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Yajahira Bojorquez

DD#10, HW#5: Reports - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      Formal reports are used constantly in a professional environment to propose and discuss new ideas and designs. An official report has to flow well so the the ideas, designs, and text flow easily when presented to the right audience. It helps organize and structure thoughts to paper backed with data and other supporting documents.
  • Engineers and scientists write formal reports for many reasons, including the documentation of experiments and designs
  • In a formal report, the audience expects a methodical presentation of the subject that includes summaries of important points as well as appendices on tangential and secondary points
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Format distinguishes formal reports from an informal reporting of information. A well-crafted formal report is formatted such that the report's information is readily accessible to all the audiences
  • Front Matter
  • The front matter to a formal report includes the preliminary information that orients all readers to the content of the report.
  • Front Cover. The front cover of a formal report is important. The front cover is what people see first.
  • Contents Page. The table of contents includes the names of all the headings and subheadings for the main text.
  • Summary. Perhaps no term in engineering writing is as confusing as the term "summary."
  • References. Use a reference page to list alphabetically the references of your report.
  • Main Text The text portion of your formal report contains the introduction, discussion, and conclusion of your report.
  • Introduction. The introduction of a report prepares readers for understanding the discussion of the report.
  • Discussion. The discussion or middle is the story of your work. You do not necessarily present results in the order that you understood them, but in the order that is easiest for your readers to understand them.
  • Conclusion. The conclusion section analyzes for the most important results from the discussion and evaluates those results in the context of the entire work.
  • Back Matter The back matter portion of your report contains your appendices, glossary, and references.
  • Appendices. Use appendices to present supplemental information for secondary readers.
  • Glossary. Use a glossary to define terms for secondary readers. Arrange terms in alphabetical order.
  • Title Page. The title page for a formal report often contains the same information as is on the cover.
    • Hector Garcia
      This sight gives insight of all types of formal reports and reference to them.
    This website discusses the format and purpose of a formal report. The different kinds of professionals that use this report need to know who the intended readers are.
  • ...3 more comments...
    This website is a good reference to use when writing a formal report because it lists all of the components required in a report and it also provides helpful samples to look at. 
    Gives good definitions and explanations of some of the stuff in a formal report
    This site describes the difference between informal and formal reports.It also discuses the details such as font matter, front cover, title page, content page, summary, conclusion, etc. Sample reports are viewed on the left hand side of the site.
    This website contained a lot of information that just gave an overview on the basics of formal reports. It also explained how formal reports differ from an informal way of reporting information. It also split a formal report into 3 sections that I did not see in the other website I found. In this one it states that there is front matter, main text, and back matter. Each of these contains different sections within as well. Very helpful for when we have to work on Project #3!
    I like this website because it gives you good explanation on different things you need in a good report. It talks about the front matter like front cover. tittle page, contents page and summary. Also about the main text like introduction, discussion, conlcusion. Back matter is also important with the appendices and glossary.
Leslie Lopez

Deadline #10- HW#6- Video Resumes-How to: Create a Video Resume | OEDb - 0 views

  • Some companies refuse to view videos upon attorney advice, as these visual accounts might open the door to discrimination based upon your appearance, ethnicity, and race. Other recruiters are simply lazy or too hesitant to use different technologies in their search for the right person for the job. Either way, your video might end up in the garbage despite all your best efforts.
  • A video resume can get you face-to-face with that employer far faster than your print resume can in many instances. Plus, if you can't make it across the country for a face-to-face interview, a video can help bring your face to the employer.
    This is a great how to guide for video resume. It discusses equipment needed, what to consider before you shoot, creativity, time, legalities, production, editing, when to avoid the video resume, and editing.
  • ...4 more comments...
    This site provides information on how to create a video resume as well as when to avoid it, and when to use it.
    Explains what you need to create a video resume and how to do it.
    D#10, HW#6-- The website is FULL of information on video resumes. It covers things from the equipment needed and how much it costs, to the time needed, and even when to use one and when not to! Really great information.
    This is the best site i found for video resumes because it gives you really good how to steps to make one and make it good. 
    This website show many details on how to create a video resume that can be followed step by step to accomplish this.
    Very good website! A lot of information about how to create a video resume. What I liked about this is that it even provided information about the equipment that is needed to make one! It also covered the legal aspect of video resumes which the other two sites that I found did not. You have to have a consent form for every person that is in your video and this is good to know. It also states when it is important to avoid using a video resume.
Julie Keith

