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Nicole Schmitter

Contrast- Principles of Good Design: Contrast, Lesson #6 - 0 views

    I like this article because it gives real examples of contrast. It shows images of how contrast applies to art which I think is helpful because it gives a different perspective. It also talks about what happens if you use too much contrast. 
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    I thought this website was good because it provided a good definition of contrast. Also it illustrated various examples , while giving examples of the things to do when trying to create contrast.
    I thought this was the best of my three because not only did it list the different ways we can use contrast but then it provided examples. Of all the sites I looked at this one had the most extensive use of contrast (aside from just color or size)
    short page describing what contrast is and what it does as it pertains to design. gives a list of common ways for creating contrast: * size * value * color * type * texture * shape *alignment *direction *movement also gives examples of the effective use of contrast
    This site describes that contrast occurs when two related elements are different. It talks about contrast in art is very important because it captures the person looking at it and makes it interesting. There are many different uses of contrast and this site shows different pictures.
Paul Angichiodo

The Principle of Contrast in Web Design | Tips - 1 views

    • Michael Clark
      I really liked this page because it shows some great examples to increase understanding of the concepts.
    This page explains contrast and its importance when creating visual interest. It discusses examples of contrast in web page design and how contrast in color, size, and alignment can be achieved.
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    I found this website to be packed with great information! It not only explained the different techniques used in contrast, but it lists various websites where they had applied it. They link it to the website too so when you click on it, you go to their website. At the very bottom of the website you also get more resources to other free weblayout designs and how to become a better blogger. I thought this was a great website!
    This is a very good site because it explains contrast as it pertains to color, alignment and size. There are also pictures of ads that go with each description-very professionally done.
    goes over some of the basics of contrast and gives some helpful hints
    I really liked this page, it went into detail explaining the principle of contrast and why it is important in your work. The page also shows many different web page examples that I think would be very beneficial for all of us taking this class.
    This very informative blog shows readers several awesome examples of contrast. The images displayed very clearly highlight the use of contrast and are great for beginners in design to see. The end of the blog post says to "Remember that contrast is all about differences. If two elements are very different in nature, be sure to make their visual differences very obvious."
    This website offers tips for using contrast in web design. The author focuses on three aspects of contrast: color, size, and alignment. He presents some excellent examples of each. Color, for instance, is used in example to differentiate the header, content, and footer sections of the sample webpage. Size can be used to separate elements when the color scheme is limited. This author comments that alignment can be tricky, especially when using multiple alignments.  Centering a large paragraph is a "big typography no-no." However, centering a heading and then left-aligning the content paragraphs can work.
    Using alignment is tricky but very effect if done right.
    Here is another article about contrast in web design from WDL. This article is much like the first I shared as it uses various webpages as examples to illustrate the various types of contrast.
    This is a great website that highlights the different aspects of contrast, including alignment, color, and size. It also gives examples of how each of these are used.
robby reiter

Rule Three: Contrast, Contrast, Contrast | GoMediaZine - 1 views

    This webpage is all about Contrast and how to use it effectively. Opacity and the choosing of correct colors goes a long way to show off the page in a professional manner.
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    This site is great for my understanding of contrast because it gives simple examples, so you can see exactly how important contrast is. It talks about contrast in terms of color and value, opacity, and placement.
    The examples in this website were really good I enjoyed that these were short and to the point descriptions of contrast.
    I really like the examples in this site talking about contrast. I like the fact that they mention making it grayscale and seeing how it looks that way. What a good way to tell if it is going to be too much or too little contrast and will it be readable!
    D#3HW#1: Good guide to contrast, mainly examples of contrast in the form of color
    This website is really cool. I like how it has examples of what good contrast would look like. It has to do with picking the correct colors, and size.
    Here is some ones blog with a good description of contrast, along with excellent examples.
Alex Portela

D#3 HW#1.1 Contrast - Basic Principles of Design - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      In the text book Basics of Design page 44 it specifically gives examples of contrasting with letters. Figure 3-6 uses thin lines for the work "thin" and a wider font for the word "wide". This website specifically gives an explanation of the text word uses.
  • contrast can work with any design element
  • Contrast in design is an accentuation of the differences between elements in a design
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  • Change the fonts. The font size, font weight, or font family can all provide contrast to your text. Headlines provide a lot of contrast to surrounding text. Links provide great contrast in text. The color change and the addition of an underline work well to contrast from the surrounding text. Use different sized images and elements. If you have a section of text that is the primary focus of a page, you might make it large and all the
    Good basic information on Contrast. Define's how to use it color, font size in headlines
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    Contrast - Basic Principles of Design
    I like this article because it gives the general information about contrast for beginners like me. It is easy to read and the use of bullet points makes it easy to follow. This article is really useful because it relates to web design specifically rather than just design/art. 
    This website explains the importance of using contrast beyond just color contrast. Using font, layout shapes, images etc one can use contrast without using only color
    A helpful site giving information and resources for contrast principles in design. A very nice guide. : )
Paul Angichiodo

