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Mashable Special Report: How Digital Is Transforming Politics - 0 views

    Politics Transformed: The High Tech Battle for Your Vote is an in-depth look at how social media and digital tech is changing the way we choose our leaders. In it, Mashable reporters uncover how the campaigns are utilizing massive stores of data gathered through social networks to better target political advertising, how crowdfunding could shake up campaign finance, and we meet the masterminds shaping the digital best practices for electoral politics. We report on how watchdog groups are using social media to protect the vote, why social media has put even more heat on candidates to stay on-message, and ask whether voting over the Internet will ever be safe. In spite of its massive and unprecedented growth, we're only just beginning to figure out what it means to be social online, and political strategists are still in the early stages of figuring out what social media can and can't do. The trend is clear, however: digital will be an ever more important factor as each new election cycle rolls around. We can't know yet what the future might hold for social media and politics, but here's how social is changing things right now.

Tendance - La TV délaissée au profit des tablettes, téléphones et PC - 0 views

    PARIS - Concurrencé par les tablettes, portables et ordinateurs, le petit écran a été moins regardé au premier semestre au Japon, aux États-Unis et en Allemagne, une tendance qui pourrait s'imposer ailleurs dans le monde, selon l'étude Médiamétrie-Eurodata TV Worldwide publiée mardi.

Internet Evolution - The Big Report - The Internet in 10 Years - 0 views

    2022 is a long way off, but key digital developments are already in hand. The current explosion of mobile connectivity will surely exert an influence 10 years from now. Desktops and laptops -- even tablets -- may be hardware of the past, as we access the information stream using voice, gesture, and retinal displays. Immersion in this all-enveloping data field will change the way we work and think. The displacement of information from devices will be reflected in the displacement of the worker from the workplace. Accessing the collaborative environment anywhere, anytime, a nomadic workforce will expect IT to manage the streamlining of data through virtual platforms. As for social media, we're not going too far out on that unpredictable limb. Will Facebook (or perhaps a successor) swallow the Internet whole, locking us into a fully socialized online experience? Or will an adverse reaction set in, driving users back into isolated silos? Of course, what 2022 looks like will be governed in large part by the political and technological foundations of connectivity. Big changes are looming, but innovations in the basic architecture of the Internet -- like software-defined networking -- could be overtaken by diplomatic developments. Member states of the ITU, meeting in Dubai this December, are capable of throwing international network traffic, and even the domain name system, into utter confusion.

bcg.perspectives - The Connected World - 0 views

    "Every business needs to "go digital." Data about customers, competitors, suppliers, and employees are exploding. Ninety percent of all data were created in the past two years. By 2016, there will be 3 billion Internet users globally, and the Internet economy will reach $4.2 trillion in the G-20 nations."

Les 21 statistiques surprenantes de la génération Y et leurs impacts pour l'e... - 0 views

    Une étude a été réalisée aux Etats-Unis, en février 2012, sur les comportements de la génération Y. Elle traite de la sphère personnelle et professionnelle. Les résultats sont intéressants à plus d'un titre. Ils montrent une tendance qui viendra probablement se répandre quand la génération Y sera la génération la plus nombreuse au travail, après 2020. Je vous présente en premier lieu les résultats bruts de l'étude. En second lieu, mon analyse et les impacts pour les entreprises. Dans cet article, vous retrouverez les différentes appellations des personnes de la génération Y : les whyers, les millénaires ou encore les digital natives

Voyage dans l'innovation sociale britannique (1/3) : Qu'est-ce que l'innovati... - 0 views

    A l'occasion d'un voyage d'études organisé par la 27e Région, nous sommes allés à la découverte de l'innovation sociale britannique, en rencontrant la plupart des cabinets de design et les principaux acteurs qui participent à redéfinir le rôle des usagers dans les services publics. Comment l'innovation s'inscrit-elle concrètement dans la vie des gens ? Peut-on faire de l'innovation sans technologie ? L'innovation sert-elle à faire de la politique ? Immersion.

Internet, facile bouc émissaire | InternetActu - 0 views

    Il est frappant de constater combien les transformations liées au numérique sont souvent le facile bouc émissaire de tous les maux de notre société contemporaine. Le numérique est accusé de tout : de l'individuation de la société, de l'infobésité contemporaine, d'être le caniveau de l'information, de tuer le livre, le cinéma, la musique, de favoriser les échanges (non-marchands au détriment des échanges marchands), d'avoir déstructuré le travail, de la désindustrialisation, de tuer le lien social, de favoriser la violence, le terrorisme, la solitude, de détruire notre cerveau... La liste des reproches anxyogènes qu'on lui adresse semble sans fin - à l'image des espoirs qu'il cristalise en miroir. Pourtant dès qu'on y regarde de plus près, bien souvent, le numérique n'est pas à l'origine des problèmes qu'on observe. Ceux-ci lui sont souvent antérieurs. Le numérique sert de bouc émissaire d'autres transformations à l'oeuvre dans notre société.

The 10 Types of Social Media Addicts [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

    "Social media addiction: a disease likely affecting millions, but one that's hard to track because it comes in many forms. The afflicted may reveal themselves as serial likers. They may have push notifications set for the most minor of social media updates. They may self-identify as "mavens," "gurus" or "ninjas." But regardless of their appearance, they do walk among us. Of that we can be sure. The following infographic, which comes by way of the marketing software company Marketo, details 10 of the most common types of social media fiends. There's "The Constant Checker," who can't go more than a few minutes without looking at his Twitter mentions or Instagram likes. There's the Klout-obsessed "Self-Proclaimed Influencer." There's also the "Multi-Mayor," who has to check in to a location every time she moves ten feet. Any of these stereotypes hit a little too close to home? We certainly have to admit some do here. Check out the full infographic below for more. Then let us know in the comments - which of these personalities do you identify with? Are there any you would add?"

