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How To Test and Increase Your Internet Speed - 3 views

  • and reliable Internet access can make all the difference between a good and an excruciating web experience.
  • first step is to test your Internet connection download and upload speeds at a site like or to see if you're actually getting the rated connection speed from your ISP.
  • free public DNS services
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  • your ISP's DNS servers are set by default in the router or your computer
  • you can change the settings to a faster, more reliable, and more up-to-date DNS server.
  • How quickly you access websites and online services is determined in large part by the DNS servers settings on your computer or network router.
  • call your Internet service provider or visit their website's help section to find out how to get the speed you are paying for.
  • You may also be able to increase your broadband speed by adjusting your network device settings or using web accelerators,
  • speed tweaks can cause system instability and may only provide small speed increases that may not make all the effort worth it if your current online connection speeds are acceptable.
  • What's an acceptable speed?
    This article is talking about speed up people's internet access in life. When people want to speed it up , they need to test their internet access speed at first, such as they could go to the People also could chanfe their DNS settings to a faster, more reliable DNS server. Like Google and OpenDNS have free public DNS serviecs that can greatly increase their web browsing speeds and offer features like improved security. What's more, people can contact their ISP if their have slower than expected speeds. Last way is to tweak their DSL or Cable Settings by adjusting their network device settings or using web accelerators.
    It is important to have a fast speed internet in a hotel industry. To provide a good service to your guests, you have to be on top of things, especially using the network and reservation system. The computer systems facilitates the employees in that in helps with the speed of their task, therefore a fast internet speed will only work in the hotel's advantages.

DevOps and right-speed IT | Deloitte University Press - 0 views

  • Dupress
  • Forward-thinking CIOs are embracing delivery models that distribute agile experience more evenly across teams, seeking to optimize enterprise IT at a speed that’s right for the entire IT organization.
  • Leading organizations are building on the simple two-speed IT mindset and recognizing they must be able to support a continuum of speeds in order to dial in the right approach for a specific initiative, with the underlying disciplines, capabilities, platforms, and talents to appropriately support the actual breadth of business needs.
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  • Right-speed IT must address three broad categories: procedural, architectural, and organizational. Let’s move beyond rhetoric and dig into each area
  • Right-speed IT is an acknowledgement that IT departments need more ammunition to organize, interact, and deliver value to the business.
    This article expounds how important the speed of IT is in order to effectively balance business value, risks, and technical feasibility. The article continues to explain how the speed of IT should be as fast as possible unlike traditional single-speed delivery models that work well for high-torque enterprise operations did not work well for high-speed innovation. According to the article, a growing number of CIOs realize that projects often require additional gears that meet their specific needs and cadences. With investments in foundational and flexible procedural, architectural, and organizational domains, right-speed IT can help turn simplistic models and philosophical discussions into concrete value. In conclusion, CIOs are finding a balance between high torque enterprise IT and high-speed innovation IT can allow companies to optimize technology operations.

The State of the Wi-Fi: a Look at Hotel Internet in 2015 | Travel + Leisure - 0 views

  • Hotels are finally dropping internet fees—only to replace them with "tiered service" and sometimes unimpressive speeds.
  • a growing number of properties have adopted a tiered model, offering free basic service but adding an often hefty charge— as much as $30 a day—for premium speeds.
  • basic Wi-Fi at many hotels measures less than three megabits per second (Mbps), which is just enough for e-mailing and Web browsing—leaving some guests no choice but to pay for the faster speed
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  • Experts predict that within the next decade, data rates will reach a whopping 10 gigabits per second at hotels.
    This article reveals that many hotels have stopped charging for internet service. However, many of these hotels are offering very low speeds. At these low speeds many normal computing functions cannot be performed. However, many of these hotels are offering higher speeds for a price. The article suggests that customers will seek out brands that offer higher speeds at no cost and concludes by predicting that hotels will eventually offer very fast speeds as an industry standard.
Claire Conway

How Fast Is Your Hotel Internet Connection? || HotelChatter - 1 views

  • Nearly two-thirds of hotels offer free WiFi, whether it be free outright, free if you join the loyalty program or free if you simply make your reservation directly with the hotel.
  • if the hotel doesn't offer a tiered WiFi plan where you can pay extra to have more bandwidth and a faster speed then really, that hotel touting its free WiFi is completely useless.
  • these speeds vary wildly from hotel to hotel and at this point, it's pretty impossible to say which hotel brand is doing it best.
    This article discusses the difference of internet speeds in hotel rooms. Many hotels that offer free wifi have some of the slowest internet speeds available. Usually the internet bandwith is about 1 to 2 mbps per room. Since the connection speed is so slow the free wifi is basically useless to the guest. Some hotels are offering guests a tiered wifi plan at an additional price that has more bandwith and faster speed. So then the advertised free wifi isn't really free anymore. The article lists the different internet speeds from various hotels found by

Everything you need to know about SpaceX's Starlink and 'space internet' | TechRadar - 0 views

  • Starlink is a plan by SpaceX to put 12,000 satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO) that offer high-speed, low-latency, cheap internet access to anyone anywhere on the planet.
  • All you would need to use Starlink is a $200 pizza box-sized receiver.
  • over 10,000 people have enrolled in the public beta test which launched last year.
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  • Starlink satellites will be 65 times closer to Earth than geostationary satellites, and could also offer speeds of 10Gbps, which is faster than fiber optic internet.
    SpaceX created Starlink to offer high-speed cheap internet to anywhere in the world. One satellite talks to four others using lasers as they orbit Earth to create ku-band and ka-band broadband connectivity. There will of course be a massive network of ground-based stations. Users in the beta for Starlink have reported they're achieving download speeds of 100mbps and upload speeds of 20mpbs with latency at or below 31 milliseconds. The goal for Starlink is to be 10gbps.

