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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Bochi 23

Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #33 - Adding an Attachment to a Calendar Event - 95 views

    Utilizing the add attachment and description functions in Google Calendar can potentially replace your LMS :-)
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #31 - Whoops! How to Unsend an Email - 195 views

    Turn on the ability to "unsend" a message and avoid putting yourself in a (potentially) embarrassing situation.
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #30 - Pause your Inbox... Work in (Relative) Peace - 50 views

    If you get a lot of email you will certainly appreciate the ability to pause your email so you can work on your email backlog without being interrupted by new messages.
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #29 - Easily One of my Favorite Gmail Security Tips - 84 views

    Remotely log out of your gmail accounts.
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #28 - Where O Where are my Images in Gmail? - 2 views

    A basic tip but one everyone should know. This is for Gmail but other mail programs function similarly.
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #27 - Connect to More Apps in Google Drive - 94 views

    Go beyond the basic Google Drive functionality by connected to additional apps.
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #26 - Search By Owner in Drive (and More!) - 107 views

    This has to be one of the best search tips for gDrive... so useful!
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #24 - Why I Love Drive's Recent Function - 97 views

    I find myself using the "recent" link in Google Drive more and more... here's why
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #23 - Hello App Launcher (Now Go Away) - 66 views

    Here are a couple of suggestions on how to make Google's App launcher a bit better.
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day: Google Images & Copyright - 132 views

    A handful of helpful tips for copyright compliance when using Google Images.
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #12: Image Search by Type & Time (plus a bonus tip) - 76 views

    Daily Google tip from a Google Apps for Education School
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #11: Image Searchin' By Size - 33 views

    Daily Google tip from a Google Apps for Education School
Bochi 23

GTOD #10: Image Search By Color - 41 views

    Daily Google tip from a Google Apps for Education School
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day: Google Like A Boss, Part 1 - 121 views

    Daily Google tip from a Google Apps for Education School
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #2: You Are the Weakest Link - 152 views

    Daily tips from a Google Apps for Education school.
Bochi 23

Perceived Usefulness: Use CleanPrint... Save Some Trees - 79 views

    CleanPrint allows you to customize the pages you print from the Internet... remove images, shrink text, and more... save some trees
Bochi 23

edulicious - edulicious - FV #35 - Lots to Look At - 94 views

    Information is Beautiful released their visualization awards shortlist a couple days ago and if you like visual stuff you will want to check it out.
Bochi 23

Perceived Usefulness: The Best Way to Download YouTube Videos is... - 151 views

    It's pretty easy to think of a few situations where you might need to download a video from YouTube... what's the easiest way to do this?
Bochi 23

Friday Visual #34 - Global Issues of Olympic Proportions - 137 views

    In this set of visuals, graphic artist Gustavo Sousa uses the iconic Olympic rings to represent which continents have the most prisoners, HIV patients, McDonald's, and more. Naturally, the relative size of each ring correlates to the relevant data points. Would led to some great discussions with students.
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