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Claude Almansi

Microsoft Word - translations-Coursera Translator TOS (092614) final.docx - updated_Cou... - 0 views

    New Translator agreement. The PDF is actually dated Oct. 3, 2014 in the properties. Archived in on 2014-10-28 The of its former one now says AccesDenied in a chunk of XML. However its changing versions were archived - in on 2014-09-27 - in on 2014-09-06 - in on 2014-05-09
    The updated version is even more disadvantageous for GTC volunteers, in that it does not mention the "goog and valuable consideration" that Coursera was to provide in exchange for translation work.
Claude Almansi

H2O Project - 0 views

    "...Our vision is to encourage the growth of a more open set of intellectual communities than those spawned by the traditional university system. In particular, we focus on the ideal of introducing inventive methods of interaction to allow these communities to form in new ways. Rather than segregating users based on which university they happen to attend (or indeed, whether they happen to attend a university at all) or even the large subject areas encompassed by university classes, the system allows users to interact with one another in focused ways based on the specific ideas they are addressing at the time: users can gather around the specific details of a recently passed piece of legislation or the implications of a particular article, rather than around larger subject blocks. H2O encourages users to share the content they create through these interactions by making archives of previous materials easily available and browsable and by enabling the sharing of content among different intellectual communities. ..."
Claude Almansi

Wholesale Adoption of iPads by Schools a Mistake | ETCJ Harry Keller 2013-07-11 - 6 views