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. and O3b Networks Expand Business Partnership to Provide Gu... - 1 views

  • Royal Caribbean was the first to enlist O3b's new maritime offering O3bMaritime aboard, Allure of the Seas' sister ship, Oasis of the Seas when they signed a contract last summer. Now guests and crew aboard Allure of the Seas will be able to enjoy lightning fast download speeds and performance that is anticipated to also be four times more responsive than existing and planned GEO satellite systems. O3bMaritime will be the only satellite system capable of enabling cruise line guests and crew broadband services on par with onshore telecommunication standards.
  • Royal Caribbean was the first to enlist O3b's new maritime offering O3bMaritime aboard, Allure of the Seas' sister ship, Oasis of the Seas when they signed a contract last summer. Now guests and crew aboard Allure of the Seas will be able to enjoy lightning fast download speeds and performance that is anticipated to also be four times more responsive than existing and planned GEO satellite systems. O3bMaritime will be the only satellite system capable of enabling cruise line guests and crew broadband services on par with onshore telecommunication standards.
  • O3b Networks has signed a second historic, multi-year deal with Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. to provide high-speed satellite-delivered broadband service
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  • "The partnership between O3b Networks and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. continues to expand, and the real winners are the guests and crew aboard the most innovative ships at sea. The alliance is based on a shared mission built on the belief that the Internet should always be within reach - on land and at sea."
    Royal Caribbean and O3b Networks have again signed a multi-year contract. O3b will once again be providing "high-speed satellite-delivered broadband service" to the Allure of the Seas. The system used is O3bMaritime and Royal Caribbean was one of the first cruise lines to use this system. This system will be on their two largest ships the Oasis and the Allure based in the Caribbean. It is also the only system that is on par with telecommunication standards on land. Soon O3b will deliver more bandwidth on these two ships than on all other cruise ships in the Caribbean. I personally feel internet access really lacks on many of the cruise lines right now and feel Royal Caribbean is taking a step in the right direction with O3b. My family and I like to cruise a lot and have received very spotty internet access around the globe. In today's world many people still have to check up on work while on vacation or keep in contact with family, it only makes sense for cruise lines to start working on faster internet comparable to on land. I read various cruise line message boards and this is a common complaint about slow internet access or virtually none. In the current economy where all the various lines are in competition against one another, this gives Royal Caribbean a leg up in the competition. Additionally, my understanding the only region where satellite internet is unavailable is off the coast of Japan due to government regulations. This system makes sense to have available one day in more regions.
    I for one am very happy to hear this news. I too have experienced the snail-paced internet "access" on cruise ships. With the high cost per minute and slow speeds, cruisers can't help but feel that they wasted their money. This definitely gives Royal Caribbean an advantage over Carnival, NCL and other large cruise lines. By implementing O3b networks on their two largest and most popular ships, they will reach their target consumer and help spread the word.

How Does Social Media Affect the Hospitality Industry? - Best Hospitality Degrees - 0 views

  • So many businesses within the hospitality industry rely on word of mouth and good reviews from loyal customers that social media is a natural marketing tool
  • The use of social internet platforms like Twitter and Instagram have evolved from a strictly peer-to-peer communication channel to one that allows businesses to effectively engage with clients.
  • communication have changed somewhat, businesses still must apply the fundamental principles of marketing and promotion to get their messages across to their targeted audiences. The difference is the speed and reach that can be achieved by the new digital tools.
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  • The digital nature of the communication channels often encourages greater transparency in consumer responses.
  • hospitality industry can readily engage with consumers and update their products or services for quick improvements that have big pay offs in the long-term.
  • These digital communication channels become key tools used for continuous brand management.
  • since they are essentially engaged in a high-speed, personal relationship with the company.
  • A company with a great product or service does not have to wait long to reap the fruits of their marketing labors because their enthusiastic customers become members of a built in marketing team.
    Social media are becoming increasingly popular as a powerful marketing tool. The article describes three ways in which the hotel industry can use social media to improve the quality of its products and services. Using that marketing allows hotels to effectively engage with clients at speed faster. Improving customer relationship management since this tool as a communication channel encourages greater transparency in consumer responses. Conducting reputation management, since this channel lets customers feel that they essentially engaged in a high-speed, personal relationship with the hotel and enthusiastic customers of the hotel may become "members" to build in the marketing team of the hotel.
Ashley Reed

Virtually There: Property Management Systems Expand Far Beyond Their Original Scope-and... - 0 views

  • Over the years PMSs have steadily improved by adding more
  • Virtualization
  • Speed of Implementation
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  • The Cloud
  • Flexibility.
  • Connection Loss.
  • More Complete Range of Applications
  • Data Security.
  • Better Security.
  • Virtualization
  • The Cloud
  • Many vendors have also expanded their coverage into revenue management, sales and catering, spa/golf/activities and so on, within their own software and/or by interfacing to specialized systems from other vendors.
  • a search for a system (or system set) with much broader capabilities.  These usually include marketing, multiproperty reservations, distribution channel management and coverage of every aspect of the guest experience, both on and off property. 
  • Property management systems (PMSs) have been fundamental software in every hotel for decades
  • As more guest and operating information needs to be captured and managed, many hotels and resorts need multiple other systems to complement the PMS. However, the more applications are required, the greater the amount of computer room hardware needed to run them and the more complex the support requirements become. 
  • Cloud computing takes virtual server tools one stage further, using them to allocate the resources of vast numbers of servers quickly and flexibly among many different companies’ needs
  •   Further, the on-demand flexibility means that hoteliers no longer need to worry about buying and implementing more hardware resources as their businesses grow; they just call up the cloud vendor and ask for it to be allocated.
  • Data storage is another factor,
  • toring all this data on cloud-based servers is cheaper than continually expanding on-site storage, though of course selection of a trusted, secure vendor for the cloud is even more important.
  • There’s one link between the PMS and the revenue management system, one to S&C, one to the GDSs and Web booking sites, and so on, not one per system per property.  Traditional remotely hosted approaches do outsource the support and security issues but can’t provide the economy-of-scale savings nor the flexibility of clouds.
  • Alternatively, since many cloud-based systems are accessed via Web browsers it’s also possible to use 3G (and soon 4G) high-speed cell phone connections to access them if the Internet or other main communications line goes down. 
  • The best approach, though, is to keep a copy of enough critical data on property at all times so that operations can continue even if connection is lost completely.
  • Traditional PMS functionality is still the essential core at every property.  By tracking and managing all aspects of guests’ stays, it’s both a source and collection point for the crucial activity and preference information that forms the basis of all future relationships with them, on and off site.
  • At the same time, the move to cloud-based architecture makes all of these combinations simpler to create, implement and support.
    Traditional PMS functionality is still the critical core at every property. By tracking and managing all aspects of guests' data, it's both a source and collection point for the crucial activity and preference information that forms the basis of all future relationships with the guest. But with the change of technology and the manner we do business today, hotels now need a wider function set than what a traditional PMS provides. Having a PMS on the web and in the clouds is getting more popular. These new Web services make it easier for new vendors to develop fresh approaches and link them quickly and effectively into established systems, providing hoteliers with richer and more varied options. There are more advantages than disadvantages when using cloud computing. The world is changing rapidly and in other for hotels to survive, they have to keep up with those changes.
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    Overall this article gives an overall prospective of how PMS are run. The basics include how PMS systems have move from a completely paper run process to a completely virtual program. This article also speaks of how the us of Clouds has changed the possibilities for PMS systems. Now information can be stored over the internet and accessed from anywhere. The article does mention many draw backs to this process such as outages and server errors. Internet advances have made the speed and flexibility of PMS much more vast.
    Hey all, here is an article I found that talks about the traditional PMS systems for hotels and how it once rained supreme. Now a days, traditional PMS systems are not cutting it anymore because businesses are growing and are trying to find systems that have more functionality. This article brings up a few different options that a business could adopt and put into use. Installing software applications at the property is becoming unmanageably complex. Despite very worthwhile gains in functionality, no PMS will ever cover everything a hotel needs; none offer telephone service, for example. As more guest and operating information needs to be captured and managed, many hotels and resorts need multiple other systems to complement the PMS. The first option the article bring up is Virtualization, Server virtualization is not a new technology, but its adoption by the hospitality industry is relatively recent. The basic concept is that specialized control software allows the physical resources of a single computer server-memory, disk space and computing power-to be divided as needed between several different software applications, each perceived to be running on its own dedicated server. The second option is running a cloud based system, we all know what that is so I will let you read the article. Enjoy
    The author attributes a growth in 'hotel complexity' that is driving the need for a change with traditional PMS systems and the limits of their capabilities. According to the article, the current PMS system is unsustainable and will need to evolve to meet client's demands- such as cloud computing, which is highlighted as being beneficial to hotels especially with regards to flexibility, better security, speed of implementation, etc. The pros and cons of cloud computing are clearly described, the cons mainly being loss of connectivity and security breaching. Although traditional PMS are essential for most hotels, cloud computing could put them at a competitive edge.
Jingjia Zhang

