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Chris Cardoso

Hotel Telecommunications Strategies - 6 views

  • No matter what telecommunications strategy a property takes, one thing is for certain, it needs to be a different one from the past.
  • The guest now has a variety of choices for communicating including fax over the Internet, e-mail, cell phones, calling cards and now even Internet-based phones. 
  • Assuming that the wireless reception quality is acceptable, it is very difficult for the hotel to compete on a cost basis.
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  • Given the hotel’s advantage in quality over the guest’s portable devices, the proper packaging of services will lure even the most avid self-contained guest back to using the hotel’s telecom services.
  • Hotels are unable to compete on price with devices that the guest has brought with him.  What the hotel can do is offer a better experience at a reasonable price to entice guests to use the hotel’s telecom infrastructure.
  • Attracting the Guests to Use the Hotel’s Telecommunication Services
  • No matter what telecommunications strategy a property takes, one thing is for certain, it needs to be a different one from the past.
  • No matter what telecommunications strategy a property takes, one thing is for certain, it needs to be a different one from the past.
  • The guest now has a variety of choices for communicating including fax over the Internet, e-mail, cell phones, calling cards and now even Internet-based phones.   All these alternatives offer a less expensive means of communicating than using the traditional hotel guestroom phone and other services such as fax
  • The guest now has a variety of choices for communicating including fax over the Internet, e-mail, cell phones, calling cards and now even Internet-based phones.   All these alternatives offer a less expensive means of communicating than using the traditional hotel guestroom phone and other services such as fax.
  • Guests had little choice back then but to use the guestroom phone and grumble about the cost.
  • Guests had little choice back then but to use the guestroom phone and grumble about the cost.
  • Assuming that the wireless reception quality is acceptable, it is very difficult for the hotel to compete on a cost basis .
  • Assuming that the wireless reception quality is acceptable, it is very difficult for the hotel to compete on a cost basis
  • Another concern among hoteliers is what can be termed the self-contained guest
  • Another concern among hoteliers is what can be termed the self-contained guest
  • Theoretically, the self-contained guest needs no hotel telecommunications services .  
  • Theoretically, the self-contained guest needs no hotel telecommunications services
  • Attracting the Guests to Use the Hotel’s Telecommunication Services   Hotels are unable to compete on price with devices that the guest has brought with him.   What the hotel can do is offer a better experience at a reasonable price to entice guests to use the hotel’s telecom infrastructure. No matter what cell phone the guest may carry or what service provider is used, no wireless connection is as good as a land-line connection
  • Hotels are unable to compete on price with devices that the guest has brought with him.   What the hotel can do is offer a better experience at a reasonable price to entice guests to use the hotel’s telecom infrastructure. No matter what cell phone the guest may carry or what service provider is used, no wireless connection is as good as a land-line connection
  • The early 1980s marked the beginning of an era of profitable hotel telephone departments.  The advent of call accounting systems (thanks to deregulation) enabled hoteliers to easily mark up calls to a profitable (some say too profitable) level.  Guests had little choice back then but to use the guestroom phone and grumble about the cost. This era has come to an end.  With few exceptions, most hotels have seen between a 15 percent and 25 percent drop in telephone revenues over the last five years.  The main reason for this decrease is guest choice.  The guest now has a variety of choices for communicating including fax over the Internet, e-mail, cell phones, calling cards and now even Internet-based phones.   All these alternatives offer a less expensive means of communicating than using the traditional hotel guestroom phone and other services such as fax . A fax machine in the guestroom was considered a premium amenity for many years.  With the Internet explosion, however, the machines have seen less use.
    No matter what telecommunications strategy a property takes, one thing is for certain, it needs to be a different one from the past. The early 1980s marked the beginning of an era of profitable hotel telephone departments. The advent of call accounting systems (thanks to deregulation) enabled hoteliers to easily mark up calls to a profitable (some say too profitable) level.
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    Nowadays, people have many choices for communicating including fax over the Internet, e-mail, cell phones, calling cards and now even Internet-based phones. Hotel guests are restricted by the largest telecommunications service providers from making long distance collect and credit card calls to countries other than their home country. The guest is not able to complete his desired call from the guest room telephone. In addition to frustrated guests, this generates absolutely zero revenue to hotels. What the hotel can do is offer a better experience at a reasonable price to entice guests to use the hotel's telecom infrastructure. The hotel can use some systems to reach this goal, such as the BBG Communications. It can increase revenue for every international operator assisted call. It assumes all responsibility for billing and collection of all calls. It has over 500 multilingual, live operators servicing customers. The most important thing is there is no cost and risk to the hotel, because the BBG assumes all associated cost and responsibility.
    This article is talked about hotel telecommunications in the 21st Century. No matter what telecommunications strategy a property takes, one thing is for certain, it needs to be a different one from the past. The early 1980s marked the beginning of an area of profitable hotel telephone department. Few years later, this area has come to an end. The main reason for this decrease is guest choice. Later on, guests have a variety of choices for communicating including fax over the Internet, e-mail, cell-phones, calling cards and even Internet-based phones. All these alternatives offer a less expensive means of communicating than using the traditional hotel guestroom phone. With the time passed by, hotel telecommunications update and improve better and better. Nowadays, High-speed Internet access is fast becoming an expected amenity. This the revolution for hotel telecommunications in the 21st Century.
    This article that is written by Geoff Grisworld. Talks about how telecommications has changing in the 21st century. One of them being hotel. Hotel takes a big advantage in telecommication because there is always a change in the communication system. That is why hotel have to upgrade their system often. This is why hotelier organizes packaging deal when it comes to communication system from using the phone to HSIA. This is a few system that is always need to be change constantly, so the hotel can offer a better experience at a reasonable price while they are enjoying their stay.
    This article speaks about the growth and development of telecommunication within the hospitality industry in the 21st century. "No matter what telecommunications strategy a property takes, one thing is for certain, it needs to be a different one from the past," the article states. Since the 80s hotels utilized their telephone department to offer a service for a profit. Because there was little to no competition with communication, this was profitable as guest pretty much had no choice but to use the phone service provided at a set cost by the hotel. Today, however, we see a shift in technology now where everyone has communication at their disposal via smart phones, Internet and other communication tools. With this happening, "it is very difficult for the hotel to compete on a cost basis." (Griswold) It also explains how high-speed Internet access (HSIA) is almost seen as an amenity anticipated by the guest and has worked in the hotels' favor. The article goes on to describe the "self-contained guest" that carries a smart phone, small printer, notebook computer and technology of their own which allows them to virtually have no use in the hotel telecommunications services. So what does this article suggest for concerns as such? Hotels are to attract guests to use their telecommunication services. By offering packaged deals at affordable prices, Griswold believes hotels will be able to be the ideal option for telecommunications services. After viewing this article, I realize how hospitality industry workers think about those they serve all the time and should always display it. Even though the hotel is trying to make money by charging for Internet and phone services, they wish to market the service as the best option for the guest. The Internet connection would be faster provided by the hotel over a smart phone is one feature they wish to advertise. This type of mentality is smart yet should be withheld throughout the industry and always show that the
    The early 1980s marked the beginning of an era of profitable hotel telephone departments, because guests had little choice back then but to use the guestroom phone and grumble about the cost. Nowadays, guest has a variety of choices for communicating including fax over the Internet, e-mail, cell phones, calling cards and now even Internet-based phones. All these alternatives offer a less expensive means of communicating than using the traditional hotel guestroom phone and other services such as fax. And high-speed Internet access (HSIA) is fast becoming an expected amenity in 21st century. Today hotels are unable to compete on price with devices that the guest has brought with him. What the hotel can do is offer a better experience at a reasonable price to entice guests to use the hotel's telecom infrastructure.
    This article explains how much are creating incentives for hotel guest in an effort to get them to use the technology that the hotel provides.
    In modern society hotel need more attrahent thing increase revenue. The traditional way may lose competitiveness, like telephone services. Because almost everybody using personal cell phone and more and more people prefer to use internet to communicate such as email and skype. In my opinion if hotel build some telecommunications use internet such as physical skype phone and provide cheap service that may be attract more people to use that.
    With the emergence of "self-contained guest," hotel telecommunications departments must change its offerings because old strategies no longer apply. A self-contained guest is one that does not need the traditional amenities hotels would offer for telecommunications, such as fax machines and printers. Guests now look for a fast, free internet connection as an amenity. Some may not even need wifi, because they have a faster mobile service that they use. Even hotel telephones, guests no longer want to use the land line and pay hotel fees to make a call. Cell phones have eliminated that need (even for international calls). So hotels must not stay the same, and must change their strategies for producing revenue from their telecommunications department.