    Posted on July 11, 2013 by JimS By Harry Keller "...I don't really see the rush, the extreme hurry exhibited by districts to buy expensive iPads, and forgo other expenditures to do so, when this development in computing devices is still playing itself out. The next great device could be announced tomorrow and could put iPads on the shelf until Apple manages to come out with a newer model. Manufacturers are scrambling to entice consumers to their particular device, while almost entirely ignoring the problems that schools face. When a school chooses widespread adoption of a consumer or business product, it's taking a risk. Often, it's bowing to parental pressures at the same time. While we should applaud schools for overcoming traditional education inertia, we should also realize that some of these new things are just fads or early examples of an incompletely developed new technology. The fact that so many districts are going in so many directions indicates strongly that we don't know where these trends will end. Until we do, I think that wholesale adoption of iPads by high schools is a mistake. My specialty is science. I have yet to see a great science app for high school on an iPad. Mostly, they're just games, animations, and other ordinary stuff. My disclaimer here is that I run a company that puts out an online science application that I consider to be great and am currently porting to the Chromebook, iPad, and Android tablets. Vendors have to cover all bases eventually. I'd rather not have to spend all of this money on fads, but major customers are demanding it. The result will be higher prices."
  • ...6 more comments...
    L'approccio è regionevole: siccome non sappiamo quale sia il traguardo di tutta questa forsennata corsa ai tablet, tanto vale non spendere tutti quei soldi sull'iPad (che costa più degli altri e prosciuga le casse delle scuole). Tuttavia l'autore non dedica una parola al vero punto: che non è l'adozione di questo o quel device, questa o quella app (di scienze, nel suo caso) a fare la differenza nella qualità, ma la testa degli insegnanti e il paradigma didattico che si decide di adottare. Intanto nelle scuole superiori italiane si insiste sull'acquisto delle LIM, che poi naturalmente vengono usate come semplici proiettori 90 volte su 100. Tuttavia i fondi statali vengono erogati più volentieri per una LIM che per tre o quattro proiettori. Facendo felici chi?
    Sottoscrivo totalmente! Come al solito al traino delle mode tecnologiche del momento si scorda il fatto che "la tecnologia è utile solo se è serva delle altre discipline" (cito il prof. Piochi, didatta della matematica, in una sua letio magistralis a "Psicologia dell'apprendimento della matematica") e che senza la capacità (e la voglia!) di produrre e gestire autonomamente contenuti e metodi, senza una didattica che crei passione, non c'è tecnologia che tenga. Quanto poi allo specifico dell'Ipad, si ripropone ciò che è già accaduto in precedenza con Microsoft: affidarsi ad occhi bendati e con mani e piedi legati ad una tecnologia proprietaria solo per le sue capacità di marketing, non capendo (o fingendo di non capire) che in questo modo si finisce per creare una dipendenza dal fornitore che diviene via via più ferrea fino a diventare assoluta con buona pace della libertà di insegnamento
    Sottoscrivo solo in parte. Sono più che d'accordo sul fatto che le LIM siano delle specie di mammuth destinate all'estinzione, e anch'io non mi capacito del fatto che molte scuole (e il ministero stesso) continuino a spendere soldi per acquistarle. Anche perché, come dice Lucia, il 90% degli insegnanti le usa come semplici lavagne o come proiettori, quindi basterebbe dotare le classi di proiettori e di un normalissimo computer ad esso collegato. Sul discorso iPad/tablet Android non sono del tutto d'accordo. Conosco troppo poco il mondo Android per poter dire che i tablet Android danno problemi (però ho sentito dire da più parti che quando si fanno esperienze di uso di tablet Android con un device per ogni alunno, i problemi ci sono), però conosco molto bene il mondo della scuola, e ho fatto l'esperienza di una classe con iPad (un iPad per studente/insegnante, una Apple tv e un proiettore). In un anno non abbiamo avuto un solo problema tecnico, mai. Per la mia esperienza del mondo della scuola, questo è un aspetto assolutamente fondamentale per convertire all'innovazione tecnologica anche quella parte del corpo docente che è un po' restio. Se queste persone si trovano di fronte a dispositivi che si piantano o che danno problemi, trovano la scusa giusta per abbandonare, criticare o dire che sono soldi buttati. Se invece tutto funziona, piano piano anche chi è scettico vede la portata innovativa di una classe digitale. Diventa più facile anche per chi è ancora un docente un po' tradizionale passare a una didattica più attiva, meno trasmissiva e più coinvolgente. Viene un po' sa sé (cosa invece che non accade assolutamente con la LIM, anzi, la LIM perpetua la lezione frontale). Ovvio che potrei avere torto marcio, e ovvio che capisco le vostre critiche alla scelta dell'iPad (formato proprietario, grande multinazionale americana e tutto il resto). Per ora, spendere di più inizialmente per avere una situazione ottimale mi sembra comunque la soluzione miglio
    "avere una situazione ottimale mi sembra comunque la soluzione" Come si fa a darti torto su questo?! Solo che avere la "i" davanti non è la soluzione ottimale dal punto di vista tecnico, mentre lo è dal punto di vista marketing. E chi te lo dice è un tecnico che per 20anni si è tenuto volutamente distante dalle "i" davanti (e non solo da quelle)
    Francesco, mi spieghi cosa c'è che non va dal punto di vista tecnico? Io, dopo una vita passata su ms-dos (prima) e windows (per vari anni, con frequenti crash del sistema operativo, e computer che "ponsavano" come malati di asma gravi e che diventavano obsoleti assai rapidamente), per motivi che non mi dilungo a spiegare, sono passata a tutte le i davanti, dalla prima all'ultima (iMac, iPad, iPhone) e mi sembra di stare in paradiso. Non ho più avuto problemi e ritrovo con facilità qualsiasi file, anche quelli che per sbadataggine ho salvato nella cartella sbagliata. Avrei voluto provare anche Linux, ma i casi della vita mi hanno messo davanti tutte queste i, e per ora lì mi sono fermata. Nei computer che abbiamo a scuola, ho in effetti notato che quelli che girano con Linux, anche se vecchi, funzionano parecchio meglio di quelli in cui i nostri tecnici di laboratorio o vari colleghi si ostinano a voler tenere Windows.
    Capisco, ma sai com'è: se utilizzi una piattaforma unica e costruita per essere ben integrata, ti troverai sempre senza (seri) problemi, al di lla di quale sia il sistema che adotti. Per quanto riguarda le tue esperienze pregresse non so proprio che dirti: per questioni legate alla clientela (ovvio che un consulente non può che adattarsi!) opero da sempre su sistemi senza la i davanti e non mi riconosco nella tua storia tormentata... Che ciò possa dipendere dal fatto che mentre da una parte ci mette le mani chiunque (magari malamente) dall'altra il tutto risulta piuttosto "blindato"? La mia è solo un'ipotesi sia chiaro! Ma appunto: pur seguendo una certa logica, non posso lamentare i problemi che hai avuto tu. Per "certa logica" intendo dire che non mi sono mai fiondato ad aggiornare un sistema operativo con l'ultima versione appena uscita (anzi: per la verità attendo sempre almeno il service pack 1 quando non il 2: attualmente lavoro ancora con Windows XP!!!), ne ammetto facilmente e con leggerezza l'installazione di utilities, add-onn, plugin ed amenità varie. Io però noto che, usando questo ambiente e software prevalentemente opensource, non ho mai riscontrato problemi a scambiare informazioni con altri, nemmeno con gli utenti con le "i" davanti da quali pur arriva in genere robaccia carica di fronzoli quantomeno inutili quando non fuorvianti. In ogni caso lungi da me criticare chi opta per apple: libero di farlo se si tratta di una scelta! Per la scuola invece sarei sinceramente molto più propenso ad utilizzare ambienti più aperti, meno costosi e meno "blinda utenti"!
    Ma, sarà ma io non ho problemi nemmeno a interfacciarmi con utenti che usano altre piattaforme. E la mia esperienza negativa con Windows (o con Winzzoz come lo chiamano a volte in Toscana) è condivisa da tutti i miei colleghi che si trovano a usare i computer dei nostri laboratori. Forse i nostri tecnici non fanno corretta manutenzione (però anche noi abbiamo XP e non installiamo con facilità utilities varie, perché la password ce l'hanno solo gli amministratori, cioè i nostri ITP). Ci stiamo trovando bene invece con Linux, gli stessi vecchi PC con Linux girano 10 volte meglio che con Windows, quindi in una mia ipotetica classifica, il sistema operativo di Bill lo metterei in coda. Però hai ragione, per la scuola (soprattutto per i PC), sistemi e software aperti sono sicuramente la soluzione migliore. Via libera al pinguino ;-)
fabrizio bartoli Blended learning - 1 views

