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Deborah King

Clive Thompson on Why Kids Can't Search | Magazine - 204 views

  • how savvy
  • If they’re naive at Googling, it’s because the ability to judge information is almost never taught in school.
  • intelligent search a key to everyday problem-solving
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • a golden opportunity to train kids in critical thinking.
  • “The big thing in assessing search results is authorship—who put it there and why have they put it there?”
  • “This is learning how to learn.”
  • , mastering “crap detection 101,”
  • One prerequisite is that you already know a lot about the world.
  • Google makes broad-based knowledge more important, not less
  • But, crucially, she also trains students to assess the credibility of what they find online. For example, she teaches them to analyze the tone of a web page to judge whether it was created by an academic, an advocacy group, or a hobbyist.
  • she also trains students to assess the credibility of what they find online. For example, she teaches them to analyze the tone of a web page to judge whether it was created by an academic, an advocacy group, or a hobbyist.
  • she also trains students to assess the credibility of what they find online. For example, she teaches them to analyze the tone of a web page to judge whether it was created by an academic, an advocacy group, or a hobbyist
  • she also trains students to assess the credibility of what they find online. For example, she teaches them to analyze the tone of a web page to judge whether it was created by an academic, an advocacy group, or a hobbyist.
  • kids grok the intricacies
  • A group of researchers led by College of Charleston business professor Bing
    All subjects need to teach students how to search for, analyze and utilize digital information within the subject area. This is where students will be getting info until someone pulls the plug or locks them in a bookmobile.
    "We're often told that young people tend to be the most tech-savvy among us. But just how savvy are they? ,,, High school and college students may be "digital natives," but they're wretched at searching."
Has Slone

Always Write: Cobett's "7 Elements of a Differentiated Writing Lesson" Resources - 10 views

    • Has Slone
      This is a neat way to start a writing class with the creating plot ideas....
  • One of the goals I ask teachers to set after my training is to find new ways to push students to analyze and evaluate as they learn to write.
  • As part of my teacher workshop on the writing process, we investigate multiple uses of student samples. One of my favorite techniques involves having student compare and contrast finished pieces of writing. During both pre-writing and and revision, this push for deeper student thinking both educates and inspires your students.
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • The handout has student writers analyze two fifth graders' published writing with a compare and contrast Venn diagram.
  • Revision is hard, and most teachers recognize it as an area of deficiency; the truth is, a lot of really great writing teachers I know still freely admit that revision is where they struggle the most.
  • revision shouldn't be the first of the seven elements to work on
  • When students like what they've written in rough draft form, they're ready to move to revision. My other six elements aim at helping students increase their pre-writing time so they both like and see more potential in their rough drafts
  • I believe in the power of collaboration and study teams,
  • Professional development research clearly cites the study team model as the most effective way to have learners not only understand new ideas but also implement them enough times so they become regular tools in a teacher's classroom.
  • Below, find three examples created by study teams during past workshops. I use them as models/exemplars when I set the study teams off to work.
  • My students learn to appreciate the act of writing, and they see it as a valuable life-skill.
  • In a perfect world, following my workshop,
  • follow-up tools.
  • I also use variations of these Post-its during my Critical Thinking Using the Writing Traits Workshop.
  • By far, the best success I've ever had while teaching revision was the one I experienced with the revision Post-its I created for my students
  • During my teacher workshop on the writing process, we practice with tools like the Revision Sprint (at right), which I designed to push students to use analysis and evaluation skills as they looked at their own drafts
  • I used to throw my kids into writing response groups way too fast. They weren't ready to provide critical thought for one another
  • The most important trick learned was this: be a writer too. During my first five years of teaching, I had assigned a lot of writing but never once had I written something I intended to show my students.
  • I have the following interactive plot element generator (which can be replicated with three coffee cans and index cards) to help my students feel in control of their options:
  • If you want to hear my take on graphic organizers in detail, you're going to have to hire me to come to present to you. If you can't do that, then I'll throw you a challenge that was thrown once at me, and completing the challenge helped me become a smarter designer of graphic organizers. The challenge came in two parts: 1) learn how to use tables and text boxes in Microsoft Word; 2) for practice, design a graphic organizer that would help students be successfully with the following trait-based skills:
  • "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, etc," which is an interesting structure that students can borrow from to write about other topics, be they fiction or non-fiction.
  • Asking students to create daily journals from the perspective of other animals or even inanimate objects is a great way to borrow this book's idea.
  • it challenges students to analyze the author's word choice & voice skills: specifically his use of verbs, subtle alliteration, and dialogue.
  • Mentor Text Resource Page here at my website, because this topic has become such a big piece of learning to me. It deserved its own webpage.
  • Here are seven skills I can easily list for the organization trait. Organization is: 1) using a strong lead or hook, 2) using a variety of transition words correctly, 3) paragraphing correctly, 4) pacing the writing, 5) sequencing events/ideas logically, 6) concluding the writing in a satisfying way, 7) titling the writing interestingly and so that the title stands for the whole idea. Over the years, I have developed or found and adapted mini-lessons that have students practice these skills during my "Organization Month."
  • Now, let's talk differentiation:
  • The problem with focusing students on a product--instead of the writing process--is that the majority of the instructional time is spent teaching students to adhere to a formula.
  • the goal of writing instruction absolutely should be the helping students practice the three Bloom's levels above apply: analyze, evaluate, and create.
  • Click here to access the PowerPoint I use during the goal-setting portion of my workshop.
  • Improving one's ability to teach writing to all students is a long-term professional development goal; sticking with it requires diligence, and it requires having a more specific goal than "I want to improve writing
  • "Trying to get better at all seven elements at once doesn't work;
  • strive to make my workshops more about "make and take,
  • Robert Marzano's research convinced me years ago of the importance of having learners set personal goals as they learn to take responsibility for their own learning.
Florence Dujardin

