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Nathan Goodyear - Cell Metabolism - Estrogen Receptors and the Metabolic Network - 0 views

  • The pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons have an anorexigenic action and, when activated, reduce food intake through the release of two peptides, α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) and cocaine-and-amphetamine-regulated transcripts (CART). The neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons, on the other hand, release NPY hormone and agouti gene-related protein (AgRP), which prevent the binding of α-MSH to MC3R and MC4R, increasing food intake
  • This suggests that the central anorexic effects of E2 may occur via ERβ
  • The main hypothalamic areas involved in food intake and satiety are the arcuate nucleus (ARC), the lateral hypothalamus (LH), the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), and the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH)
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Leptin is a potent anorexigenic and catabolic hormone secreted by adipose cells that reduces food intake and increases energy expenditure
  • E2 not only modulates leptin receptor mRNA in the ARC and VMH, but also increases hypothalamic sensitivity to leptin, altering peripheral fat distribution
  • ghrelin. It acts on growth hormone secretagogue receptors (GHSR1a) located in the ARC and is a potent stimulator of food intake
  • It thus appears that of the two ERs, ERα plays a predominant role in the CNS regulation of lipid and carbohydrate homeostasis.
  • Both ERs have been identified in the ARC
  • Stimulation of MCH neurons increases food intake and fat accumulation while its inhibition leads to decreased food intake and reduced fat accumulation.
  • Both ERs have been identified in the LH
  • both ERs have been identified in this nucleus
  • The PVN is the region of the hypothalamus with the highest expression of ERβ and is reported to be weakly ERα positive
  • The VMH is ERα regulated
  • Skeletal muscle is responsible for 75% of the insulin-induced glucose uptake in the body
  • GLUT4 is highly expressed in muscle and represents a rate-limiting step in the insulin-induced glucose uptake
  • data suggest that in the physiological range, E2 is beneficial for insulin sensitivity, whereas hypo- or hyperestrogenism is related to insulin resistance
  • In aging female rats, E2 treatment improves glucose homeostasis mainly through its ability to increase muscle GLUT4 content on the cell membrane
  • It is evident that ERα and ERβ have distinct actions and that much more research is needed to clearly identify the function of each receptor in muscle.
  • E2 prevents accumulation of visceral fat, increases central sensitivity to leptin, increases the expression of insulin receptors in adipocytes, and decreases the lipogenic activity of lipoprotein lipase in adipose tissue
  • In rats, ovariectomy increases body weight, intra-abdominal fat, fasting glucose and insulin levels, and insulin resistance followed by decreased phosphorylation of AMPK and its substrate acetyl-CoA carboxylase in adipose tissue
  • decreased adiponectin, PPARγ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), and uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) and increased resistin
  • Men with aromatase deficiency have truncal obesity, elevated blood lipids, and severe insulin resistance
  • Although not all studies are in agreement, polymorphisms of ERα in humans have been associated with risk factors for CVDs
  • Human subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues express both ERα and ERβ, whereas only ERα mRNA has been identified in brown adipose tissue
  • suggesting that ERα is the main regulator of GLUT4 expression in adipose tissue
    very nice article that looks at the balance of ER-alpha/ER-beta and their role in metabolic syndrome.  This article discusses the balance of  these receptors are tissue dependent in their effect.  I like their conclusion: "...but these mechanisms will never be completely understood if they are not considered in the context of a whole system.
Nathan Goodyear

Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome | Full text | Visceral adiposity, insulin resistance a... - 0 views

    adipose tissue and it's biological activity contribution to cancer risk.  Good review of our current understanding on how adipose tissue increases the favorably of cancer.
Nathan Goodyear

Healthcare | Free Full-Text | Association of Mid-Life Changes in Body Size, Body Compos... - 0 views

    great review of the menopause transition and the effect of weight and hormones.  For example, muscle loss is found in menopause vs perimenopause.  Increased estrogen production occurs from non-ovary sites i.e. visceral and SQ fat.
Nathan Goodyear

The Effect of High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise on Body Composition of Overweight Yo... - 0 views

    another study that shows that High intensity interval training (HIT) results in fat loss.  IN this study, training consisted of 20 minutes 3 x weekly for 12 weeks.  Fat loss in total, abdominal, trunk, and visceral was decreased.  This study only looked at men.
Nathan Goodyear

Total and free testosterone concentrations are strongly influenced by age and central o... - 0 views

    Testosterone levels, measured as total, bioavailable and free, found to be associated with age and central (not visceral) obesity in those men with type I and II Diabetes.  Weakly with symptoms of low T and ED.
Nathan Goodyear

The Dark Side of Testosterone Deficiency: II. Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance - ... - 0 views

    low Testosterone linked to insulin resistance, type II Diabetes, and increased  metabolic syndrome.  Low T is linked to increased visceral fat in this study.  
Nathan Goodyear

