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D7 HW#6 CHAPTER 9. Fair Use - 0 views

    This website provides information on Chapter 9 regarding fair use. It states the public is free to portions of material that is copyrighted for certain purposes. It also gives information for Chapter 7 for educational fair use guidelines.
Tessa DeBell

D#12 H#3 - How Good Is Your Web Site? The Importance of User Feedback - 0 views

    This is my personal favorite of today's browsing because it is geared towards nonprofit organizations, which is what I would be focused on. It mostly discusses surveys and how to apply feedback information, but when combined with other useful information for feedback and social integration it could be very valuable.
lydia cruz

D#12HW#3 - 0 views

shared by lydia cruz on 27 Mar 11 - Cached
    This website is one that helps me understand Ford's Article the best. The article basically is talking about how everyone is looking to the internet for everything. That they are no longer reading books, magazines, watching basic TV because they can find everything on the internet. It also discusses how people are looking to apps on their phones for everything even if they have to pay some money to get it. Whatever helps just a little is good. It also talks a little but about customer service and how since people are turning to the internet and the web the creators need to make them feel part of it and not just a visitor. I picked this website AZ central .com because it has everything on her news, books, jobs, homes, etc. The other thing that I like about it is that it makes me feel a part of something. With all the information that it gives me I never feel like I'm missing something and I feel like I there in the action of everything. I think that this is important because I have somewhere where I can go to get all my information and I can feel like its there for me and not just there to be there.
Julie Keith

Characteristics of new media in the Internet age - 0 views

    This is a good informative site with many different subjects that have to do with new media including talks about copyright rules which we were just reading about. I think that I like this site above the rest that I have seen for its information.
Rachel Bryson

How To Write A Formal Report | 10 Dans - 1 views

    This is the most comprehensive and still easy to read "how-to" I've seen so far. It was written in an informal manner and is very organized. It goes in to deal on the important pieces such as writing in the past tense, keep things clear and concise, and don't be too informal.
Alex Portela

D#6 HW#6.1: How to Improve WordPress Security | Interconnect IT - WordPress Consultants... - 0 views

  • Editing of Themes and Plugins Through the Admin Interface
  • Poor Passwords
  • Poor mySQL Server Security
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Allowing User Registration
  • Firewalls
  • Putting your server behind an appropriate firewall can help with certain types of attack.
  • Server Permissions
  • Shared Hosting
  • Always Log Out When Finished
    • Alex Portela
      This is a useful site which tells me about the security of this site. This is the reason why I use fake name for many of these programs and release very little personal information. Several of the other sites talk about upgrades of this program with plugins. This site advises against it and how to set up stronger passwords and not to link personal MySQL server to connect remotely if working on a project with another computer. So updated security is essential and avoiding 3rd party plugins can be important.
    This is a useful site which tells me about the security of this site. This is the reason why I use fake name for many of these programs and release very little personal information. Several of the other sites talk about upgrades of this program with plugins. This site advises against it and how to set up stronger passwords and not to link personal MySQL server to connect remotely if working on a project with another computer. So updated security is essential and avoiding 3rd party plugins can be important.
Alex Portela

D#6 HW#6.2: How to improve wordpress templates | optimize your wordpress based templates - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      This site helps tidy up and customize your wordpress to look unique but I have to say after reading information from , I prefer not to use 3rd party plugins. A lot of this is coded customization like how first use to be.
    This site helps tidy up and customize your wordpress to look unique but I have to say after reading information from , I prefer not to use 3rd party plugins. A lot of this is coded customization like how first use to be.
Alex Portela

D#1 HW#13.1 - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      Ch 1 Page 4 - discusses importance of who the audience is. Demographics play a part in that research.
  • Businesses market products or services through targeted approaches to different segments of the population
  • Demographics affects all the choices a business owner makes in developing a marketing plan
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Demographic information includes geographic area, age, income, race, gender and education level. It also includes shopping habits, marital status, number of children and other information about consumer characteristics.
  • Whether the demographics describe national or local markets or small groups such as those within an age range, the information helps you avoid the hit-and-miss marketing method.
    Ch 1 Page 4 - discusses importance of who the audience is. Demographics play a part in that research.
Merlyn Reyna

