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John Evans

3 iPad apps for volume and surface area investigations - 1 views

    "This week, Grade 5 began a unit on Volume, Capacity and Surface Area. On a weekly basis, I take combined groups from the 4 grades consisting of the higher achievers, while the classroom teachers concentrate on the mainstream group and students needing more individual instruction to achieve success. I made a conscious decision this week to focus on using iPads with my group to explore both volume/capacity as well as surface area."
John Evans

Why It's Important to Teach Your Students Financial Literacy-and Three Ways to Do It | ... - 1 views

    "Teaching financial literacy in the classroom is one promising way to improve financial capacity for today's young people. Today's young people face an overwhelming number of complex financial decisions. However, many are unprepared to make informed financial choices as they move into adulthood. In fact, three out of four young adults cannot answer basic financial questions. Teaching financial literacy in the classroom is one promising way to improve financial capacity for today's young people. Research shows that by the age of 12, students will develop an economic understanding that researchers describe as "essentially adult". By including lessons on smart money habits early in their cognitive development, we can encourage young people to save money, foster family conversations, a"
Nigel Coutts

Becoming Learners: Making time for OUR Learning - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    At the heart of all that we do as teachers lies the act of learning. Our hope is that our actions inspire our students to engage in a process that results in their acquisition of new knowledge, mastery of new skills and the development of capacities and dispositions which will prepare them for life beyond our classrooms. Increasingly our focus is on developing the skills and dispositions our students require to become life-long learners. We recognise that in a rapidly changing world, the capacity to take charge of your personal learning journey, to become self-navigating learners is essential. 
Keri-Lee Beasley

Using Technology to Break the Speed Barrier of Reading - Scientific American - 1 views

  • Unfortunately, the system of reading we inherited from the ancient scribes —the method of reading you are most likely using right now — has been fundamentally shaped by engineering constraints that were relevant in centuries past, but no longer appropriate in our information age.
  • search for innovative engineering solutions aimed at making reading more efficient and effective for more people
  • But then, by chance, I discovered that when I used the small screen of a smartphone to read my scientific papers required for work, I was able to read with much greater facility and ease.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • hen, in a comprehensive study of over 100 high school students with dyslexia done in 2013, using techniques that included eye tracking, we were able to confirm that the shortened line formats produced a benefit for many who otherwise struggled with reading.
  • For example, Marco Zorzi and his colleagues in Italy and France showed in 2012 that when letter spacing is increased to reduce crowding, children with dyslexia read more effectively.
  • A clever web application called Beeline Reader, developed by Nick Lum, a lawyer from San Francisco, may accomplish something similar using colors to guide the reader’s attention forward along the line.  Beeline does this by washing each line of text in a color gradient, to create text that looks a bit like a tie-dyed tee-shirt.
  • one aims to increase the throughput of the brain’s reading buffers by changing their capacity for information processing, while the other seeks to activate alternate channels for reading that will allow information to be processed in parallel, and thereby increase the capacity of the language processing able to be performed during reading. 
  • The brain is said to be plastic, meaning that it is possible to change its abilities.
  • people can be taught to roughly double their reading speed, without compromising comprehension.
  • Consider that we process language, first and foremost, through speech. And yet, in the traditional design of reading we are forced to read using our eyes. Even though the brain already includes a fully developed auditory pathway for language, the traditional design for reading makes little use of the auditory processing capabilities of the brain
  • While the visual pathways are being strained to capacity by reading, the auditory network for language remains relatively under-utilized.
  • Importantly, our early indications suggest that the least effective method of reading may be the one society has been clinging to for centuries: reading on paper.
    "Importantly, our early indications suggest that the least effective method of reading may be the one society has been clinging to for centuries: reading on paper."
alxa robert

AP set to add 200 MW wind power shortly | eGov Magazine - 0 views

    Andhra Pradesh is poised to add 200 MW of wind power farms shortly and has accorded clearance for 2,636 MW of wind power generation capacity, according to Minnie Mathew, Chief Secretary, Andhra Pradesh. Delivering her inaugural address at the CII Conference, she said the State currently has an installed capacity of 197 MW of wind energy and plans to lay special thrust on boosting generation capacity from renewable energy sources. She said the State Government is working on a tariff mechanism for renewable energy which will make it lot more attractive for wind and solar power generation companies.
David McGavock

