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Six out of ten mobile users now downloading travel apps | Tnooz - 0 views

    "A survey has found 60% of mobile phone users have now downloaded and used a travel-related smartphone application."

Transfert de fréquentation vers les applications mobiles | Internet - 0 views

    "Pour la première année, la fréquentation moyenne des sites Web en France est en recul en 2012 (-0,9% en un an), au profit des applications mobiles, en plein essor."

The Future of Money in a Mobile Age | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Pr... - 0 views

    Within the next decade, smart-device swiping will have gained mainstream acceptance as a method of payment and could largely replace cash and credit cards for most online and in-store purchases by smartphone and tablet owners, according to a new survey of technology experts and stakeholders. Many of the people surveyed by Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center and the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project said that the security, convenience and other benefits of "mobile wallet" systems will lead to widespread adoption of these technologies for everyday purchases by 2020. Others-including some who are generally positive about the future of mobile payments-expect this process to unfold relatively slowly due to a combination of privacy fears, a desire for anonymous payments, demographic inertia, a lack of infrastructure to support widespread adoption, and resistance from those with a financial stake in the existing payment structure.

Mobile Health Presents Life-Changing Opportunities - Healthcare - Mobile & Wireless - I... - 0 views

    From medication reminders to wearable body sensors, mobile health solutions will become a vital part of our lives and many organizations' services.

5 appareils français parmi les 12 objets connectés les plus vendus aux États-... - 0 views

    La société Apple commercialise à travers ses boutiques (physique et en ligne) des accessoires compatibles avec ses terminaux iOS. Ces objets connectés (App-Enabled Accessories) regroupent les différents périphériques controlables par des applications mobiles pour le suivi de la santé et de la condition physique, le contrôle domotique.

World Bank: Mobile broadband has more impact than fixed » India Telecom Tracker - 0 views

    Mobile broadband has a higher positive impact than fixed broadband on economic growth, particularly in developing nations, according to a new report from the World Bank and infoDev, its technology entrepreneurship and innovation program. The report recommended a number of supply- and demand-side policies to foster increased adoption of mobile broadband in markets worldwide.

» Usage des appareils mobiles et des médias sociaux par les voyageurs québécois - 0 views

    Usage des appareils mobiles et des médias sociaux par les voyageurs québécois

10 Big (But Never Discussed) Problems With Mobile Learning | Edudemic - 0 views

    "The mobile learning revolution is creating a lot of buzz in the education world, and the benefits undoubtedly stand out. But nothing exists as a purely positive entity. While the movement toward "m-learning" (as those totally in the know call it) marks a change in how education approaches technological developments, anyone considering the developing tools needs to research the downsides before making the leap."

Tablettes numériques et innovations pédagogiques | Proxima Mobile : applicati... - 0 views

    "'Inspection générale de l'Éducation nationale a rendu public un rapport consacré au plan de développement des usages du numérique à l'école (plan DUNE). Ce rapport consacre un chapitre à l'utilisation des nouveaux outils éducatifs de la mobilité. «Les tablettes numériques ou autres baladeurs multimédias permettent d'entrevoir d'intéressantes possibilités de développements pédagogiques en raison de leurs qualités : ergonomie, faible encombrement, durée d'autonomie, individualisation et mobilité (sans fil). Face à la rigidité des salles informatiques nécessaires pour un accès aux manuels numériques via l'Espace numérique de travail (ENT), des solutions mobiles sont aujourd'hui mises en œuvre par les collectivités qui ont instantanément intégré cette dimension dans leur réflexion et dans les décisions d'équipement. Les baladeurs numériques en langues vivantes ont été précurseurs dans ce domaine. (…)"