Ruckus Wireless introduces high-speed Wi-Fi wall switch | Hotel Management - 0 views

  • The Ruckus Wi-Fi Wall Switch redefines the deployment model and cost structure for hotels looking to converge their wired and wireless networks into a single infrastructure capable of reliably connecting a new world of in-room IP-based devices and services. For the first time, hotels are now able to offer multiple, high-value IP-based services over a single wired/wireless network at the highest performance and lowest cost per room.
  • The Ruckus Wi-Fi Wall Switch was purposely developed to meet the growing demands within hotels to connect in-room devices that are now IP-enabled while concurrently supporting a broader range of IP-based services. Beyond high-speed Internet access (HSIA), hotels want to deliver these new services - such as high definition television and video on demand (VOD), digital advertising, voice communications, hotel service optimization, in-room device monitoring and even environmental room controls - over a single, unified and centrally managed wired/wireless network.
    Recent years, in China, hotel industry has a fast growth. Especially the Olympic Games and The World Expo were hold in China. For lots of high standard hotel, the WIFI internet access becomes necessary. China has been one of the fastest developing markets for many Wi-Fi firms, Ruckus is one of them. The Asia-Pacific region is the fastest growth region and China business is the fastest-growing part in the region. Globally, Wi-Fi technology is one of the few industries that could maintain a 20 percent increase over the years when the world economy is encountering a downturn. The global market scale for Wi-Fi networking providers is about $3 billion this year and it could reach $5 billion by 2015, the CEO of Ruckus estimated. For the China market and the problems of hotel, Ruckus published the high-speed Wi-Fi wall switch technology. This new technology redefines the deployment model and cost structure for hotels looking to converge their wired and wireless networks into a single infrastructure capable of reliably connecting a new world of in-room IP-based devices and services. Meanwhile, the rapid-growing hospitality industry in China is likely to become another gold mine for Wi-Fi providers. Ruckus wants to grasp this opportunity.
Jia Kim

Internet dominates hotel guest complaints | Hotel Management - 1 views

  • The quality of Internet service remains the top problem
    • Dibakar Desouza
      I feel that this problem is primarily only in the US. In my experience in hotels in Asia Pacific, we are always getting very high scores on our GSI survey just simply because we are always increasing the speed on the internet just to ensure it satisfy's our guests. Now a days, free internet/high speed internet is the important criteria guests are looking for when selecting a hotel.
  • While Internet usage during a hotel stay continues to steadily increase, it remains the top problem experienced by guests.
  • 31 percent had an issue with their Internet service in terms of connection and/or speed
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  • Overall guest satisfaction averages 777 on a 1,000-point scale, up 20 points from 2012
  • largest increases in reservation, cost and fees, and check-in/check-out.
    This article is about customers' satisfaction related with quality of internet service during the hotel staying. Internet usage during a hotel stay continues to steadily increas, it remains a top problem. Among guests who report complaints, 31% had an issue with their Internet serivce in terms of connection and speed. However, despite all these complaints about Internet issues, hotel guests are satisfied with their hotels than last year. According to 2013 North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index study, overall guests satisfaction arose 20 points from 2012, it averages 777 on a 1,000-point scale.

How technology is transforming hotel point-of-sale systems | Hotel Management - 3 views

