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fabrizio bartoli

Home - Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software - 2 views

    "What it is What is mind mapping Freeplane is a free and open source software application that supports thinking, sharing information and getting things done at work, in school and at home. The core of the software is tools for mind mapping (also known as concept mapping or information mapping) and using mapped information. Freeplane runs on any operating system that has a current version of Java installed. It can be run locally or portably from removable storage like a USB drive. Application areas Application areas Freeplane supports much more than classic static mind mapping. This is illustrated by the mind map Application areas on the right which summarizes the kind of tasks supported by Freeplane. Click on the hyperlink below the image to navigate the map. Read the node called Caption to learn how to navigate the map and unhide hidden information. And click the node Demonstration creating a map to see how easy it is to make a map. In the center of the map Application areas you see an elliptical form which contains the central topic (root node) of the map. Extending from it are branches with subtopics (child nodes). At the border you see free topics which are independent of the root-tree. All topics can be formatted or styled and can contain text, hyperlinks, pictures and more; and can be connected with labelled lines or arrows. Also a topic (node) can represent hidden information which shows when the user wants it or can be automatically executed (formula). Or content can be password protected or connected to a particular time or filter."
fabrizio bartoli

Esri Story Maps for Education: Creating, 1 of 2 - YouTube - 7 views

    "Esri Story Maps for Education: Creating, 2 of 2" Pubblicato in data 11/gen/2013 Esri Story Maps for Education: Creating Story Maps, 1 of 2. How can you create a Story Map from the provided templates? It is easy, fun, and a creative process. Most importantly, Story Maps can be used in many ways in education because maps are powerful story telling tools.
    Davvero uno strumento potente, questo Esri Story Maps. Carino anche perché ti porta a manipolare un po' di codice con soddisfazione - pare. L'inglese è chiaro, lento e preciso, con numerosi sottotitoli per maggiore chiarezza. Molto rispetto per gli stranieri e i non-esperti di computer. Consigliabile però solo a chi ha molto tempo a disposizione, perché è un po' laborioso.
    variazione sul tema, story map creata (diverse sono le cose ancora da mettere a posto) salvando la mappa come app x web usando il Template/modello predisposto su Esri Story maps "Map Tour" ( o qualcosa di simile) che si presta bene per semplici 'album' di elementi , ognuno col suo tumbnail, da visualizzare interattivamente in una mappa - in questo caso i blog. Il modello, come tutti gli altri si basa sul 1) rieditare - vedi il tutorial già condiviso - le piccole parti di codice specifiche della singola mappa oppure 2) creare la mappa col software, in questo caso ArcGis (simile a Google Maps o Google Maps Engine) e salvarla poi come mappa/app pubblica utilizzando il Template prescelto.
fabrizio bartoli

Create a map | BatchGeo - 1 views

shared by fabrizio bartoli on 13 Apr 14 - Cached
    "Copy your data From spreadsheets, to tables in web pages, databases-anywhere you can visualize a table with location data you can paste it into BatchGeo. If you are starting from scratch, we recommend using our Spreadsheet Template to get started with your data, then simply copy the data over to BatchGeo to create a pin map. Validate & set options We make our best guess at your intended columns like the address, city, state, zip code, or latitude / longitude. You may want to set the options yourself if you don't like the default behavior. Map locations We geocode your postcodes / addresses and make your map. It may take a few minutes depending on how many addresses you have, if you already had latitude and longitude in your data it will map instantly. After you are done mapping the addresses you can save to a web page using the "Continue & Save" option."
fabrizio bartoli

Google Earth per il sociale - 5 views

    Non conosci Google Earth e Google Maps? Comincia da qui. Rilancia la tua produzione di mappe con Google Earth e Google Maps. Guarda questi brevi video e fai clic su "Guarda l'esercitazione completa" per cominciare un'esercitazione. Crea annotazioni in Google Earth Aggiungi segnaposto (o punti), percorsi (o linee) e poligoni in Google Earth, quindi incorpora immagini e video di YouTube nei fumetti. Aggiungi sovrapposizioni di foto e immagini Creare un tour fotografico è un gioco da ragazzi: proietta le immagini e le mappe sul terreno e sovrapponi le tue foto ai luoghi in cui le hai scattate. Aggiungi visualizzazioni e prospettive Aggiungi prospettive e visualizzazioni ai segnaposto per gestire le modalità di rappresentazione dei contenuti quando vengono selezionati dagli utenti tramite doppio clic o riprodotti in un tour. Crea un tour commentato Registra e commenta un tour guidato per raccontare agli utenti la tua storia. Per conoscerla, basta che avviino il tour in Google Earth, si mettano belli comodi, guardino e ascoltino. Incorpora Google Earth nel tuo sito Integrare nel tuo sito web un progetto e un tour di Google Earth è facilissimo con i gadget per l'incorporamento di file KML e di tour. Importa dati GPS in Google Earth Scopri come importare dati GPS in Google Earth. Importa dati GIS in Google Earth Scopri come importare dati GIS vettoriali e raster in Google Earth. Crea una mappa utilizzando Personalizza Maps Utilizza "Personalizza Maps" per indicare punti, linee e poligoni su una mappa di Google personalizzata e condividila con più persone. Incorpora Google Maps nel tuo sito web Incorpora facilmente nel tuo sito web o nel tuo blog una mappa personalizzata contenente indicazioni stradali o risultati di ricerca. Puoi incorporare anche mappe create da altri utenti. Crea annotazioni in Google Earth
fabrizio bartoli