D#7 HW#6 Respecting Copyright - 0 views

  • Briefly review subjects covered in last lesson: plagiarism, proper citation and paraphrasing, honesty and trustworthiness in school research and writing.
  • “Who owns copyrighted materials such as movies, music, and web pages?” Tell students that the copyright owner is the person who created the work, e.g. author, musician, artist, computer program/game creator, scientist-inventor, business person, etc.
  • Next ask the class if they are familiar with the Happy Birthday song. Inform them that this song is protected by copyright
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Copyright is a form of legal protection given to the authors of books, music, movies, etc. Users of the books may not make copies without permission from the authors except in limited occurrences for school and personal use where there is no profit involved. This limited use is known as Fair Use which we will talk about shortly.
  • The digital aspect of the web allows for wonderful innovations such as MP3 players but ethical personal use must be employed to avoid legal punishment.
  • The RIAA, the professional organization which represents the recording companies, (Recording Industry Association of America), has reacted with copyright infringement legal actions against schools and college students. Have you noticed the warnings posted on music CDs or movie DVDs?
  • Now there are more legal ways for music customers to purchase their music online with services such as iTunes, Rhapsody,, etc. There are even some legitimate free music download examples. For example, some unknown bands may provide free previews online. While other more popular bands or singers may post a sample tune for fans to hear for free.
  • Copyright and Fair Use, inform the students that the expert speaker is an attorney that helps students and professors at a university to learn about the ethics and Fair Use guidelines of copying digital information such as music, movies, or web content for school.
    This is a good example of how copyright is explained.  The comic shown in this article is very cute and original, gives us an idea of how we can copyright without knowing. 
Damaris Bravo

D#6 HW#6 50+ Different Ways To Vastly Improve Your Wordpress Blog | Web Media Magazine - 3 views

    ways to improve WP, the navigation suggestions are good for users since navigation is one of the most important aspects of getting around a site and finding what you want
  • ...6 more comments...
    I nice list of ways to improve your blog. It is organized into categories which makes it really helpful to find stuff. Great resource!
    What i like about this website is that it has information on way your can make it easier for your readers to navigate easier through you blog
    This site lists out 50 ways to help improve your blog, specifically for WordPress which is relevant to what we are using. It groups all the sections of WordPress and underneath those has tips to help that section. There was stuff that I didn't even know that would help improve the blog. However I'm not sure if we will get that in depth with our WordPress blog but nonetheless it's a good resource to look over.
    This site gives a vast amount of information on all the options that are included in WordPress.  For an amateur to blogging and WordPress in particular this gives great overview. 
    This article was another good one I found. Even though there are so many options it discuess but it breaks down into sections depending on what you are looking to change for your wordpress. The chunks the author chose to break these tips into are navigation, Design, Performance, Security, SEO, and other. Each section consists of 5 or more specific tips that fit into that category.
    This website about 50 different ways to vastly improve your WordPress blog is helpful because it is broken down into categories. The categories include navigation, design, performance, and security. Beneath each category are a number of ways to improve your blog.
    D#6, HW#6-- I really enjoyed this website for many different reasons. Firstly, for the way t is set up. It is easy to read and enjoyable. They have a main bullet point to look at, and then list and shortly describe different aspects of that bullet point. Also, it covers just about every aspect from design, to performance, to even security. It has a lot of great information!
    I like this article because it gives an endless amount of possibilities on how to improve your blog. This article features ideas that will suit any blog. 

D#3 HW#6: The Elements of International English Style - 4 views

    It's an entire book that seems pretty helpful when writing. Definitely worth checking out.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Hi Anthony, thanks for sharing this excellent link! I love it. It's great. I am going to bookmark this on my diigo as well. When I get the chance I will read this book. It will be really useful for me esp. as I try to educate myself more on technical communication. This site is so informative and interesting and can be used many years later. Thanks!--Valerie Cooper
    Hey Anthony. thanks for sharing this resource. This is very good information and very interesting
    Hi Anthony, I checked this link out and it has very good information. Thanks for the tip. Carlos
Jessica Guzman