  • Technology has transformed point of sale into point of experience
  • elf-ordering via their smartphone by the pool or wherever they happen to be and increased guest satisfaction with guest payment
  • Because the staff members have appropriate intelligence readily in their hands, personalization can happen
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  • easy to summon service in “non-F&B” areas
  • The card data is processed only by the payment gateway to/from the acquiring bank and only the final transaction approval code is passed to the POS, without the card data
  • The hotel F&B space continues to show growth, with overall consumer spending increasing 4.9 percent in 2017 and showing a robust 5.5-percent annual growth since 2011
  • associated mobile apps have the potential to increase top-line [food-and-beverage] sales in hotels by 5 [percent] to 10 percent without significant costs
  • hotel food-and-beverage revenue per occupied room increased 1.6 percent during 2017. F&B RevPOR reached $105.56, up from $103.93 in 2016, according to STR.
  • POS vendors have moved away from storing card data on their application and network. Many vendors no longer pass through or process any card data on their POS systems. Rather, they link and integrate to certified payment gateways. Payment devices are encrypted and secured, and client card data is always encrypted and totally separated from the POS terminal.
  • Technology is allowing for an extreme and pronounced change in point-of-sale systems
  • Mobile POS provides several benefits for hotels and guests alike. With mobile POS, the speed of service is dramatically increased because the staff can bring mobile ordering directly to guests, anywhere on property
  • POS technology has been a great partner in these efforts by making POS systems easier than ever to use, and mobility plays a role in impacting the increase in consumer spending, Wisell said
  • Call-for-service technology, deployed tableside and in under-serviced areas such as lobbies, coupled with mobile ordering apps, offer hotels an opportunity to increase sales
  • Mobile POS also lays the groundwork for future integration with artificial intelligence or customer-relationship-management systems.
  • “Hotels can spend millions of dollars on a remodel but if they don’t have the right point of experience, it can still result in a one- or two-star rating,” he said.
    • cleon087
      This shows that importance of POS, and how it can transform a business for the good or bad.
  • Mobile is now
    • cleon087
      People are starting to expect this, they even want more of a variety of different ways to pay that can be determining if you get business or not.
  • Hinojosa said
    • cleon087
      Were always looking for a way to make the experience more personalized and this is one way.
  • with
    • cleon087
      When guest get their food quicker and accurately this helps the experience and revenue.
  • they are the face of the property
  • u recognize them and are honored they are here with you again.”
  • “Whenever a guest is seated in the lobby and wants a take-away coffee, they can order one and not only when a staff member notices the guest in a restaurant,
    • cleon087
      This is really good because it is hard as a front desk agent to give attention to the guest since the moment they step in but with this they can request their snack or drink that they want.
  • While there is interest in the potential of AI and chatbots for roomservice and self-service ordering, these are not yet ready for a widespread rollout at this time, Wisell said.  
  • “Data scientists can be used in the back of the house on the kitchen side, too—optimizing the production line,” he said. “Looking at the analytics behind the performance will reduce the wait times in the front of the house.”
    • cleon087
      This will optimize performance
  • hotels don’t want to cross the line into creepy.
    Mobile POS has boosted F&B growth due to the ability to complete sales much faster and from non-F&B serviced areas of the property. The mobility contributes greatly to the increase in customer spending. With this mobility, companies must ensure compliance with PCI standards, and ensure that no credit card information is stored directly on the POS terminal. The article also touches on the subject of tokenization, and the usage of technology to secure a "token" rather than actual card data aids in reducing security risks.
  • ...4 more comments...
    This article was about how technology has had a great influence on point of sale systems within the hospitality industry. According to a senior director of product manager at Agilysys, Mike Hinojosa, he states that technology has transformed point of sale into point of experience. I personally agree with this because lately I expect hotels to have the latest in technology when it comes to POS and when I encounter a poor POS I automatically think they lack in providing the best for their guests. This article talks a lot about how mobile POS provide benefits for both parties and how it has increased guest satisfaction. "With mobile POS, the speed of service is dramatically increased because the staff can bring mobile ordering directly to guests, anywhere on property." According to this article, POS systems help boost F&B spending growth and they have become more secure throughout the years. "The hotel F&B space continues to show growth, with overall consumer spending increasing 4.9 percent in 2017 and showing a robust 5.5-percent annual growth since 2011, according to Technomic". It's said that mobile POS has helped F&B growth because it gives users the ability to into quicker sales and in different areas throughout the properties. For example, a waiter walking around a pool taking orders instead of having the guests walk to the poolside bar to place an order. Collecting payment has also become safer and easier with POS systems because of the PCI standards.
    Technology is allowing for an extreme and pronounced change in point-of-sale systems. The speed of service for the guest in a hotel has dramatically went up because of point of scale systems. It is more convenient and quicker for guests to get things or to order things.
    This article is about the employment of technology in the hospitality industry.
    This article is about how technology is transforming the POS experience by providing a more advanced security solution and a mobile platform. The article highlights how this new technology supports both the client and staff experience. The technology also provides a financial benefit in increasing sales by 5% and reducing cost by 10%.
    POS Technology has developed majorly over the past years. Growing developing offering mobile devices that can help workers pace themselves and generate more sales. These programs also offer extra data security to protect the clients information against fraud. This device is perfect for sport arenas, bar, golf course and more open outdoor and large venues that cater to voluminous crowds.
    This article is about the benefits of technology in POS systems. It shows how the technology can personalize the experience of the guest by having them be able to order from the moment they step into the lobby. The article also discusses how all the technology is good but in the hospitality we are walking on a fine line that we don't want to cross to creepy with biometrics. Technology offers efficiency in speed and will give a better experience. Not only this but it talks about how POS is becoming more secure, and how people want to pay in different ways.
Marcos Oliveira

Optima Go Green - Green PMS for Hotels - 0 views

  • Go Green
  • Until now, reservations offices used to be filled up with papers, files, folders and paper racks. Each reservation was written on paper with faxes, vouchers and other documents physically attached to it. There was always the danger of fire or other means of damage that would result in permanent loss of those papers. There is no doubt that hotels need to work in paperless environment. Optima Go Green solution is all about managing documents without wasting time and space
  • There was always the danger of fire or other means of damage that would result in permanent loss of those papers. There is no doubt that hotels need to work in paperless environment.
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  • There was always the danger of fire or other means of damage that would result in permanent loss of those papers. There is no doubt that hotels need to work in paperless environment
  • presentation of guest folio on an iPad, or similar device
  • presentation of guest folio on an iPad, or similar device
  • advance check in that can be done on the Internet or Smart-phones up to 24 hours before check in, saving the need to print registration cards and speeds up the checkin process at the hotel.
  • advance check in that can be done on the Internet or Smart-phones up to 24 hours before check in, saving the need to print registration cards and speeds up the checkin process at the hotel.
  • advance check in that can be done on the Internet or Smart-phones up to 24 hours before check in, saving the need to print registration cards and speeds up the checkin process at the hotel.
  • advance check in that can be done on the Internet or Smart-phones up to 24 hours before check in, saving the need to print registration cards and speeds up the
  • presentation of guest folio on an iPad, or similar device
  • Optima Go Green allows the hotels using Optima Hotel Management Solution to go the extra mile and reduce the total amount of paper used by implementing Optima green solutions
    Optima Go Green allows hotels using the Optima Hotel Management Solution property management system to go the extra mile and reduce the total amount of paper used by implementing Optima green solutions. The Optima Go Green solution includes features such as advance up to 24hours before using a smart phone; guest checkout allowing the guest folio to be viewed via an iPad; scanning of IDs to save time and ensure accuracy, managerial reports being able to be directly sent to the appropriate manager without having the need of being printed; allowing managers to check rate strategies and availability online on their smart phones. The maon concept of Optima goGreen is a cost effective solution which is all about managing documents without wasting time and space. This article tied in with the previous weeks discussion about green initiatives. A hotel's priamry office expense is paper and toner. By printing less we are drastically saving money by not having to waste paper. Storage is also cut down because the need of storing paper is eliminated. In such a tech savvy world, this is definitely the way to go.
sophia edwards

