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Lara Kessler

What is Electricity? - 2 views

    A cool site about how electricity works. It includes discussion of electricity and magnets, static electricity, and circuits.
Jac Londe

Electricity FERC - 10 views

  • Regulatory Changes by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  • FERC Orders 888 and 889
  • On April 24, 1996, FERC issued Orders 888 and 889, which encourage wholesale competition.  The primary objective of these orders is the elimination of monopoly power over the transmission of electricity.  To achieve this objective, FERC requires all public utilities that own, control, or operate facilities used for transmitting electric energy in interstate commerce to: file open access nondiscriminatory transmission tariffs containing minimum terms and conditions, take transmission service (including ancillary services) for their own new wholesale sales and purchases of electricity under open access tariffs, develop and maintain a same-time information system that will give existing and potential  users the same access to transmission information that the public utility enjoys, and separate the transmission from generating and marketing functions and communications.
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  • Recovery of stranded costs is perhaps the most contentious issue confronting regulators in promoting competition.  Stranded costs (or assets) are costs that have been prudently incurred by utilities to serve their customers but cannot be recovered if the consumers choose other electricity suppliers. One study has estimated current stranded assets at $88 billion, and estimates of projected stranded costs range from $10 billion to $500 billion. In its Order 888, FERC reaffirmed "that the recovery of legitimate, prudent and verifiable stranded costs should be allowed." FERC's directive is grounded in the belief that the recovery of stranded costs "is critical to the successful transition of the electricity industry to a competitive, open-access environment." For this purpose, direct assignment of costs to departing customers was selected as the appropriate method for recovery of stranded costs.
Martin Burrett

Wired - 19 views

    "Superb adventure platform and puzzle game which teaches about electricity and electrical circuits, designed by the engineering department at the University of Cambridge. Play in your browser or download from Steam."
Martin Burrett

Electric Circuits - 76 views

    A good interactive resource with information and activities about making electrical circuits.
Martin Burrett

Learning Circuits - 118 views

    A good flash-based resource about electrical circuits. Users are show information and given tasks to complete.
Maureen Greenbaum

Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine | Video on - 77 views

    What was the greatest invention of the industrial revolution? Hans Rosling makes the case for the washing machine. With newly designed graphics from Gapminder, Rosling shows us the magic that pops up when economic growth and electricity turn a boring wash day into an intellectual day of reading.
    9 minutes - great to listen to and great to show students the value of good graphics and environmentalism What was the greatest invention of the industrial revolution? Hans Rosling makes the case for the washing machine. With newly designed graphics from Gapminder, Rosling shows us the magic that pops up when economic growth and electricity turn a boring wash day into an intellectual day of reading.
Martin Burrett

The Virtual Circuit - 92 views

    A science resource about electrical circuits. Build a lots of circuits based on instructions.
  • ...1 more comment...
    This connection did not work.
    I went to Martin Burrett's site and was instructed to go to
K Couch

New NASA Images Show The Earth's Electric Light Show : The Picture Show : NPR - 4 views

    Updated "Earth at Night". NASA images showing light on Earth. (Composite images with cloudless skies)  Good for teaching light pollution or energy use 
Deborah Baillesderr

Free, Printable Bingo Cards by Bingo Baker - 15 views

    Create bingo cards - no pictures. Students access on Ipad and play the bingo game. Great for reviewing vocabulary.
    Great for reviewing vocabulary.
    "Bingo Cards Bingo Baker makes it easy to create bingo cards. You can generate hundreds of random cards and print them using the printer-friendly PDF (with no ads or watermarks). You can also save paper (and waste electricity instead) by playing your bingo game online (it works on the iPad)."
Jac Londe

Analyzing General Electric's Debt And Risk - Seeking Alpha - 17 views

  • Analyzing General Electric's Debt And Risk
  • 1. Total Debt = Long-Term Debt + Short-Term Debt
  • 2. Total Liabilities
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  • 3. Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets
  • 4. Debt ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Assets
  • 5. Debt to Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities / Shareholders' Equity
  • 6. Capitalization Ratio = LT Debt / LT Debt + Shareholders' Equity(LT Debt = Long-Term Debt)
  • 7. Cash Flow to Total Debt Ratio = Operating Cash Flow / Total Debt
  • 8. Cost of debt (before tax) = Corporate Bond rate of company's bond rating.
  • 9. Current tax rate ( Income Tax total / Income before Tax)
Roland Gesthuizen

Conspiracy debunked: Atlanta snow doesn't melt. - 16 views

    "Here at BA Central I see a lot of truly ridiculous conspiracy theories. Over the years there's been the Moon Hoax, various asteroids NASA was covering up that would hit the Earth (or wipe us out somehow via electricity), and of course the end of the Earth over and over and over again. Yet happily, we're still here. Yet sadly, so are these silly theories."
Lara Kessler

Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia > Hydroelectric power - 0 views

    Another cool site on how electricity can be made from water power.
Lara Kessler

Science News for Kids: Feature: Power of the Wind - 0 views

    A cool page on how wind power is transforming or changing how we get electricity these days.
Martin Burrett

Electric Circuit Builder - 118 views

    There is no better way of learning about circuits than to get out the wires and play. But this is a good resource that helps you teach about circuits and how to build them. Good as an introduction to the topic.
Jac Londe

Introduction to Electronics - 50 views

    One of the best way to learn, with a teacher it must be even greater Tesla coil hobby kits that shoot lightning and use electricity to play music !
Jac Londe

Physicists uncover novel phase of matter - 22 views

    A team of physicists led by Caltech's David Hsieh has discovered an unusual form of matter-not a conventional metal, insulator, or magnet, for example, but something entirely different. This phase, characterized by an unusual ordering of electrons, offers possibilities for new electronic device functionalities and could hold the solution to a long-standing mystery in condensed matter physics having to do with high-temperature superconductivity-the ability for some materials to conduct electricity without resistance, even at "high" temperatures approaching -100 degrees Celsius.
Mr Agraz

China Scales Back Subsidies for Electric Cars - 1 views

    China is beginning to end subsidies to encourage innovation and end dependence on the State
Martin Burrett

Book: MasterClass in Science Education by @DrKeithSTaber via @BloomsburyAcad - 5 views

    "In his new book, Professor Keith Taber reassures practicing and training science teachers, as he explores a range of issues faced by secondary school educators and discusses strategies for teaching the nature of scientific knowledge, making practical work effective and challenging young scientists. Throughout the academic prose, Professor Taber reflects on the nature of scientific knowledge in science education encouraging creating narratives, challenging misconceptions, and exploring principles of constructive teaching. The book continues with exploring specific challenges, such as teaching electrical circuits to lower secondary school students, along with a chapter dedicated to supporting gifted students who excel at the subjects."
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