50+Ways - StoryTools - 0 views
Claude Almansi on 05 Mar 13"Below you will find 50+ web tools you can use to create your own web-based story. They are grouped into categories of tool types, but you can also access a complete list of all tools. Each link points to a full entry on the tool that includes a description, links and embedded versions of the original Dominoe story, links to other stories created in the tool, and some more feedback that can help you decided if the tool might be of interest. People who join this wiki can contribute to the content on these pages (learn more...). Again, your mission is not to review or try every single one (that would be madness, I know), but pick one that sounds interesting and see if you can produce something. But before rummaging around the toolbox, have you done your prep work? Do you have your story idea or presentation concept outlined, developed? This should be on paper or in a document file or scribbled on the back of a napkin, but do not rely on making it up as you go! If not, go back 2 spaces and do this now. Next- do you have your media assets available, your images, video clips, audio files-- if not go find your media now."