Storytelling with Maps - 4 views

    "A gallery of Esri story maps Esri publishes story maps with three goals: To showcase interesting and important topics; to explore techniques and best practices for map-based storytelling; and to help enable people to make their own story maps"
fabrizio bartoli

Storytelling with Maps - Template Gallery - 5 views

    "Story map templates Templates provide an easy way to publish your own story map (without having to write code). Each template uses a distinct story-telling technique. You supply the web map and the words. File downloads include the web files you will need, plus a readme file explaining configuration"
fabrizio bartoli

How to use the new Google Maps - YouTube - 5 views

    "Google Maps How to use the new Google Maps"
fabrizio bartoli

Maps and the Geospatial Revolution - 2 views

    "Education Website Learn how to make maps that tell great stories. Welcome to the official Facebook page for the MOOC on Mapping taught by Dr. Anthony Robinson from Penn State on Coursera. Follow the class on Twitter:"
fabrizio bartoli

itis blogs thumbnails - galleria blogs attivi itis13 - 25 views

Grazie per i commenti. Si le mie ferie passano tra mooc, mare, compleanni dei bimbi e faccende domestiche un mix originale ma il web è tra le distrazioni...

#ltis13 blogs images map

fabrizio bartoli

Maps Engine Lite - 1 views

    Google Maps Engine Potenti strumenti per creare e condividere mappe. Non solo per gli esperti.
fabrizio bartoli

Messing with Maps in Popcorn - 1 views

    Messing with Maps in Popcorn un videclip di esempio di videomix creato giostrando sui possibili mix di map tools e similaria, immagini, video e altre risorse multimediali. Il mixer è il freetool PopCorn di mozilla, parte della suite di Webmaker.
    a proposito di Rss (è la mia fissa..) ho aggiunto feed per ricavare il feed del blog di popcorn, stavolta (miracle) accettato da e inserito su feedreader, ho copiato 'paro paro' (come dicono i siculi) l'url del feed e incollato sul post fatto (e condiviso su diigo group) sul blog di wordpress. Non so se sarò utile a qualcuno comunque è stato bello fare il tutto da me. thanks
fabrizio bartoli

GoogleFaces « this is onformative a studio for generative design. - 0 views

    Google Faces searching for faces on Google Maps,  The way we perceive our environment is a complex procedure. By the help of our vision we are able to recognize friends within a huge crowd, approximate the speed of an oncoming car or simply admire a painting. One of human's most characteristic features is our desire to detect patterns. We use this ability to penetrate into the detailed secrets of nature. However we also tend to use this ability to enrich our imagination. Hence we recognize meaningful shapes in clouds or detect a great bear upon astrological observations. Objective investigations and subjective imagination collide to one inseparable process. The tendency to detect meaning in vague visual stimuli is a psychological phenomenon called Pareidolia, and captures the core interest of this project.  video tutorial:
fabrizio bartoli

geospatial revolution - limfabweb - 1 views

    "links and materials  from  or related to Coursera geospatial revolution mooc 2013 Maps and the Geospatial Revolution  held by by Dr. Anthony C. Robinson ... part of what the geospatial revolution means is the advent of geospatial technology. Geospatial technology helps us create content that can be changed"
fabrizio bartoli

Geospatial Metadata - Federal Geographic Data Committee - 1 views

    "Geospatial Metadata What are Metadata? A metadata record is a file of information, usually presented as an XML document, which captures the basic characteristics of a data or information resource. It represents the who, what, when, where, why and how of the resource. Geospatial metadata commonly document geographic digital data such as Geographic Information System (GIS) files, geospatial databases, and earth imagery but can also be used to document geospatial resources including data catalogs, mapping applications, data models and related websites. Metadata records include core library catalog elements such as Title, Abstract, and Publication Data; geographic elements such as Geographic Extent and Projection Information; and database elements such as Attribute Label Definitions and Attribute Domain Values."
fabrizio bartoli

Geography Education | - 4 views

    This site is designed for geography students and teachers to find interesting, current supplemental materials.  To search for place-specific posts, browse this interactive map.  To search for thematic posts, see (organized by the APHG curriculum). 
fabrizio bartoli

Odyssey.js - 1 views

    "A simple way for journalists, designers, and creators to weave interactive stories". 1. PICK A TEMPLATE Templates allow you to change the basic way your story will unfold. Designs include scrolling, slide based, and temporal based templates. You can also contribute your own. 2. CRAFT YOUR STORY The Odyssey Editor gives you an easy way to mix written narrative, multimedia, and map based interaction into a beautiful map driven story.
fabrizio bartoli

OpenGeo : Spatial Database Tips and Tricks - 3 views

    "Spatial Database Tips and Tricks Workshop Mapping APIs are great for data display and capture, but how do you build applications that allow query and geoprocessing of spatial data without becoming a Java or C++ programming guru? How about using the power of SQL, the standard database query language, and the spatial extensions provided by SQL Server, Oracle Spatial and PostGIS."
fabrizio bartoli

MindMaple - Mind Mapping Software - Improve Brainstorming Techniques - 3 views

    download page MindMapleLite - Free software for mindmapping - software gratuito per creare mappe concettuali interattive
fabrizio bartoli

Pipes: Rewire the web - 0 views

    "About Pipes Pipes is a powerful composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web. Like Unix pipes, simple commands can be combined together to create output that meets your needs: - combine many feeds into one, then sort, filter and translate it.  - geocode your favorite feeds and browse the items on an interactive map. - power widgets/badges on your web site. - grab the output of any Pipes as RSS, JSON, KML, and other formats."
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