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Contents contributed and discussions participated by jiayi017


Can we fix our way out of the growing e-waste problem? - BBC News - 0 views

  • world-wide collections are stagnating or even decreasing
  • In countries where there is no national e-waste legislation in place, e-waste is likely treated as other or general waste. This is either land-filled or recycled, along with other metal or plastic wastes
  • the rapidly-growing "Internet of things" - internet-connected gadgets - is expected to generate e-waste at a faster rate, as connectivity becomes embedded into everyday items
    This article mainly introduces the problems caused by e-waste and related solutions. E-waste not only affects environmental issues such as rare earth elements when it is landfilled or incinerated, but also the mining of its equipment manufacturing also affects the social environment, because a certain amount of emissions may be released in the process. Toxins are a great harm to the environment and the human body. Therefore, with the continuous emergence of e-waste disposal problems, some companies such as Apple and Sony have begun to extend the life of their equipment in recent years, and encourage customers to trade-in for recycling, making a certain effective contribution to the growing e-waste.

Reimagining the future of travel and hospitality with artificial intelligence - 0 views

  • Trends, outliers, and patterns are figured out using machine learning-based algorithms that help in guiding a travel or hospitality company to make informed decisions.
  • Due to the greater need for structure and less of a desire for discovery, it certainly makes sense that AI would be more suited to business travellers.
  • it could help to simplify the booking process for companies, and help eliminate discrepancies around employee expenses.
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  • The travel and hospitality industry transformation will morph into experience-driven and asset-light business, and wide adoption of AI will usher a new-age customer experience and set a benchmark for other industries to emulate.
    This article mainly describes examples of how the hospitality industry uses intelligent data to influence its value chain. Such as intelligent travel planning customization, intelligent travel search, travel assistant, intelligent social media data analysis, intelligent forecasting, and so on. With the continuous development of the intelligent trend, many tourism and hotel organizations have begun to continuously introduce AI equipment, which has also promoted the transformation of enterprises to experience-driven and asset-light businesses.

Artificial Intelligence for Hotels: 9 Trends to Know | Cvent Blog - 0 views

  • using artificial intelligence for hotels is “not just a matter of gaining a competitive advantage; it’s imperative in order to stay in business.
  • “94% (of C-level executives) reported that artificial intelligence would ‘substantially transform’ their companies within five years
  • 49% of survey respondents say that the hotel industry ranks right in the middle at a grade of “C” for artificial intelligence implementation
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  • Hyperdynamic pricing allows booking engines to automatically search social media, past user data, and even world news to display rates that maximize earning potential.
  • Improve revenue management and help save the environment with energy, water, and waste-monitoring tools.
  • Chatbot translators can quickly identify languages used by website visitors based on their location. They can also translate scripts on the fly and manage simultaneous guest inquiries from all over the world
  • AI is already changing the guest experience across the travel lifecycle, including the on-property experience
    This article mainly describes the current main trends of artificial intelligence in revenue management, guest experience, and daily operations. AI's concierge service, chat robot translator, ultra-dynamic pricing, forecasting utility, team booking software review data collection, intelligent function charts, and intelligent recruitment are the main manifestations of future technological development. Through these artificial intelligence, the hotel can simplify some service procedures, provide more personalized and improve the guest's staying experience. But at the same time, we must also realize that intelligent technology cannot completely replace employees.