Lichtman M. (2011) Understanding and Evaluating Qualitative Educational Research SAGE - 19 views

    When learning how to read, analyze, and design one's own research, it is useful to review examples of similar research. Understanding and Evaluating Qualitative Educational Research uses published research articles to teach students how to understand and evaluate qualitative research in education. This text gives students in qualitative educational research a well-rounded and practical look at what qualitative research is, along with how to read, analyze, and design studies themselves.
Frederick Eberhardt

An Analysis of the English Curriculum - 36 views

    A discussion of constructivists curriculums in which Posner played a major role. His 2004 book, Analyzing the Curriculum was popular in education classes, science and psychology classes. He changed the way Americans and educators thought about education. Posner, G. J. (2004). Analyzing the curriculum (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
Roland Gesthuizen

Action Research Projects for Teachers - 5 views

    Action research is a great solution teachers' questions  I highly recommend learning about it. .. By collecting data and analyzing the results, teachers can change their practices in the classroom as needed. The principle of action research is to plan a change, implement the change, collect any necessary information, and analyze what happened. Action research can make use of data already being collected or needed for classroom practice."
Jeff Andersen

15 Excel Formulas, Keyboard Shortcuts & Tricks That'll Save You Lots of Time - 35 views

    For most marketers, trying to organize and analyze spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel can feel like walking into a brick wall over and over again. You're manually replicating columns and scribbling down long-form math on a scrap of paper, all while thinking to yourself, "There has to be a better way to do this." Truth be told, there is -- you just don't know it yet. Excel can be tricky that way. On the one hand, it's an exceptionally powerful tool for reporting and analyzing marketing data. On the other, without the proper training, it's easy to feel like it's working against you. For starters, there are more than a dozen critical formulas Excel can automatically run for you so you're not combing through hundreds of cells with a calculator on your desk.
Jac Londe