Changes in body composition during a... [J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Androgen deprivation therapy was found to decrease lean muscle mass and increase abdominal adipose tissue, not visceral.  Significant change in body composition in men depleted of androgens in androgen deprivation therapy.
Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone treatment improves metabolic syndrome-induced adipose tissue derangements - 0 views

    Animal study of metabolic syndrome finds that Testosterone improves metabolic dysfunction in visceral adipose tissue.
Nathan Goodyear

Green tea aqueous extract reduces visceral fat and... [Nutr Res. 2011] - PubMed result - 0 views

  • prevented visceral fat accumulation (17.8%
  • ecreased body weight gain (5.6%
    Green tea  leads to 5.6% weight loss and 17.8% fat accumulation in animals fed high fat diet
Nathan Goodyear

Fructose: A Key Factor in the Development of Metabolic Syndrome and Hypertension - 0 views

  • HFCS consists of fructose and glucose mixed in a variety of concentrations, but most commonly as 55% fructose and 45% glucose
  • In the United States, HFCS and sucrose are the major sources of fructose in the diet, and HFCS is a major ingredient in soft drinks, pastries, desserts, and various processed foods
  • fructose and glucose are metabolized in completely different ways and utilize different GLUT transporters
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • In the liver, fructose bypasses the two highly regulated steps of glycolysis, catalyzed by glucokinase/hexokinase and phosphofructokinase both of which are inhibited by increasing concentrations of their byproducts. Instead, fructose enters the pathway at a level that is not regulated and is metabolized to fructose-1-phosphate primarily by fructokinase or ketohexokinase
  • Fructokinase has no negative feedback system, and ATP is used for the phosphorylation process. As a result, continued fructose metabolism results in intracellular phosphate depletion, activation of AMP deaminase, and uric acid generation which is harmful at the cellular level
  • Uric acid, a byproduct of fructose degradation,
  • Uric acid inhibits endothelial NO both in vivo and in vitro, [15] and directly induces adipocyte dysfunction
  • Serum uric acid increases rapidly after ingestion of fructose, resulting in increases as high as 2 mg/dL within 1 hour
  • Uncontrolled fructose metabolism leads to postprandial hypertriglyceridemia, which increases visceral adipose deposition. Visceral adiposity contributes to hepatic triglyceride accumulation, protein kinase C activation, and hepatic insulin resistance by increasing the portal delivery of free fatty acids to the liver
  • Several reviews have concluded that intake of both fructose and HFCS by children and adults was associated with an increased risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome
  • Sucrose is a disaccharide that is comprised of fructose and glucose
  • Figure 2
    great read and review of the role of fructose in metabolic syndrome.
Nathan Goodyear

Associations between sex hormone binding globulin and metabolic syndrome parameters in ... - 0 views

    Low SHGB associated with increased association with metabolic syndrome components.  Low SHBG particuraliy associated with increased obesity (visceral) and glucose dysmetabolism. This study looked at premenopausal women.
Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone as Potential Effective Therapy in Treatment of Obesity in Men with Testost... - 0 views

    Testosterone therapy in men with low T will improve lean body mass, some reduction in abdominal obesity, yet little effect in visceral obesity.
Nathan Goodyear - 0 views

    Again, what is the evidence on androgens in women.  The majority of data is points to negative metabolic effects.  This study looked at men and women and found inverse relationships between Testosterone and DHEA in the sexes.  In women, higher bioavailable Testosterone and DHEA was associated with visceral and subcutaneous fat in women, where as the opposite is true in men.  In both men and women, higher SHBG was associated with lower fat.
Nathan Goodyear

An Open-Label Pilot Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Virgin Coconut Oil in Re... - 0 views

    short 4 week pilot study of coconut oil aids abdominal weight loss shows.  Must take the right fat to lose fat.
Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone replacement therapy improves insulin resistance, glycaemic control, viscer... - 1 views

    Testosterone therapy shown to improve insulin resistance, glucose control, hyperlipidemia, and aids weight loss in men with type II diabetes
Nathan Goodyear

Reduction of Inflammatory Cytokine Concentrations and Improvement of Endothelial Functi... - 0 views

    adipose tissue releases inflammatory markers (cytokines IL-6, TNF-alpha, V-CAM-1, ICAM-1, and P-selectin). Associated endovascular disfunction and eventually cardiovascular disease.  A direct link between obesity induced inflammation and endovascular dysfunction.  Weight loss in these obese women reduced secretion of the associated inflammatory cytokines and thus decreased vascular dysfunction.
Nathan Goodyear

Consuming fructose-sweetened, not glucose-sweetened, beverages increases visceral adipo... - 0 views

    fructose intake, whether in foods or soda, is associated with disrupted metabolism and plays a major role in obesity.
Nathan Goodyear