How to Make a Video Resume for Job Search - 0 views

    Finally I find a halfway decent site with information on how to do a video resume. This includes some information on both doing the video yourself and paying to have someone help you with it. Good information though as you make your own.
Mark McLoone

Beginner Blogging for Writers: part 1 - 0 views

    This is a great website for blogging because it shows, how, what, and who to write to. It is very informative and offers a lot of information.
    This is a great website for blogging because it shows, how, what, and who to write to. It is very informative and offers a lot of information.
Tessa DeBell | A Clearinghouse For New Ideas About Copyright - 0 views

shared by Tessa DeBell on 21 Mar 11 - Cached
    I know that we've passed the whole copyright discussion, but I thought I would share this for any fellow students who find reason in their lives to either know more about copyright or to question it. There is information here, but the information is geared towards keeping the end user informed and not pushed around.
Brooke Iggie

Digital Web Magazine - Design Decisions vs. Audience Considerations - 1 views

    D#1 HW# 13 This website discusses how to best consider who the audience is for a design piece. The information is easy to read and is written rather informally, much as one would talk. The information is broken down into understandable pieces and shows real world examples.
Shannon Ridgeway - 1 views

  • ...4 more comments...
    This website explains the differences between formal and informal reports, gives good rules of thumb and explains how to organize each type of report.
    I chose this article because I thought it might help for project 3 and for my future business life.
    In this PDF file you will find a great source for all information there is to writing a formal report. It has these dandy graphs that illustrates the differences there are to formal reports and proposals. It also gives links to outside resources in finding more help with writing a formal report.
    A formal report, as opposed to an informal one, is usually meant for an external audience. The readers will be someone in another company or organization. A formal report is often longer and requires more extensive research. A formal report can also contain a proposal. This text mentions the four R's of planning: reason, receiver, restrictions, and research. The first step is to consider the reason for writing the report. Another thing to consider is which restrictions are needed. For example, is there a strict deadline for the report? Am I able to make graphs/charts or find appropriate images? Next, decide on research. Is the subject too broad or too narrow? This is where brainstorming can help. Finally, determine how to carry out research. What will my sources be? How easily can I access them? The text offers organization suggestions and provides examples of the set up.
    This is a good article that tells you how to find distinctions when writing an informal and formal report.  Also, it give you guidelines on how to write a proposal that proceeds within our project.  These article provides examples which are very helpful and easy to follow through. 
    Comprehensive information on formal reports and all that they should contain.
Mckell Keeney

D#7 HW#1 Data Flow 2: Visualizing Information in Graphic Design | Brain Pickings - 0 views

    A brief overview of the book, Data Flow 2, Visualizing Information in Graphic Design. Shows some photos and charts that illustrate good flow and uses the words "Eye Candy." Includes links to three other sources, such as Clothing Maps of Europe and London Tube Maps. There is a link to information on their review of the book, The Visual Miscellaneum.
Julie Keith

Wordpress Tutorials Ep. 8 -- Creating a Sidebar Widget That Displays Links Filtered By ... - 0 views

    I really like this tutorial, it gives some really good information with easy to follow instructions. He walks you through the 'how to' information at a pace you can easily follow.
    I picked this site to share with the group since it has a lot of really good information and walks you through it at a very good pace.
Julie Keith

Balance in Graphic Design - 0 views

    This article is my favorite because not only does it give helpful information on how to use balance in graphic design, but it also provides great examples too.
    DD #4 HW #1 This article has great information about design with very nice examples. Some of it I was surprised that they were talking about balance because I didn't really see it that way but in reading about it, it makes more sense! I thought this was great information.
Shannon Ridgeway