The Future of Hotel Security - AOL Travel Ideas - 0 views

  • With futuristic systems like scent and iris scanners and digital facial-recognition, hotel security is being taken to the next level. #plain_module { width: 590px; height:170px; border: none; float:left; margin:0px; font-size:12px;} #plain_module img {border:none; width: 13px; height:14; border: 0px; margin:0px; } #plain_module .mini_main { margin: 0px; padding:0px; width:585px; height:220px; repeat scroll 0 0} #plain_module .mini_item_header {padding:10px 0px; margin: 0px 0px; font-size:16px; color: #555555; border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;} #plain_module .mini_item {padding:5px 0px; margin: 0px 0px;} #plain_module a { color: #49A3CA; text-decoration:none; } #plain_module a:hover { color: #F98419; text-decoration:underline;} span.gray {color:#949494;} .mini_main li{list-style-type: none;background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 0 1px;padding-left: 10px;}
  • The new thing is contact-less Smartcards and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) cards that need just be waved to allow room access.
  • But travelers worried they will constantly have to traipse back to reception every time they lose their card need not despair. Security systems in some hotels do away with cards altogether.
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  • "I think that you will begin to see more hotels going to RFID and smartphone entry before using biosystem recognition," says Wolfe. "These systems are expensive, and there are many consumers who just don't want this information stored somewhere -- for a variety of reasons."
  • Systems that track the other qualities that make each human unique are in development as well.
  • Yet more card-free security systems are on the way.
  • Many industry watchers are keeping an eye on Houston's largest hotel, the vast 1,200-room Hilton Americas–Houston. The hotel has a facial recognition system that can identify and track guests, employees, and even suitcases. With 700 employees and an annual $16 million payroll, the system offers benefits such as employee time-theft monitoring and prevention for the hotel. But travelers aren't that concerned about employees taking an extra cigarette break. What it means for you is that the system includes alerts if unwanted people are on the property and a response time of mere seconds if there's an incident. Customer service is heightened as well: Returning guests will be recognized and greeted by name. And with 1,200 rooms worth of luggage in transit, the system makes it a lot easier to find lost or misdirected bags.
  • not everyone wants to be on-camera, all the time. With concerns about "snooping" and a Truman Show-like lack of privacy, might guests feel that systems such as this are too intrusive in our hotels? "
  • Technology is opening new doors to hotel safety, and the way we navigate hotels is set to change in the blink of an eye. Or the swipe of a cellphone. Or the print of a finger. With futuristic systems like scent and iris scanners and digital facial-recognition, hotel security is being taken to the next level. #plain_module { width: 590px; height:170px; border: none; float:left; margin:0px; font-size:12px;} #plain_module img {border:none; width: 13px; height:14; border: 0px; margin:0px; } #plain_module .mini_main { margin: 0px; padding:0px; width:585px; height:220px; repeat scroll 0 0} #plain_module .mini_item_header {padding:10px 0px; margin: 0px 0px; font-size:16px; color: #555555; border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;} #plain_module .mini_item {padding:5px 0px; margin: 0px 0px;} #plain_module a { color: #49A3CA; text-decoration:none; } #plain_module a:hover { color: #F98419; text-decoration:underline;} span.gray {color:#949494;} .mini_main li{list-style-type: none;background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 0 1px;padding-left: 10px;} Those plastic key cards that once seemed so innovative will soon go the way of the actual key. The new thing is contact-less Smartcards and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) cards that need just be waved to allow room access. Much like the cruise world's one card system, these cards may soon make hotel stays easier by allowing guests to pay for services, as well as to check-in and check-out, through a single device. Travelers may even be able to save preferences on the cards, from pillow type to floor choice. RFID cards are already in use at New York's Plaza Hotel, and Starwood Hotels are considering introducing them into their hip Aloft and Element properties. But travelers worried they will constantly have to traipse back to reception every time they lose their card need not despair. Security systems in some hotels do away with cards altogether. "In addition to Radio Frequency Identification, there are also systems that use a smartphone, such as an iPhone," says Frank Wolfe, CEO of Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals. "When a guest checks into a hotel and provides their phone number, they get an encrypted sound code via text message." You can then play back the code to unlock your room door.
  • Systems that track the other qualities that make each human unique are in development as well. Movement-activated video-capture systems were showcased in New Zealand in September 2010. Researchers are at work on devices capable of recognizing an individual's gait or walk and even their DNA. Frank Wolfe says, "If you want to go 'way out there', there are some systems being explored that can allegedly sniff someone, and also systems that can recognize the pattern of blood veins on a human being which are apparently unique to the individual," says Wolfe. Quite common in Japan, vascular-recognition systems such as this are still "several years off," according to Wolfe. "I think that you will begin to see more hotels going to RFID and smartphone entry before using biosystem recognition," says Wolfe. "These systems are expensive, and there are many consumers who just don't want this information stored somewhere -- for a variety of reasons."
    • xsun015
      Nowadays, more and more hotels pay attention to IT security. They use high technology security equipment to protect the security of hotel and customers. These equipments will record every details about the hotel and customers. One one hand, this is a way to protect the security of the hotel. But they forget to care about the customers' feeling. Not all customers like it. Some customers want to protect their privacy. So I think that hotel needs to  consider the boundary about the hotel security. Keep the benefit and privacy for the customer. Then compare all the security devices, which is the best.
    This article is about the advanced hotel security achieved through improved technology. Today's hotels tend to integrate the existing technology with high-tech methods, such as iris scanners and digital facial-recognition, to increase security. There are newly introduced contact-less Smartcards and RFID cards. These cards enable people not only to pay for service but also check-in and check-out on a cruise ship. Thus, there is double security system that uses their Smartphone to unlock the door in addition to RFID cards. Even, card-free security systems like finger print entry system and an iris scanner are in progress. These systems are developed for providing guests as well as increasing their property security by identifying employees. Moreover, a camera system that verifies individual's identity through tracking the human unique characteristics like a gait, walk, and DNA is being developed. However, any novelty and valuable technology is useless, if the consumers do not accept. Therefore, considering guest's unwillingness, hotels are going to employ RFID or Smartphone entry system first, not biometric systems. Lastly, the low tech, such as hotel staffs who get in-depth training and awareness of guests and staff and your fellow travelers who are interdependent on one another, is one of the greatest security measures in addition to biometric and high-tech method ironically.
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    The hotel security will be raised to a new and next level with s lot of new technology. The plastic key will be innovated to smartcard with RFID. By usting the smartcard, the customer can stay easier by using it to check in or check out, also to choose the type of the pillow. Also, without the smartcard, the smartphone also can be that role and will become more popular and more easier. The card free security systems are on the way. The fingerprint may be used to enter the room. The Houston's largest hotel has a facial recognition that can identify and track guests and employees. This system will improve the security and the business. However, not everyone wants to be on camera, it sometimes depends on the background of the customers. New security measures will become such a part of our daily life that they will become the norm. One of the greatest security measures of late is actually low tech.
    The article highlighted reports the advancements in technology in the hospitality industry. These technologies are presented as security features as well. The highlights are about RFID cards, biometrics, hand scanners, iris scanners, facial recognition and even veins scanners. RFID cards is presented also as a security feature, however, it may give margin to a lot of fraud. Facial recognition systems are presented with a lot of emphasis and could be a great security feature if monitored for unwanted people. Some hotels have introduced iris scanners for special rooms such as presidential suites. Biometrics are being installed in hotels where your key card or credit card is replaced by your fingerprint. In order to add security, these hotels have added a password after fingerprints are placed on the reader. This extra security step will change consumer's perspective and maybe increase acceptance. The author also mentions that customers may not accept intrusive methods. The facial recognition seems to be a great advancement in hotel security; however, customer may feel uncomfortable to know that they are being recorded on cameras at all times. It is also mentioned that this may be a cultural issue. London was mentioned because it is very common to find security cameras in public areas and street in London . The main message transmitted is that no matter which one but technology and security will be taken to next level in the next few years. Security will have to move along with technology to avoid the downfalls of technology. It shouldn't hindrance the guests' security.
    It's amazing how technology can aid in hotel security and this article describes just that. The future will be bright with all the new and innovative security opportunities for the hospitality industry. The main points of security mentioned in this article include the finger print entry system where they would have a touch screen where a guest would put their finger and that's how they would get in their room, saying goodbye to key cards. There is also a system that can track a person such as a movement activated video capture, where it can actually recognize an individual. Another security system that is coming into development can identify guests, employees, and suitcases. For instance, if a suitcase was lost or misplaced the system makes it easier to find the lost bags.
    The uniqueness of human has been used for security tech in many ways, such as finger print, movement pattern, blood veins etc. And facial recoginition system is used by Hilton Americas-Houston now. It can be used to track guests, employees and even suitcases. However some customer feel unconfortable for the survillance everywhere and don't want to be on-camera all the time.
    The article described the future of hotel security systems. The security level is more and more important in hotel, for customer when they travel to a unacquainted place they need a safe hotel to guarantee them safety. Not only the security systems but also the details in everywhere the hotel management team must be pay more attention.

Hotel_ITSec.pdf - 0 views

shared by marble_bird on 15 Jul 20 - No Cached
  • During the past decade, information technology (IT) has significantly changed the way the hotel industry controls and manages operations. While many technologies have been utilized, some newer technologies have emerged in the literature and in practice, and many of them impact the hotel’s security.
  • Among the results, this study identified a gap between hoteliers’ understanding of IT budget adequacy and the adequacy of installed IT security systems.
  • Advancements in technology are increasing at a remarkable rate. As technology becomes more important, organizations that do not keep up with these advancements could lose business opportunities to other competitors that do
  • ...53 more annotations...
  • The four leading technologies which have showed a high adoption rate from the industry and have received attention from academia are: self-service, wireless, green, and security technologies. The advantages of these technologies for hoteliers include enhanced customer services and operational efficiency (Doyle, 2007), decreased guest wait times, more efficient methods to settle bills (Singh & Kasavana, 2005), reduction of energy costs (Meeroff & Scarlatos, 2007), and protection of sensitive customer data and credit card numbers
  • In addition, exploring the influential factors of security system usage will provide greater depth of knowledge with respect to why some hotels have adopted more security systems than others.
  • there is still a lack of understanding of the nature of risk associated with inadequate IT security, especially among operators of hotels that do not have their own IT departments.
  • Self-service technologies are commonly defined as devices or applications which permit users to produce a service independent from the direct involvement of the service provider (Meuter, Ostrom, Roundtree, & Bitner, 2000). The use of self-service technologies in the hotel industry has grown considerably, especially in the areas of self check-in, in-room check-out, and foodservice kiosks
  • IT systems refer to general support systems such as mainframe computer, mid-range computer, and local area network.
  • Some of the most significant wireless technology applications involve the use of mobile handheld devices, such as personal digital assistants (PDA), tablet PCs, and cellular phones, or RFID (radio frequency identification). RFID utilizes computer chips and antennas, allowing the chips to wirelessly communicate with a receiver.
  • While the major usage of RFID in the hotel industry was for inventory control purposes, it also has the potential to be utilized in ways that can provide more conveniences for the guests.
  • Other possible uses include placing RFID tags on items of high value as a means of theft prevention or integrating tags into guest loyalty cards for easy identification
  • IT investment that lowers environmental impact and IT that manages the environmental impact of other systems are commonly referred to as “green technology”
  • Many hoteliers might think becoming more environmentally friendly will cost more for their hotels. However, it has been demonstrated that “going green” is not only the right thing to do for the environment but also provides tangible bottom-line benefits for hotels by reducing consumption of energy and water, as well as other related costs.
  • Some of the risk factors involved include reliability, security, and privacy issues
  • A hotel with more technologies being utilized will install more security systems than those with fewer technologies.
  • Many of these attacks involve attempts by thieves to gain access to customer credit card data, and these attempts constitute a major portion of the risk inherent in IT security
  • if a system is breached and the merchant is not PCI compliant, the merchant then is responsible for all costs associated with improperly used credit card information taken from that system (Kress, 2008). These losses could bankrupt a business if the security breach goes undetected for even a short time.
  • IT security systems are those measures taken to protect the confidentiality and integrity of proprietary data.
  • two main paradigms of adoption are believed to occur: bottom-up adoption and top-down adoption.
  • Thus, it is reasonable to assume that organizational factors (e.g., financial factor, human resource) will influence the implementation stage of security systems at a hotel.
  • A hotel with sufficient IT budget will install more security systems than those with insufficient IT budget.
  • That is, if a hotel does not have its own IT department, it will have a negative influence on successfully installing or maintaining necessary security systems.
  • A hotel with its own IT department will install more security systems than those without.
  • Overall, the state of IT spending on security continues undiminished because managed security services are required for almost every application (Communications News, 2007).
  • risk associated with a breach of IT systems security (e.g., network break-ins) is very high. Consequently, no sector of the business community is exempt from attacks on their IT systems, with an attack being defined as a technique used to exploit a system’s vulnerabilities.
  • Given the importance of security and privacy at a luxury hotel, this study expects luxury properties to have installed more security systems than other segments
  • Most hotel employees use their property management systems for hotel operations and should be able to check their e-mails.
  • To justify the low response rate, previous studies which have compared response rates of mail and e-mail for surveys were reviewed.
  • the large majority of respondent properties do not have their own IT departments. Second, the people making IT decisions generally do not have IT backgrounds or training. Third, the large majority of respondent properties have little more than firewalls or antivirus software to protect their proprietary data, and these systems alone are not adequate to meet PCI standards, as they do not take steps to encrypt and protect cardholder data, maintain a vulnerability management program, implement strong access control measures, regularly monitor and test their networks, and maintain an information security policy as required by the Security Standards Council.
  • The respondents were asked to select from a total of fourteen securities related systems
  • The profile of the respondents revealed that they were experienced hoteliers with more than ten years experience in the industry
  • Fifty-three percent of the respondents reported that they were with chain hotels that would be considered mid-range properties with an average of 175 rooms (median of 107). Over 80% of the respondents reported working in operations, while fewer than 4% reported working in either IT or engineering (Table 1).
  • Nearly 70% of the respondents’ properties did not have their own IT department (69.2% did not have, and 30.8% had their own IT departments, n = 234, missing data = 10).
  • Fifty-three percent of them (n = 244) thought the most important goal for hotel technology would be enhancing the customer’s experience.
  • second identified goal was utilizing technology to help generate revenue (41%)
  • differentiate properties from their competition (20%), to lower expenses (16%), and to increase security (6%).
  • Internet kiosks in the lobby represented the most frequently used self-service technology (36.5%, n = 244), followed by kiosks for airline check-in/board pass
  • With respect to security systems currently in use, antivirus security systems represented the most frequently used security system (92.2%), followed by hardware firewalls, software firewalls, physical security, and encrypted login security systems.
  • intrusion detection was the most frequently identified system (15.6%), followed by vulnerability assessment scanning (13.5%), Internet scanning (13.1%), antivirus (11.5%), digital ID server (11.5%), and nonreusable passwords (9.8%; Table 2).
  • Thus, the hypothesis was supported that there was a linear relationship between the three factors and the adequacy of security systems.
  • The positive standardized coefficient (β) of .389 indicates that there was a statistically significant (p < .001) linear relationship between IT usage (the number of wireless, self-service, and green technologies a hotel was using) and the adequacy of security systems
  • The study revealed certain things of interest, the most significant of which is the need for greater emphasis on IT security among hoteliers.
  • only about 30% of all respondents reported having their own IT departments. Since budget hotel properties are extremely unlikely to have an IT department, it is highly likely that the very large majority of IT decisions throughout the industry are being made by hotel operators for whom IT is not their primary area of concern.
  • Furthermore, the focus of hoteliers for future IT implementations is enhancing the guest experience (53%) and generating revenue (41%). Very few respondents (6%) identified increasing security as a 5-year IT goal.
  • While almost all respondents use information systems as part of their jobs, very few are trained in the development, maintenance, and secure use of these systems.
  • no correlation was found between the respondents’ perceived adequacy of their IT budgets and the adequacy of installed security systems, as adequacy of IT budget did not appear as a significant term in the regression analysis.
  • Nearly 10% of respondents do not have so much as anti-virus protection for their systems, and nearly half do not even take simple physical precautions to protect their IT systems.
  • we note that no correlation exists between the respondents’ perceived adequacy of their IT budgets and the number of installed IT security systems, as the number of installed systems was not a significant factor in the regression analysis.
  • The sample obtained in this study represented the targeted sample: over 80% of the respondents were working in hotel operations. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to explore hotel operators’ insight of technology usage, IT budget, and security measures rather than to confirm existing theories or to generalize the results.
  • it is reasonable to conclude that the respondents did not have an adequate understanding of the nature of the IT security hazards facing them for the average property does not have installed systems adequate to meet PCI standards, yet they reported having adequate budgets.
  • In order to adequately protect proprietary data, one must have an understanding of network security, which is an understanding apart from software functionality.
  • Properties with their own IT departments, however, reported that they had a higher number of installed IS security systems than did those properties without their own IT departments.
  • roperties without their own IT departments, in particular, have a less adequate understanding of their IT security needs than may be necessary.
  • This study found hoteliers’ lack of attention to security provision, training in IT, and PCI compliance can place hoteliers at great risk. For example, the cost of a single incident at a noncompliant property could result in the loss of the entire business.
  • It will be useful to examine the reasons why luxury properties are more likely to employ adequate security measures to determine whether this greater use is attributable to better understanding of security issues or some other factor.
  • The study was limited by the nature of online surveys; the response rate was quite low. Future studies could test the proposed research model via paper-based mail surveys to increase a response rate.
    This article covers a study performed on various hotels to determine management's level of IT knowledge and security implementations in relation to the hotel's IT security budget. The article discusses four types of technology impacting the hotel industry and how management responses to trending technology can affect a business, particularly in terms of a data breach and overall security. The study finds that an alarming percentage of hotel managers are not adequately informed on the risks and procedures of IT management and security, and many do not have proper IT security measures in place despite having an appropriate budget.
Mengchao Li