Adipose Tissue Inflammation in Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome - - Satoshi Nishimura - D... - 0 views

  • Activation of inflammatory pathways in adipocytes impairs triglyceride storage and increases release of free fatty acids, an excess of which is known to induce insulin resistance in muscle and liver
  • recent studies have shown that large numbers of macrophages infiltrate obese adipose tissue,
  • It has been postulated that a paracrine loop involving free fatty acids and inflammatory cytokines establishes a vicious cycle between adipocytes and macrophages that propagates the inflammation
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • not only does interrupting the accumulation of macrophages within obese adipose tissue suppresses adipose inflammation in various animal models, it also ameliorates systemic insulin resistance and metabolic abnormalities, suggesting macrophages are key effector cells involved in adipose inflammation
  • Thus, obese visceral adipose tissue is clearly a site of chronic inflammation
  • activation of the leukocyte adhesion cascade, a hallmark of inflammation
  • CD8+ T cells within obese adipose tissue induce activation and migration of monocytes/macrophages, and in cooperation with the adipose tissue, they also induce macrophage differentiation. At the same time, obese adipose tissue activates CD8+ T cells, creating a vicious cycle involving CD8+ T cells, macrophages, and obese adipose tissue that propagates local inflammation
  • In obese adipose tissue there is a shift to dominance of CD8+ and TH1 T cells, which appears to propagate inflammation
    fascinating read how the immune system and resultant inflammation results in obesity.
Nathan Goodyear

Growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I and th... [Horm Res. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

  • GH deficiency effectively increases cortisol production in key target tissues including liver and adipose tissue, promoting insulin resistance and visceral adiposity
  • GH/IGF-I modulation of cortisol metabolism may underpin the pathogenesis of common diseases such as central obesity
  • Patients with central obesity but with no evidence of hypopituitarism have relative GH deficiency and it is exciting to speculate that low-dose GH treatment in this group, by inhibiting cortisol generation within omental fat, may offer a novel therapeutic approach.
    GH plays a key regulating role in obesity.  GH deficiency promotes increased cortisone to cortisol production in adipose tissue and liver.  This promotes insulin resistance and obesity. 
Nathan Goodyear

Metabolic effects of testosterone replacement therapy on hypogonadal men with type 2 di... - 0 views

  • up to 40% of men with T2DM have testosterone deficiency
  • Among diabetic patients, a reduction in sex hormone binding globulin levels induced by insulin resistance leads to a further decline of testosterone levels
  • low bioavailable testosterone concentration was related to decreased lean body mass and muscle strength
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Testosterone deficiency has a high prevalence in men with T2DM, and it is also associated with impaired insulin sensitivity, increased percentage body fat, central obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases (CVD)
  • A meta-analysis of four randomized controlled trials (RCTs) showed that TRT seemed to improve glycemic control as well as fat mass in T2DM subjects with low testosterone levels and sexual dysfunction.
  • testosterone administration could increase muscle mass and strength
  • Insulin stimulates glucose uptake into muscle and adipose tissue via the Glut4 glucose transporter isoform. When insulin activates signaling via the insulin receptor, Glut4 interacts with insulin receptor substrate 1 to initialize intracellular signaling and facilitate glucose transportation into the cell
  • The benefits of TRT on glucose metabolism can mainly be explained by its influence on the insulin signaling pathway
  • Insulin resistance as assessed by, which is calculated from the equation (If*Gf/22.5, where If is fasting insulin and Gf is fasting glucose), was definitely improved by TRT after testosterone administration in three studies
  • Testosterone was observed to elevate the expression levels and stimulate translocation of Glut4 in cultured skeletal muscle cells and to upregulate Glut4 by activating insulin receptor signaling pathways in neonatal rats
  • These effects were inhibited by a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) blocker, indicating that glucose uptake may correlate with conversion of testosterone to DHT and activation of the androgen receptor.
  • TRT reduced triglyceride levels
  • TRT has been reported to have a positive effect in the decrease of total and LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides in hypogonadal men
  • a recent meta-analysis showed that statins could significantly lower testosterone concentrations.
  • Epidemiological studies have found a negative relationship between testosterone levels and typical cardiovascular risk markers, such as body mass index, waist circumference, visceral adiposity and carotid intima-media thickness.
  • Testosterone treatment was shown to raise hemoglobin, hematocrit and thromboxane, all of which might give rise to CVD
    Low Testosterone is a very significant problem in men with type II Diabetes.  Estimated to reach 40%, likely much higher.  They based these estimates only on T levels and sexual symptoms. Testosterone improves glycemic control primarily through Increased transcription and transloction of GLUT4 insulin receptors to the cell surface.  Inflammation reduction is also a mechanism.  Testosteorne lowers Triglycerides in the traditional lipid profile.  Studies are mixed on the other aspects of  lipids.  
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