D#4hw#4 - 0 views

shared by Jessica Guzman on 30 Jan 11 - Cached
    Contrast-spacing is very linar squares and rectangles, a focal point is the red at the top to attract attention to the site and have their viewers interested. The headings of most importance are in black bold size color, and the text is smaller and in a bluecolor.Color is attractive to where it is eye catching but easy on the eyes with black, white , blue, and red. Repetition-again the color is repatative with red, black, and white. repetative elements such as video clips and new. The format, of it is organized, with the subjects running along the top of the page that allows the viewer to go to exactly they want to know. below the subject tabs there are groups of related information for example how the bottom of the top news there are bullet points of what the news is about. Then towards the bottom of the website there are grouped topics that have the topics of which the tabs on the top. Except these have subtext to other related topics that fall under that subjects they are in a same size box which groups them. Allignment-nothing is centered all text is left justifyed, the information is visually connected to find information much easier and all is aligned to one box or another. Proximity-related items all the headers of the news each have its own box and all the news are related is under each of the heading, The white/light grey backround is evenly separated to give it a balance.
lydia cruz

D#6 HW#2 - 0 views

    this is one of the websites that i found about copywriting that i found interesting. this is also the best one that i found becuase it explains to you what copywriting is and how to do it the correct way. it gives you alot of information about it and also examples to make sure that you fully grasp the concept.
Michael Wheeler

New media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • New media is a broad term in media studies that emerged in the later part of the 20th century. For example, new media holds out a possibility of on-demand access to content any time, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation and community formation around the media content. Another important promise of New Media is the "democratization" of the creation, publishing, distribution and consumption of media content.
  • Most technologies described as "new media" are digital, often having characteristics of being manipulated, networkable, dense, compressible, and interactive.[1] Some examples may be the Internet, websites, computer multimedia, computer games, CD-ROMS, and DVDs.
  • Although there are several ways that New Media may be described, Lev Manovich, in an introduction to The New Media Reader, defines New Media by using eight simple and concise propositions:[4]
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • New Media versus Cyberculture -
  • New Media as Computer Technology Used as a Distribution Platform
  • New Media as Digital Data Controlled by Software
  • New Media as the Mix Between Existing Cultural Conventions and the Conventions of Software
  • New Media as the Aesthetics that Accompanies the Early Stage of Every New Modern Media and Communication Technology
  • New Media as Faster Execution of Algorithms Previously Executed Manually or through Other Technologies
  • New Media as the Encoding of Modernist Avant-Garde; New Media as Metamedia
  • New Media as Parallel Articulation of Similar Ideas in Post-WWII Art and Modern Computing
  • he Zapatista Army of National Liberation of Chiapas, Mexico were the first major movement to make widely recognized and effective use of New Media for communiques and organizing in 1994
  • New Media has also found a use with less radical social movements such as the Free Hugs Campaign. Using websites, blogs, and online videos to demonstrate the effectiveness of the movement itself. Along with this example the use of high volume blogs has allowed numerous views and practices to be more widespread and gain more public attention
  • New Media has also recently become of interest to the global espionage community as it is easily accessible electronically in database format and can therefore be quickly retrieved and reverse engineered by national governments. Particularly of interest to the espionage community are Facebook and Twitter, two sites where individuals freely divulge personal information that can then be sifted through and archived for the automatic creation of dossiers on both people of interest and the average citizen.[
  • The new media industry shares an open association with many market segments in areas such as software/video game design, television, radio, and particularly movies, advertising and marketing, through which industry seeks to gain from the advantages of two-way dialogue with consumers primarily through the Internet.
    wikipedia definition of new media, with a few examples of new media vs traditional media.
  • ...3 more comments...
    The wiki page has everything one would need to get a brief overview of what new media is. Within the site it gives all the different definitions of new media and how it affects people.
    This webpage made me understand more about new media in terms that it talks about new media being interactive. I didn't get that from Manovich's artice.
    I felt like this website gave a good simple explanation and it also provide examples of the history and the applications of new media.
    This was the best website i found because I was honestly confused after reading the article so this breaks it down in less than 20 something pages and makes it easier to understand it explains everything there is to know about new media. 
    Page full of information on new media (wikipedia) 1 History 2 Definition 3 Globalization and new media 4 As tool for social change 5 National security 6 Interactivity and new media 7 Industry 8 Youth and new media 9 See also 10 References 11 Further reading
natalie arellano