    "This course is focused on the potential of blended learning to transform the way we setup classrooms and schools.  We are not focused on simply putting computers into classrooms or layering technology on top of the existing system.  This course focuses on the highest-quality blended learning we have seen so far, and schools that are working to get closer to the golden ideal of every student getting exactly what they need, when they need it.  We'll cover the basics of blended learning and then move quickly into all the implications for the role of the student, the role of the teacher, and the implications for how we design and run our schools. "
Claude Almansi

ELAN description | The Language Archive - 2 views

    "ELAN is a professional tool for the creation of complex annotations on video and audio resources. With ELAN a user can add an unlimited number of annotations to audio and/or video streams. An annotation can be a sentence, word or gloss, a comment, translation or a description of any feature observed in the media. Annotations can be created on multiple layers, called tiers. Tiers can be hierarchically interconnected. An annotation can either be time-aligned to the media or it can refer to other existing annotations. The textual content of annotations is always in Unicode and the transcription is stored in an XML format. ELAN provides several different views on the annotations, each view is connected and synchronized to the media playhead. Up to 4 video files can be associated with an annotation document. Each video can be integrated in the main document window or displayed in its own resizable window. ELAN delegates media playback to an existing media framework, like Windows Media Player, QuickTime or JMF (Java Media Framework). As a result a wide variety of audio and video formats is supported and high performance media playback can be achieved. ELAN is written in the Java programming language and the sources are available for non-commercial use. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Main other features navigate through the media with different step sizes easy navigation through existing annotations waveform visualization of .wav files support for template documents input methods for a variety of script systems multi-tier regular expression search, within a single document or in a selection of annotation documents support for user definable Controlled Vocabularies import and export of Shoebox/Toolbox, CHAT, Transcriber (import only), Praat and csv/tab-delimited text files export to interlinear text, html, smil and subtitles text printing of the annotations multiple undo/redo Download ELAN"
    Il software serve ad annotare video e audio: sembra piuttosto complesso ma è prodotto e offerto dal progetto The Language Archive dell'Istituto Max Plank dei Paesi Bassi, perciò sembra abbastanza sicuro. Ho installato la versione per Mac: poi provo e riporto
Claude Almansi