Balance in Design » General, Layout » Design Festival - 0 views

    • Jennifer Greenhalgh
      This website provides a good supplement to the reading because not only does it go into why balance works in it's examples, it also shows how other design elements help create a balanced design.
    This article stood out to me because it talks about how to use balance in web designs and layouts. It gave me helpful information that I can use for my comic tutorial project. 
    This website shows different ways to address balance. It directly relates to web based design and gives some excellent visual examples.
    This is website reinforces the textbook's information on symmetrical/asymmetrical designs.  Also, has links for further information on good design.
Nicole Schmitter

Balance- Principles of Design: Balance - 1 views

    • Jennifer Greenhalgh
      This website is a great supplement, showing the intertwining relationship of balance to it's other design elements.
  • Our eyes are drawn by color.
  • Symmetrical balance is mirror image balance
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Asymmetrical balance occurs when several smaller items on one side are balanced by a large item on the other side, or smaller items are placed further away from the center of the screen than larger items. One darker item may need to be balanced by several lighter items.
  • Smaller areas with interesting textures (variegated light and dark, or random
  • Visual balance works in much the same way. It can be affected not only by the size of objects, but also their value (ie. lightness or darkness, termed visual weight). 
  • Large flat areas without much detail can be balanced by smaller irregularly shaped objects
  • Value refers to the darkness or lightness of objects.
  • his is a very tricky type of asymmetrical balance that often ends up looking out of balance. 
  • The third type of balance is radial balance, where all elements radiate out from a center point in a circular fashion. It is very easy to maintain a focal point in radial balance, since all the elements lead your eye toward the center. 
    This website is a good example of balance because is shows diverse variations of balances;(Symmetrical (Formal) Balance Asymmetrical (Informal) Balance Radial Balance ). Which gives the person reading a better understanding of the term balance .
  • ...9 more comments...
    D#4, HW#1- I really enjoyed this website for many different reasons. Most importantly, I liked it because it told you more than just what balance is and how it is used. It described why this happens by the color being drawn in your eyes and gives examples about darkness/lightness in black and white. It shares information with the book and shoes other examples how your eyes are brought to specific areas on a page.
    I like this article because it clearly describes the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical balance. It also discusses how colors, shapes, and textures can be used to create balance. 
    This website explains the main concepts of balance. In showing the distinction between symmetrical and an asymmetrical layout, this website acts as a basic guide.Visual examples are shown for a better prospective,This is my favorite site out of the 3 bookmarked.  
    This is the best out of the three that i found this week because it gives very good examples of formal and informal balance. It really helped me understand the design principle better. 
    Visual weight is the illusion of a visual element on the page, work, etc.  The size, color and texture contribute to the weight.  This theory gives more of a balance design in terms of art.  Visual balance works by the size of objects and by their value.  Symmetrically balanced is where visual elements are mirrored and are symmetrical.  The don't have to be identical but they have to be similar in terms of number of objects.
    This website was very useful! It provided a description of not only two, but three different kinds of balance. I like that radial balance was the third kind that was briefly mentioned but it was not in our textbook.
    This page shows illustrations and art to show good examples of balance. Symmetrical (formal) balance and asymmetrical balance are discussed.
    A brief summary of balance and three was to achieve it.
    This website went over everything that was in this weeks reading and it was more in a condensed version on my opinion. Why i really liked this website than the other two i bookmarked, this one gave really good examples of the type of balance that was being discussed and also made it easier to understand.
    Summary: This website goes over the principle of design for balance touching on the topic of symmetrical balance which is basically what ever is done one side of a design you do on the other side, copy cat. Then it goes on to tell about asymmetrical balance win color, value, shape, position, texture, and eye direction.
    This site explains that when something is symmetrical is has formal balance and when it is asymmetrical it has informal balance. Balance can become either balanced or unbalanced by color, value, shape, position, texture, or eye direction.
julian serventi