Analyzing General Electric's Debt And Risk - Seeking Alpha - 17 views

  • Analyzing General Electric's Debt And Risk
  • 1. Total Debt = Long-Term Debt + Short-Term Debt
  • 2. Total Liabilities
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • 4. Debt ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Assets
  • 3. Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets
  • 6. Capitalization Ratio = LT Debt / LT Debt + Shareholders' Equity(LT Debt = Long-Term Debt)
  • 5. Debt to Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Shareholders' Equity
  • 7. Cash Flow to Total Debt Ratio = Operating Cash Flow / Total Debt
  • 8. Cost of debt (before tax) = Corporate Bond rate of company's bond rating.
  • 9. Current tax rate ( Income Tax total / Income before Tax)
Elizabeth Resnick

How Schools Can Teach Innovation - - 5 views

  • problems can never be understood or solved in the context of a single academic discipline
  • all courses are interdisciplinary and based on the exploration of a problem or new opportunity.
  • young innovators are intrinsically motivated. T
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The play is discovery-based learning that leads young people to find and pursue a passion, which evolves, over time, into a deeper sense of purpose.
  • play, passion and purpose.
  • Students should have
  • digital portfolios that demonstrate progressive mastery of the skills needed to innovate.
  • Teachers need professional development to learn how to create hands-on, project-based, interdisciplinary courses.
  • To succeed in the 21st-century economy, students must learn to analyze and solve problems, collaborate, persevere, take calculated risks and learn from failure.
    To succeed in the 21st-century economy, students must learn to analyze and solve problems, collaborate, persevere, take calculated risks and learn from failure. 
Jeremy Brueck

Navigating Text Complexity - 80 views

  • Includes lesson videos and model text-dependent questions.
  • Our text complexity roadmaps bring together the quantiative, qualitative, and reader and task considerations of texts.
  • take a close look at what text complexity is and why it's important to preparing students for college and career.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • what makes a text complex
  • how will it help prepare my students for college and career?
  • What tools can I use to select rich, worthy texts for instruction in my classroom?
  • How can analyzing the qualitative characteristics of a text inform my instruction of a text?
    "Understanding text complexity is essential to implementing the Common Core State Standards in ELA & Literacy. But what makes a text complex and how will it help prepare my students for college and career? What tools can I use to select rich, worthy texts for instruction in my classroom? How can analyzing the qualitative characteristics of a text inform my instruction of a text? These have been our guiding questions in developing this text complexity resource for teachers. "
Deborah Baillesderr

Teaching Students To Think And Analyze - 90 views

    A great video on how to help students learn how to analyze all types of text. 
Donal O' Mahony

My last post reviewed…(BYOD/T)…. | eLearning Island - 3 views

    I was somewhat taken aback by the interest in my last blog posting entitled "The first ever BYOD (not BYOT) class I taught…" I have now analyzed it against a piece by Earnie Kramer called "Thinking about embracing Bring Your Own Device in your school?"
Jim Tiffin Jr

Word Clouds in Education: Turn a toy into a tool - 107 views

    Most word cloud programs work in the same, straight-forward way; the more a word is used in the text, the bigger it is shown in the cloud. A glance at a cloud is an easy way to preview a passage, or to analyze text.
Josh Flores