Proposal Lesson plan for- Teaching goes massive: new skills required - 2 views

    "Overview - This course is offered by University of Zurich with Prof Paul-Olivier Dehaye and his students. This lesson plan is created by Dilrukshi Gamage ( a MOOC student from this class due to few reasons. 1. Course started with giving some ideas, but now it appears no more ideas facilitated 2. Forums are closed and we have no clue of what to do 3. Students who take this course or any of coursera for the first time will be wondering and might lose the context of learning. 4. This lesson plan will guide us to collaboratively find solution to be in synchronized and learn from the time we invest in this. Introduction - The course named Teaching goes massive : new skills needed. It is our responsibility to find out what are the skills we need when we are teaching to a massive class.. or any class. Prof.Paul mentioned some experiments which we can do and previous forums already started and gone very well until suddenly closed everything. So let us drive this MOOC , learn to learn ourselves how to be organized and learn from each other. Anyone can suggest things but not like as forums it has to be much more effective. This document will contain how to participate and what can you do in contributing to expand your learning. Don't worry this will not stop suddenly as we the students are in charge. First step lets set some objectives so we can see did we achieve when we finish this course. Objectives - After you complete this course 1. You will learn how to learn yourselves to work without a real teacher or a lecturer. 2. You will learn to make communications and build a network where you can share and learn throughout your interest. 3. You will learn to work on inclusive projects in the same course ( by inclusive what I mean was anyone can work in one project or more) 4. You will gain knowledge on what skills you need and how to handle it when teaching is massive Where to contact - Please use the links provided in collaborating
    vedi anche di George Siemens per un ottimo riassunto e altri link utili
    e , il Pad dove Dehaye spiega il contesto della sua decisione. Se qualcuno ne ricancella il contenuto, usate la storia delle revisioni: funziona come PiratePad
Claude Almansi

Intervention of the Holy See: WIPO Diplomatic Conference on a Treaty for the Blind | Kn... - 0 views

    The Holy See delivered this statement on 18 June 2013 at the Marrakesh Diplomatic Conference on a WIPO Treaty for the Blind. Statement by His Excellency Archbishop Silvano M. Tomasi Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN and Other International Organizations in Geneva at World Intellectual Property Organization Diplomatic Conference to Conclude a Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities Marrakech (Morocco) "...Mr. President, The primary goals of the copyright system is the dissemination of creative works to enhance the common good. Copyright has never been an end in itself. Increasingly, technological developments have strained the capacity of copyright law to limit the ways in which the public accesses creative works. As stated by Jean Paul II, in his Encyclical Letter Laborem Exercens, "It would be radically unworthy of man, and a denial of our common humanity, to admit to the life of the community, and thus admit to work, only those who are fully functional. To do so would be to practise a serious form of discrimination, that of the strong and healthy against the weak and sick" [2] . Since all persons are called to contribute to society, it is fundamental to create an international instrument that could give even to impaired people a variety of opportunities to discover their potential, understand their environment, discover their rights and put to the best use their talents and resources both for personal fulfilment and for their contribution to society. This common good must be served in its fullness, not according to a reductionist vision subordinated only to the advantage of some people; rather, it is to be based on a logic that leads to the acceptance of a comprehensive responsibility. "The common good corresponds to the highest of human inclinations [3], but it is a good that is very difficult to attain because it requires the constant ability and effort to see
    La difesa incondizionale da parte del Vaticano di un trattato OMPI per i ciechi e altre persone che non possono adoperare testi stampati è particolarmente interessante: in incontri precedenti su questo trattato - sotto il Papa precedente - il Vaticano si era allineato sui paesi ricchi del cosiddetto "Gruppo B" dell'OMPI nel chiedere di seppellire questo trattato.
fabrizio bartoli