Formal Report - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      This is another example of how to collectively issue a useable formal report. The organization and structure flow depend on how everything is put together.
    Description of a formal report.
  • ...2 more comments...
    Explains what a formal report is and gives the format for them.
    This website provides you with basic information on formal reports. It covers why formal reports are used and shows an outline for a formal report. This can be helpful in understand the purpose of a formal report.
    This site tells how the formal report should look lie.
    This website provides the information of what a formal report is as well as planning that may help one create a formal report. The website also provides specifics such as material to be included as well as what order that information should be included.
Alex Portela

What is the difference between Formal Reports and Informal Reports ? - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      This article covers some basic information of the difference between formal in informal reports.
julian serventi

Official Apple Store - Buy iPad, iPhone, Mac Computers and Notebooks, iPod and More - A... - 0 views

shared by julian serventi on 23 Feb 12 - Cached
    The flow of the page can be seen through the repetition of boxed information throughout the store page. The surrounding edge consisting of mainly text keeps the center of the page, filled with images, at focus with the flow of information/products
Franz Ferguson

DD#7HW#6U.S. Copyright Office - 0 views

shared by Franz Ferguson on 26 Jul 10 - Cached
    This website explains about the United States copyright laws.
    First of all, the government copyright site. How could you go wrong? You can find almost anything you could ever need in reference to copyrights on this site.
    This page contains a lot of the very in depth and complicated world of copy right laws. There is so much information that I couldn't really seem to find the end of it. However, some interesting information that  I found was the copyright basics with is a pdf form that breaks down the background of copy right laws. Which is quite in depth. 
julian serventi

Top 5 Tips for Creating Impressive Video Resumes - 0 views

  • Don’t just create a video resume because you can, create one because it’s relevant to the job you want to do.
  • just reading aloud the contents of your CV is a waste of everyone’s time.
  • one-minute mark is ideal.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Imagine your friends and family watching the clip. If the thought of that embarrasses you, then don’t submit it.
  • Be creative, but professional. Do not deviate too much from the demeanor you would have in the workplace
  • bloopers reel accompanied with credits, a clever way to show off your personality (and that you don’t take yourself too seriously).
    • Alex Portela
      This is a great site to reference because there are real videos to check out as examples. The first one includes links to other short videos that are a part of this persons video resume.
    • Merlyn Reyna
      I agree, the videos are really helpful! 
  • In today’s highly competitive job market, creating the right video resume to accompany your traditional CV can make you stand out from the crowd. The wrong one, though, can make you a laughing stock.
  • 1. Make Sure It’s Appropriate
  • 3. Keep it Short
  • 4. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Creative
  • 5. Make Sure It Passes the Share Test
  • 2. Don’t Just Read Out Your Resume

  • Don’t just create a video resume because you can, create one because it’s relevant to the job you want to do.

    If you’re applying for a role in the online, media, social or creative professions, then it’s more likely a decent video resume will have the desired effect, i.e., getting you invited for an interview.

    Don’t send a video resume to a more traditional type of company that won’t “get it.” You might do your chances more harm than good.

    Graeme Anthony, from the example above, is a public relations executive. His cleverly thought out online content adds an extra wow factor to his already outstanding experience.

    2. Don’t Just Read Out Your Resume

    The whole point of a video presentation is to offer a potential employer greater insight into you than a traditional resume can, so

    just reading aloud the contents of your CV is a waste of everyone’s time.

    Use the video to help the employer get a sense of not just what you have achieved, but what you are capable of achieving in the future.

    “Tell them why you would be the right person to hire and what you can do for them,” says Mario Gedicke, account manager at, a video employment platform.

    You can, however, highlight particularly relevant info from your resume. “Focus on your experience and skill set (and possible education/training) especially relevant to the position,” advises Tyler Redford, CEO of, an online resume management system.

    And if it’s appropriate and relevant to the job (as in the example above), then don’t be afraid to talk about your passions.

    3. Keep it Short

    “Keep your video resume short,” says Gedicke, who advises that a

    one-minute mark is ideal. Redford agrees that a video resume should be “short and sweet.” He suggests staying within two minutes.

    “Keep in mind that recruiters would likely want to use the video resume as an initial filter for applicants,” Redford says. “However, recruiters do not typically want to use the video resume in lieu of a real, in-person interview.”