Fully Understanding Contrast in Design | Webdesigner Depot - 1 views

    • Alex Portela
      The book describes on page 56 that there are a variety of contrast techniques. Color is a noticeable contrast but we learn that this is only part of many methods. This site gives a variety of different techniques like color, size, shape, and position.
    Great examples!
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    This was my favorite page found on my search for content related to chapter three of basics of design. This site gives a great outline of what the design principle contrast is and how to properly use it in page design. It describes and shows examples of positional, shape, color, and size contrast. This was a wonderful site that supported and reinforced examples right out of the book. I really loved the great and creative sites that it had in it's examples and I felt inspired to aim for design of that quality.
    Summary: Contrast is usually kept simple, like color for the beginners but there are other elements to consider when it comes to contrast in any design. The first thing that most of learn in color contrast and the obvious of color is the white and black which is okay but there are other ways to use color to grab attention as the examples under color with explain. Next to color that grabs attention is size, the bigger the better as the writer explains because it shows that something is important and will draw the read to read the rest. Then we have shape contrast which gives a different feel to make other things notable cause no one likes to see a plain and boring design. Finally there is positional contrast that makes hierarchy standout by using different alignments. I found this website to the be the best because it touch on everything in the reading and gave examples to show what is meant on each topic. 
    Here is an article from the Webdesigners Depot. It explains various types of contrast (color, shape, size, etc.) and gives real life examples from various webpages across the internet.
    Comprehensive coverage of contrast, even talks about "shape contrast"
    Here is an article from the Webdesigners Depot. It explains various types of contrast (color, shape, size, etc.) and gives real life examples from various webpages across the internet.
Micheal O'Neil

Create Contrast by Creating Obvious Differences - 0 views

    Great article with examples to help explain contrast.
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    Contrast - Four or More Ways to Use the Principle of Contrast in Graphic Design and Page Layout
    This my favorite because it provide various ways to use the principle of contrast in design and layout.
    This webpage describes how contrast works and provides examples for four ways to use contrast in graphic design. I like the examples provided and I think it is good that they mention that contrast can be overdone.
    I chose to bookmark this website because it covers contrast in a wide spectrum instead of just writing. This website first starts off by explaining and giving a little background to contrast in design. If you scroll down a bit it gives you links to five methods of displaying differences. I really enjoyed this website because it had hyperlink after hyperlink of interesting techniques of showing contrast.
ivette munoz

Principles of Design Contrast - 0 views

    This article was my favorite not only because it represents the main points with using contrast but it talks about using contrast in jewelry design. It goes to show that contrast is used in many different things. In jewelry it is used to show the different elements in a jewelry piece. It talks about the contrast in color in a bead can help draw attention to the jewelry piece. In the contrast of scale it discusses the size of the bead that helps the jewelry stand out. It also describes the contrast of shape and of value. The website then has pictures of different jewelry pieces that show how each type of contrast is used differently
Merlyn Reyna