D#10 HW#6-Video Resume Tips - 0 views

  • A video resume is a short video created by a candidate for employment that describes the individual's skills and qualifications and is typically used to supplement a traditional resume
  • It's important to keep in mind that a video resume isn't going to get you a job. However, if can assist you in marketing yourself to prospective employers - if it's done right.
  • Video Resume Image © Suprijono Suharjoto zSB(3,3)Sponsored Links Free Resume TemplatesFree Resume Templates America's #1 Resume Free Resume TemplatesCreate Custom Resumes Quickly! Templates Based On Your Video to DVD TransferShare & enjoy your old video tapes Convert VHS, 8mm tapes to zob();if(zs Job Searching Ads Resume Job Resume Samples New Resume Format Writing a Resume Video
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • CareerBuilder, Jobster, and MyWorkster, have a section of your profile where you can include video.
  • Dress professionally in business attire, just as if you were going to an in-person interview. Keep your video resume short: one - three minutes. Look at the camera not at the desk or table below you. Don't speak too fast. Make sure there isn't any background noise and that the wall behind you isn't too busy. Practice what you're going to say ahead of time. Start by mentioning your name (first and last). Focus on your professional endeavors, not your personal ones. Discuss why you would be a good employee and what you can do for the company that hires you. Thank the viewer for considering you for employment.
  • Where to Upload Your Video
  • Don't expect your video resume to replace your traditional resume.
  • Tips to Help You Prepare a Professional Video Resume:
  • How to Promote Your Video Resume
  • Include a link to your video resume in your paper/online resume. Include your video resume or a link to it in your professional profiles on career networking sites like MyWorkster, Jobster or LinkedIn. Send the link to your networking contacts.
  • Video Resume Don'ts Don't mix your personal life with your professional one.
  • your own web site
  • chances of getting an interview
  • ask friends or family to review it
    This blog is a good resource for tips on making an impressionable resume video. It provides samples of good quality resumes and gives you specific tips on what to do and how to dress. It also has examples of poor tapes that seemed like it was a joke. Overall a great blog site with helpful hints.
  • ...13 more comments...
    The what, where,how, who, why?
    Great tips on video resumes. How to make them as well as why they help.
    Video resumes are different than a Typical resume because you're actually the one in front of the camera and speaking about who you are and what you do. This is a lot different and I would say harder then writing your information on a piece of paper. But the advantages of this are they can see you for who you really are and not what's written on a piece of paper. A disadvantage of this is that you have to make sure you pin point your audience is and that can be difficult at times. When writing something on a paper it's easy to address certain people but when you are actually in front of someone or in front of a camera you have to work a little harder to present yourself in the right way.
    this website gives good tips on how a video resume would be helpful and tips on how to create a video resume
    This is a great resource that gives tips on video resumes
    This website had a lot of information regarding video resumes. It had the basics, good tips, and great resources to other sites that can help you promote your video resume such as myworkster and LinkedIn.
    This website gives tips on how to act while on camera, what to wear, where to upload the video for the best outcome and how to promote it.
    This site provides helpful tips and how to create a video resume.
    This website talks about what video resume is about , how a video resume can help, tips that will help you prepare a professional video resume and how to promote your video resume by including a link to it in your professional profiles on career networking sites like myworkster, jobster or linkedIn.
    This site is helpful because it explains and link out to other sites on how to create a video response. It also explains how you can benefit from a video resume.
    -dress nice -dont talk too fast -3 min max -rehearse -keep it to professional, not personal -remember to thank at the end -look at camara -include a link to a video resume at the end of real resume
    Tips about viedo resumes and how they do and dont help get you an interview
    This website provides useful information about video resumes. I liked that it provided tips that will help us prepare when making a video resume. The tip I thought was important was making sure to keep the video short. It also provided a list of "don't"s. I like that it mentioned not to mix one's personal life with the professional one. I thought this was important especially because we are googling ourselves as part of our HW for Deadline #11.
    This website is very helpful when it comes to building up your resume.  It gives you tips on what you should include to have chances on getting an interview and what not to do.  It also tells you where to upload your video and how to promote your video.  
    This site list tips on how to create a resume video. Where to post your video resume. Also, why to create a resume video.
Tim Buswell