    Think of your video resume as your own personal teaser trailer. In the example above, the clip is less than one minute and 20 seconds in length, while the extra time is made up of a

    bloopers reel accompanied with credits, a clever way to show off your personality (and that you don’t take yourself too seriously).

    4. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Creative

    If you’re opting for a video resume, then go the whole hog and make it spectacular. Be creative, whether that’s with the concept of your pitch, use of humor, clever production values or brilliant editing.

    However, stay classy. “

    Be creative, but professional. Do not deviate too much from the demeanor you would have in the workplace ,” says Redford. Gedicke suggests this should extend to your wardrobe too: “Dress professionally, just as if you are going to an in-person interview.”

    In the video above, James Corne creates a spoof AA-style confession, but maintains a certain veneer and dresses like he was headed to the office. This demonstrates creativity and humor whilst showing him to be a professional person.

    5. Make Sure It Passes the Share Test

    As with all online life, don’t put content out there that you wouldn’t be prepared to see go viral. It’s unlikely your video resume will become an overnight Internet sensation, but imagining that scenario is a good test to make sure you could cope if it did.

    Imagine your friends and family watching the clip. If the thought of that embarrasses you, then don’t submit it.

    Digital Marketing Job Listings

    Every week we put out a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we post a huge range of job listings, we’ve selected some of the top digital marketing opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

    More Related Resources from Mashable

    - 4 Digital Alternatives to the Traditional Resume
    - Top 9 Job Sites to Bookmark for Your Career Search
    - 19 Resources to Help You Land a Job in 2011
    - 5 Ways to Get a Job Through YouTube
    - 5 Tips for Aspiring Social Media Marketers

    Image courtesy of iStockphoto, oleg66

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  • 2. Don’t Just Read Out Your Resume
  • If you’re applying for a role in the online, media, social or creative professions, then it’s more likely a decent video resume will have the desired effect, i.e., getting you invited for an interview.
  • . Keep it Short
  • 3

  • If you’re opting for a video resume, then go the whole hog and make it spectacular. Be creative, whether that’s with the concept of your pitch, use of humor, clever production values or brilliant editing.

    However, stay classy. “

    Be creative, but professional. Do not deviate too much from the demeanor you would have in the workplace ,” says Redford. Gedicke suggests this should extend to your wardrobe too: “Dress professionally, just as if you are going to an in-person interview.”

    In the video above, James Corne creates a spoof AA-style confession, but maintains a certain veneer and dresses like he was headed to the office. This demonstrates creativity and humor whilst showing him to be a professional person.

    5. Make Sure It Passes the Share Test

    As with all online life, don’t put content out there that you wouldn’t be prepared to see go viral. It’s unlikely your video resume will become an overnight Internet sensation, but imagining that scenario is a good test to make sure you could cope if it did.

    Imagine your friends and family watching the clip. If the thought of that embarrasses you, then don’t submit it.

    Digital Marketing Job Listings

    Every week we put out a list of social media and web job opportunities . While we post a huge range of job listings, we’ve selected some of the top digital marketing opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

    More Related Resources from Mashable

    - 4 Digital Alternatives to the Traditional Resume
    - Top 9 Job Sites to Bookmark for Your Career Search
    - 19 Resources to Help You Land a Job in 2011
    - 5 Ways to Get a Job Through YouTube
    - 5 Tips for Aspiring Social Media Marketers

    Image courtesy of iStockphoto , oleg66

    Print Story Email Story Reprints
    You might like:
    53 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed

  • As with all online life, don’t put content out there that you wouldn’t be prepared to see go viral. It’s unlikely your video resume will become an overnight Internet sensation, but imagining that scenario is a good test to make sure you could cope if it did.

    Imagine your friends and family watching the clip. If the thought of that embarrasses you, then don’t submit it.