D#3 HW#1 Contrast and Meaning - 0 views

  • your grasp of these fundamentals determines your ability to communicate effectively. Without fundamentals, you will flounder when faced with complex design challenges or constraints.
    • Delaney Hensley
      some fundamentals being the tips they have given us in the readings so far.
  • These basics of creative communication are consistent across art forms: painting, music, dance, acting, poetry, design, and all other artistic endeavors. I divide them into two categories: vocabulary and grammar.
    • Delaney Hensley
      Contrast as well as other fundamentals are not only used in one media of communication it is used in all kinds of communication.
  • nce, angular lines and forms are generally indicative of strength, speed, and masculinity, while rounded lines and forms are generally associated with softness, slower tempo, and femininity.
    • Delaney Hensley
      Different lines and textures convey different ideas and feelings.
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  • Moreover, most of the rules of language have exceptions, and some creative modes of communication make little or no reference to rules. Every language is lent nuance, style and character by the way that each individual uses it, and there are exceptions for every grammatical rule.
    • Delaney Hensley
      Using funamentals to convey important information is communicating and in a way is like its own language.
  • which are used to define hierarchy, manipulate certain widely understood relationships, and exploit context to enhance or redefine those relationships…all in an effort to convey meaning. Contrast is important because the meaningful essence of any thing is defined by its value, properties, or quality relative to something else. That’s right: nothing has much meaning by itself, which is one reason why design is important.
    • Delaney Hensley
      expressing the important information in something is best shown when contrasted. The more a title stands out the more impact it is going to have on the viewer and the easier they will remember that name.
  • contrast is closely tied to human perception and survival instincts, as we’ll examine later, and this makes contrast a powerful and essential tool for designers.
    • Delaney Hensley
      it is human insticnt to be drawn to bold information
  • Furthermore, each component is but a piece of the overall project message and objective. With creative uses of contrast, you can influence user choices and compel specific actions.
    • Delaney Hensley
      each piece of finished product has its own role, it is important to distinguish that role and convey it appropriately.
  • The function of contrast in defining meaning can be explained by comparing fundamental opposites: dark/light, soft/hard, fast/slow.
  • every element on the page you’re designing has to be positioned, styled, sized, or otherwise distinguished in accordance with its specific importance and place in the overall communicative objective.
  • ontrast helps lead the reader’s eye into and through your layout.
  • Contrast is everywhere and a part of everything we see, do, experience, and understand.
  • Contrast is just one component of design fundamentals.
    Gives great definitions of contrast and design. I think it will be a great resource now and later.
    Contrast defines hierarchy, understanding relationships to convey a message.  It is used to hand in hand with the principle of emphasis in order to keep its emphasis.  Every element must be positioned with style, size, and distinguished with a specific importance.  This article gives an idea of how contrast is typically used by giving examples.  
Anastacia Albinda

D#3 HW#1 - 0 views

  • The important thing about contrast is that the elements should be completely different. Not just a little bit different
    • Chris Schultz
      You need to use items that aren't too similar, as this would defeat the purpose of contrast
  • Be bold with your font choices but remember to make sure the text is legible
  • Is contrast strengthening your design idea?
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  • contrast
    This article is one of my favorites because it does more than just tell you how to use contrast but it explains why it is important. It discusses the benefits of using contrast in relevance to web and ad design.  This article is easy to read by its use of number lists and bolded headings. 
    I liked this website a lot as well. Instead of showing ways in which how to use contrast, it explains three ways that contrast is important. One is that contrast is attractive to the eye, the other is that contrast aids in organization of info, and finally contrast creates focus. A key point that was made that I think is good to emphasize is that "contrast elements should be COMPLETELY different, not just a little bit"
    This website gives very nice examples and pictures that help explain the contrast principle. I love how attractive to the eye all the images are.

Principles of Good Design: Contrast, Lesson #6 - 0 views

    Principles of contrast draws the readers eye and creates organization. "The greater the difference the greater the contrast," is a correct statement used when incorporating contrast in your design.    This is my favorite website because it shows visual examples of contrast. It also shows different elements that can be enhanced with the principles of contrast.
Chris Schultz

D#3, HW#1 - 0 views

    This was my favorite webpage regarding contrast. It itself used an appropriate level of contrast. It laid out the different uses of contrast, ways that contrast can be achieved, listed out things to think about when adding contrast, and even provided examples.
Hector Garcia

D#3HW#1: Design View / Andy Rutledge - Contrast and Meaning - 0 views

  • Design is largely an exercise in creating or suggesting contrasts, which are used to define hierarchy, manipulate certain widely understood relationships, and exploit context to enhance or redefine those relationships
  • he function of contrast in defining meaning can be explained by comparing fundamental opposites: dark/light, soft/hard, fast/slow.
  • In a layout, contrast helps lead the reader’s eye into and through your layout. Each component of the page—graphic, textual, or interactive—has a job to do, and each of those jobs falls within a hierarchy that’s specific to the project at hand.
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  • Website visitors quickly scan a page’s layout and decide how and where they’ll begin consuming the content. If you’ve used contrast to craft a visual information hierarchy, you can compel viewers to look where you want them to.
    Page introducing primary forms of contrast such as size, texture, color, position, shape, and orientation.
Rachel Bryson

The Kat Eye View of the World: Exploring with a Camera: Visual Contrast - 0 views

    This website is designed for a photographer, but in writing we would be using photographs so it is applicable. It goes beyond the normal dark/light and explores large/small, old/young, and other color contrasts. It puts contrast in a different light from what we normally think of as contrast.
Nicole Carnal

D #3 HW #1 Visual Contrast - 0 views

    • Michael Clark
      This page dfmakes a great point about not enough contrast or not the right ones. Lots of good examples as well.
    This site shows the importance of contrast in web layouts. It gives tips such as using the "squint test" to better view the contrast in a web page.
Tim Buswell