Education for learning to live together | The Nation - 0 views

  • 16 years ago, a UNESCO world commission came up with a blue-print of Education For the 21st Century. It was headed by J. Delors, a former prime minister of France and included 12 outstanding education leaders and experts from all over the world.
  • (1) Learning to Know----(fomal/informal education) (2) Learning to do—(skills) (3) Learning to Live Together-----and Learning to Be-----(self-realization)
  • in the present day and age, crucial that we addressed the need to learn about other people, their history and cultures and thus by “recognizing interdependence as well as the risks and challenges involved, we will be able to develop more effective solutions to manage and minimize conflicts
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The report also spoke about 7 over-arching tensions, these being:1.    The tension between the global and the local.2.    The tension between the universal and the individual.3.    The tension between tradition and modernity.4.    The tension between long term and short term considerations.5.    The tension between competition and concern for equality of opportunity.6.    The tension between expansion of knowledge and our capacity to assimilate it.7.    The tension between the spiritual and the material.
  • proposed the promotion of citizenship values, respect for others’ cultures, appreciation of differences, creating awareness of commonalities leading to resolving conflicts through dialogues and working peace and development.
  • He made a spirited plea for making concerted efforts to ensure that Learning To Live Together (LTLT) is universally accepted as an educational response to resolving of differences and conflicts.
  • Pakistan today is a frightfully faction-and-conflict-ridden society. We have to reckon with a daily toll of a number of innocent lives all over the country.
  • More than perhaps, any other country, Pakistan needs to take up without delay, besides other necessary measures, well-devised educational programmes aimed at imparting the art and strategies of Learning To Live Together
    7 over-arching tensions, these being: 1. The tension between the global and the local. 2. The tension between the universal and the individual. 3. The tension between tradition and modernity. 4. The tension between long term and short term considerations. 5. The tension between competition and concern for equality of opportunity. 6. The tension between expansion of knowledge and our capacity to assimilate it. 7. The tension between the spiritual and the material.
John Evans

Maintaining your ipad - The Punch - Nigeria's Most Widely Read Newspaper - 1 views

    "The new iPad 4 / iPad 3 boasts a built-in, 42,5-watt-hour rechargeable, lithium-polymer battery sealed up in an aluminum-and-glass shell, hard to open for customers, while iPad mini / iPad 2 / iPad is less avid for power and content itself with the battery of 25 Wh. Apple claims that a properly maintained iPad battery is designed to retain up to 80 per cent of its original capacity at 1000 full charge and discharge cycles. So, the question is how to treat iPad battery to extend its life? Following are a few simple iPad tips, first five are the most important:"
John Evans

20 Tips To Reduce Student Anxiety - 0 views

    "Back in October, we published an article about the importance of holistic teaching. When students are stressed, their capacity for learning is drastically reduced. In psychology, Maslow's hierarchy of needs explains in part why anxious and depressed students are much more likely to fail. Even if the situation is not catastrophic, a student's mind and body "feel" that the situation is very serious. All their brainpower is fixated on dealing with the fight or flight response in the body, plus the repetitive thought patterns that affect daily activities like eating, sleeping, and relationships."
John Evans

Maker & STEM | K-12 Blueprint - 8 views

    "Our nation's continued economic prosperity is closely linked with student success in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Use these resources to explore the critical role STEM education plays in driving innovation, and how schools and districts can expand the capacity and diversity of tomorrow's STEM workforce."
John Evans

Apps in Education: Immersive History Experience on the iPad with Lesson Ideas - 6 views

    Virtual History Roma presents a fantastic voyage to Ancient Rome, the capital of the largest empire in the ancient world, which has been reconstructed in virtual form and which you can explore in a "full-immersion" panoramic experience. This app allows you to fully appreciate the building construction, scale and atmosphere that was Ancient Rome. At the higher end of the app market at $10.99 AU it is a bit expensive but it certain has the capacity to entice students into the ancient world. At the end of the post find good ideas for student action
Phil Taylor

Do iPads Have the Capacity to Change Education? - iPads in Education - 8 views

  • Professional development becomes far more valuable when it searches beyond the simple nuts and bolts of technical use and instead encourages teachers to disrupt the traditional flow of education - to dabble, experiment and re-imagine how that technology can be used to sculpt new educational horizons.
John Evans

Schools test tablets and e-readers in classrooms | Journal and Courier | - 4 views