Does the Cloud Make VoIP More Hospitable? - Unified Communications Strategies - 1 views

  • The current technology is creating opportunities for hospitality providers that specialize in hotel technical infrastructure: a hosted provider of not only voice, but PMS, Internet access, premises infrastructure. Several hybrid IP systems now support a gateway mode – where the on-premises solution is effectively a gateway controlling all the analog rooms. Centrally managed and controlled – integrated into a multi-tenant web based PMS – backed by a 24-hour help desk and NOC, could be the ticket to get hospitality VoIP.
  • Two issues are keeping IP out of the rooms: complexity and cost. The local staff just don’t have the time or skills to deal with complex phone systems. Even selling local ads isn’t worth the cost or effort of replacing the system, though these benefits could be more attractive regionally, or even nationally. IP systems make a lot of sense for the business phones, but room phones are likely to remain analog for now due to the cost disparity of the endpoints. IP phones continue to get cheaper, and maintenance of copper lines continues to rise. Eventually, the phones will become IP.
  • The rooms mostly remain analog, but IP phones offer benefits at higher-end properties. IP phones offer the elimination of separate cabling. Hotels could potentially sell ads on the phone that range from color picture ads to speed-dial settings like “Pizza Delivery.” Some vendors are creating optimized phone-top IP applications for hospitality that make it easier to request a car from valet parking, book a tee time, or check out. IP phones could also be designed to be a mini access point to support the increasing number of tablets.
    This article talks about 3 stages for the telecommunication development in hotel. Hotel could absolutely use the phone 2 decades ago which is much more convenient to keep in touch with each others because of the lack of the mobile phones. But after the cellphone came out, hotel couldn't make more benefit from the phone calls which were just used for internal communications, morning calls, housekeeping and so on. After 2000, another technology was created which is call VolP( voice over the internet or IP phone) which could do more than a phone, such as Ads on the IP PHone. but it could not be widely used because of the complexity and cost. There is a new technology coming out called cloud which combines all the stuffs-- Telephones, PMS, Internet, and cable plant together and make employees or customers easier to learn. For example,a hosted provider of not only voice, but PMS, Internet access, premises infrastructure. Several hybrid IP systems now support a gateway mode - where the on-premises solution is effectively a gateway controlling all the analog rooms. Centrally managed and controlled - integrated into a multi-tenant web based PMS - backed by a 24-hour help desk and NOC, could be the ticket to get hospitality VoIP.
paige rosenberg

The Future of Hotel Security - AOL Travel News - 1 views

  • Technology is opening new doors to hotel safety
  • Yet more card-free security systems are on the way
  • eventually new security measures will become such a part of our everyday lives that they will become the norm.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Systems that track the other qualities that make each human unique are in development as well.
  • here are some systems being explored that can allegedly sniff someone, and also systems that can recognize the pattern of blood veins on a human being which are apparently unique to the individual,
  • new thing is contact-less Smartcards and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) cards that need just be waved to allow room access.
  • Kimpton's 190-room Nine Zero Hotel in Boston was the first hotel to install a biometric iris scanner back in 2004
  • we navigate hotels is set to change in the blink of an eye. Or the swipe of a cellphone. Or the print of a finger. With futuristic systems like scent and iris scanners and digital facial-recognition, hotel security is being taken to the next level. #plain_module { width: 590px; height:170px; border: none; float:left; margin:0px; font-size:12px;} #plain_module img {border:none; width: 13px; height:14; border: 0px; margin:0px; } #plain_module .mini_main { margin: 0px; padding:0px; width:585px; height:220px; repeat scroll 0 0} #plain_module .mini_item_header {padding:10px 0px; margin: 0px 0px; font-size:16px; color: #555555; border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;} #plain_module .mini_item {padding:5px 0px; margin: 0px 0px;} #plain_module a { color: #49A3CA; text-decoration:none; } #plain_module a:hover { color: #F98419; text-decoration:underline;} span.gray {color:#949494;} .mini_main li{list-style-type: none;background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 0 1px;padding-left: 10px;}
  • Those plastic key cards that once seemed so innovative will soon go the way of the actual key
  • "In addition to Radio Frequency Identification, there are also systems that use a smartphone, such as an iPhone,"
  • When a guest checks into a hotel and provides their phone number, they get an encrypted sound code via text message
  • Many industry watchers are keeping an eye on Houston's largest hotel, the vast 1,200-room Hilton Americas–Houston. The hotel has a facial recognition system that can identify and track guests, employees, and even suitcases
  • 1,200 rooms worth of luggage in transit, the system makes it a lot easier to find lost or misdirected bags.
  • Returning guests will be recognized and greeted by nam
  • "Hospitality all over the world has become more aware of past vulnerabilities that they might have had and have closed these holes by more in-depth training and awareness of guests and staff," he says. "In today's society, all travelers are becoming interdependent on each other for safety and security."
    This article talks about the future trend of the hospitality security, which is technology is opening new doors to hotel safety.  The author introduces some different technologies such as Contact-less Smartcards and RFID that hotels like New York's Plaza Hotel are currently using. Finger print or cellphone wipe technology is also used instead of card, which should be more safe. Some hotels even use video-capture systems to make sure the security is perfect. After introducing these technologies, the author also talks about the privacy issues. Because some customers are not willing to be on cameras. However, though some of them are concerning about this issue, an expert predicts that new security measures will eventually become such a part of everyone's everyday lives that he or she will become the norm. All in all, this article gives us the trend that more and more technologies will be used for hotel security in the future.
  • ...7 more comments...
    I think PR representatives should address the privacy controversy surrounding radio frequency identification technology with a safety campaign. This may help consumers realize that they are not in the privacy of their own home when they are in the hallways of hotels and cruise ships and the cameras/tracking could help protect them. As long as the data collected is not misused these technologies will continue to be present in these locations.
    It's pretty important for the hospitality industry to present these new technologies as wonderful security measures. People could be put off by knowing they have to swipe their finger to get into a bathroom. The success of these technologies depends on effective marketing and proven security measures that ensure collected information about a traveller will not be used in unethical ways.
    Interesting article it is. Security is always the big issue for hospitality. I would like to stay in a hotel that is using finger print as the key card of the hotel because i believe that is much safer than cards that anybody can access my room by using the card.
    In this article all of the new trends for hotel security are described and examples of where they are being implemented are given. Thanks to technological innovations hotel safety is heading into a whole different level. Now key cards are being change to more sophisticated ones that need just to be waved to open a room door. In the near future it is expected for these cards to be used as a payment method and to check-in and check-out. In the U.S biometrics technology is starting to be used by a small number of properties not only for guests to access their rooms but for employees. Facial recognition systems with the ability of tracking guests and employees are also being implemented. This system helps to improves customer service as it helps to really understand guest's preferences, as enormous amount of information can be extracted as they are constantly being monitored. Other technologies are also being developed. The most amazing ones are the systems that track other unique human characteristics as the way a person walks or it's DNA.
    The technology of hotel changes very fast, such as swipe of a cellphone or print of a finger, or the contact cards that need just be waved to allow room access. It is like the cruise world's one card system, these cards may soon make hotel stays easier by allowing guests to pay for services, as well as to check- in and check-out, through a single device. If customers lost their cards on cruise, the radio frequency identification and smartphone will provide customers their code via text message, so they can play back the code to unlock your room door. But more card free security systems are on the way. If you want to get into your room at New York's SoHo Loft , you are going to have to lift a finger. The Nine Zero Hotel in Boston us the technology to make the property safer all round ,that means non-staff members and intruders can not access the property. Systems that track the other qualities that make each human unique in development as well. The Houston's largest hotel has a facial recognition system that can identify and track guests and an annual $16 million payroll ,the system offers benefits such as employee time theft monitoring and prevention for the hotel. But with 1200 rooms worth of luggage in transit the system makes it a lot easier to find lost or misdirected bags The Wolfe feels that in addition to the biometrics and high-tech methods currently being deployed ,one of the greatest security measures of late is actually low tech.
    The full name of RFID is radio-frequency identification. RFID is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data from a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. Some tags require no battery and are powered by the electromagnetic fields used to read them. Others use a local power source and emit radio waves (electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies). The tag contains electronically stored information which can be read from up to several metres (yards) away. Now RFID in hospitality industry as a tool is used for improving service quality, customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability. As the new technology apply into hotel security, the hotels change their ways in the blink of an eye, or the swipe of a cell phone, or the print of a finger. With futuristic systems like scent and iris scanners and digital facial-recognition, hotel security is being taken to the high level and some of the luxury hotels begin to use RFID system. Usually customers will worry about lose the card of hotel. Then they can not open the door and even need to pay extra money to buy a new card. But now security systems in some hotels do away with cards altogether. Because of RFID system, customers can use the iPhone connect with the system. When a guest checks into a hotel and provides their phone number, they get an encrypted sound code via text message. Guests can play back the code to unlock your room door.
    i think there are some factors to consider. Customer Service - Many opportunities for "great" customer service are lost if guest and employee interaction is diminished. In many cases, the front desk staff give the first impression that a guest experiences. This first "experience" can be crucial for referring the guest to other property amenities, i.e. spa, restaurants, lounge, pool, attractions, etc. Often, the front desk staff are acting as the concierge and resolvers of guest issues.
    this article talks about new technology that is being implemented throughout out US and the world. Old key cards are now going to be replaced with even older standard keys or the radio frequency identification card that can be waived in front of the door to gain access. Also, there is a technology that will sent an encrypted sound text to guest;s cell phone, which when played back will open the door.  It talks about technology that tracks all employees, guests and their luggage.  There are several concerned that travelers have about their privacy, but article stated that it all depends on the type of the traveler.  Also, the face recognition technology used in Houston's largest hotel remembers guests names and when they return, guests are greeted by name.  Article concludes that even with all this technology, the best security is provided through interdependence of travelers and employees.  
    Technology in the hotel travel and tourism industry will be changing drastically in the near future, from the swipe of a cell phone, print of a finger, facial recognition, iris scanners, security is going to be taken to the next level. the plastic key cards will soon no longer exist. Radio frequency I'd cards are the new thing, where guest will use this for preferences for everything, from charging things to your room, preference of floor type to pillow choice, chick in and out etc. systems that track the other qualities of a person instead of using a key or card are in development as well. There are research going on how to open the door and. Lose wi just the persons walk and movements. Some people think these new security technologies are awesome, while some think they are not, people dont want to be watched 24/7while on vacation they just want to enjoy there stay. But in today's society all travelers are becoming interdependent on each other for safety and security.
Le Chai

