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    "Pour prolonger mes deux derniers posts sur le besoin de transgression dans nos façons de bouger et de nous déplacer, quelques images du très stimulant travail de Martin Parker sur la question"
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moovel Group - 0 views

    "Cities around the world are evolving and, as a result, urban mobility has become an ecosystem of connected modes of transportation. Moving around in cities, we travel in different ways, including walking, biking, riding public transit, and using cars. With the rise of new technologies and the on-demand economy, providing us access to whatever we want, whenever we want, transportation is no longer just a question of options, but of convenience and ease of use. With transportation on the edge of disruption, Daimler, the company that invented the automobile in 1886 and owns Mercedes-Benz, founded moovel to reinvent the concept of urban mobility. At moovel, we aim to discover how new technologies will affect the way we move tomorrow and connect the ever-changing state of urban transportation. moovel offers new ways to connect the urban mobility ecosystem with our three complementary products: moovel app, moovel transit and RideTap."
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In the future, the car business is going to look very different - Quartz - 0 views

    "Jonas has previously predicted, among other things, that a self-driving utopia will be upon us in barely a decade's time. He has gushed about the potential of Elon Musk's Tesla Motors to revolutionize the auto industry and bemoaned the incredible wastefulness of owning a car, which typically sits dormant in a garage all day. The chart above is an attempt to distill these themes into a single image. Basically, he look ahead to the day when today's ownership-dominated model is surpassed first by ride sharing/hailing services, and then by such services operating autonomously. Time will tell if he is right. The auto industry, which Jonas describes as  "the most disruptable business on earth" is indisputably huge: global car sales alone are worth an estimated $2 trillion a year.  That explains why everyone from Uber, to Tesla and Apple is circling it."
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Owning a car will soon be a thing of the past | John Harris | Opinion | The Guardian - 0 views

    "To put it another way: after a century in which the car has sat at the heart of industrial civilisation, the age of the automobile - of mass vehicle ownership, and the idea (in the western world at least) that life is not complete without your own set of wheels - looks to be drawing to a close. Top Gear is a dead duck. No one writes pop songs about Ferraris any more. The stereotypical boy racer appears a hopeless throwback. And in our cities, the use of cars is being overtaken by altogether greener, more liberating possibilities. The sale of diesel and petrol cars is to be outlawed in the UK from 2040. But only 10 days ago Oxford announced that it is set to be the first British city to ban all petrol and diesel cars and vans - from a handful of central streets by 2020, extending to the entire urban centre 1o years later. Paris will ban all non-electric cars by 2030, and is now in the habit of announcing car-free days on which drivers have to stay out of its historic heart. In the French city of Lyon, car numbers have fallen by 20% since 2005, and the authorities have their sights set on another drop of the same magnitude. London, meanwhile, has shredded the idea that rising prosperity always triggers rising car use, and seen a 25% fall in the share of journeys made by car since 1990. Last week, highlighting the increasingly likely arrival of driverless vehicles, General Motors announced that it will soon begin testing autonomous cars in the challenging conditions of New York City, apparently the latest step in the company's rapid and handsomely funded move towards building a new fleet of self-driving taxis. Earlier this year, forecasters at Bank of America tentatively claimed that the US may have reached "peak car", acknowledging that "transportation is costly and inefficient, making the sector ripe for disruption". Their focus was on ride-sharing services, car-pool apps and the collective use of bikes: what they were predicting had the sense of a
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London Commuters Scuffle With Climate Activists - CityLab - 0 views

    "The climate protest movement Extinction Rebellion is facing a backlash after disrupting commuters on the London Underground."
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Mobility of the Future | MIT Energy Initiative - 0 views

    "MITEI's three-year Mobility of the Future study explored the major factors that will affect the evolution of personal mobility through 2050. Using a scenario-based approach, the diverse study team of MIT faculty, researchers, and students examined how different factors will shape the future of personal mobility at different scales, from global and national markets to policy and mobility choices at the city and individual levels. The study team's report, Insights into Future Mobility, presents results and findings to help stakeholders anticipate and navigate the challenges that lie ahead. The study was organized into five main areas of inquiry, each of which focused on a particular aspect or set of influences on the future landscape for personal mobility: The potential impact of climate change policies on global fleet composition, fuel consumption, fuel prices, and economic output The outlook for vehicle ownership and travel, with a focus on the world's two largest light-duty vehicle markets-the U.S. and China Characteristics of alternative vehicle powertrains and fuels that could affect their future market share Infrastructure considerations for charging and fueling, particularly as they affect future demand for electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles The future of personal mobility in urban areas, with a focus on the potentially disruptive role of autonomous vehicles and ride-hailing services"
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Les outils analytiques de marché s'appliquent à la maximisation du trafic urb... - 0 views

    "Avec l'exemple réussi posé par Google Earth de voitures sans conducteurs, la perspective d'une conduite complètement automatisée et maximisée semble de plus en plus possible sinon probable. C'est du moins l'impression qu'on peut avoir à la lecture de l'étude publiée par Matteo Vasirani et Sascha Ossowski de l'Université Juan Carlos de Madrid. Ces deux universitaires se sont donc ainsi attachés à analyser la façon dont ces automobiles sans conducteurs pourraient s'insérer dans une amélioration du trafic urbain, à savoir réduire embouteillages et temps général passé dans les transports. Mais pour ce faire, ceux-ci ont choisi d'appliquer une analyse de marché appuyé sur offre et demande pour chercher à optimiser le simple fonctionnement des feux de signalisation."
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SmartWalk rend les trottoirs intelligents | L'Atelier: Disruptive innovation - 0 views

    "Au même titre que les écrans présents en gare ou aéroport, SmartWalk projette des informations (distance à pied de la salle de cinéma la plus proche, nombre de vélos disponible à une stations, modes de transports possibles, etc) et ce sur différentes surfaces, y compris les trottoirs. La réalité augmentée spatiale investit les lieux publics Le système repose sur un concept de réalité augmentée spatiale ou de cartographie projetée de telle façon que le dispositif "apporte une information utile sur un espace initialement inactif""
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La voiture comme point de livraison | L'Atelier: Disruptive innovation - 0 views

    "L'équipe innovation du constructeur automobile suédois Volvo a développé l'application "Roam Delivery". Celle-ci permet de se faire livrer ses colis directement dans sa voiture. Certaines questions quant à l'accès au service restent en suspens. Pionnière de l'application pour contrôler à distance le verrouillage des portes ou la mise en route du chauffage de la voiture, la marque Volvo poursuit ses efforts d'innovations autour de la voiture connectée et la mobilité. Cette fois, la marque suédoise cherche à faire converger plusieurs services vers la voiture. Son équipe innovation a ainsi conçu un système de livraison itinérante de façon à optimiser notamment le temps de ses clients. "
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