ASUS Launches First Intel Thunderbolt Certified Motherboard | Hardware Secrets - 0 views

    The thunderbolt will have high-speed data connection technology that provides a maximum of 10 GBPS transfer rate. This will be the first thunderbolt motherboard to be certified by Intel. By having a motherboard as unique as this one, computers will be able to operate a higher speed, which can optimize work performance. This motherboard will also have six USB ports, 4 PCI Express slots and much more accessories. I believe having a Computer with this hardware can be beneficial to any company, especially when working with various projects and software. How do you feel this motherboard can impact a business on a day to day basis? below i have included the webpage for you to check out the articles on this motherboard.
Hanlu Hu

E-Commerce for the Hospitality Industry | The Moscow Times - 6 views

  • E-commerce has been defined as "the buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers over the Internet."
  • Accelerating Internet usage worldwide The Internet is the lowest cost hotel-booking channel Most travelers research hotel reservations on the Internet Social media and online hotel reviews are an increasingly important decision factor The web is the preferred media source for travel information, favored 17:1 over television and 6:1 over newspapers and magazines.
  • Adding real time search functionality to your site, capability to generate user reviews, launching contests helps to build fresh content and quality links
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  • Heavy graphics, animation and flash demos cause your site to perform slowly. Sites that are built keeping these guidelines in mind will deliver better user experiences, will perform better on search engines, and ultimately drive higher ROI.
  • As things stand now, mobile queries represent about 10% of all queries made on Google. People are using mobile devices to conduct searches, as well as share content, connect with friends and browse the web
  • Embracing social media. 93 percent of social media users expect companies to have a social presence. 85 percent of social media users want companies to interact with them on social sites. A well-planned social initiative can turn fans into brand evangelists.
  • The Internet has consolidated itself as a very powerful platform that has changed the way we communicate, and the way we do business.
  • The growing importance of e-commerce in the modern hospitality industry has created an urgent need for simple solutions to manage companies' online presence. Now that each hotel is involved in e-commerce, why is hotel e-commerce so important today?
  • We forget that the human brain can only consume limited information. It is important to take a holistic approach and prioritize information. Good web site architecture and organized content improves site usability and its efficiency when used with search engines.
    • yan xie
      It is true that we always forge how many information the human brain will take at once. Although the e-commerce is the good way for customers to know the new products and new service from the hotels, sometimes the hotels provide so much information to customers. It lets customers confused and does not know what the specifice products can meet their requirements. And sometimes, they feel some hard to understand your service so that they give up hotels service or new products to choose the one they are familiar. So how to make e-commerce usability and efficiency is a new point, which the hospitality industry company need to consider.
  • make sure your ad groups are made up of tightly knit keyword themes and that those keywords are reflected in your ad copy; ensure that your landing pages clearly reflect the offer promoted in the ad copy and includes clear calls to action and conversion factors.
    • yan xie
      As the point two mentioned, the customers cannot get so many information at once, and they also cannot search lots of information at once. So the keyword themes is also another important thing for company to do the promotion and ads. This ads need to have the keywords to clearly reflect the offer promoted for customers. In this way, the customers will catch the information as possible as they can.
  • Top e-commerce sites are continually testing new things. It's the only way to achieve continual improvement.
    • yan xie
      To do the continually testing new things is always a best development way for the developing company. If the company cannot test the new things in their e-commerce sites and e-commerce process, the e-commerce of this company will be far away from other companies. Company need to have the innovation to make some new things for their e-commerce and do the test all the time to select the best way for the business and customers' expericence.
  • hospitality industry has always been among the first to capitalize on new technologies
    The hospitality industry along with the resourcefulness of the Internet has allowed the Russian hospitality industry to benefit and grow with the technology of e-commerce. E-commerce is defined as "the buying and selling of products and service by businesses and consumers over the Internet". This technology is significant due to its beneficial factors of lowering costs, accessibility, decision-making, and media exposure. As well, the article provides for methods and advice regards effective strategies to utilize the Internet. Primarily, the speed of the website's functionality is essential, along with providing compatibility of browsers, thus, allowing for a better experience for users. The information in the website should be efficient, allowing for real time search whether using a mobile phone or a computer. It was informative to read the multiple functionality, that social media is playing in the hospitality industry regards the exposure and marketability. E-commerce has change the market of goods and services, from a tangible experience to digital experience, through the use of online shopping estimated at $228 Billion in 2010, a third derived from the purchase of travel and flight websites, thus, demonstrating the importance of the Internet in relation to consumerism.
  • ...7 more comments...
    This article talks about why hotel E-commerce is essential today and how to go about having E-commerce work for your business/hotel. The article says, "The internet has consolidated itself as a very powerful platform that has changed he way we communicate, and the way we do business." This is the reason why businesses need to utilize the internet. According to the article these are the reasons that hotel e-commerce is important today: the internet is being used worldwide, the internet is the lowest cost hotel-booking medium, the internet is used, by travelers, to research hotels and their reservations, the internet is the home of social media and hotel reviews and the internet is preferred 17:1 over television and 6:1 over newspapers and magazines for travel information. It would be at a hotel's detriment if they do not utilize the internet and e-commerce. It isn't enough to use e-commerce for business but there must be an upkeep. It is extremely beneficial to research or monitor how customers and potential consumers are seeking information and what attracts them to a site. According to the article, e-commerce strategies that would 'help get the best from the internet world' are: 1. Search-friendly website design 2. Improving Conversion and Usability 3. Paid Search 4. Real time Search 5. Mobile Device Market 6. Social Media 7. Testing