How Tech and Social Media Are Changing Travel [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

    t's spring break and summer is just around the corner, which means vacation season is upon us. From mobile apps to deal sites, people use technology more than ever to help find places to go. Technology also helps vacationers enjoy themselves after they reach their destinations. But just how much is technology changing the way we travel? Nearly one-third of social media users have used a mobile app to find good prices for flights and hotels, and 15% have downloaded an app specific to a certain trip, according to a survey by the market research company Lab42. And just because people are on break, they aren't necessarily taking a break from their devices. More than 80% of international vacationers use their smartphones while abroad. About 70% post photos to a social network while on vacation, and 46% use services like Facebook and Foursquare to check in to restaurants and other places they visit. For the full picture of how technology and social media are changing our travel experiences, check out the Lab42 infographic below. What role do tech and social media play in your trips? Let us know in the comments.

Les dirigeants de PME veulent des technologies mobiles plus adaptées à leur a... - 0 views

    "Avec l'arrivée des technologies mobiles, les responsables de petites entreprises sont d'accord pour dire qu'elles peuvent jouer un rôle important dans leur croissance future mais ils aimeraient des applications spécifiques à leur activité."

The Global Information Technology Report 2012 Living in a Hyperconnected World - 0 views

    In 2001, when the World Economic Forum first published  The Global Information and Technology Report (GITR),  the dot-com bubble had just burst; there were fewer than  20 million mobile phone users in all of Africa; and Apple  Inc.'s product line was confined to Macintosh computers.  That Report presented an optimistic view of the future,  highlighting the transformational potential of information  and communication technologies (ICT) in advancing the  progress of global society and business. In the decade  that followed, Booz & Company has witnessed firsthand  the realization of that potential in its work with clients and  communities worldwide and through its long-standing  involvement with the GITR. Today there are more than  500 million mobile phone subscribers in Africa, and  Apple is the world's largest company in market capitalization, producing iPhones, iPods, and iPads along with  Mac computers. Despite the strides the sector has made  since the technology bust in 2001, however, we believe  we are only just beginning to feel the impact of digitization-the mass adoption by consumers, businesses, and  governments of smart and connected ICT. Success in the digitization world-where competitors from Shenzhen to Schengen can emerge seemingly  overnight-requires policymakers and business leaders  to go back to the drawing board to identify and build  "right-to-win" capabilities in their spheres of influence.  Digitization is more than a matter of access. Our recent  research shows that digitization multiplies the impact of  connectivity, creating substantial incremental value in  terms not only of job creation and economic growth, but  also of societal well-being and government transparency.  Today, more than 70 percent of the world's citizens live in  societies that have just begun their digitization journeys.  As the individuals and enterprises in these societies  continue to progress in developing their own digitiza

the State of the Internet - 3rd Quarter, 2011 report - 0 views

    Akamai's globally distributed network of servers allows us to gather massive amounts of  information on many metrics, including connection speeds, attack traffic, and network  connectivity/availability/latency problems, as well as traffic patterns on leading Web sites.  Each quarter, Akamai publishes a "State of the Internet" report. This report includes data  gathered from across Akamai's Intelligent Platform during the third quarter of 2011 about attack  traffic, broadband adoption, and mobile connectivity, as well as trends seen in this data  over time. In addition, this quarter's report also includes insight into SSL, the state of IPv6  adoption, and observations from Akamai partner Ericsson regarding the impact that mobile  data plans have on usage. 

Usages du mobile par les professionnels de santé « Buzz e-sante, un autre reg... - 0 views

    Les appareils mobiles sont très populaire dans le milieu médical. en France, près de la moitié des médecins (47%) en possède et l'utilisent pour principalement 1) Consulter sa messagerie (73%), naviguer sur Internet (75%), et accéder à des bases de données médicales (59%) et rechercher les coordonnées d'un confrère (59%).