Deepak Chopra: Social Media is the Next Phase of Humanity [VIDEO] - 0 views

    "Deepak Chopra is a champion of the power of social media. The spiritual and cultural leader told the audience at the 2012 Social Good Summit that social media is an extension of society's subconscious and is the inevitable next phase of humanity. "Technology is our creation; we weren't created by technology, so let's use our creation to bring about a healing," Chopra said. "At the most fundamental level, we are not just connected, we are inseparable.""

Transformational Entrepreneurship: Where Technology Meets Societal Impact - Max Marmer ... - 0 views

    The slow decline of industrial manufacturing in developed nations and recent failures of financial capitalism across the globe have sent us searching for a new model of economic growth. I see the two movements of Technology Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship beginning to converge into a promising solution. An increasing number of entrepreneurs are awakening to the possibility of combining the scalable tools and methodology of Technology Entrepreneurship with the world-centric value system of Social Entrepreneurship. Together they create a new type of entrepreneurship that could become our primary source of socioeconomic value creation. What do we call this movement? I propose we call it "Transformational Entrepreneurship."*

Open Source Ecology - 0 views

    The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts.

UCL Centre for Digital Humanities - 0 views

    The UCL Centre for Digital Humanities brings together people from a wide range of disciplines to develop research and teaching in a vibrant multidisciplinary field. Digital humanities research takes place at the intersection of digital technologies and humanities. It aims to produce applications and models that make possible new kinds of research, both in the humanities disciplines and in computer science and its allied technologies. It also studies the impact of these techniques on cultural heritage, memory institutions, libraries, archives and digital culture. The Centre for Digital Humanities is able to capitalise on UCL's world-leading strength in information studies, computing science, and the arts and humanities. It brings together work being done in many different departments and centres, including the university's library services, museums and collections. The centre's location in central London, close to the British Museum and British Library, also makes it an ideal base for collaboration with organisations outside UCL, such as museums, galleries, libraries and archives.

After Broadband: Imagining a Future When Connected Networks Are All-pervasive - Knowled... - 0 views

    hocolate printers. Corporate "health meters" based on the Facebook posting of employees. Wearable devices that jolt wearers with the functional equivalent of an electrical shock when they do something harmful to their long-term health. Ask 60 or so entrepreneurs, executives, policy makers and other experts to imagine what the connected world might be like 20 years hence, and those are some of the ideas you'll hear, along with many, many more.

The Future - - 0 views

    What happened to the future? Weren't things supposed to be cooler by now, smarter, safer? Raised on a steady diet of science fiction, overzealous politicians and corporate hype, Americans expected to be living in The Jetsons -- but instead find themselves stuck in a scarier version of The Waltons. The truth is that people simply aren't very good at predicting the future. It was only two centuries ago that we began to think we could do it at all, and we're still learning. Hindsight may be 20/20, but foresight remains largely blind.

NetPublic » Pratiques connectées des Français : série de reportages - 0 views

    urant cette période estivale, la rubrique « Vous » du quotidien Le Monde se met à l'heure High Tech avec une série de reportages analysant les pratiques connectés des Français (Web et mobiles). La journaliste Laure Belot passe au crible quelques tendances grand public et propose une mise en perspective avec des spécialistes sur les différents thèmes traités. Ce rendez-vous figure dans l'édition papier du Monde (datée du samedi) puis est mise en ligne sur le portail du journal.

Les plus grandes entreprises mondiales misent sur les réseaux sociaux - 0 views

    "La tendance est à la diversification des formats et des points de contacts digitaux afin de proposer plus d'interactivité. C'est ce que révèle Burson-Marsteller i&e dans son étude mondiale sur l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux par les 100 premières entreprises du classement Fortune."

Does Social Media Marketing Really Work? [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

    Facebook marketing company Pagemodo recently pulled research from sources around the web to produce the infographic below, looking at just how much faith marketers have in social media. The aggregated data shows a sense of conservative optimism. Sixty-four percent of business owners say social media marketing is a promising tactic and they believe it provides returns - but they aren't willing to go all in with it just yet and favor a more cautious approach. Another 20% are more bullish on its potential, according to the same study, while just 6% are hardcore skeptics.

Is the social networking monoculture ready to crumble? | ZDNet - 0 views

    The emergence of new social networking services such as Pinterest and a growing base of disgruntled 3rd party developers for the leading services shows that changes in the social networking industry are far from over. It's also causing a rethinking of the business models and partner ecosystems of what's become the old guard, Facebook and Twitter.

La dématérialisation, une bombe sociale potentielle ? | Le Cercle Les Echos - 0 views

    LE CERCLE. De plus en plus d'entreprises publiques et privées sont séduites par les promesses de la dématérialisation : économies importantes, respect de l'environnement, fiabilité, travail en équipe facilité… Aujourd'hui, la technologie est éprouvée : techniquement cela marche ! Mais pour que des résultats soient au rendez-vous encore faut-il que les personnels ne la rejettent pas violemment…
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