    This article mentioned why the ecommerce important for the hospitality industry. And also there are more things they hospitality industry companies need to know. Although the e-commerce is the good way for customers to know the new products and new service from the hotels, sometimes the hotels provide so much information to customers. It lets customers confused and does not know what the specific products can meet their requirements. And sometimes, they feel some hard to understand your service so that they give up hotels service or new products to choose the one they are familiar. So how to make e-commerce usability and efficiency is a new point, which the hospitality industry company need to consider. As the point two mentioned, the customers cannot get so many information at once, and they cannot search lots of information at once. So the keyword themes is also another important thing for company to do the promotion and ads. This ads need to have the keywords to clearly reflect the offer promoted for customers. In this way, the customers will catch the information as possible as they can. It is true that we always forge how many information the human brain will take at once. To do the continually testing new things is always a best development way for the developing company. If the company cannot test the new things in their e-commerce sites and e-commerce process, the e-commerce of this company will be far away from other companies. Company need to have the innovation to make some new things for their e-commerce and do the test all the time to select the best way for the business and customers' experience.
    This article discusses about the application of e-commerce in hospitality industry. Internet has become a very powerful tool for customers when they are planing their travels. As the same time, it has become an important media for hotelierss to improve their businesses. Internet can provider a lot of online sources to customers when they make any dicisions. And how to make your web site become more competitive and attract more customers is the topic of this article. First of all, a good design for the web site is the most important thing for hotelierss. And the download speed is the basic factor. Quick download speed brings a good experience to users, and improves the ranking in organic search. Secondly, improving usability needs to be focused on by hotelierss. Large imformation may not be took in by users. You need to make your customers seethe most important information first. In other word, you need to prioritize your web site and make the imformation more understood. Paid search and real time search are also focused on by the author. Sometimes, paid search can make your hotel more compelling on the search engine. And some tips have been given in this articel to help the hotelierss to maximize conversions. Real time search is similar with paid search, and it needs compelling fresh content and quality incoming links on the web site. Maps, photo galleries, videos and press releases are creative ways to distrivute content on different channels. With more mobiles customers using, mobile represent about 10% of all queries make on Google. Hotels can exand the mobile market and improve the download speed of their site by avoid heavy graphics and flash, making their site is mobile compatible. Social media is in the same condition with mobile. Customers need more connections on social sites, so they want companies to interact with them through the social media. The last point is testing. Every new thing needs a lot of tests. It can provides changes and improvement for
    The article discusses power of internet and how different it is from magazine and television ads. "In terms of time your travel websites are available for are accessible for a longer period of time, the flexibility that the content can be changed without asking someone,if you have a content management system." Also travel websites will help your business potentially reach a wider audience. Another big advantage of having a travel website is it's availability even when your business is closed or no one is available to answer your phone. Everyone knows that there are so many time zones, and the visitors can come from any part of the world. So having a travel websites gives your travel business visibility for all 365 days of year 24x7.
    In hospitality industry, customers are constantly seeking new sources of information to help them make decisions before purchasing services. E-commerce in hospitality industry is about the online buying and selling services. And it's become such an important source for the company and customer. Hospitality businesses are all involved in the trend. Smart hoteliers need to keep a sharp focus on the fundamental shift in ways customers are seeking information and channels that drive maximum return on investment. This article listed several basic e-commerce strategies that will help hoteliers to get the best from the Internet world.
    As new technological advances are being made, the hospitality industry has always been among the first to capitalize on new technologies. The term e-commerce has been defined as the buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers over the internet. Now that hotels are involved directly with e-commerce it becomes even more important today because of the accelerating internet usage worldwide,the internet is still the lowest cost channel for booking, many travelers make their travel decisions via the internet. Embracing social media, 93% of social media users expect companies to have a social presence and 85% of social media users want comoanies to interact with them on social sites. A well-planned social iniative can turn fans into brand evangelists. This article dealt mainly with a brief introduction of what e-commerce is in terms of its defining and what it means to the hospitality industry. With more and more people utilizing the internet each day, the potential to have a person book a hotel room greatly increases. Several search engines have advertisements relating to many hotel companies offering specials and customers will see these ads and book. With more technological advances bound to come into play, its only a matter of time before the practice of e-commerce is taken to another level.
    Over the last decade the population of Internet users has increased rapidly. The hospitality industry has always been among the first to capitalize on new technologies. E-commerce has been defined as "the buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers over the Internet." With hotel e-commerce, the landscape of the hospitality industry is forever changed. Online sales are an important part of the business. The growing importance of e-commerce in the modern hospitality industry has created an urgent need for simple solutions to manage companies' online presence. Now that each hotel is involved in e-commerce, reasons why is hotel e-commerce so important today may because the accelerating internet usage worldwide, the Internet is the lowest cost hotel-booking channel, and social media and online hotel reviews are an increasingly important decision factor.
    E-commerce has become more and more important in our daily life, because many customers today prefer to use internet to help them make decisions. In hospitality industry, e-commerce also plays an important role, as internet is a very cheap and convenient booking channel and many people use the internet intensively. There are many e-commerce strategies for hoteliers, such as making friendly web site design, embracing social media, etc. As e-commerce has so many advantages, I think e-commerce is an opportunity for hoteliers to grasp. It is important for hoteliers to use different strategies to get the best from the internet world.
        This article introduced the function of ecommerce and the ecommerce effect for the hospitality industry. The author listed some important reasons about why hotel ecommerce is so important:1)Accelerating Internet usage worldwide.2)The Internet is the lowest cost hotel-booking channel. 3) Most travelers research hotel reservations on the Internet. 4)Social media and online hotel reviews are an increasingly important decision factor. 5) The web is the preferred media source for travel information, favored 17:1 over television and 6:1 over newspapers and magazines. This article also listed some basic e-commerce strategies that will help hoteliers to take advantage of ecommerce from the Internet world. 1) Search-friendly web site design.2) Improve conversion and usability 3) Paid search. 4) Real time search - natural ranking.5) Mobile.6) Embracing social media. 7) Test, test, test. Top e-commerce sites are continually testing new things.      In a summary, the author suggest smart hoteliers need to keep a sharp focus on the fundamental shift in ways customers are seeking information and channels that drive maximum return on investment. Moreover, hoteliers have to constantly learn and look for ways to harness the power of new developments and trends.
Jingjing Zhu