    Digital Marketing Job Listings

    Every week we put out a list of social media and web job opportunities . While we post a huge range of job listings, we’ve selected some of the top digital marketing opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

    More Related Resources from Mashable

    - 4 Digital Alternatives to the Traditional Resume
    - Top 9 Job Sites to Bookmark for Your Career Search
    - 19 Resources to Help You Land a Job in 2011
    - 5 Ways to Get a Job Through YouTube
    - 5 Tips for Aspiring Social Media Marketers

    Image courtesy of iStockphoto , oleg66

    Print Story Email Story Reprints
    You might like:
    53 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed
    This is the best website to find out ideas for creating your own video resume. It also shows what information should be incorporated or not.
  • ...10 more comments...
    Tips on making video resumes.
    This was the best and my favorite page that I found on the topic of video Resumes. It goes through 5 simple tips to making a successful video resume and gives an example of each of those 5 tips. The tips are making sure its appropriate, Don't just read out your resume, Keep it short, don't be afraid to be creative, and making sure it passes the share test. A great source and a great page.
    This article discusses 5 tips for creating a video resume and it gives a video resume example that best fits that specific tip. The first tip is to make sure the video resume is appropriate by making sure its relevant to the job you are applying for. The second tip is not to just read out the resume but highlighting specific information in the resume that is relevant to the postion you are applying for. The third tip is keep it short by staying within 2 minutes. The fourth tip is to be creative and the last tip is not to create a video that would bring shame to yourself.
    gives 5 tips on how to make a creative video resume
    This website gives five tips for creating effective video resumes. The five tips are extremely helpful to those looking to create a video resume but aren't sure what should be included or where to start.
    DD10 HW 4 This website provides five different ways to ensure video resume success. The videos apply to what they are talking about and then there is a brief written explanation. 
    Video resumes are becoming more and more popular so what makes it standout? This will give some creative ways to make that impressive video.
    According to this article, making a video resume can be a challenge. It offers five tips from "pros in the know," plus actually sample video resumes. The first tip is to make sure a video resume is appropriate. A video resume may be acceptable for certain professions and wrong for others. Secondly, do not just read from the resume. The point of a video resume is to  present some additional insight into your character and capabilities. Next, keep the video short, around one minute. Four, don't avoid creativity; let your personality shine through. Finally, if you wouldn't want your family or friends to see the video, then don't submit it.
    The top five tips to create an impressive video resume are: 1.Make sure it is appropriate 2.Don't just read your resume out loud 3.Keep it short 4.Don't be afraid to be creative 5.Have several peers edit it before sending it out
    I really like this website gives good tips to create a good video resume. You really have to think on making it appropriate, and not just read out of the resume, also keeping it short. Another tip was also to be creative and make sure it passes the share test. Really good tips, and has a video for each and good explanation.
    Here is a great resource for creating a video resume. It lists 5 tips and provides a sample video resume that demonstrates these things.
    The information found on this website will help to create video resumes that stand out yet are appropriate. The website gives 5 tips through videos to help you such as, making sure it's appropriate, not just reading out your resume, keeping it short, creative, and making sure it passes the share test. With these tips, one would be able to create a video resume that is to the point and sticks out as well.
Julie Keith

Repetition as an Advertisement Technique | Small Business - - 0 views

    There is good information in this one but it really seems to be focused on selling, selling, selling which still uses the repetition techniques. More of the same but not as much detail information like our book gives or like I have found on the previous sites I've listed.
Franz Ferguson

DD#7HW#1Print - The 75 Books Every Man Should Read - Esquire - 0 views

    The page is a great illustration of the western flow of reading. There is not much that distracts the reader from the information being given out. The covers of the books guide the viewer to continue downward despite there being any actual guiding line of any sort. Each book is accompanied by a short caption that distinguishes the title of the book from a brief quote or description of the book. All this information is in a easily written font. This whole page is an un-ranked list and it just flows downward allowing the reader to follow the books downward. 
Bridget Esqueda

D#4 HW#1-Website Recommendation - 0 views

    This website has all the information about creating a great website. It goes through each step with detail and an example. It states that first a designer should use an effective marketing model in order to get attention from the audience, then one should play with colors for their website. Once one plays with the colors and main idea, then one can focus on balance. It was very informative.
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