Learning Creative Learning (MIT Media Lab Open Course) - 0 views
Claude Almansi on 15 Mar 13" Sign-up is now closed. But don't worry, we'll definitely be back! Follow us at @medialabcourse for updates. Free & Online! You've been dying to take the MIT Media Lab course on creative learning, but you're not in Cambridge? Despair no more. We invite you to join the course right here, on the interwebs. It's free of charge and we hope you'll like it. A Big Experiment This is a big experiment. Things will break. We don't have all the answers. Sometimes we plan to rely on you to make it work. But we'll try our very darndest to make sure you have a good time, and get something out of it. Weekly Lessons Make new friends, and start learning from weekly live videos, readings, discussions, and project-based activities. Open for signup now, course starts February 11th. Questions? Drop us a note in our Google+ community or send us an email at medialabcourse@p2pu.org. All materials licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license."