Core i5 vs. Core i7: What's the Difference? - 0 views

    Intel has three main processors, the i3, i5, and i7. However the biggest market for Intel is the primary mid-range processor i5. It is targeted at the heart of the market, with pricing that is not at budget levels but still affordable, and performance that is extremely quick but not the fastest Intel offers. Intel Turbo Boost is a standard feature on all i5, and i7 processors. As expected, the more you pay, the more you get. For instance, the Core i5 2300 has a base clock speed of 2.8 GHz and a maximum Turbo Boost speed of 3.1 GHz. The Intel Core i7 2600, on the other hand, offers a base clock speed of 3.4 GHz and a maximum Turbo Boost of 3.8 GHz. Another significant performance difference is how the Core i7 and Core i5 products will be handling hyper-threading. Hyper-threading is a technology used by Intel to simulate more cores than actually exist on the processor. While Core i7 products have all been quad-cores, they appear in Windows as having eight cores. This further improves performance when using programs that make good use of multi-threading. However, all Core i5, processors have hyper-threading disabled and all i7 processors have multi-threading enabled. This is a major difference of the two different core processors and gives the i7 an edge over the i5 processors. Last but not least, the average difference in price between the two different processor is about $80 dollars with the i7 processor coming out to be $294 and the i5 processor ranging from $177 to $216 dollars. You are basically paying for the difference of 100 MHz clock speed on the processor and the ability to have multi-threading capabilities.
Joe Cilli

IPads Change Economics, and Speed, of Hotel Wi-Fi-On the Road - - 3 views

  • broad use of iPads and other mobile tablets, which are heavy users of video streaming, the guest room Wi-Fi networks that most hotels thought they had brought up to standard just a few years ago are now often groaning under user demands
  • Hotels, he said, now must choose “either to not increase the amount of bandwidth, so everybody will get much slower service to the point where you’ll think you’re on a dial-up connection,” or upgrade and essentially put in a metered fee-based system.
    Ipads changing our life is absolute. In fact, if there is no ipad, something electronic products can also bring revolution in hotel Wi-Fi networks. To tell the truth, free hotel Wi-Fi is too slow.....last year, I had a internship in Holiday Inn Central Plaza Beijing. There had two kinds of Wi-Fi networks. Free network was cover the whole hotel but the speed was slow. The other that must be paid was faster. Some people had video session prefered the faster one. In addtion, hotels should upload their Wi-Fi networks. It can be an attraction of the hotels.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I've encountered this issue at numerous hotels in my travels. I would be up for paying an increased fee for better wi-fi if I had assurances that that was indeed what I was getting. I think that is the direction most properties will end up going as more people invest in data heavy machines such as tablet pc's, macbook air's and similar products. When I travel I need wi-fi access in my room as well as the conference or meeting rooms, and its hit or miss most times. You would think that they would have an idea of what level of bandwith is needed for 200+ internet marketing professionals but often times that is not the case. I am looking to invest in mobile hotspots such as mi-fi's or similar services provided by AT&T or Verizon, as the convenience of knowing there is a connection I can trust is well worth the investment.
    All I want to say is that...every innovation or something new to use must go through so many tests! I post my bookmark about 5 hours ago,but it didn't work! Until now, after so many times I tried, it suddenly appears and I do not know why... besides, about the Ipad, nowadays is an information era, we obtain and use information during our daily life, some free wi-fi is really helpful for us. I used to connect the internet with lines. If more computers want to go to the internet, it must be use the route, it is so inconvenience..however wi-fi makes us to use the internet wherever we want.
    For a hotel the WiFi system is really important because guests prefer the hotel with WiFi system. The guests even willing to pay a small premium to stay at a WiFi equipped lodgings. As the rise of smart phones and ultra-lightweight laptops case the bandwidth problems. I think the hotel can deal with this problems by create various account levels for guests, stuff and visitors. The hotel can allow the visitors to use free WiFi and provide high level account to overnight guests.
    I personally prefer to use WIFI in my own room when I visit a hotel because I have more privacy. Some hotels they may offer free/complimentary WIFI in the public area, for example, the lobby, the lounge, etc. At the same time, to limit the overuse of public WIFI, the WIFI in the guests' room are charged by different time period and the length of using the WIFI. It seems to be not fair to those business people who require internet all day long. However, it lowers the expense of the WIFI service and improves the guests' satisfaction of the internet service.

E-Commerce for the Hospitality Industry | News | The Moscow Times - 0 views

  • a list of the basic e-commerce strategies that will help to get the best from the Internet world.
  • Site download speed is one of the most important ranking factors in organic search.
  • We forget that the human brain can only consume limited information.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • ensure that your landing pages clearly reflect the offer promoted in the ad copy and includes clear calls to action and conversion factors.
  • Maps, photo galleries, videos and press releases are creative ways to distribute content on different channels.
  • 93 percent of social media users expect companies to have a social presence. 85 percent of social media users want companies to interact with them on social sites.
  • changing one word in a headline increased sales over 3 times
  • Search-friendly web site design
  • Improve conversion and usability. With the increasing volume of information that hoteliers are trying to provide travelers, it is key for hotels to focus on usability and conversion.
  • Paid search. This instantly drives targeted, qualified traffic to the web site and increases conversions.
  • Real time search — natural ranking. Building strong sites with compelling fresh content, and quality incoming links will always be essential for any site.
  • Hotels can leverage the mobile market by optimizing their site for mobile phones, improving the download speed of their site by avoiding heavy graphics and flash, making sure their site is mobile compatible, and promoting mobile sites across all platforms including paid, social and local.
  • Embracing social media.
  • A well-planned social initiative can turn fans into brand evangelists.
  • Hoteliers need to ensure that they are using the full potential of the Internet.
    With the rapid growth and increased use of the Internet over the past 2 decades, industry professional Andrey Smirnov gives 7 tips to other industry leaders on maximizing their presence in e-commerce and in consumer minds: (1) make your website quick to download and easy to find; (2) organize content by prioritizing information; (3) when offering promotions, clearly reflect it with a call to action; (4) distribute 'fresh' content on different channels (i.e., photo galleries, press releases, etc.); (5) maximize on mobile marketing; (6) embrace social media; and (7) continually improve by testing new things.
    The internet is constantly changing, the way we communicate and they way we do business. The hospitality industry is always quick to capitalize on new technologies. However, the e-commerce growth in the hospitality industry has created an urgent need for simple changes to companies' presence online. So when every hotel is involved in e-commerce, why is it so important today? It is simple. Today, the internet is the lowest cost hotel-booking channel. As well as now, most travelers are searching and making hotel reservations online. Lastly, social media and online hotel reviews are increasing and have made an important decision factor. Now, hoteliers need to keep focus on what information customers are seeking and what they are looking for online. There are a few basic strategies that will help drive usage from the internet world. Some of those are: vave a search-friendly website, focus on usability and conversation taking a holistic approach and prioritize information, and lastly make websites compatible for mobile phones. If hoteliers can use the full potential of the internet, they will maximize their return on investment in e-commerce. The hospitality industry needs to constantly learn and look for ways to use the new developments and trends.
    Andrey Smirnov in his article "E-Commerce for the Hospitality Industry highlights how the internet has changed the way business is done not only in the hospitality industry but as a whole. He stresses the importance of e-commerce in the hospitatlity industry and why hoteliers must utilise strategies to ensure they make the most of the marketing and sales opportunties the internet provides. There are a few things that hoteliers must do to make the most of what the internet provides. They include: (1) Search Friendly Website Design - "site download speed is one of the most important ranking factors in organic search" says Smirnov therfore hoteliers must ensure that their site is properly designed and compatible across any browser, any items that causes the site to perform poorly shoud be eliminated as internet users similar to hotel guests tend to only visit sites where they can receive the best experience yet. (2) Improve conversion and Usability - content on website must be properly organised and users must not be bombaded by information. (3)Search - Hoteliers must focus on Paid searches as well as Real time search to increase traffic. Paid searches ensure that your targeted traffic are directed right to you. Whereas with a great web design with strong content that is also timely the natural ranking of the oranisation website can be increased thus increasing tracffic to it. (4)Mobile - Mobile devices have become a popular means of conducting e-business related activities for consumers therefore the hotel that ensures that their online services are accessible from mobile devices will be putting themselves ahead of the game. (5) Embracing Social Media - According to Smirnov 93 percent of social media users expect companies to have a social presence and 85 percent of social media users want companies to interact with them on social sites. With this being said one can see why a social media presence is one that cannot be overlooked. It is important that co