Microsoft demonstrates Real-time Co-authoring on Office Web Apps | Questechie - 0 views

    Microsoft's resolve to filling-in the web app productivity space dominated by Google is increasingly on the spotlight as the company demonstrated more collaborative Office features on more devices. The new update means bringing more real-time collaborations to Office web apps, which hitherto had been available only on the desktop Office software. - See more at:
Claude Almansi

MOOCs Are Largely Reaching Privileged Learners, Survey Finds - The Chronicle of Higher ... - 1 views

    "Most people who take massive open online courses already hold a degree from a traditional institution, according to a new paper from the University of Pennsylvania. The paper is based on a survey of 34,779 students worldwide who took 24 courses offered by Penn professors on the Coursera platform. The findings-among the first from outside researchers, rather than MOOC providers-reinforce the truism that most people who take MOOCs are already well educated. The Penn researchers sent the survey to students who had registered for a MOOC and viewed at least one video lecture. More than 80 percent of the respondents had a two- or four-year degree, and 44 percent had some graduate education."
    Ma vedi anche il commento di Stephen Downes : "Goodness gracious, the word "MOOCs" does not mean the same thing as "courses offered by Penn professors on the Coursera platform." The Chronicle can be so infuriating at times. Coursera very deliberately targeted an upmarket customer profile, so no wonder that's who they got"
Claude Almansi

Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight | Video on - 0 views

    Filmed Feb 2008 * Posted Mar 2008 * TED2008 "Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions -- motion, speech, self-awareness -- shut down one by one. An astonishing story. Brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor studied her own stroke as it happened -- and has become a powerful voice for brain recovery"
    From : "1. length: 18:02 2. overall speed (WPM): 150 3. vocabulary profile: 3K-92.9%; 5K-95.3%; 10K-97.9%; OL-1.6% 4. accent: US standard 5. comments: very emotional story; key vocabulary = schizophrenic; stroke (of the brain) 6. Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions -- motion, speech, self-awareness -- shut down one by one. An astonishing story."
Claude Almansi

The concept of openness behind c and x-MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) | Rodriguez ... - 0 views

    "Abstract The last five years have witnessed a hype about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) presaging a revolution in higher education. Although all MOOCs have in common their scale and free access, they have already bifurcated in two very distinct types of courses when compared in terms of their underpinning theory, format and structure, known as c-MOOCs and x-MOOCs. The concept of openness behind each of the formats is also very different. Previous studies have shown that c-and x-MOOCs share some common features but that they clearly differ on the learning theory and pedagogical model on which they stand. In this paper we extend earlier findings and concentrate on the concept of "openness" behind each format showing important differences. Keywords Distance Education; Massive Open Online Course; MOOC; Open Course; Open Learning; Openness"
Claude Almansi

Learning Creative Learning (MIT Media Lab Open Course) - 0 views

    " Sign-up is now closed. But don't worry, we'll definitely be back! Follow us at @medialabcourse for updates. Free & Online! You've been dying to take the MIT Media Lab course on creative learning, but you're not in Cambridge? Despair no more. We invite you to join the course right here, on the interwebs. It's free of charge and we hope you'll like it. A Big Experiment This is a big experiment. Things will break. We don't have all the answers. Sometimes we plan to rely on you to make it work. But we'll try our very darndest to make sure you have a good time, and get something out of it. Weekly Lessons Make new friends, and start learning from weekly live videos, readings, discussions, and project-based activities. Open for signup now, course starts February 11th. Questions? Drop us a note in our Google+ community or send us an email at All materials licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license."
Claude Almansi

