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Maureen Greenbaum

SNHU: How Paul LeBlanc's tiny school has become a giant of higher education. - 1 views

  • Students are referred to as “customers.”
  • t deploys data analytics for everything from anticipating future demand to figuring out which students are most likely to stumble.
  • “Public institutions will not see increasing state funding and private colleges will not see ever-rising tuition.”
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • tackle what colleges were doing poorly: graduating students. Half the students who enroll in post-secondary education never get a degree but still accumulate debt
  • school spends millions to employ more than 160 “admissions counselors” who man the phones, especially on weekends, guiding prospective students into the right degree program
  • vast majority are working adults, many with families, whose lives rarely align with an academic timetable.
  • “College is designed in every way for that 20 percent—cost, time, scheduling, everything,” says LeBlanc. He set out to create an institution for the other 80 percent, one that was flexible and offered a seamless online experience
  • low completion rate can be blamed partly on the fact that college is still designed for 18-year-olds who are signing up for an immersive, four-year experience replete with football games and beer-drinking. But those traditional students make up only 20 percent of the post-secondary population.
  • online courses are created centrally and then farmed out to a small army of adjuncts hired for as little as $2,200 a class. Those adjuncts have scant leeway in crafting the learning experience.
  • An instructor’s main job is to swoop in when a student is in trouble. Often, they don’t pick up the warning signs themselves. Instead, SNHU’s predictive analytics platform plays watchdog, sending up a red flag to an instructor when a student hasn’t logged on recently or has spent too much time on an assignment
  • highly standardized courses, and adjuncts who act more like coaches than professors
    The Amazon of Higher Education- How tiny, struggling Southern New Hampshire University has become a behemoth.
Bill Noomah

Using Google Analytics and Student Created Content - 70 views

    A fifth grade project using student drawings and Google Analytics as a vehicle to learn about intellectual property, fair use, and privacy.
Roland Gesthuizen

High Yield Strategies - APS IT Summer 2013 Course Resources - 34 views

    "In Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, Robert Marzano (2001) and his colleagues identify nine high-yield instructional strategies through a meta-analytic study of over 100 independent studies. Marzano and his colleagues found that these nine strategies have the greatest positive effect on student achievement for all students, in all subject areas, at all grade levels, especially when strategically matched to the specific type of knowledge being sought."
Martin Burrett

Oodlu - 39 views

    "A great quiz site where teachers create questions and input the answers and then the players choose from 20+ games. Create class lists and view analytics of performance."
Chema Falcó

Analítica del Aprendizaje: 30 experiencias con datos en el aula - Edulíticas ... - 1 views

    experiencias en el uso de las analíticas del aprendizaje en el aula
Jeff Andersen

Myers-Briggs Personality Types in Business | Infographic - 10 views

    People experience the world using four principal psychological functions-sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking-according to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, the founder of analytic psychology. Based on Jung's concepts of introversion and extroversion and his theory of personality types, US mother and daughter team Myers and Briggs created the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test based on the following sets of four dichotomies: Introvert (I)/Extrovert (E) Intuitive (N)/Sensory (S) Thinking (T)/Feeling (F) Judging (J)/Perceiving (P)
Marc Hamlin