5 Visions For The Future Of POS - Retail TouchPoints - 0 views

    This article was very interesting. It is a short read but it talks about the future POS systems and it is a very cool and definitely increase customer satisfaction. The article mentions five examples which are image scanning, quick sales/mobile POS, RFID, Biometrics, and digital product tracking. Image scanning would recognize items on a conveyor belt so it will eliminate human error like double scanning and will speed up the process. The implementation of quick sales/mobile POS will also speed up the process of check outs by allowing associates and customers the ability to purchase anywhere in the store. RFID will ensure accurate scanning and product security. Instead of a tag on the garment a RFID transponder is printed directly into the cloth or packaging using biodegradable conductive inks. Biometrics will improve store operations and customer experience by personalizing the experience for each customer. Digital product tracking will eliminate the need for checkout lines. This will be done through the customers' mobile device, tracking the items on there and then transferred to the POS or self-checkout. Then a digital receipt will be sent to the mobile device. This article at the end is exciting because of what the future holds for POS systems.

Boosting the efficiency of your POS system - Information Age - 2 views

  • Point-of-sale systems are critical to managing stock, tracking orders, recording customer details, logging hours and numerous other activities that enhance customer service and boost employee performance.
  • Due to the increasing demand to serve customers quickly, POS systems need to be fast and durable.
  • As retailers continue to focus on prioritising customer service, their IT systems need to do more than just process transactions.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • One survey found that 80% of consumers are not willing to wait longer than five minutes in a queue.
  • SSDs enable systems to boot up faster, load data almost instantly and increase overall productivity.
  • However, the price of SSDs has reduced significantly and they are now widely accessible.
  • By installing SSDs into your POS systems, you will notice an increase in productivity and efficiency. POS systems are subject to a range of environments where their durability is tested.
  • They are often prone to shock, bumps and vibrations which could break the hard drive. However, as SSDs have no moving parts there is nothing delicate to break.
  • Data stored on retail systems is an asset and a liability. Self-encrypting SSDs use an encryption engine built into the hardware that encrypts every file.
  • Not only will individual POS systems work better, but the organisation will be more efficient. When everyone is working faster, retailers can serve customers more effectively, beat the competition and make more sales.
  • Point-of-sale (POS) systems are now a vital component of ‘bricks-and-mortar’ retail
    This article is talking about having POS with solid state drives. They do not have moving parts so they are not as delicate as the HHD hardware. Retailers not only want to be efficient in how they run their business by having a reliable POS system but they also want to boost customer service by having a system that works faster. As technology moves at a faster pace, customers are also looking for quicker service. The SSD hardware is self-encrypting, protecting customer data, it boots up faster, energy efficient using less power from the POS and are now widely accessible.
    This is a great article that looks at the positives of the SSD hardware. I think that the main positives to our industry would be, as you noted, the encryption of consumer data, and the speed of the transactions. Customers are very aware that their information can be hacked if the POS doesn't provide an extra layer of protection and this hardware looks to give customers a sense of security. As for speed of the transaction, the data is absolutely accurate regarding whether a person will wait for something to process, or move on to another option. One example is the unattended POS system we spoke of earlier speeding up transactions at restaurants and hotels, whereas having this option in your POS wil just increase efficiency and speed. Thanks for the article!

How Smart Dining Is Changing the Restaurant Industry - - 0 views

  • Automation has already started in major chains and fast-food restaurants and will likely continue to evolve to the logical endpoint
  • it's important to resist alarmist tendencies, because there are positive aspects of smart dining, and the total automation of customer service may not trickle down to neighborhood bistros and independent steakhouses.
  • Either way, nearly all the solutions (at the very least) allow users to efficiently handle some of the most hated tasks in any restaurant: dealing with reservations, waitlists and bookings.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • mPOS systems allow for a greater level of accountability between owners and employees as well as between the front and back of the house, which means servers can focus on connecting with customers and delivering a memorable experience
  • tools like mobile payment tablets allow restaurant owners access to big data that's useful for making front-of-house and operational decisions.
  • Increased revenue is another possible benefit of smart dining
  • Customer loyalty is also built with the use of smart dining technology.
  • those who are there just because they are hungry and those who want to have a meal out. For restaurateurs who focus on the latter clientele, smart dining needn't be equated to total automation.
  • For those who focus on high turnover rather than the service experience, eliminating staff in favor of self-serve tablets may be inevitable once the prices of such systems drop and the public becomes more comfortable with the concept
    This article mainly describes the use and benefits of intelligent technology in restaurants. For chain stores and fast-food restaurants, often pursue speed more than service experience. Therefore, it is profitable for enterprises to replace employees with technological equipment. Of course, this is not to say that restaurants pursuing high-end service experience do not need intelligent technology. As a mobile system, MPOS can effectively simplify the ordering process, increase the rotation speed of the dining table, while also saving guests' time and improving their dining experience. The intelligence of the restaurant table management system also simplifies the reservation process to a certain extent, helping restaurants and users to effectively deal with these complicated processes.
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