Event Planning - Technology Solutions - 5 Technologies Event Planners Can't Live Withou... - 5 views

  • 5 Technologies Event Planners Can't Live Without
  • our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise
  • 1. Smartphones
  • ...54 more annotations...
  • This is the most obvious technology we can’t live without. Let’s be honest—-most of us are glued to our smartphones and our favorite apps 24 hours a day.
  • Chances are, if you walk around a convention center or hotel lobby, you will see people with their heads down, tapping away furiously on their smartphones
  • How did we ever find time to accomplish everything before smartphones came into existence?
  • your event management system with a customer relationship management (CRM) system such as Salesforce,
  • the benefits of the SaaS (software as a service) delivery model are becoming increasingly apparent.
  • These applications are advantageous to planners because they allow us to access all details and execution aspects of an event from any web-enabled device—be it a computer, smartphone, or iPad
  • With SaaS cloud apps, just provide end-users with reports-only access to what they need and nothing more. 
  • integration options available to planners, you are now blessed with the ability to link up your event management system with a customer relationship management (CRM) system such as Salesforce,
  • 2. SaaS Cloud Apps
  • With all of the information you  could ever need to access right at your fingertips through event management applications, you can ditch the millions of pieces of paper and now access contracts, registrations, room blocks,
  • Live and virtual events are about giving the attendee a choice as to how they spend their time
  • “webinars on steroids.” Live and virtual events are about giving the attendee a choice as to how they spend their time.
  • virtual events save the planner and attendee time, money, and resources.
  • virtual events save the planner and attendee time, money, and resources.
  • Virtual events are a great way for planners to fill seats at a cost that won’t make anyone wince.
  • This is the best tool in the box for improving future events.
  • 4. Social Media and Viral Marketing
  • Did you know that one out of three consumers is online for three or more hours per day? Or that 90 million tweets are sent out daily? What about this one: One of every eight minutes spent online is spent on Facebook
  • Some of the best traction you will get is from people sharing interesting tidbits they may have learned and enticing others to learn more
  • Today is the day of the iPad and the tablet, and a more simplified life.
  • 3. Virtual Events
  • In a world where everyone is always on the run, our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise—but what these tools can accomplish might impress you.
  • our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise—but what these tools can accomplish might impress you.
  • our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise—but what these tools can accomplish might impress you.
  • our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise—but what these tools can accomplish might impress you.
  • our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise—but what these tools can accomplish might impress you.
  • our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise—but what these tools can accomplish might impress you.
  • our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise—but what these tools can accomplish might impress you.
  • our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise—but what these tools can accomplish might impress you.
  • Smartphones
  • Chances are, if you walk around a convention center or hotel lobby, you will see people with their heads down, tapping away furiously on their smartphones. 
  • Whether the ubiquity of these devices is a blessing or a curse, the fact is, event professionals and participants alike would be lost without them.
  • SaaS Cloud Apps
  • SaaS (software as a service) delivery model
  • These applications are advantageous to planners because they allow us to access all details and execution aspects of an event from any web-enabled device
  • Additionally, with all of the integration options available to planners, you are now blessed with the ability to link up your event management system with a customer relationship management (CRM) system
  • Virtual Events
  • Virtual events are a great way for planners to fill seats at a cost that won’t make anyone wince.
  • Often complementing physical events, virtual events save the planner and attendee time, money, and resources.
  • There is word that the economy is making a recovery, but many of us have yet to see it.
  • Social Media and Viral Marketing
  • Did you know that one out of three consumers is online for three or more hours per day? Or that 90 million tweets are sent out daily? What about this one: One of every eight minutes spent online is spent on Facebook. 
  • So this should be a no-brainer
  • This marketing can come from either you or your attendees. Allowing attendees to share things that they like and getting them involved in hyping your event is a great way to spread the word. 
  • iPads and Tablets
  • Today is the day of the iPad and the tablet, and a more simplified life. 
  • When combining tablets with mobile event applications, planners can also communicate in real-time with participants and share or update information in seconds. Never leave home without one! 
  • 1. Smartphones
  • This is the most obvious technology we can’t live without. Let’s be honest—-most of us are glued to our smartphones and our favorite apps 24 hours a day. We get nervous when we can’t find the phone, and we feel phantom vibration rings. Chances are, if you walk around a convention center or   hotel lobby, you will see people with their heads down, tapping away furiously on their smartphones
  • Virtual Events
  • SaaS Cloud Apps
  • Social Media and Viral Marketing
  • iPads and Tablets
  • . Smartphones
    The author of this article, Tara Thomas, summarizes the top five technologies for event planners. The first technology that she mentions is smart phones. She writes that this is the most obvious technology that event planners can't live without. Planners can do things like set alarms, look up information, communicate instantly, and use social media to promote the event. The second technology that Thomas mentions is SaaS cloud applications. Software as a service allows planners to access all details and execution aspects of an event from any web enabled device, eliminating printed or emailed reports. Thirdly, Thomas talks about virtual events. Virtual events save the planner and the attendee valuable time, money, and resources. Thomas next talks about social media and viral marketing. Using sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to share event details is a great way to communicate to a very large group of people. The fifth and last technology that Thomas speaks of is Ipads and tablets. Through event management applications, planners have all of the information they could possibly need right at their fingertips. Ipads and tablets also make it possible to communicate in real time if needed.
  • ...11 more comments...
    I think this is a great article. I am a Marketing Manager but do events at my restaurant as well and even for me I need my smart phone at all times to look up stuff in emails or even have a remote log-in to my computer to check a contract if needed. Event planners really do need all of these technologies at all times and people may view it as rude to be on your phone at all times but in reality they are just doing their jobs to make your life easier and less complex.
    "5 technologies event planners can't live without" was a unique read. The article begins with the number one technology the author designates as not being able to live without which are smartphones. Event planners are constantly in need to update their events, use the latest applications, set alarms for all events , look up phones number instantly by vendor and so on. What is then questioned is the systems in place before smartphones were introduced. Number two on the list is SaaS cloudapps better known as software as a service applications that are vastly on the rise. SaaS cloudapps enable meeting planners to access details and other aspects of events from any web device such as a smart phone or ipad. This is also valid with the ability to link event management systems to customer relationship management systems (CRM).Number three is Virtual events. The article presents many positives in hosting "webinars or live events" that include saving time, money and available resources. The meeting planner can fill "seats" easier and measure improvement for future events. Number four is social media and viral marketing. This is a major deal for event planners because not only they have the ability to market their events but attendees market for them: before, during and after. The article presents statistics about twitter, facebook and linkedin which support why social media and viral marketing are keys to success for event planners. Last but not least, listed as number five are Ipads and tablets. These devices simply allow event planners to have a bundle of information at their fingertips. In summary, event planners are constantly on the go and will always strive for perfection even during crunch time. Technology enhancements have allowed event planners to become more efficient and better resources for their clients.
    This article list five technologies event planners cannot live without, including the smartphones, SaaS Cloud Apps, virtual events, social media and viral marketing, and iPads and tablets. With more and more people adopting smartphones, ipads and tablets, event planners should look into purchasing a mobile event app for their attendees to use at their event. This not only reduces paper waste, it also reduces the high costs involved in printing event guides and brochures for the event. It is essentially a virtual event guide that's available in the palm of the attendee's hands.
    In a world where everyone is always on the run, our top five technologies for event planners are no surprise-but what these tools can accomplish might impress you. 1. Smartphones This is the most obvious technology we can't live without. Let's be honest--most of us are glued to our smartphones and our favorite apps 24 hours a day. 2. SaaS Cloud Apps In today's quick and chaotic world, the benefits of the SaaS (software as a service) delivery model are becoming increasingly apparent.With SaaS cloud apps, just provide end-users with reports-only access to what they need and nothing more. 3. Virtual Events There is word that the economy is making a recovery, but many of us have yet to see it. People are quickly catching on to the benefits of virtual events, or as we like to call them, "webinars on steroids." Live and virtual events are about giving the attendee a choice as to how they spend their time. 4. Social Media and Viral Marketing Sharing event details on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook is hugely beneficial because of the range of attention you can garner. People show up at events they've heard about, think good things about, and understand the value of. 5. 5.iPads and Tablets Tablet computers are revolutionizing the event-planning industry. The day of the binder stuffed with event details and spreadsheets is coming to an end. Today is the day of the iPad and the tablet, and a more simplified life.
    This article provides readers with basic information about the advanced five technologies event planners can not live without.Including smartphones,Cloud apples,Virtual Events, Social media and ipads.
    Here are the 5 espects for event planers development. In my opinion, the most important one in next several years is the smartphones. This is the smartphoe time. It make our life easy and convenient. If we do have an apps for event planning for smartphones, and make a good market planning, it will help the company find lots of potential customers and expanding the business not only on the computer internet.
    This article discusses how technology can assist in event planning. It lists the five technologies that can sincerely facilitate event planners with their day to day tasks and responsibilities. The five technologies include smart phones which are life savers when it comes to trying to find phone numbers, respond to email inquiries, and keeping a clear and adequate schedule. The Saa S Clould App lends a hand to event planners so they can link up their systems for customers using software as a service tool. Third, they discuss virtual events, which give key data and facts about events and help the planner and client save time, money, and resources. The forth technology is social media and viral marketing which is enormously helpful and saves money. As a final point, ipads and tablets save paper and are of assistance to event planners to be more structured.
    This article highlights the 5 technologies that are vital to the success of event planners. The first piece of technology that event planners cannot live without are smartphones. With the introduction of the smartphone, event planners can now do mutliple things at once while on-the-go. While moving from event to event, event planners can check their emails so they are not overwhelmed, review and add postings to social media pages, and check their to-do lists for the day. The second piece of technology that are key for all event planners are SaaS Cloud Apps. With these new cloud systems, event planners can now access any information and details about an event from any web-based product making life a whole lot easier. The third piece of technology are virtual meetings. With the cost of travel increasing everyday virtual meetings gives event planners the opportunity to hold events online saving them time, money, and resources, as well as getting immediate feedback from attendees. The fourth piece of technology is social media marketing. With the popularity of Facebook, Twiiter, Instagram, etc going through the roof, event planners are taking advantage of this by being able to have access to a wide variety of potential clients. The last piece of technology that is vital to the success of events planners is IPads and Tablets. No longer will event planners have to deal with file cabinets and binders filled with contracts and invoices. Now, event planners can do everything through a tablet and keep their business more organized.
    Nowadays, there are 5 technologies that event planners cannot live without. They are smartphones, saas cloud apps, virtual events, social media and viral marketing, as well as ipads. With a smartphone, the event planner can respond to emails in time, add new postings on the event page, etc. Saas cloud apps allow the event planners or guests get the event details from any web-enabled device. Virtual events is an effective way for organizers to get the data for future events. With social media, event planners can share their experience through twitter or facebook, which is a great way to spread the market. With ipads and tablets, one can make contracts, register or other things online.
    This article discuses how these 5 technologies help to make planning events easier. 
    This article picked five technologies that event planners must have, and they are smartphones, SaaS Cloud Apps, virtual events, social media and viral marketing, and iPads and tablets. In detail, the arthor mentioned event planners should link up the event management system with a customer relationship management system such as Salesforce. Also, when talked about the virtual event, the author mentioned it can help to save time, money and resources, and it is a high recommonded tool for improving future events.
    This article was about the 5 technologies event planners can't live without. These technologies are: smart phones, SaaS cloud apps, virtual events, social media and viral marketing, and finally iPads and tablets. Smart phones are important to the daily activities of an event planner because they are able to look up phone numbers, response to emails, update a status on a social media site, review or add to lists for events, and so much more all on the go. SaaS cloud apps let planner take advantage of accessing all devices and execute aspects of an event for any web enabled device. With SaaS cloud apps you are also able to link up your event management system with a customer relationship management system. Virtual events allow planners to fill seats at a cost that won't cost a burden. Social media and viral marketing allows event planners to market themselves and get event details to different consumers. iPads and tablets get rid of the need for a large heavy binder stuffed with event details. Now event planner can carry a tablet that allows you to access anything you need. In conjunction with the SaaS cloud apps you can also access contracts, registrations, and room blocks and also link up a CRM system as mentioned before. The technology advances we have now let event planners do even more on the day to day, but also make it easier for them to do so.
    The article lists five technological necessities that used by the event planners. They are smartphones, SaaS cloud apps, virtual events, social medial and viral marketing, ipads and tablets. All of these technologies can save time and costs for the event planners. What`s more, they provide a more simplified life for the human beings. 
Avril Emmanuel