Design Notes: Emphasis - 2 views

  • designer needs to know how to control the attention of the viewers of their artwork
  • more important or more noticeable than its surroundings
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Information is rarely of uniform interest in art
  • When there is dominance there must be subordination
  • There are three major methods for controlling emphasis in a visual image: contrast, placement and isolation.
  • One of the greatest possible contrasts in art is the difference between black and white
  • If color is used make it bright, preferably against a dull background.
  • When it comes to being noticed B I G G E R is always better.
  • An unusual shape can call attention to itself but it is not as strong a contrast as size or value/color.
  • Proximity
  • Proximity
  • Proximity
  • An overlapping, touching or close object is likely to be seen next (in that order) after a primary object.
  • Texture can also be an affective similarity device.
  • ISOLATIONIsolation is a kind of placement -- where something is put. An item that stands apart from its surroundings will be more noticeable. This is not likely to make an item be noticed first but can make one item stand out.
  • Proportion is a design principle that has to do with the relationship between size and scale.
  • It is possible to make an object appear different in scale without changing its size. The fortune cookie to the left is about life size. The one in the picture below appears to be quite large in scale. They are both the same size.
  • It is important for a designer to know how to control the attention of someone viewing their artwork
  • It is important for a designer to know how to control the attention of someone viewing their artwork.
  •   CONTRAST The objective of contrast is to produce maximum visibility
  • There is usually a focal point, a place where the action begins
  • Bright colors are more attractive (attract attention) than dull colors.
  • Where you place objects is important.
    Good article on controlling where you want your viewer to look by emphasing objects and the different ways to accomplish.
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    I really like compiling all these sites to help with projects later. The basic ones with examples are best for me now. This is another great site that helps break down the basics from chapter 2
    This explains some of the basic ideas of emphasis and the different elements you can use to show emphasis
    D#2 HW#2 This articles discusses the principles of design of art. Even though this does not talk about the typography principles of design, the same rules still apply. I thought it was interesting because it gives a different perspective on the same concept.
    Good overall explanation of emphasis. I picked this website because it has good information on contrast and how to use it. I also like the visuals on the left, they are helpful to understanding the concept!
    This website is setup as notes for emphasis. It talks about color, size and shape. It also talks about how placement and isolation is important. It also adds how proportion has to do with size and scale, how it makes it appear diffretn based on other objects around them.
    Emphasis is more visually interesting and making what you're trying to control more interesting than others.  It is also the attention of someone viewing an artwork, design or website.  Emphasize on weather you want to attract your audience the most, maximize the visibility of your focal point. This website gives explanation of how emphasis is used in art.  
    i like this page just because it has so much info on it and touches on multiple aspects of the principle
    this page gives a lot of information on differetn aspects of using emphasis dominance subordination contrast color/value size shape placement isolation proportion
    This site went into great detail. Like the book, the site described that the bigger something is, the more important it must be. It also makes an argument for the center being the most important of placing. But could that really be true if something bigger and more noticable was off center?
Merlyn Reyna

D#3 HW#1 Contrast and Meaning - 0 views

  • your grasp of these fundamentals determines your ability to communicate effectively. Without fundamentals, you will flounder when faced with complex design challenges or constraints.
    • Delaney Hensley
      some fundamentals being the tips they have given us in the readings so far.
  • These basics of creative communication are consistent across art forms: painting, music, dance, acting, poetry, design, and all other artistic endeavors. I divide them into two categories: vocabulary and grammar.
    • Delaney Hensley
      Contrast as well as other fundamentals are not only used in one media of communication it is used in all kinds of communication.
  • nce, angular lines and forms are generally indicative of strength, speed, and masculinity, while rounded lines and forms are generally associated with softness, slower tempo, and femininity.
    • Delaney Hensley
      Different lines and textures convey different ideas and feelings.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Moreover, most of the rules of language have exceptions, and some creative modes of communication make little or no reference to rules. Every language is lent nuance, style and character by the way that each individual uses it, and there are exceptions for every grammatical rule.
    • Delaney Hensley
      Using funamentals to convey important information is communicating and in a way is like its own language.
  • which are used to define hierarchy, manipulate certain widely understood relationships, and exploit context to enhance or redefine those relationships…all in an effort to convey meaning. Contrast is important because the meaningful essence of any thing is defined by its value, properties, or quality relative to something else. That’s right: nothing has much meaning by itself, which is one reason why design is important.
    • Delaney Hensley
      expressing the important information in something is best shown when contrasted. The more a title stands out the more impact it is going to have on the viewer and the easier they will remember that name.
  • contrast is closely tied to human perception and survival instincts, as we’ll examine later, and this makes contrast a powerful and essential tool for designers.
    • Delaney Hensley
      it is human insticnt to be drawn to bold information
  • Furthermore, each component is but a piece of the overall project message and objective. With creative uses of contrast, you can influence user choices and compel specific actions.
    • Delaney Hensley
      each piece of finished product has its own role, it is important to distinguish that role and convey it appropriately.
  • The function of contrast in defining meaning can be explained by comparing fundamental opposites: dark/light, soft/hard, fast/slow.
  • every element on the page you’re designing has to be positioned, styled, sized, or otherwise distinguished in accordance with its specific importance and place in the overall communicative objective.
  • ontrast helps lead the reader’s eye into and through your layout.
  • Contrast is everywhere and a part of everything we see, do, experience, and understand.
  • Contrast is just one component of design fundamentals.
    Gives great definitions of contrast and design. I think it will be a great resource now and later.
    Contrast defines hierarchy, understanding relationships to convey a message.  It is used to hand in hand with the principle of emphasis in order to keep its emphasis.  Every element must be positioned with style, size, and distinguished with a specific importance.  This article gives an idea of how contrast is typically used by giving examples.  
Alex Portela

