and tourism infrastructure construction and maintenance.
  • isitor counts can be used to form a model reflecting the dynamics of the destination system, allowing visitor flow simulations
  • However, the quality of such models is critically dependent on the extent, quality, and readiness of the entry data [21]. The use of real-time data in models of destination systems is not common
  • Individual tracking methods are based on satellite positioning (e.g., The Global Positioning System known as GPS, or Galileo), active mobile positioning, Bluetooth positioning, Wi-Fi positioning, or indirect monitoring based on geocoded social media, or photo databases
  • Visitor management of a protected area requires tourism impact estimates depending on its intensity (step 1). Estimates of proportions of various visitor categories depending on days of the week, holidays, weather, or season, or other factors together with expert estimates of specific impacts of these categories of visitors are available
  • The use of visitor monitoring methods is a common part of visitor management practice, however, monitoring is often not implemented
  • systematically enough and data is often available with a significant delay (for example, from oine people counters installed in the terrain or when using data from mobile operators), making the assessment of the destination system state in real-time impossible
  • Correct and ecient data integration requires a systematic and consistent approach. However, a relevant methodology for the utilization of heterogeneous data is not available, which may be one of the reasons why comprehensive visitor monitoring is so rare.
  • the universally applicable concept of an intelligent tour guide for visitor tracking and for visitor characteristics acquisition are introduced in the results section of the manuscript. The ongoing experimental implementation of the proposed concept is mentioned, and relevant challenges are discussed at the end.
  • Gradually, five representatives and experts from protected area management, six destination organization experts, and four geopark experts were involved. None of the protected area experts involved in the research had any previous experience with systematic visitor data integration or with using the concept of the intelligent software tour guide.
  • The brainstorming and focus group were used to raise new ideas, and the Delphi method was used to reach a consensus when needed.
  • The knowledge gathered from experts served as an input for systems analysis, leading to the design of a computer program—an intelligent tour guide for each involved protected area. Namely, use cases, functional requirements, and other characteristics of the software were identified and discussed.
  • Because meaningful visitor flow and visitor impact modelling require suciently comprehensive and accurate data [21], systematic exploitation of all available relevant heterogeneous data about visitors (collected by a variety of methods, each with its specific limitations, e.g., visitor profiles, numbers of sold tickets, counts from sensors, space-time curves of individual visitors) is a recommended [36] and cost-e ective approach.
  • Thus, attention should be paid to the categorization of visitors, including their needs, motivations, limitations, and the resulting patterns of behavior. Such analysis may help to reveal which categories of visitors are desired, e.g., because of their positive impact on the local economy, and which should rather be discouraged from coming
  • The concept is meant to be generic enough to fit a variety of geographic areas (size, protected features of the local nature, local community , tourism intensity , division of roles in participative management between organizations, etc.)
  • The intelligent tour guide has to be:
  • Reliable, accessible, compatible.
  • Personalized.
  • Location-sensitive.
  • Destination-system-aware.
  • Interactive and collaborative.
  • Dialogue-wise.
  • Decently gamified.
  • Regarding human factors, the potential of individual visitor tracking to provide rich and valuable data may be hindered by the low motivation to participate [21,50,51]. Low participation may limit the usability of the resulting data and negatively a ect the e ects of possible attempts to influence the flow of visitors.
  • From the technical side, active mobile positioning provides spatially accurate data collected with a sucient sampling rate, for example, compared to passive localization data automatically recorded by mobile operators. However, still, the low satellite signal in rocks or under the canopy of a dense forest in combination with less-sensitive mobile devices may a ect the quality of the data and even the function of the tour guide.
  • Regarding the interpretation of the resulting data, the bias caused by the selection of participants and the willingness and fitness of members of di erent visitor groups has to be considered. Also, individual tracking may have an unintended influence on visitors’ movement and behavior [49], though the impact and resulting bias is usually acceptably low
  • Ethically and legally acceptable data collection may require the acquisition of informed consent from each participant.
  • An inadequate budget can lead to compromises, e.g., in the project management, analysis, or implementation, a ecting the compatibility, reliability, or usability of the program, or the quality and extent of the underlying model and the set of descriptive data.
  • Experimental verification of the individual tracking method, supplemented by visitors’ feelings and experiences by means of an intelligent tour guide operated in the context of a complex destination application, currently takes place in all involved areas. The application is being carefully designed in harmony with all recommended principles. Namely, a clear distinction is being made between the universal part of the application and area-specific models, configurations, deployment choices, or custom pieces of code.
  • The research team is looking for other possibilities of verifying the concept presented elsewhere in the Czech Republic and the world. Further research will reveal if the concept is truly generally applicable, as hypothesized, or not.
    This article covers the research behind and design of software implemented in the Czech Republic to monitor visitor activity in protected areas. The software is designed to act as a "tour guide" and keeps track of visitors through satellite positioning. The article discusses the process by which this software would be developed, rationale for its implementation, and consumer data that may be collected through this process that would benefit National Parks and other protected areas. Theoretical questions in regard to human interaction, privacy concerns, and effectiveness of the application in low-service areas are discussed. Though the application requires more research and strict attention to variables, its implementation worldwide could change how sustainable tourism is managed and would provide important information on consumer habits in protected areas.

Florida tourism jobs, training to increase - Sun Sentinel - 0 views

  • Tourism projections show visitation is expected to climb to 127 million tourists in 2020, according to Visit Florida, the state's official tourism marketing organization.lRelated BusinessSwanky Villas at Crane's BeachHouse to debut on Nov. 1See all related8 To accommodate that growth, Florida will need 315,000 new hospitality jobs, forecast data show.
  • new training and certification program for hospitality employees
  • Visit Florida also is rolling out several other programs to keep the destination top-of-mind with domestic and international travelers.
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  • Visit Florida unveiled the training program and its other new initiatives Tuesday during the 47th Annual Florida Governor's Conference on Tourism at the Boca Raton Resort & Club
    Visit Florida has announced they are coming out with a new, free certificate and training for hospitality employees. Due to the increase in Florida tourism, they will launch this new program to hopefully keep more tourists coming back because of the remarkable hospitality they received. Tourism is up from 2012 and they feel 2014 will surpass 2013, which the state welcomed 93.7 million visitors. That being said, this is a great opportunity for our industry. This will open so many doors for event planners and other hotel positions to help with the increasing tourism and being able to cater to their needs.

What Is Backup and Recovery? - Why It's Important | NetApp - 1 views

  • Backup and recovery describes the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect organizations against data loss. This is sometimes referred to as operational recovery.
  • The purpose of the backup is to create a copy of data that can be recovered in the event of a primary data failure.
  • Primary data failures can be the result of hardware or software failure, data corruption, or a human-caused event,
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  • Storing the copy of the data on separate medium is critical to protect against primary data loss or corruption.
  • his additional medium can be as simple as an external drive or USB stick,
  • The possibility of weather-related events may justify having copies of data at remote locations.
  • For best results, backup copies are made on a consistent, regular basis to minimize the amount data lost between backups.
    Backup and recovery describes the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect organizations against data loss. This is sometimes referred to as operational recovery. The purpose of the backup is to create a copy of data that can be recovered in the event of a primary data failure. Primary data failures can be the result of hardware or software failure, data corruption, or a human-caused event. Storing the copy of the data on separate medium is critical to protect against primary data loss or corruption. This additional medium can be as simple as an external drive or USB stick. The possibility of weather-related events may justify having copies of data at remote locations. For best results, backup copies are made on a consistent, regular basis to minimize the amount data lost between backups.
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