Future of Hotel Call Accounting by Jessie Warner - 1 views

  • Call accounting has been around for decades to track, manage and bill or allocate phone calls. By the mid-1980s, call accounting was a necessary and very profitable tool for almost all hotels/motels. Some properties made thousands of dollars each month with call accounting
  • Call accounting products allow hotels/motels to bill guests for all phone calls that the property will have to pay for, recovering costs (plus fair mark-ups and/or surcharges for amortized equipment/service costs, profits, etc., too, if desired)
  • Managers can also detect phone misuse or abuse, optimize phone system performance, allocate telecom costs by department or extension, set special rates for VIP guests, and decrease billing errors
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • is there a role – and a future - for hospitality call accounting? Do hotels/motels still need call accounting systems? The answer to these questions is a profound YES and YES!
  • Hospitality call accounting has a bright future
    What hotel call accounting does is to track, manage, and bill or allocate phone calls made by guests or employees. It has played a critical role in the lodging industry for decades. By the mid-1980s, call accounting was a very profitable source for most of hotels/motels because it generated thousands of dollars each month. However, hotel call accounting has been less important due to the presence of cell phones, decrease in long distance rates. At this point, hoteliers may wonder if they really need call accounting systems. The author emphasizes that hotel call accounting is still important and beneficial for hotels/motels in many ways: billing hotel guests for all phone calls, detecting phone misuse or abuse, decreasing billing errors, etc. Mostly, revenues from call accounting alone can cover the costs for phone equipment and service, so hotels do not take any risk. The author also stresses that call accounting has a bright future. Even though the importance of call accounting has decreased, hotels still need a way to track and bill phone calls to guests and departments as PMS and phone systems get more advanced, as Internet and VoIP are used more and more.
                      This article talks about the importance of call accounting in hotels. Call Accounting is a hotel's ability to track and analyze the phone calls made from its grounds.                   Call Accounting is a software that is still a necessity even though it no longer makes as much money as it used to. Warner says, "Now that cell phones are everywhere and long distance rates have significantly decreased, call accounting does not allow properties to bring in nearly as much revenue as before. For many hotels/motels, call accounting has been forced to take a back seat in their organization."       Call Accounting shouldn't be eliminated simply because the ROI is less. Tracking where a 911 call originated and providing quality customer service is more important than money. If you provide proper customer service, the money will come.          In another article on Ezine articles, Warner said, "Without a call accounting system, hotel managers do not have the information needed to quickly resolve guest concerns and may be confronted with headaches and disgruntled customers. However, by using a call accounting system, managers can have the added security and peace of mind that they have the information needed to help their guests and to understand, manage, improve, and control telephone activities."                  
Donald Wojciechowski

PhoneSuite Introduces Innovative Voiceware VoIP Hotel Phone System - 0 views

  • Voiceware by PhoneSuite is a server-based core that’s compatible with the latest full-featured SIP phones from a variety of manufacturers, yet still works with a hotel’s existing standard guestroom phones
  • he system can be run on-property or “in the cloud,” and allows hoteliers to choose the features that make sense for their operation,
  • Voiceware offers more functionality and an interface that’s easier to use than traditional hotel front desk consoles.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • PhoneSuite’s phone systems for economy to midscale properties integrate seamlessly with Property Management Systems and eliminate hours of training with an easy-to-use console
    This article discusses a new VoIP telephone solution for hotel properties of various sizes. The system works existing phones in hotel rooms can be run on or off the property. The system claims to be guest centric in that all services such as wake-up calls, preferred languages, group affiliation are tied to the guest account not a phone. Guess are even given the ability to access many features of the system on or off property. Administratively the system claims to be more functional and easier to use than traditional front desk consoles. if I was the operator I would consider this VoIP system when evaluating phone systems.what I find most attractive is that it to be run in the cloud and various modules can be added based upon the level of service I felt was necessary for my property.
Linfan Cai

Three companies partner for hotel technology packages | Hotel Management - 1 views

  • Offering both cloud-based and premise-based property management solutions, AutoClerk’s software can accommodate corporate hotels, B&Bs, resorts, condos or timeshare hotels. In addition, they produce Point-of-Sale (POS) software and systems to manage marinas.
  • Voiceware by PhoneSuite is a server-based hotel phone system capable of running both administrative and guest room SIP phones, as well as standard, inexpensive, analog guest and common area phones. It can be hosted “in the cloud” as a service, or locally on a premise-based server.
  • new features such as group affiliation with voice message broadcast, voice mail and wakeup prompts (using the guest’s native language), and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-based guest checkout are possible using PhoneSuite’s new Voiceware platform.
    The partnership of AutoClerk, Inc., Technology At Work, and PhoneSuite is changing the approach to technology packages for hotels. This technology addresses the issues of solely-based cloud based solutions by additionally offering "premise-based property management solutions". Its application for property management and phone systems is most compelling. The software extends its use to smaller boutique hotels, B&Bs, and larger corporate hotels with its variety in package solutions. For international guests, the use of Interactive Voice Response allows for the use of their own native language, tailoring the hotel experience to the individual and group needs.
    The three companies AutoClerk, Inc., Technology At Work and PhoneSuite. They provide complete techonology packages for hotels. The packages mainly include software, hardware, IP-based Private Branch Exchange phone system and network design. The package could use the same computer to run the hotel's Property Management system. It is able to offer could-based and premise-based property management solutions. The AutoClerk could interface to many standard systems, such as Internet reservations or restaurant Point-of-sale. The PhoneSuite developed a server-based hotel phone system called Voiceware. It coud run both administrative and guest room Session Initiation Protocol phones.It can be hosted "in the cloud" as a server.
Irine Wallace

Opera Property Management System - 0 views

  • Reservations ― features are integrated with other functionality such as profiles, cashiering and deposits. This property management software module provides a complete set of features for creating and updating individual, group and business block reservations, including deposit handling, cancellations, confirmations, wait listing, room blocking and sharing.
  • Reservations ― features are integrated with other functionality such as profiles, cashiering and deposits. This property management software module provides a complete set of features for creating and updating individual, group and business block reservations, including deposit handling, cancellations, confirmations, wait listing, room blocking and sharing.
  • Reservations ― features are integrated with other functionality such as profiles, cashiering and deposits. This property management software module provides a complete set of features for creating and updating individual, group and business block reservations, including deposit handling, cancellations, confirmations, wait listing, room blocking and sharing.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Reservations ― features are integrated with other functionality such as profiles, cashiering and deposits. This property management software module provides a complete set of features for creating and updating individual, group and business block reservations, including deposit handling, cancellations, confirmations, wait listing, room blocking and sharing.
  • Profiles ― complete demographic records for guests, business accounts, contacts, groups, agents and sources. Profiles include addresses, phone numbers, membership enrollments, stay and revenue details, guest preferences and additional data that make reservations handling and many other activities faster and more accurate.
  • Back Office Interface ― revenue transfers, market statistics transfers, daily statistics transfers, and city ledger transfers can be easily made from OPERA Property Management System to a back office system.
  • Rooms Management ― handles all facets of room supervision including availability, housekeeping, maintenance and facility management. The Queue Rooms feature of the property management software coordinates Front Office and Housekeeping efforts when guests are waiting for rooms which are not immediately available for assignment.
  • Cashiering ― posting guest and passer-by charges (including taxes and other generates), making posting adjustments, managing advance deposits, settlements, checkout and folio printing are a few of the many activities handled by OPERA Cashiering. Cashiering accommodates multiple payment methods per reservation including cash, check, credit cards and direct bill. In multi-property environments, guest charges can be cross-posted from any property in the hotel complex
  • Cashiering ― posting guest and passer-by charges (including taxes and other generates), making posting adjustments, managing advance deposits, settlements, checkout and folio printing are a few of the many activities handled by OPERA Cashiering. Cashiering accommodates multiple payment methods per reservation including cash, check, credit cards and direct bill. In multi-property environments, guest charges can be cross-posted from any property in the hotel complex
  • Cashiering ― posting guest and passer-by charges (including taxes and other generates), making posting adjustments, managing advance deposits, settlements, checkout and folio printing are a few of the many activities handled by OPERA Cashiering. Cashiering accommodates multiple payment methods per reservation including cash, check, credit cards and direct bill. In multi-property environments, guest charges can be cross-posted from any property in the hotel complex
  • Cashiering ― posting guest and passer-by charges (including taxes and other generates), making posting adjustments, managing advance deposits, settlements, checkout and folio printing are a few of the many activities handled by OPERA Cashiering. Cashiering accommodates multiple payment methods per reservation including cash, check, credit cards and direct bill. In multi-property environments, guest charges can be cross-posted from any property in the hotel complex
  • Cashiering ― posting guest and passer-by charges (including taxes and other generates), making posting adjustments, managing advance deposits, settlements, checkout and folio printing are a few of the many activities handled by OPERA Cashiering. Cashiering accommodates multiple payment methods per reservation including cash, check, credit cards and direct bill. In multi-property environments, guest charges can be cross-posted from any property in the hotel complex
  • Cashiering ― posting guest and passer-by charges (including taxes and other generates), making posting adjustments, managing advance deposits, settlements, checkout and folio printing are a few of the many activities handled by OPERA Cashiering. Cashiering accommodates multiple payment methods per reservation including cash, check, credit cards and direct bill. In multi-property environments, guest charges can be cross-posted from any property in the hotel complex
  • Your front desk often makes the difference between ‘never agains’ and ‘long-term relationships.’ At the core of the OPERA Enterprise Solution is our premier property management software, the OPERA Property Management System (PMS). Designed to meet the varied requirements of any size hotel or hotel chain, OPERA PMS provides all the tools a hotel staff needs for doing their day-to-day jobs – handling reservations, checking guests in and out, assigning rooms and managing room inventory, accommodating the needs of in-house guests, and handling accounting and billing. The property management software is configurable to each property’s specific requirements and operates in either single-property or multi-property mode, with all properties in an enterprise sharing a single database
    SUMMARY OPERA Property Management System is fully integrated with all the OPERA modules and offers the most extensive list of certified interfaces in the industry. FEATURES: Reservation, rate management, profiles, front desk management, back office interface, room management, cashiering, account receivables, commissions, reporting, fully configurable, global perspective, hospitality system interface, opera express, tailored to fit hotel's operational business needs, scalable to suit the size of the hotel, helps operators to become more productive, profitable and professional, and delivers fast, accurate and online information on property
    A lot of hotels use OPERA as their property management system. I have never personally worked in a hotel so I am not familiar with PMS's but from everything that I have read and heard from people is that OPERA is very efficient with everything. This system seems as though it can do everything for your property just the way that you would like it to. OPERA is customizable to your company's needs which seems great. This is a great website that you posted as it informs all of us exactly what this PMS is capable of.
Yunfan Wu