Reintroducing students to Research - 144 views

  • First, we think research, broadly defined, is a valuable part of an undergraduate education. Even at a rudimentary level, engaging in research implicates students in the creation of knowledge. They need to understand that knowledge isn’t an inert substance they passively receive, but is continually created, debated, and reformulated—and they have a role to play in that process.
  • we recognize that research is situated in disciplinary frameworks and needs to be addressed in terms of distinct research traditions.
  • research is a complex and recursive process involving not just finding information but framing and refining a question, perhaps gathering primary data through field or lab work, choosing and evaluating appropriate evidence, negotiating different viewpoints, and composing some kind of response, all activities that are not linear but intertwined.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • learning to conduct inquiry is itself complex and recursive. These skills need to be developed throughout a research project and throughout a student’s education.
  • the hybrid nature of libraries today requires students to master both traditional and emerging information formats, but the skills that students need to conduct effective inquiry—for example, those mentioned in your mission statement of reading critically and reasoning analytically—are the same whether the materials they use are in print or electronic.
  • Too often, traditional research paper assignments defeat their own purpose by implying that research is not discovery, but rather a report on what someone else has already discovered. More than once I’ve had to talk students out of abandoning a paper topic because, to their dismay, they find out it’s original. If they can’t find a source that says for them exactly what they want to say—better yet, five sources—they think they’ll get in trouble.
  • In reality, students doing researched writing typically spend a huge percentage of their time mapping out the research area before they can focus their research question. This is perfectly legitimate, though they often feel they’re spinning wheels. They have to do a good bit of reading before they really know what they’re looking for.
  • she has students seek out both primary and secondary sources, make choices among them, and develop some conclusions in presentations that are far from standard literary criticism. One lab focuses on collecting and seeking relationships among assigned literary texts and other primary sources from the second half of the twentieth century to illuminate American society in that time period.
  • For this lab, groups of students must find ten primary sources that relate in some way to literary texts under discussion and then—here’s the unusual bit—write three new verses of “America the Beautiful” that use the primary sources to illuminate a vision of American society. Instead of amber waves of grain and alabaster cities, they select images that reformulate the form of the song to represent another vision of the country. At the end of the course, her final essay assignment calls upon all of the work the previous labs have done, asking students to apply the skills they’ve practiced through the semester. While students in this course don’t do a single, big research project, they practice skills that will prepare them to do more sophisticated work later.
    What are our assumptions about how students get research done in the humanities? How do those assumptions affect our instruction, and what really is our students' approach to research?
Josh Flores

Annotating the Model Content Frameworks for ELA/Literacy by PARCC - 9 views

    • Josh Flores
      Quarterly Modules - but could be adjusted for your school's purposes.
    • Josh Flores
  • shape the content within the modules in any way that suit their desired purposes
  • ...54 more annotations...
  • re-order
  • order in which the four modules may be used is not critical
  • ocus and emphasis on the types of texts
  • What changes
  • is the
  • analytic reading
  • examining its meaning
  • read and reread deliberately.
  • understand the central ideas
  • supporting details
  • entails the careful gathering of observations
  • overall understanding and judgment
  • omparison and synthesis of ideas
  • drawing on relevant prior knowledge
  • suggests that educators select a minimum number of grade-level-appropriate short texts
  • as well as one extended text
  • in lower grades, chosen texts should include content from across the disciplines.
  • upper grades, content-area teachers are encouraged to consider how best to implement informational reading across the disciplines
    • Josh Flores
      The Nonfiction Split
    • Josh Flores
      Elementary and Secodnary
    • Josh Flores
      Selecting Multiple Texts
  • present their analyses in writing and speaking
    • Josh Flores
      Listening and Speaking Tip: Class presentations with a rubric; allow class to complete rubric of their peers too and use video or text-to-speech based web 2.0 animation programs for shy students
  • all students need access to a wide range of materials on a variety of topics and genres
    • Josh Flores
      INTERNETS: Open Resource Revolution!
  • students improve both their reading comprehension and their writing skills when writing in response to texts.
    • Josh Flores
      I knew it!
  • notes, summaries, learning logs, writing to learn tasks, or even a response to a short text selection or an open-ended question.[9]
    • Josh Flores
      Examples of Writing Practices
  • hese responses can vary in length based on the questions asked and tasks performed, from answering brief questions to crafting multiparagraph responses in upper grades.
  • narrative story and narrative description
    • Josh Flores
  • creative fiction, as well as memoirs, anecdotes, biographies, and autobiographies
  • include writing under time constraints
  • writing over multiple drafts
  • generate writing pieces in response to teacher-provided prompts and to their own prompts
    • Josh Flores
      LEVEL Qs: Teach students to generate Academic Questions to explore
  • For reading and writing in each module
    • Josh Flores
      Essential READING & WRITING Skills
    • Josh Flores
      for ELA/Literacy
  • Understand and apply grammar:
  • Cite evidence and analyze content
  • Understand and apply vocabulary
  • Conduct discussions and report findings:
  • grades 3-5
  • two standards progression charts for each grade level
  • Writing
  • peaking and Listening
  • Graham, S., and M. A. Hebert. 2010. Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading. A Carnegie Corporation Time to Act Report. Washington, D.C.: Alliance for Excellent Education.
  • four sections
  • Students
  • offer one way of organizing the standards
  • quarterly modules
  • reflects the integrated nature
  • suggests both the number and types
  • to express an opinion/make an argument or to inform/explain
  • write
  • citing evidence
  • analyzing
  • grammar
  • vocabulary
  • discussions
  • reporting
Dimitris Tzouris