The MOOC Guide (Stephen Downes author/coordinator) - 0 views

    "The purpose of this document is two-fold: - to offer an online history of the development of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - to use that history to describe major elements of a MOOC Each chapter of this guide looks at one of the first MOOCs and some early influences. It contains these parts: - a description of the MOOC, what it did, and what was learned - a description of the element of MOOC theory learned in the offering of the course - practical tools that can be used to develop that aspect of a MOOC - practical tips on how to be successful Contribute to this Book You are invited to contribute. If you participated in a MOOC, add a paragraph describing your experience (you can sign your name to it, so we know it's a personal story). If you know of resources or can add information about an element of MOOC theory, add to or edit the text that already exists. If you know of tools, provide a link to the tool, a short description, and your assessment of the tool. If you have a tip, add the tip. In order to participate, please email or message your contact details, and we'll you to the list of people who can edit pages. Send your request to Your contributions will be accepted and posted under a CC-By license. Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Thanks for your participation. The finished product will be published online and made freely available on the web. Stephen Downes"
    Trad: Questo documento ha un doppio scopo: - offrire una storia online dello sviluppo del Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - adoperare questa storia per descrivere elementi importanti di un MOOC. Ogni capitolo di questa guida esamina uno dei primi MOOC ed alcune delle influenze iniziali. È composto di: - una descrizione del MOOC, di cosa vi si è fatto ed imparato - una descrizione dell elemento della teoria dei MOOC imparato nell'offrire il corso - strumenti concreti che possono essere adoperati per sviluppare quell'aspetto di un MOOC - consigli concreti per la riuscita Contribuite a questo Libro Siete invitati a contribuire. Se avete partecipato a un MOOC, aggiungete un paragrafo dove descrivete la vostra esperienza (potete firmare il vostro nome, così sapremo che si tratta di una storia personale). Se conoscete risorse o se potete aggiungere informazioni su un elemento della teoria dei MOOC, aggiungetelo al testo esistente o modificatelo. Se conoscete strumenti, date un link allo strumento, una breve descrizione, e la vostra valutazione dello strumento. Se avete un consiglio, aggiungete quel consiglio. Per partecipare, mandateci un e-mail o un messaggio con i dati per contattarvi, e vi aggiungeremo alla lista di coloro che possono modificare le pagine. Mandata la vostra richiesta a I vostri contributi verranno accettati e pubblicati sotto una licenza Creative Commons BY (attribuzione) Grazie della vostra partecipazione. Il prodotto finito verrà pubblicato online e reso liberamente accessibilie sul web Stephen Downes.
fabrizio bartoli

Pipes: Rewire the web - 0 views

    "About Pipes Pipes is a powerful composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web. Like Unix pipes, simple commands can be combined together to create output that meets your needs: - combine many feeds into one, then sort, filter and translate it.  - geocode your favorite feeds and browse the items on an interactive map. - power widgets/badges on your web site. - grab the output of any Pipes as RSS, JSON, KML, and other formats."
fabrizio bartoli

GoogleFaces « this is onformative a studio for generative design. - 0 views

    Google Faces searching for faces on Google Maps,  The way we perceive our environment is a complex procedure. By the help of our vision we are able to recognize friends within a huge crowd, approximate the speed of an oncoming car or simply admire a painting. One of human's most characteristic features is our desire to detect patterns. We use this ability to penetrate into the detailed secrets of nature. However we also tend to use this ability to enrich our imagination. Hence we recognize meaningful shapes in clouds or detect a great bear upon astrological observations. Objective investigations and subjective imagination collide to one inseparable process. The tendency to detect meaning in vague visual stimuli is a psychological phenomenon called Pareidolia, and captures the core interest of this project.  video tutorial:
Claude Almansi