The hospitality industry and call accounting - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-m... - 0 views

  • Call accounting, the ability to track and analyze phone calls, was originally invented in the 1970s as a way for businesses to manage phone usage within their organizations. By the early 1980s it had been adapted to the hospitality industry, allowing hotels and resorts to more easily track guest phone usage, recover telephone costs, and generate extra revenue through the resale of phone calls.
  • During the 1980s and 1990s call accounting systems were in high demand due to the fact that hotels could often generate thousands of dollars each month by marking up long distance calls.
  • In today’s world, major business and hospitality organisations strongly suggest that their properties use call accounting systems, and many require that their systems are up-to-date and accurate. They do this for four main reasons: (1) to recover the cost of long-distance calls, (2) to properly allocate, account for, and charge customers for phone usage, (3) to generate revenue through the resale of phone calls, and (4) to track phone calls made to and from their property for marketing, planning, and other purposes, and especially for handling and tracking emergency calls.
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  • When buying a call accounting system, hotel managers have three system choices: software, hardware, or web-based products. Web-based products tend to get quite expensive due to the monthly subscription fees which are based on the number of extensions and users. Software products are more flexible than hardware-based systems due to the added capabilities of the PC, but often require large amounts of memory to store and retrieve call data efficiently. Hardware or stand-alone systems appear to be the most popular form of call accounting systems in the hospitality industry due to the fact that the systems are quite small and can be stored in a closet or drawer. Stand-alone systems, like software and web-based products, will automatically post call records directly to the Property Management System for future retrieval.
    This article introduced what the call accounting system is and the development of this system in hospitality industry. It can help the hotels track the calls and generate revenue. There are three kinds of call accounting systems, which are software, hardware and web-based products. Each one has its own advantages. Hotels should make choice according to its necessary and budget.

How the cloud is disrupting the hospitality industry | Lightspeed HQ - 2 views

  • back in the 40
  • first hotel management system Hoteltype
  • n the 90s
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  • first database management systems
  • The hospitality industry is at “a tipping point in terms of cloud adoption”, with hoteliers expected to invest 7 – 8% more in cloud technology over the next 2 to 3 years.
  • Cloud-based hotel management systems
  • hosted by the vendor’s server rather than the hotel’s
  • On-site hotel management software, managed by the hotel’s IT team, comes with considerable upfront, maintenance and running costs.
  • business can save 50% with cloud computing solutions
  • limitless flexibility to work with the vendors of their choice
  • cost of general operational and maintenance fees,
  • are part of the package and covered by the vendor
  • personalized experiences with the help of captured customer information
    • npate083
      Cloud based services will also allow the hotel to enhance the guest experience. The customer information can be captured and be shared through multiple outlets in a building to ensure the guest is receiving the best service possible.
  • With traditional software, hoteliers are limited to standalone software packages
  • Cloud-based applications are offered as software as a service (SaaS)
    • npate083
      Using cloud services will allow businesses to save on hardware installation cost as well as maintenance and running costs. According to this article, businesses can save 50% of their IT costs by switching to cloud services.
  • cloud-based hotel management systems are entirely scalable – they have an unlimited capacity to expand
  • One of the biggest strengths of a cloud-based hotel management system is that it can be easily connected to other software applications, even if these applications don’t share the same provider.
    • npate083
      Cloud services allows the flexibility of using multiple vendors of your choice, as opposed to traditional software that did not offer that type of flexibility.
  • The reality is that with traditional hotel management software, adding and removing resources is difficult and hoteliers are essentially stuck with one system until the license expiry date
  • The hospitality industry is at “a tipping point in terms of cloud adoption”, with hoteliers expected to invest 7 – 8% more in cloud technology over the next 2 to 3 years.
  • Cloud-based hotel management systems – or, simply put, systems hosted by the vendor’s server rather than the hotel’s – give hoteliers a single, scalable system from which to manage every aspect of their hotel business.
  • A Frost & Sullivan study showed that business can save 50% with cloud computing solutions. The apparition of the cloud and its flexible pricing has slashed businesses’ hardware costs, making it possible for even hotels with small budgets to run an advanced management system.
  • SaaS hotel management systems are pay-as-you-go. Therefore, rather than having to pay a large sum for a long-term commitment, hoteliers can pay smaller amounts on a regular basis.
  • The cloud lets hoteliers record this data – their preferences, transactions and behavior – every time the customer interacts in some way with their hotel, such as ordering room service, eating in the hotel restaurant or even booking a day trip or spa session.They can then use this data to make suggestions based on the customer’s preferences and behavior.
  • Secondly, they enable you to provide guests with the convenience and seamless experience they expect, even before they step into the hotel reception. Armed with a cloud-based system, you can give your guests the convenience they now expect from a hotel stay, such as booking rooms on their mobile phones or accessing their room from an app, to name a few examples.
  • with traditional hotel management software, adding and removing resources is difficult and hoteliers are essentially stuck with one system until the license expiry date. You’re in a contract, with very little wiggle room.
  • Cloud-based software gives hoteliers a hotel management system that facilitates rather than restricts business operations. Unlike their on-site predecessors, cloud-based hotel management systems are entirely scalable – they have an unlimited capacity to expand. They give hoteliers the agility and freedom to add or remove resources in line with their growth and scale their hotel management systems to the services they offer.
  • One of the biggest strengths of a cloud-based hotel management system is that it can be easily connected to other software applications, even if these applications don’t share the same provider.For hoteliers, this capacity and the possibilities that it brings are revolutionary. They now have limitless flexibility to work with the vendors of their choice and can bundle applications together thereby creating a truly customized management suite that meets their needs.
  • Cloud-based technology gives hoteliers the key to run smart businesses that are in tune with modern-day travelers, and more profitable.
    This article speaks on how cloud systems are changing the hospitality system in a BIG way. Listed below, are how it is doing so successfully: Due to Cloud-based applications being offered by a vendor, there is no expensive hardware to install which makes it a reoccurring system for smaller hotels to be able to use such an advanced system. They allow guests to maneuver through their stay stress-free and giving them the convenience of not having to go down to the front desk to ask questions or make any food orders and these cloud systems record their behavior which allows the hotels to give them suggestions on where to go, what spa treatments to get and of course, what food to order. It also allows hotels to integrate software with various vendors unlike the traditional ones being used. With this, hoteliers can now have a customized management suite to meet all of their needs.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Cloud computing software basically allows hotels to build their own IT infrastructure. Cloud computing is expanding in the trends of hospitality software allowing hotelier to operate their hotel management system with just a computer and a web browser wherever they are on real time. In addition one of the main advantage is the ability to integrate other vendor's software into their own opening a seeming less opportunity to work with whoever they desire. Cloud computing allows a cost reduction on the IT department as well as a better connectivity with guest demands and expectations.
    This article summarizes the benefits of switching from a traditional software system to a cloud based system. Some of the benefits the article mentions are low costs, better guest experience, and more flexibility. The article highly suggests that in the next few years most hoteliers will be switching to a cloud based software system.
    This article gives an in depth look at how cloud computing is enhancing the hospitality industry. It gives a variety of pros to cloud computing and compares cloud computing to traditional or older ways of using servers.

CloudBasedvsDesktopBased_PMSHotels.pdf - 0 views

shared by marble_bird on 09 Jul 20 - No Cached
  • Even though keeping up with the modern developments in IT sector is crucial for the success and competitiveness of a hotel, it is usually very hard for new technologies to be accepted and implemented.
  • On the example of hotel property management system (PMS) and comparison between features of its older desktop-version and new web-based programs, this research aims at finding out at which stage and how effective is usage of cloud technology in hotels.
  • Constant innovation in hardware, software, and network developments and applications means that only dynamic organizations that can respond efficiently and effectively to these innovations, will be able to outperform their competitors and maintain their long-term prosperity.
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  • It is crucial for tourism and hospitality practitioners to proactively incorporate new technologies into their businesses as these will improve service quality and differentiate their products and services.
  • In order to be able to follow the increasing guests' requests for qualitative services, it is mandatory for hotel management to constantly work on improving its functions and operations. For this it is necessary to keep track of innovations in sectors outside the hospitality, like IT sector that works on creating, developing and introducing new technologies
  • Hospitality is one of targeted sector that is considered appropriate for application of cloud technologies and services. Hotel Management System or widely known as Property Management System (PMS) is one of the system where IT practitioners saw the chance for improvement by ''moving it to the cloud''.
  • Hotels will be forced to upgrade their current systems so that they can respond to various and changeable guests' habits and requirements. However, until today, there was not enough academic papers related to usage of cloud technology in hospitality industry even though this sector is under continuous changes caused by usage of new technologies which made search, evaluation and payment of the hotel rooms easier than ever.
  • After comparing the two groups of hotels, from which one was using desktop PMS and other group cloud- based PMS, the results of the research were derived and presented. In conclusion of the paper, challenges with which the hotels are facing and which affect their decision of starting to use cloud- based technology as well as recommendation for future work will be discussed.
  • As stated by the Sharif (2010), cloud computing is the latest technology that is being introduced by the IT industry as the next (potential) revolution to change how the internet and information systems operate. The term “cloud” was probably inspired by IT text books’ illustrations which depicted remote environments (the Internet) as cloud images in order to conceal the complexity that lies behind them (Sultan,2010).
  • The goal of a new computing world is to develop software for millions to consume by easily accessing it over a network. Cloud service providers are making profit by charging consumers for accessing these services.
  • Products offered via this mode include the remote delivery (through the Internet) of a full computer infrastructure (e.g., virtual computers, servers, storage devices, etc.); the building blocks of an IT enterprise.
  • Services provided in this category include CPU processing on demand, virtual Web hosting, and storage on demand. The most notable vendors are Amazon’s EC2, GoGrid’s Cloud Servers, and Joyent.
  • With cloud computing, services and applications that were managed locally in the past requiring hardware, operating systems, web servers, as well as teams of network, database and system management experts are now provided remotely by cloud providers under this layer.
  • Cloud computing services can be adopted by firms in three different forms (Goscinski and Brock, 2010):
  • Public clouds - online applications that are open to everyone for free, such as Google
  • Private clouds - involves firms deploying key enabling technologies, such as virtualization and multi-tenant applications, to create their own private cloud database
  • Hybrid clouds - mix of the previous two types that are emerging with the intention of providing clients with a level of “control” over their resources
  • The cloud offers enterprises the option of scalability without the financial commitments required for infrastructure purchase and maintenance.
  • Reallocating information management operational activities to the cloud offers businesses a unique opportunity to focus efforts on innovation and research and development. This allows for business and product growth and may be even more beneficial than the financial advantages offered by the cloud.
  • These investments and efforts for a new technology to be presented open a new progress circle of technology advancements and it continues in the same way.
  • When creating software or an application for a hotel, IT personnel have to possess a certain level of flexibility, openness and creativity. On the other hand, hotel employees are expected to have more insightful and openminded approach towards new ways of performing business operations, sometimes take risks and have experiences with using different programs and applications.
  • A hotel's PMS can gather and keep valuable information about hotel guests by incorporating business intelligence tools which help hoteliers organize and make sense of the gathered data. Regardless of whether room reservations come from Online Travel Agency, Global Distribution Systems or by telephone, all of them are gathered, stored and managed in the PMS.
  • Simplicity of the cloud based property management system allows it to be productive. Cloud based PMS's can operate on any advice that has a web browser and the companies are putting their efforts to make it even more friendly on smaller devices like tablets and smart phones.
  • Business intelligence options provide hoteliers with a threedimensional view of guest data, which allows easily statistical reporting and increased hotel management efficiency.
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in practical usage of the two types of PMS systems – cloud based and classical (desktop) ones.
  • On the question about the reasons for using the current PMS type in hotels, answers of Group A were based on usage of their current PMS for years and on the fact that employees in all hotel departments were used to work on it. As time passed by, hotels upgraded their system to new versions for several times and additional customization was implemented with regard to hotel preferences.
  • Hotels from Group B were consisted of relatively new boutique hotels that operate for more than a year and from those that were not using any kind of PMS solution (they were using Excel tables and creating reservation records manually). The reason why hotels from this group wanted to use cloud PMS was a desire to try the latest technology used in hospitality industry.
  • Other reasons for using it were: PMS could be reached from any place where Internet connection is available, simple but effective design with lots of visual solutions, more options to enter the important information and the fact that it is working not only on any PC but also on any mobile device due to its mobile applications.
  • low investment costs were main reason for hotels from Group B to decide in favor of cloud based version.
  • The similar amount of initial investments were confirmed by the Group A. Being considered as great amount of money for newly opened and small sized hotels to invest, management decided to try out the cloud version which allows access to this system based on monthly subscription with very little or no investment cost, depending on the solution provider.
  • After initial investments in the system implementation, hardware, software and training of employees, every year hotel makes a one-year-based contract for additional support services and, if needed, extra training. Support is provided any time a hotel reports an issue or malfunction by directly connecting to hotel's computer through remote programs.
  • Changes are made either for each hotel at a time, or after releasing new version, when provider try to convince all the current users to upgrade to it. Upgrade is provided by the extra charge, so these costs should be also considered during planning investments in classical PMS.
  • Regardless of which type of system they used, all participants were very careful about and interested in the matter of data security.
  • However, it is totally different situation with cloud based system, which is mainly open system where all authorized users and providers from outside have access to. Of course, it is up to hotel management to whom the authorization rights will be given and being an open system it makes support, development and innovation activities much easier. Cloud based PMS are hosted on some of the world's best known servers so there is no need for additional computers to be used as servers.
  • Although there are some great differences in functions and way of managing regarding classical and cloud based system, both have their advantages from which hotels do not want to give up.
  • One of the biggest advantages of cloud based PMS for the Group B is the fact that this system can be directly integrated with hotel online booking engine. This is considered as a great advantage for the hotels that besides having functional web site, wish to maximize use of its online booking engine, receive more online reservations directly from the guests and gain more profit.
  • Such a functional connection between hotel’s PMS and online reservation system allow hotels to have a social media integration as well. This means that hotels are able to receive online reservation through their Facebook page as well as receive direct links to its page from the biggest review sites such as
  • In this paper two different approaches and perspectives on usage of cloud based and classical hotel management systems were exposed. Hotels from Group B have shown a tendency for usage of new technologies and readiness to adopt and continuously learn about them.
  • Among factors, affecting why hotel prefers one system over another, are type and size of hotel, through which channels are guest reservations coming, previous experience with IT stuff and different programs, etc.
  • Cloud based program can help them in order to update prices and room availability information to hotel's booking engine. This prevents overbooking, provides easily management of CRM functions and information, with no first investment costs or extra expenses which results in revenue increase.
  • Hotels that use classical PMS pay a great attention to the security issue because they do not want to risk opening their hotel for external intervention. In recent years we can find in media lots of evidence of information linkage from system that had much higher security measures than an average hotel.
  • Measuring the performance of cloud-provided services is another challenge for the hotel management, primarily due to the lack of measurement standards.
  • While investigating the previous knowledge about the other system solutions, hotels in Group A have claimed lack of information about the cloud technology and its solutions.
  • Even though IT stuff in these hotels has some basic knowledge about it, it is still not enough to convince the other managers about its benefits. Therefore it may be concluded that, besides trying to overcome the above mentioned challenges, developers of cloud based solutions to hotels should also work hard on training the potential clients about the positive aspects and correct usage of cloud technologies.
  • Lack of measurement standards for cloud-provided services in general as well as for hotels is another important limitation due to which qualitative research was conducted. Authors’ recommendation is that academicians should focus more on topics of cloud computing, cloud solutions for other business operations and on defining measurements standards for cloud services.
    This article, published in 2015, covers a study performed in Turkey to analyze factors in hotels that lead management to prefer desktop-based PMS over cloud-based PMS or vice versa. The study uses qualitative research to determine the reasons for the usage of PMS and the advantages and disadvantage of either system. The study found that, among others, significant factors that contribute to the form of PMS implemented by mangement may include the size of the property, reservation channels, and prior level of IT experience.