How Smart Dining Is Changing the Restaurant Industry - - 0 views

  • Automation has already started in major chains and fast-food restaurants and will likely continue to evolve to the logical endpoint
  • it's important to resist alarmist tendencies, because there are positive aspects of smart dining, and the total automation of customer service may not trickle down to neighborhood bistros and independent steakhouses.
  • Either way, nearly all the solutions (at the very least) allow users to efficiently handle some of the most hated tasks in any restaurant: dealing with reservations, waitlists and bookings.
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  • mPOS systems allow for a greater level of accountability between owners and employees as well as between the front and back of the house, which means servers can focus on connecting with customers and delivering a memorable experience
  • tools like mobile payment tablets allow restaurant owners access to big data that's useful for making front-of-house and operational decisions.
  • Increased revenue is another possible benefit of smart dining
  • Customer loyalty is also built with the use of smart dining technology.
  • those who are there just because they are hungry and those who want to have a meal out. For restaurateurs who focus on the latter clientele, smart dining needn't be equated to total automation.
  • For those who focus on high turnover rather than the service experience, eliminating staff in favor of self-serve tablets may be inevitable once the prices of such systems drop and the public becomes more comfortable with the concept
    This article mainly describes the use and benefits of intelligent technology in restaurants. For chain stores and fast-food restaurants, often pursue speed more than service experience. Therefore, it is profitable for enterprises to replace employees with technological equipment. Of course, this is not to say that restaurants pursuing high-end service experience do not need intelligent technology. As a mobile system, MPOS can effectively simplify the ordering process, increase the rotation speed of the dining table, while also saving guests' time and improving their dining experience. The intelligence of the restaurant table management system also simplifies the reservation process to a certain extent, helping restaurants and users to effectively deal with these complicated processes.

How Technology Will Reshape the Hotel Industry Post-COVID-19 Pandemic | TravelPulse - 0 views

  • Tech features that might have originally been intended for introduction as novelties or extra conveniences are suddenly becoming necessities in an era
  • tactics for keeping people apart while continuing to conduct business (i.e., “touch-free” or “contactless” solutions) are the order of the day.
  • Especially as people are increasingly opting for road-trips in the name of social distancing, hotels can benefit from installing geofences that send push notifications to visitors who might arrive within a certain radius
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  • Location data can also work to activate touchless check-in upon guests’ arrival on property or prompt them for payment when they present for checkout
  • On-site capacity limits and real-time conditions can also be communicated to visitors when they’re nearing the venue to help avoid high customer densities
  • today's robotic hotel staff members can at least aid important efforts aimed at reducing person-to-person contact amid the pandemic.
    This article mainly describes how the hotel industry can use technology to help it recover after COVID-19, and how to enhance the confidence of employees and customers. With the development of the epidemic, the hotel industry and even the entire hospitality industry are widely promoting contactless technologies. Therefore, various mobile and self-service AI technologies are integrated with hotel operations. In the future, with the development of this normalization, reasonable monitoring technology, non-contact communication technology, location detection technology, super sterilization, and robotics technology will all become important aspects of the future development of the hotel industry.

Stopping Data Breaches in Hospitality | Impact Networking - 0 views

  • Nearly half of all cyberattacks target SMBs, a number which is expected to increase.
  • Human error is the number one cause of data breaches from cyberattacks, with 52% of incidents directly attributable to them.
  • The majority of attacks that occur within businesses happen because somewhere along the line, someone made a mistake. Perhaps they opened an attachment they shouldn’t have or visited a risky website.
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  • 93% of companies without a disaster recovery plan who suffer a major data disaster are out of business within one year.
  • SMBs simply don’t have the resources to survive breaches and are risking their entire business by not fully preparing against attacks.
  • Research suggests that 70% of consumers would stop doing business with a company if it experienced a data breach.
  • even for businesses who can survive a breach and save their data, long-term consequences can be dire.
  • Consider a true next-gen antivirus for everyone under your network to minimize the potential for attack.
  • By keeping all your data periodically backed up in secure data centers, you can rest a lot more easily knowing that should the worst happen, you can respond quickly and effectively.
  • One of the most effective ways of counteracting the dangers of cyberthreats is by training employees and establishing policies around a security strategy.
    This article describes the destructive effects of cyber attacks on enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Because it does not have sufficient prevention and sufficient resources for disaster recovery. The most direct cause of current cyber attacks is that people open some risky websites or emails in the wrong place. For the hospitality industry, there is a large amount of customer privacy and sensitive information. Once attacked, its destructiveness is unimaginable. And to protect consumer data, most service industries just comply with local state laws, but most state laws have not made greater progress in information protection. Therefore, enterprises should protect themselves and their customers from cyber threats from the three aspects of their own network endpoints, disaster recovery and education.
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