La ville numérique, une nouvelle perception de l'espace public | Silicon Maniacs - 0 views

    Les médias mobiles et de localisation, les nouvelles formes de cartographie et de récit, et autres instruments de mobilité ont infiltré nos villes et nos modes de vie. Les smartphone, véritables outils du quotidien et de l'intimité, sont capables de proposer un accès basique aux contenus du web mobile, mais également à des services innovants proposant de la réalité augmentée ou mêlant réseaux sociaux et géolocalisation. Autant d'applications qui favorisent de nouveaux modes de relation et les conditions d'une nouvelle perception de l'espace urbain.

Utiliser les technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC) pour i... - 0 views

    Internet est de plus en plus utilisé par la population qui recherche de l'information sur la santé. Cette popularité en fait un outil très attractif pour les professionnels de la santé publique et communautaire, qui investissent Internet et les médias sociaux pour intervenir auprès des populations à des fins de prévention et de promotion de la santé ainsi qu'en appui à la prise en charge des maladies chroniques. On observe aussi un développement d'applications relatives à la santé sur la téléphonie mobile, notamment dans les pays en développement où les téléphones cellulaires sont plus accessibles que les ordinateurs.  Ces technologies interactives semblent prometteuses pour intervenir auprès de populations ciblées. Toutefois les pratiques et les expériences restent encore peu documentées et surtout peu évaluées.  Quels sont les acteurs à l'origine de ces interventions? Quels sont les domaines et les populations ciblés, les objectifs visés et les plateformes privilégiées? Enfin, quelles sont les interventions qui semblent les plus efficaces  et comment s'articulent-elles  aux modes plus traditionnels d'action? L'objectif de ce colloque, qui réunira chercheurs et praticiens, est de présenter différentes expériences d'intervention en santé des populations mobilisant Internet et/ou la téléphonie mobile au Québec et à l'international, de mettre en évidence les enjeux communs de ces interventions et d'identifier des pistes de recherche prioritaires.

Visualization of the Week: The living city - O'Reilly Radar - 0 views

    This week's visualization comes from Interactive Things, a design and technology studio based in Zurich, Switzerland. The company has been working on a project called "Ville Vivante" - the living city. Here's how the coordinators describe the project: "Based on the premise that the mobile phone has become the center of our everyday communication and main source of information, the City of Geneva, in cooperation with the Lift conference, decided to take the challenge to visualize the digital traces created by our mobile phones ... the goal of the project was to visualize the urban flow of everyday life and make it visible to passersby at the local train station."

» Levée du rideau sur la mobilité dans l'industrie hôtelière, acte 1 - 0 views

    Après l'explosion des médias sociaux, c'est au tour des technologies mobiles de faire une entrée fracassante dans l'industrie hôtelière, tant au sein de la distribution que des opérations. Plus de deux milliards d'individus devraient posséder un téléphone intelligent d'ici 2015, selon un rapport de la firme Parks Associates. Les touristes sont déjà très actifs dans la recherche et les réservations hôtelières alors que les stratégies mobiles se développent et se diversifient. Que le spectacle commence!

E-health technologies spreading in developing nations - FierceHealthIT - 0 views

    The use of e-health technologies, including mobile health, is spreading rapidly in low- and medium-income countries around the world, according to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO). In part, this is because the use of mobile phones and computers is growing in these developing nations, the report said. But less than a quarter of the surveyed health programs used e-health technologies, and their reliance on private donors -- which provided nearly half of their financing -- is one factor limiting their expansion, the WHO report said.

Technology Trends that Require Scrutiny « Technology Trend Analysis - 0 views

    No individual can really track and understand the impact of change in all the emerging technologies like Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Social Media, Agile Methodology and Big Data … You can realistically aim to have an in depth understanding of only a small subset. By in depth understanding I mean you know significantly more about the subset than a person who has spent about an hour Googling the topic. Let me talk about the subset that I have been exploring in depth and why. Cloud Computing: How is the cloud value proposition changing over time? Mobile Computing: What are the options to handle multi-platform application development challenge? Social Media: How is Hyper-connectivity changing out life? Agile Methodology: How Agile can co-exist with Outsourcing?
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