Question Cloud - Continuous Education Assessment for Differentiated Instruction - 119 views

    A very interesting assessment tool for English grammar and composition using knowledge analytics / artificial intelligence to plot skill development over time. Start up company looking for users to provide data.
Rafael Morales_Gamboa

Scaling Personalization: What It Takes To Meet The Expectations of Today's Students | T... - 36 views

  • service that’s friendly, immediate, accurate and goes the extra mile
  • students want a flexible, affordable, easy-to-use product that meets their needs
  • We provide students with access to our predictive analytics tool, which looks at student behavior and gives them a sense of whether they’re on track for success, could make some improvements or are falling behind.
Jac Londe

Google Insights for Search - 3 views

    Site des tendances de recherche de Google
Kelvin Thompson

ELI 2012 General Sessions and Featured Presentations - 39 views

    Video capture of the general sessions and featured presentations from the Educause Learning Initiative 2012 conference in Austin, Texas.
Maya Salganek

SNAPP - 1 views

Greg Clinton

Phraseology: iPad App Basics | Wandering Academic - 149 views

shared by Greg Clinton on 06 Jan 12 - No Cached
    Phraseology is an iPad writing app that breaks the mold by integrating language analytics, visual organization of paragraphs, and a well-thought-out partnership with Terminology, a semantic dictionary/thesaurus app. This would be really useful for student writers because it does more than just provide a clean interface for writing, it gives them tools to improve their drafts.
Bochi 23

Perceived Usefulness: - 33 views

    Bitly can take a long web address (a URL) and turn it into a short one. Teachers can use the data and analytics features to see if people are clicking on the things that they are sharing. Super easy to use and very useful.
Jim Aird

Feds Call on Universities for Ideas for 'Experimental Sites,' New Learning Technologies... - 32 views

  • Education, particularly K-12 education, remains relatively untouched by advances in our understanding of how people learn, how to design instruction that incorporates those insights, and the explosion in information technologies such as low-cost smartphones and tablets, cloud computing, broadband networks, speech recognition and speech synthesis, predictive analytics, data mining, machine learning, intelligent tutors, simulations, games, computer-[supported] collaborative work, and many other technologies.
Thieme Hennis

MyPISA - Home - 16 views

    PISA data. Freely available statistics on education Welcome to MyPISA, ACER's official website for the management and implementation of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). This website consists of publicly accessible web-pages that you see right now, and secure pages designed for the exclusive use of those people directly involved with the implementation of PISA."
Ryan Ingersoll

Why Online Programs Fail, and 5 Things We Can Do About It - Hybrid Pedagogy - 76 views

  • More and different types of learning and teaching are available in the digital environment. We must convince ourselves that we don’t yet understand digital education so we may open the doors more broadly to innovation and creativity
  • we shouldn’t set off on a cruise, and build the ship as we go
    • Rafael Morales_Gamboa
      Why not? I might not be possible in the physical world, but that does not mean it cannot be done in the digital one.
  • Few institutions pay much attention to re-creating these spaces online
    • Rafael Morales_Gamboa
      They do not need to. The digital learning space does not have to be like the physical one.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • What spaces can we build online that aren’t quantified, tracked, scored, graded, assessed, and accredited?
    • Rafael Morales_Gamboa
      Are social networking applications you are talking about?
  • What we have is a series of online classes with no real infrastructure to support the work that students do on college campuses outside and between those classes
    • Rafael Morales_Gamboa
      In physical schools that work have to be done on campus, because when students leave they become distant from each other. But that does not happen online: students are close together both inside and outside the "campus"; actually, they are simultaneously inside and outside campus.
  • Up to now, online learning has taken little notice of the web upon which it’s suspended
  • Today, the road to access doesn’t necessarily detour through the university, and anyone, of just about any age, can travel it.
    • Rafael Morales_Gamboa
      This is, of course, an overstatement, as not everyone is prepared, given their development and living conditions, to take advantage of Internet.
  • We’ve created happy little caskets inside which learning fits too neatly and tidily (like forums, learning management systems, and web conferencing platforms). We’ve timed learning down to the second, developed draconian quality assurance measures, built analytics to track every bit of minutiae, and we’ve championed the stalest, most banal forms of interaction — interaction buried beneath rubrics and quantitative assessment — interaction that looks the same every time in every course with every new set of students.
    A critical view about e-learning as it mostly happens today.
    A critical view about e-learning as it mostly happens today.
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