Making the Move to a Cloud-Based Restaurant POS - 0 views

  • The beauty of the cloud-based POS format is how scalable and customizable it is—it can work for single-location full service and quick service restaurants, multi-location restaurants, and restaurant groups alike.
  • Most cloud-based POS systems also update with new features as technology improves across the industry—something you’re unlikely to get with a legacy POS system.
  • Cloud solutions facilitate faster, easier, and more extensive business insights, which can help you make strategic decisions. By connecting what’s happening in the back of the house to the front, restaurant operators get a holistic picture of how the business is running
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • If you anticipate growth or change, a cloud-based POS system is better enabled to grow with you. 
  • Instead of printing out lengthy reports for every shift, now you can access your insights from any smart device—such as your computer, phone, or tablet—and get updated sales, inventory, customer feedback, and more, no matter where you are. 
  • Legacy systems only allow on-premise access to data, which means you have to be in your restaurant in order to access the information on your POS system.
  • Real-time data means real-time solutions to situations before they become problems. Just think of the time and money you’ll save by identifying issues before they blow out of proportion
  • While buying up all of the necessary technology to get a cloud-based POS system off the ground may seem expensive, they tend to have cheaper operating costs in the long run and some, like Upserve, offer free support 24/7/365. 
  • With a cloud-based restaurant POS, you have the ability to add on a mobile POS unit that provides a number of benefits.
  • That decrease in time spent waiting for their check or credit card to return to the table also increases guest satisfaction, boosting your reputation. A mobile restaurant POS also provides contactless payments with a built-in EMV reader, minimizing the exchange between servers and guests – something that is particularly important in this moment.
  • Cloud-based POS systems update automatically and for free, just like the apps on your mobile device, while traditional POS systems require manual updates that can be labor intensive and costly. 
  • The beauty of the cloud-based POS format is how scalable and customizable it is—it can work for single-location full service and quick service restaurants, multi-location restaurants, and restaurant groups alike. 
  • Thanks to the cloud and its encrypted online storage, there’s no risk of hardware or software incompatibility or failure, no viruses or driver hiccups, and no risk of a hard drive accidentally deleting a weekend’s worth of sales reports. It’s all backed up, automatically. 
  • If the internet ever goes down, the system that your legacy POS relies on will be offline and non-functional. Luckily, on a cloud-based restaurant POS system you have the option of switching to offline mode as a back-up. You’ll stay up and running until the internet is able to connect again.
  • Whether it’s updating your menu on the regular, launching new or improved loyalty programs, or requiring more precise inventory tracking, the more your needs will shift over time, the more sense it makes to opt for cloud-based.
  • Plus, younger generations of workers—think millennials and Gen Zs—will be able to get right on board with a cloud-based POS solution with little-to-no training.
  • Customers will feel good knowing their credit card information is secure and encrypted with the most up-to-date technology. 
  • No matter what type of establishment, your cloud-based POS can track every last drop of product, allowing you to spot discrepancies in an instant and fix gaps before they become problematic.
  • Hardware costs are separate from service, and maintenance and support services often come with a hefty fee. 
  • While traditional POS systems certainly have lower start-up costs, they tend to come with plenty of hidden costs that reveal themselves over time.
  • upfront costs are kept to a minimum and monthly subscription fees are lower. 
  • Best of all, instant free upgrades mean no lost revenue from downtime or inconvenient hardware upgrades as your business grows. Instead, plans can be upgraded or downgraded at will, and most providers don’t even charge a fee for the trouble. 
  • If you have existing setups in place, many third-party vendors have upgraded apps for cloud POS systems to help you maintain your current rewards and promotions planning. 
  • Most studies are showing that those who switched are sticking with a cloud-based solution, and that legacy POS systems will only decline moving forward.
  • After over three decades with a legacy POS system that only slowed them down, they made the move to a cloud-based POS to bring their restaurants into the future.
  • “Our restaurants are chef-driven, so we have specials that change every day. We need to add buttons every day. We change pricing every day. Having to stop and reset all the terminals because it’s not instantaneous was a headache.”
  • Not only did constant resets of the system create roadblocks for the team at Homegrown Hospitality, but service was also less than stellar and cost more than what it was worth.
  • We went through a lot of pain—our system would crash all the time, credit cards wouldn’t spool, and data would be lost. Our IT department would spend numerous hours a week just trying to recover data,” Simon explained.
  • “That was pretty much the breaking point: we were at the point where we needed to upgrade, but it would have cost us several hundred thousand dollars. So we decided to source something new. The functionality and capability of Upserve won us over.”
    This article takes you through why your restaurant may want to switch to a Cloud-Based POS. There are many positive attributes associated with making the switch, such as; data accessibility, cheaper operating costs, easier upgrades, less frequent downtimes, increased security, and adaptability. If you are a growing business, the Cloud would grow with you.
    Cloud based POS systems can be apprehensive at first, but we are always satisfied once we are able to se the technology work to keep the business safe, effiecient and also more profitable. Cloud based POS systems are speedy and saves a lot of time which frees up staff to do other things in the establishment.
    This article discussed the benefits of switching from a localized POS system to a cloud-based restaurant POS. The article touched on how cloud-based systems provide real-time data and how that instant data could provide a management team real-time solutions. You can save so much time and money by identifying issues before they even arrive. I found it very interesting that with cloud-based systems you have the "ability to add on a mobile POS unit that provides a number of benefits." With this option, your servers do not have to run back and forth to a POS station. They simply have the option in the palm of their hands. It also decreases the time spent waiting for a check or credit card to return to the table. This not only increases guest satisfaction, but helps with table turnover. The article also touched on how cloud-based POS systems are "better enabled to grow with you." They are super adaptable and the article mentioned that restaurants can update their menu whenever, launch new loyalty programs, and help with more precise inventory tracking. This article also touched on setup, increased security, staff accountability, and the ability to make better business decisions due to the cloud software being able to provide extensive business insights. Finally, the article touched on POS cost and how " upfront costs are kept to a minimum and monthly subscription fees are lower." It also ended with a case study about Homegrown Hospitality Group and their switch from Aloha to Upserve Cloud-based POS. It was very interesting and I'd recommend everyone read the brief two paragraphs about how the switch changed their business trajectory.