D#3 HW#1.1 Contrast - Basic Principles of Design - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      In the text book Basics of Design page 44 it specifically gives examples of contrasting with letters. Figure 3-6 uses thin lines for the work "thin" and a wider font for the word "wide". This website specifically gives an explanation of the text word uses.
  • contrast can work with any design element
  • Contrast in design is an accentuation of the differences between elements in a design
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Change the fonts. The font size, font weight, or font family can all provide contrast to your text. Headlines provide a lot of contrast to surrounding text. Links provide great contrast in text. The color change and the addition of an underline work well to contrast from the surrounding text. Use different sized images and elements. If you have a section of text that is the primary focus of a page, you might make it large and all the
    Good basic information on Contrast. Define's how to use it color, font size in headlines
  • ...2 more comments...
    Contrast - Basic Principles of Design
    I like this article because it gives the general information about contrast for beginners like me. It is easy to read and the use of bullet points makes it easy to follow. This article is really useful because it relates to web design specifically rather than just design/art. 
    This website explains the importance of using contrast beyond just color contrast. Using font, layout shapes, images etc one can use contrast without using only color
    A helpful site giving information and resources for contrast principles in design. A very nice guide. : )
Hector Garcia

D#4HW#1: Balanced Webpage - 0 views

  • Balancing the content of your webpages is more that just producing an attractive layout.
  • People coming to your website are looking for some specific information and/or product details and the sooner they find it the better your website's performance will be.
  • The above example makes good use of white space to lead the eye around the page. It also emphasizes the main features of the page with a logical organization of both text and graphics. Be sure your webpage is properly balanced and organized into logical information zones. Avoid clutter that will cause a distraction
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Avoid placing navigation bars, ads and links in inappropriate places on your page. (e.g. most clicks on ads come from the ones that are embedded in the content of the page anyway) They should never detract from the main focus of your webpage.
  • Keep your supporting material unobtrusive and present your message as the focus of your webpage.
    I really liked the layout they gave for an example of balance. It shows a great way to organize all of your information and still have it professional
    Shows how a balanced webpage should/normally look(s).
    A small website with some quick points on glance layout.
Michael Wheeler

how to write a formal report - 0 views

    A truly useful document that will be beneficial in the process of writing my Formal report. It is a packet created by Western Ontario University. It breaks down the different sections that comprise a formal report. It also describes how to approach the formal report and what it is. I found it to be extremely useful. 
  • ...4 more comments...
    This handout goes in depth on how to write a formal report. It provides specific instructions and lists them step by step making it easy for someone who has never written a formal report before. 
    This website would be a resource to utilize because it shows some examples on how to write a good formal report .
    Great site on how to write a formal report. It is easily understood and each paragraph gets right to the point of what needs to be included in every heading. I'll use this information and it is a great refresher for those of us who haven't written a formal report in years.
    Very good example of how to organize formal reports. Included example is invaluable to overall message.
    This very descriptive document gives students all of the details necessary succeed in writing a formal document that meets the needs of the audience and purpose of the writer.
    6 page PDF file A report is a fact-based piece of writing which sets out a problem and the possible solutions to that problem, in a highly organized way. Some reports are short and informal and cover topics like accidents, incidents that happened in a plant, an inspection visit or a small project that has been completed.
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