Annotating the Model Content Frameworks for ELA/Literacy by PARCC - 9 views

    • Josh Flores
      Quarterly Modules - but could be adjusted for your school's purposes.
    • Josh Flores
  • shape the content within the modules in any way that suit their desired purposes
  • ...54 more annotations...
  • re-order
  • order in which the four modules may be used is not critical
  • ocus and emphasis on the types of texts
  • What changes
  • is the
  • analytic reading
  • examining its meaning
  • read and reread deliberately.
  • understand the central ideas
  • supporting details
  • entails the careful gathering of observations
  • overall understanding and judgment
  • omparison and synthesis of ideas
  • drawing on relevant prior knowledge
  • suggests that educators select a minimum number of grade-level-appropriate short texts
  • as well as one extended text
  • in lower grades, chosen texts should include content from across the disciplines.
  • upper grades, content-area teachers are encouraged to consider how best to implement informational reading across the disciplines
    • Josh Flores
      The Nonfiction Split
    • Josh Flores
      Elementary and Secodnary
    • Josh Flores
      Selecting Multiple Texts
  • present their analyses in writing and speaking
    • Josh Flores
      Listening and Speaking Tip: Class presentations with a rubric; allow class to complete rubric of their peers too and use video or text-to-speech based web 2.0 animation programs for shy students
  • all students need access to a wide range of materials on a variety of topics and genres
    • Josh Flores
      INTERNETS: Open Resource Revolution!
  • students improve both their reading comprehension and their writing skills when writing in response to texts.
    • Josh Flores
      I knew it!
  • notes, summaries, learning logs, writing to learn tasks, or even a response to a short text selection or an open-ended question.[9]
    • Josh Flores
      Examples of Writing Practices
  • hese responses can vary in length based on the questions asked and tasks performed, from answering brief questions to crafting multiparagraph responses in upper grades.
  • narrative story and narrative description
    • Josh Flores
  • creative fiction, as well as memoirs, anecdotes, biographies, and autobiographies
  • include writing under time constraints
  • writing over multiple drafts
  • generate writing pieces in response to teacher-provided prompts and to their own prompts
    • Josh Flores
      LEVEL Qs: Teach students to generate Academic Questions to explore
  • For reading and writing in each module
    • Josh Flores
      Essential READING & WRITING Skills
    • Josh Flores
      for ELA/Literacy
  • Understand and apply grammar:
  • Cite evidence and analyze content
  • Understand and apply vocabulary
  • Conduct discussions and report findings:
  • grades 3-5
  • two standards progression charts for each grade level
  • Writing
  • peaking and Listening
  • Graham, S., and M. A. Hebert. 2010. Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading. A Carnegie Corporation Time to Act Report. Washington, D.C.: Alliance for Excellent Education.
  • four sections
  • Students
  • offer one way of organizing the standards
  • quarterly modules
  • reflects the integrated nature
  • suggests both the number and types
  • to express an opinion/make an argument or to inform/explain
  • write
  • citing evidence
  • analyzing
  • grammar
  • vocabulary
  • discussions
  • reporting
Stacy Olson

All About Explorers - Digital Literacy Site - 103 views

    This website shows false information and can be used to show students the importance of analyzing the information of a site versus the design.
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Book RX - Recommends books from your Twitter feed - 2 views

    This website will recommend books by analyzing your Twitter feed.
Glenn Hervieux

7 Apps for Student Creators | Edutopia - 111 views

    "Creation-based tasks promote higher-order thinking, encourage collaboration, and connect students to real-world learning. Whether you're teaching in a project-based learning classroom, engaging students with authentic assessments, or committed to pushing students to analyze and synthesize, providing opportunities for creation is a must."
Peter Beens

7 Skills students need for their future - YouTube - 126 views

    Dr. Tony Wagner, co-director of Harvard's Change Leadership Group has identified what he calls a "global achievement gap," which is the leap between what even our best schools are teaching, and the must-have skills of the future: * Critical thinking and problem-solving * Collaboration across networks and leading by influence * Agility and adaptability * Initiative and entrepreneurialism * Effective oral and written communication * Accessing and analyzing information * Curiosity and imagination
Randy Yerrick - 13 views

    This report analyzes what works in middle school science classrooms.  It gives elements of assessment that lead to higher performance in science such as fairness/fun, focus, foundations, fluency, and fit.

The NCTE Definition of 21st Century Literacies - 53 views

    • laeasu
      Which of these practices do you do in college and in your life?
  • Develop proficiency and fluency with the tools of technology;Build intentional cross-cultural connections and relationships with others so to pose and solve problems collaboratively and strengthen independent thought;Design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes;Manage, analyze, and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information;Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia texts;Attend to the ethical responsibilities required by these complex environments.
Derek Allison

Photograph Analysis Worksheet - Historical Photograph Activity - 9 views

    Photo Analysis Worksheet used to analyze historical photography in order to have a better understanding of what may be going on in the photograph.
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