Best POS Systems for 2020 - 1 views

  • complete back-office solution built into the software
  • works with all major credit card processors and POS equipment.
  • iPad POS system for midsize and large restaurants.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • it comes with back-end features like reports, built-in CRM software, a timeclock with payroll exporting, offline mode and web orders.
  • iPad POS solution for bars, restaurants, retail shops and professional service providers.
  • prefer a Windows-based POS system
  • cloud-based POS system for independent retailers as well as those with multiple locations, such as chains, franchises and buying groups
  • accounting programs, property management systems, gaming and casino systems, and liquor dispensing systems
  • an inventory database, e-commerce solutions, a built-in timeclock and 24/7 customer support.
  • s, Cake has table and guest management features such as reservation and waitlist management as well as a mobile solution, OrderPad, that helps your staff take orders and payments quickly. Cake is cloud-based and provides 24/7 support.
  • inventory, purchase orders, loyalty programs, gift cards, reports and multi-store management.
  • ERP company that offers both retail and restaurant POS software that you can use as an on-premises system or as a web-based platform that you can access from a browser on any computer, tablet, or phone.
  • Features include inventory management, sales analytics, digital receipts and loyalty programs.
  • employee management, inventory, and reporting tools. It also has an app marketplace and its own API, giving you plenty of options to fully customize the software. The company offers 24/7 phone support.
  • It supports omnichannel sales and has tools for inventory management, tiered pricing, purchase ordering, analytics, and email marketing and customer loyalty programs.
  • like stadiums and theme parks.
  • quick-service and fast casual eateries
  • he company partners with software vendors, system integrators and value-added resellers in many industries, including retail, healthcare, hospitality, kiosk, gaming and manufacturing.
  • Features include appointment scheduling, employee management, inventory tracking, integrated payment processing, and gift card and loyalty programs.
  • It also has multiple customer support resources, including free 24/7 phone and email support, live chat, and community forums.
  • It has a built-in timeclock and accounting system. Its restaurant-specific features include reservations, table and delivery management tools, and a kitchen display system.
  • Clover has its own API, so your developers can create custom integrations if needed.
    This article presents suggestions on POS selection for companies sized from small to large. I found this article really interesting and reiterates that the selection of the POS is going to be based on company needs/culture. Their research was extensive and conducted market research repeatedly, before suggestions were made. It also touched on the different pricing options, in addition to any special features the POS may offer.
    This article talks about the best POS systems for 2020. What I found interesting is that the majority of these systems are cloud-based and offer integrated information services for a variety of industries, not just hospitality. A lot of the systems also are ipad based and work well with third-party POS hardware. They also have automated payment options integrated, for people who like to process payments electronically (i.e. Apple Pay). I think its important to know about these POS systems and what they can accomplish for hospitality companies.
    In this article, they talk about the best pos systems to use for 2020. They list each pos system name and then summarize the benefits and give a full review. The first system they talk about is lightspeed, which Ipad pos system has solutions for retail stores, restaurants, and online businesses. It's fully mobile, so you can check inventory from anywhere in the store, show customers product images and descriptions, and ring up orders and accept payments on the sales floor or, for restaurants, tableside. The next system is Vend that has real-time reports, inventory management features, and access to various integrations that can help you run your business, save time, and boost sales. This POS software is suitable for nearly every type of retailer. Whether you run a clothing store, a sporting goods store, or a specialty service-based business such as a car wash or computer shop, Vend has the features you need. Touch Bistro is a simple and affordable POS system that focuses on the unique needs of restaurant owners, with tables, reservations, and delivery management features. It's suitable for all types of food establishments - fine dining, casual eateries, cafes, pubs, food trucks, and more. Lastly, there is eposnow has both retail and hospitality versions of the software are available, each with a robust selection of features to help you run your business. It also has more than 80 integrations, so you can add extra capabilities and connect to the business programs you already use.
Jingjia Zhang

Your Mobile Phone As A Door Key | Fast Company - 3 views

  • But Samsung's system actually teaches us a whole lot more about the future of smartphone "keys." Once inside the room, the same phone can be used to order room and laundry service, book other hotel facilities, and act as an in-room phone extension. Because of the Olympics tie-in, the special app also gives localized content to the hotel guest, and Olympic Games information including results. It can also control the hotel room TVs, lighting and AC and other in-room electronics. And it can provide "location based offers."
    This article describe a new smartphone app based on Android system in Samsung phone. At the first, this article introduce the long history about the room key development. It points out that the physical keys always have a problem that key itself can be stolen, and thus used by someone who doesn't have access privileges. Then the article introduce the  new Samsung's system. What amazing me is the phone is not only can be used as a door key but also a control center in guests' hand. "Once inside the room, the same phone can be used to order room and laundry service, book other hotel facilities, and act as an in-room phone extension. " The app has powerful features and I thought it will become a trend in the future.
    Jingjia...this is a great article. I agree with you, I am impressed with the functionality of the phone application and how it works. It eliminates the middle man and any room for human error. I wonder how much more we can do with our phones. On this article listed below, it talks about how you can start a car directly from your IPhone ( Soon, we will be able to do many things with simply the touch of a button.

The importance of a Property Management System in the Hotel industry - Preno HQ - 0 views

  • The right property management system (PMS) is a key factor in hotel success. Having a system that makes frontdesk workflows easy, will create a seamless guest experience. With the abundance of new technology in the property management systems industry, there is no time like the present to upgrade your PMS.
  • Having streamlined and easy check in and checkout processes is important for both the guest experience and hotel efficiency. A property management system will help you perform these tasks with ease, increasing productivity and delivering that exceptional guest experience.
  • A PMS that connects to a channel manager means all your availability is constantly being updated. This means no double bookings, saving you and your team time by eliminating double bookings.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The guest experience is such an important aspect of your accommodation, and is the key to returning guests. Using a streamlined and intuitive PMS will save you time on your day-to-day processes.
    A Property Management System (PMS) is essentially a company's accounting system. In an article written by Preno a Property Management System company they talked about the importance of a Property Management System in the Hotel industry. The right property management system plays a key role in the success of a hotel. The right PMS is not only good from an accounting stand point, but also for building the guest experience. The article covered 5 benefits of having the right PMS in your hotel. First, guest's first impression Preno states "having a system that makes front desk workflows easy, will create a seamless guest experience". How frustrating would it be to finally getting to your hotel after hours of traveling only to have the person at the front desk unable to find your reservation in their system? This would definitely paint a bad picture for the guest; however, it would be a much better feeling if upon your arrival your information is already printed and your guest preferences are already noted and your room keys already printed. Secondly, streamlined check-in and check-out. This is important because the hotel industry has made the process so easy by making applications available for your phone or ipads in the rooms or hotel lobby. Third, clear communication. "Having clear lines of communication between all departments of your property and with the guest is integral to a successful accommodation." This is very important especially between house keeping and front desk. Having an effective PMS allows house keeping to clearly communicate what rooms are clean and available for check-in and upon check-out the front desk is able to change that room status allowing house keeping to see the room is ready to be clean. This also work well for room service and room repairs. Fourth, and one of the most important is no double booking. With clear communication from each department the system will be constantly updating, this saves the hotel time and decrease or eli

Technology: Accountancy systems for hotels and restaurants - 3/13/2006 - Caterer and Ho... - 1 views

  • The best course of action for smaller hotels and restaurants at present is to use generic accounting software for small businesses, populated with data from other specialist software packages designed for their specific sector. Hotels may find themselves using reservation data from property management systems, for example, while restaurants will want to use data from food and beverage control software packages to feed their accounting software.
  • It took hours and hours. On Sunday morning it now takes me half an hour.”
  • The best course of action for smaller hotels and restaurants at present is to use generic accounting software for small businesses, populated with data from other specialist software packages designed for their specific sector. Hotels may find themselves using reservation data from property management systems, for example, while restaurants will want to use data from food and beverage control software packages to feed their accounting software.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Restaurants need an accounting system that addresses issues like excess wastage on different product lines, and consumption of different products, rather than mere stock control. In hotels, accounting systems need to cope with everything from varying room rates, different ways of charging for phone calls, customer discounts, loyalty programmes and everything in between.
    Accountancy system is the necessary for both restaurants and hotels. Restaurants need an accounting system that addresses issues like excess wastage on different product lines, and consumption of different products, rather than mere stock control. In hotels, accounting systems need to cope with everything from varying room rates, different ways of charging for phone calls, customer discounts, loyalty programs and everything in between. Accounting system has following features. First, accounting system can back up data quickly and easily. Second, it has comprehensive reporting capabilities, which enable you to monitor ongoing trends within your business. Third, it is easy to use. The last one is automation. You should be able to automate common tasks such as producing invoices and running regular custom reports.
    The accounting systems are really different in restaurant and hospitality. but all of them are make work more and more easier and efficiency. In restaurant, the accounting system contain different product lines, the consumption of different products and stock control. In hotels, accounting system should contain varying room rates, defferent ways of charging for phone calls, customer discounts, loyalty programmes and so on. If the accounting system software is fit for your hotel or restaurant, it will save not only time but labor cost.
Jiaqi Xu

How to Generate Revenue with Hotel Call Accounting Software - 2 views

    Billing software is important for the hotel. It can helps the hotel account for telephone charges, Internet usage, equipment fees, surcharges and taxes in real time. With the declining of the telecom revenue the new call accounting modules should adapt to new market competition. Some of the hotel adjusting room rate to balance the telecom revenue lost. Even though the use of the telecom is declining, proper use hotel call accounting system can still bring profit. The accounting system can provide traffic reports identify grade of service, peak calling hours, and the number of trunks the hotel should have to run telecom smoothly. The calling accounting report can show where guests are calling. It is easy for hotel find its target market and negotiate better tariff plans. The call accounting system can make fewer mistakes than the night auditor. All calls are being record with the help of calling accounting system. Hotel should update the critical information in calling accounting system monthly and all the properties use the same tariff table and follow the same guidelines. In this way hotel can avoid inaccurate billing and lost revenue.
  • ...2 more comments...
    This is an interesting article as hotels have to adjust from guests using the room telephones and hotel internet to using their cell phones and mobile networks. Hotels do need to compensate for that loss in revenue but it is hard to charge much for internet service when guests can go down the block to Starbucks and get it for free. With these changes, it makes it even more important to hotels' bottom lines to have the right call accounting system in place making sure they don't miss out on any collectible monies. Good article Jingyi.
    This article is about how to generate revenue from the hotel call accounting system. Travelers involve the business travelers and family travelers all need to keep in touch with others. Therefore, it is important for sophisticated hotel billing software to account for telephone charges, Internet usage, and equipment fees. Sometimes your telephone charges could account for a larger cost than the room rate. The article also compared the old call accounting system and the new ones. Old call accounting system would generally been left in the back room logging long distance call records from a PBX serial port. Nowadays, hotel managers become creative in using new call accounting modules or more appropriately a communication management system .Properly utilization of a hotel call accounting system can help hotel generate high profits. Proactive hotel properties use call accounting reports to determine calling patterns that show where guests are calling. These statistics help the hotel target marketing and negotiate better tariff plans. As hotel provides more communication facilities, the communication management system will be required to account for hotel cell phones, calls made with authorization codes, internet service, hand held devices and other guest amenities.
    Hotel call accounting software or hotel accounting software in short is a system records telephonic activity, translates it into relevant data and arranges it in reports, graphs, charts etc for analysis. In the hospitality industry, the call accounting software plays an important role as an interface between the hotel management/staff and the customers. Call accounting products allow hotels/motels to bill guests for all phone calls that the property will have to pay for, recovering costs.Managers can also detect phone misuse or abuse, optimize phone system performance, allocate telecom costs by department or extension, set special rates for VIP guests, and decrease billing errors.
    Using accounting system to generate revenue for hotel is a great way. Today, revenue management is strong relay on those more accounting system. Properly use accounting system can support hotel generate more profits. Also, proactive hotel properties use call accounting reports to determine calling patterns that show where guests are calling. All these data help the hotel target marketing and negotiate better tariff plans.
Dalton Draper

Tech Trends: In-Room Telephones | Hotel Management - 2 views

  • Although much in-room telephone development has focused on the move to VoIP technology, there are still ways to upgrade the telephone hardware to continue to satisfy guests and protect the bottom line.
  • Bittel Americas is the integration of the phone, alarm and dock with USB port.
  • adding a desktop device, but it takes up too much space
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • “I’d rather leave my iPhone on the nightstand than on the desk. We recognized this as a universal issue for all hotels and figured there’s something we can do to provide an integrated device that includes a phone, alarm, mp3 iPhone dock and so on.
  • very little revenue comes from phones. The less money hoteliers spend maintaining phones, the better.”
  • That’s people’s content on there, they have almost all their info at their fingertips on that device. … An in-room device probably makes more sense if we were to design our product in such a way that works well with these smartphones instead of trying to compete against them.”
    This article talks about how hotels are trying to upgrade the in room phones to better serve the guest they receive. They have started to think of ways to integrate the phones to have USB ports for charging smart phones or thinking of ways to actually have a tablet available on the night stand. Some companies have even decided to downgrade their phones to save on maintaince cost since most people have smart phones or tablets with all their information on it.
    I think this is a great article that you found. It is true that people do not really use the in-room telephones anymore unless it is to call down to the front desk and then still the hotel is not making money on it. If they had an all-in-one phone, alarm, USB port, mp3 people would get a lot more use and be happier with it. These devices should start to come to major hotels and see how they work and then go from there to be everywhere
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