Listening and Speaking Tip: Class presentations with a rubric; allow class to complete rubric of their peers too and use video or text-to-speech based web 2.0 animation programs for shy students
all students need access to a wide range of materials on a variety of topics and genres
hese responses can vary in length based on the questions asked and tasks performed, from answering brief questions to crafting multiparagraph responses in upper grades.
two standards progression charts for each grade level
peaking and Listening
Graham, S., and M. A. Hebert. 2010. Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading. A Carnegie Corporation Time to Act Report. Washington, D.C.: Alliance for Excellent Education.
four sections
offer one way of organizing the standards
quarterly modules
reflects the integrated nature
suggests both the number and types
to express an opinion/make an argument or to inform/explain
students, each with a smartphone, take pictures of what they think are complementary angles outside of the classroom. The next day, the students discuss them in class.