Design Notes: Emphasis - 2 views

  • designer needs to know how to control the attention of the viewers of their artwork
  • more important or more noticeable than its surroundings
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Information is rarely of uniform interest in art
  • When there is dominance there must be subordination
  • There are three major methods for controlling emphasis in a visual image: contrast, placement and isolation.
  • One of the greatest possible contrasts in art is the difference between black and white
  • If color is used make it bright, preferably against a dull background.
  • When it comes to being noticed B I G G E R is always better.
  • An unusual shape can call attention to itself but it is not as strong a contrast as size or value/color.
  • Proximity
  • Proximity
  • Proximity
  • An overlapping, touching or close object is likely to be seen next (in that order) after a primary object.
  • Texture can also be an affective similarity device.
  • ISOLATIONIsolation is a kind of placement -- where something is put. An item that stands apart from its surroundings will be more noticeable. This is not likely to make an item be noticed first but can make one item stand out.
  • Proportion is a design principle that has to do with the relationship between size and scale.
  • It is possible to make an object appear different in scale without changing its size. The fortune cookie to the left is about life size. The one in the picture below appears to be quite large in scale. They are both the same size.
  • It is important for a designer to know how to control the attention of someone viewing their artwork
  • It is important for a designer to know how to control the attention of someone viewing their artwork.
  •   CONTRAST The objective of contrast is to produce maximum visibility
  • There is usually a focal point, a place where the action begins
  • Bright colors are more attractive (attract attention) than dull colors.
  • Where you place objects is important.
    Good article on controlling where you want your viewer to look by emphasing objects and the different ways to accomplish.
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    I really like compiling all these sites to help with projects later. The basic ones with examples are best for me now. This is another great site that helps break down the basics from chapter 2
    This explains some of the basic ideas of emphasis and the different elements you can use to show emphasis
    D#2 HW#2 This articles discusses the principles of design of art. Even though this does not talk about the typography principles of design, the same rules still apply. I thought it was interesting because it gives a different perspective on the same concept.
    Good overall explanation of emphasis. I picked this website because it has good information on contrast and how to use it. I also like the visuals on the left, they are helpful to understanding the concept!
    This website is setup as notes for emphasis. It talks about color, size and shape. It also talks about how placement and isolation is important. It also adds how proportion has to do with size and scale, how it makes it appear diffretn based on other objects around them.
    Emphasis is more visually interesting and making what you're trying to control more interesting than others.  It is also the attention of someone viewing an artwork, design or website.  Emphasize on weather you want to attract your audience the most, maximize the visibility of your focal point. This website gives explanation of how emphasis is used in art.  
    i like this page just because it has so much info on it and touches on multiple aspects of the principle
    this page gives a lot of information on differetn aspects of using emphasis dominance subordination contrast color/value size shape placement isolation proportion
    This site went into great detail. Like the book, the site described that the bigger something is, the more important it must be. It also makes an argument for the center being the most important of placing. But could that really be true if something bigger and more noticable was off center?

D#3 HW3 Bright Contrast Furniture - Sculptural Bookshelf with Bench and Matching Pieces... - 0 views

    Beside photos and written pieces, the principles of contrast can also be applied to objects. The color contrast in this design is clear. The pink sitting area on this bookshelf is the main focal point of this piece. 
Mckell Keeney

Contrast - Use Size to Create Contrast - 0 views

    Free online lesson on how to create contrast on a page.
Delaney Hensley

D#3 hw #1Contrast Magazine - 0 views

shared by Delaney Hensley on 08 Jun 11 - Cached
    • Delaney Hensley
      The pictures have very good contrast with black, white, and red in one picture, and the white on the dark part of the shadows that says "Queen" in the other picture. All of them show good contrast in colors some more obvious than others.
    This magazine has a lot of really neat examples of contrast like the ones that were touched on in chapter three. There is a lot of black and white used in the pictures and light and dark shades. the titles of the names are in very contrasting colors such as red on black and white, or white on darker colors. This seems like a very cool magazine for artists and designers to look through.
Brooke Iggie

Typography: Concordant, Contrasting & Conflicting! » SitePoint - 0 views

    This website discusses in more detail the finer parts of contrasting fonts. It shows how a subtle difference may bit make the hoped for impression.
Hector Garcia

D#3HW#1: Good Designs Have Strong Contrast | I'd Rather Be Writing - 0 views

  • Most effective type layouts take advantage of more than one of the contrasting possibilities.
  • We already understand the principle of contrast in many other aspects of our lives, such as how we dress.
  • My point is this: if we take our natural sensibility for contrast that we automatically employ in dress, and then apply it to layout and design, we’ll naturally make documents that have greater appeal.
    This nice page has info from a book I've had recommended on amazon for technical writing class, and is written by a novice like me.
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