    "In classrooms here and across the country, touchscreen tablets such as Apple's iPad and e-readers such as the Nook and Amazon's Kindle are placing powerful interactive tools with huge storage capacities for data, text and images into the hands of young readers."
John Evans

6 Strategies for Funding a Makerspace | Edutopia - 4 views

    "The Maker movement continues to gain momentum. At this year's White House Science Fair, President Obama invited Super-Awesome Sylvia from Auburn, California to exhibit her water color robot as a representative of the Maker community. At the same event, the Corporation for National Service announced its commitment to place Americorps VISTAs in Maker movement organizations across the country. Maker Ed is placing those Maker VISTAs in makerspaces to help build their capacity for engaging low-income students as makers. In this spirit, we are starting to see more and more makerspaces springing up in schools across the country. If you are a teacher experimenting with making projects in your classroom, here are some successful fundraising strategies we've seen educators use to fund a makerspace for their school community. "
John Evans

Let's Read Together: 10+ DigiTools for Growing Readers - Getting Smart by Susan Lucille... - 3 views

    "Next year will be a full-out iPad year for me (as opposed to the BYOD work-around I've been employing) , so I've been thinking a lot about the reading tools I can use to help my middle school students develop fluency and critical thinking skills. I want to continue to develop their love of reading through sharing with other readers, and I want to reinforce their capacities for comprehension, inference, and interpretation. Until now, I've only had those students who can bring their own devices to school to test some of these tools for use in the classroom. Next year, I look forward to having everyone on the same digital page."
John Evans

10 Ways to Get Students Engaged ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 6 views

    "Getting students engaged is not an easy task particularly in an age that is full of all kinds of distractions. Some argue that some of the habits that students have developed as a result of their heavy use of emerging technologies and social media have negatively impacted their capacities to concentrate and focus for longer stretches of time. Multitasking in particular is blamed for this and I personally side with the camp that views multitasking as a distractor to productivity and not a positive attribute."
John Evans

Turn Off "My Photo Stream" to Free Up 1GB+ of Space in iOS - 1 views

    "Photo Stream is undoubtedly a useful part of iCloud for those with multiple iOS devices, but it has a feature that often goes unused which may be wasting your preciously small iOS device capacity. This love-or-hate feature is the "My Photo Stream" album, it's enabled by default and intends to automatically sync your most recent 1000 photos between your iOS devices, or to a Mac with iPhoto. Sounds great, right? It is, if you have a handful of devices and want those recent photos automatically syncing between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. In these multi-device situations, you'll be smiling like the Apple promo image of the feature as it seamlessly is syncing your pictures back and forth:"
John Evans

5 Ways To Influence Change | The Principal of Change - 0 views

    " "At the end of the day, what qualifies people to be called 'leaders' is their capacity to influence others to change their behavior in order to achieve important results." Joseph Grenny In a time where the only constant in education is change, people involved with education need to become "change agents" more now than ever. You can understand pedagogy inside out, but if you are unable to define "why" someone should do something different in their practice, all of that knowledge can be ultimately wasted. People will take a "known good" over an "unknown better" in most cases; your role is to help make the unknown visible and show why it is better for kids."
John Evans

Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives | Brain Pickings - 4 views

    ""If you imagine less, less will be what you undoubtedly deserve," Debbie Millman counseled in one of the best commencement speeches ever given, urging: "Do what you love, and don't stop until you get what you love. Work as hard as you can, imagine immensities…" Far from Pollyanna platitude, this advice actually reflects what modern psychology knows about how belief systems about our own abilities and potential fuel our behavior and predict our success. Much of that understanding stems from the work of Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, synthesized in her remarkably insightful Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (public library) - an inquiry into the power of our beliefs, both conscious and unconscious, and how changing even the simplest of them can have profound impact on nearly every aspect of our lives. One of the most basic beliefs we carry about ourselves, Dweck found in her research, has to do with how we view and inhabit what we consider to be our personality. A "fixed mindset" assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens which we can't change in any meaningful way, and success is the affirmation of that inherent intelligence, an assessment of how those givens measure up against an equally fixed standard; striving for success and avoiding failure at all costs become a way of maintaining the sense of being smart or skilled. A "growth mindset," on the other hand, thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities. Out of these two mindsets, which we manifest from a very early age, springs a great deal of our behavior, our relationship with success and failure in both professional and personal contexts, and ultimately our capacity for happiness."
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