Weeks Pages - CyberOne Wiki (2006) - 1 views

    "Welcome to the Weeks Pages for CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion. These pages will primarily be maintained by the Harvard Law School students enrolled in the course, but, as is customary with a Wiki, are available for anyone to edit. There will be (at least) one page for each week of the course. On these pages you can expect to find a presentation of all of the material from the particular week of the course including the video of the lecture (once it is available), notes from the class meeting, summaries and discussions of the readings, and more. We invite everyone to engage in open discussion of the week's materials on the discussion page for a given week. "
Claude Almansi

USPTO releases 142 pages of emails sent by MPAA to USPTO over the treaty for the blind ... - 1 views

    "Submitted by James Love on 22. June 2013 - 14:22 Attached is an electronic copy of a FOIA received from USPTO, of email messages sent by MPAA lobbyists to the USPTO, about the WIPO negotiations on a treaty for copyright exceptions for persons with disabilities. (Copy here). The FOIA request covered: All correspondence sent to the USPTO from Disney, Viacom, the MPAA or members of the MPAA, regarding the WIPO treaty on copyright exceptions for persons who are blind for the time period 2013."

MOOC Design Principles. A Pedagogical Approach from the Learner's Perspective - 3 views

    The debate around Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is much more focused on the social, institutional, technological and economical aspects than on the need for development of new pedagogical approaches that provide consistent guidance on how to design for this emergent educational scenario.
  • la crescente passione x i mooc mi ha spinto a creare un board apposito dove raccogliere la risorse pertinenti, chi vuole può co-editare inviando la propria e-mail x registrarsi
    Grazie...intanto ho dato un'occhiata a lo ritieni opportuno puoi inserire anche la mia raccolta di risorse OER. L'ho aggiunta a DIIGO proprio ora. E' solo un inizio...conto di arricchirla man mano che trovo altri strumenti...dal tuo PIN relativo all'OER intanto prelevo alcuni link...spero non ti dispiaccia...
Claude Almansi

Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the E-books Press Conference Washington, D.C. - ... - 0 views

    Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the E-books Press Conference Washington, D.C. ~ Wednesday, April 11, 2012 "Earlier today, we filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, against Apple and five different book publishers - Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin and Simon & Schuster. In response to our allegations, three of these publishers - Hachette, HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster - agreed to a proposed settlement. If approved by the court, this settlement would resolve the Department's antitrust concerns with these companies, and would require them to grant retailers - such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble - the freedom to reduce the prices of their e-book titles. The settlement also requires the companies to terminate their anticompetitive most-favored-nation agreements with Apple and other e-books retailers. In addition, the companies will be prohibited for two years from placing constraints on retailers' ability to offer discounts to consumers. They will also be prohibited from conspiring or sharing competitively sensitive information with their competitors for five years. And each is required to implement a strong antitrust compliance program. These steps are appropriate - and essential in ensuring a competitive marketplace. Beginning in the summer of 2009, we allege that executives at the highest levels of the companies included in today's lawsuit - concerned that e-book sellers had reduced prices - worked together to eliminate competition among stores selling e-books, ultimately increasing prices for consumers. As a result of this alleged conspiracy, we believe that consumers paid millions of dollars more for some of the most popular titles. During regular, near-quarterly meetings, we allege that publishing company executives discussed confidential business and competitive matters - including Amazon's e-book retailing practices - as part of a conspiracy
fabrizio bartoli

Maps and the Geospatial Revolution - 2 views

    "Education Website Learn how to make maps that tell great stories. Welcome to the official Facebook page for the MOOC on Mapping taught by Dr. Anthony Robinson from Penn State on Coursera. Follow the class on Twitter:"
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