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Digital Citizenship via Difficult Issues - 5 views

started by johnkowalske on 11 Dec 22 no follow-up yet
Nancy Salazar

PBS Learning Great resource for daily lessons/activities for all preK-12 grades - 33 views


started by Nancy Salazar on 19 Mar 20 no follow-up yet

3 Favorite Educational Resources - 12 views

1) 2) 3) https://www.pinterest...

started by pasterskaw on 06 Jun 19 no follow-up yet

YOPmail - 7 views

Hello, You or someone else has signed up with this e-mail to activate e-mail forwarding from YOPmail. If you were expecting this email, copy the code to active your e-mail. -----------------------...


started by api_dev on 11 Oct 18 no follow-up yet
My name is Ron Hyde

Get your kids pumped up for the big test!!! - 34 views

Test Assessment Video Music resources

started by My name is Ron Hyde on 11 Apr 17 no follow-up yet
karen walstein

test of diigo - 19 views

this is a trial of diigo on articles bookmarked from 2011  

started by karen walstein on 05 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
Ton Koenraad

EU grants available for courses on integration of technology in (language) education. - 14 views

Those of you eligible for EU grants pls check TELLConsult's renewed offer of ErasmusPlus courses for teachers of Modern Languages and CLIL on a range of topics including: Digital video, Telecollab...

iwb tablet ipad language erasmusplus grant cpd webconferencing differentiation

started by Ton Koenraad on 17 Jan 17 no follow-up yet

Have students say it with a meme! - 55 views! Memes can be an engaging way for students to demonstrate their under...

news tools resources

started by sserano on 04 Dec 16 no follow-up yet
Lyn Lord

Circuitboard Education - 37 views

We are excited to announce the launch of the educational consulting partnership Circuitboard Education, LLC at . Circuitboard Education, CBE, is a consulting and design te...

Games and classrooms. Authentic assessments.

started by Lyn Lord on 02 Dec 16 no follow-up yet

Books on Clouds - 35 views

Cloud-Book- by Tomie-dePaolaShapes in the Sky: A Book About Clouds by Josepha ShermanExtraordinary Clouds by Richard HamblynThe Cloudspotter's Guide: The Science, History, and Culture of Clouds by ...

started by kimdoyle on 15 Jun 16 no follow-up yet
My name is Ron Hyde

Assessment Video (Parody) I want a's - 104 views

Here is a video created by some staff and students at my middle school. Assessment Season is upon us. Show your class our latest video to get them working their very best!! I Want A's https://ww...

Music Assessment Test Video Encouragement Parody

started by My name is Ron Hyde on 01 Apr 16 no follow-up yet
Rhona Polonsky

connected classroom - 49 views

Hi Patricia, I would be interested. I am a MS librarian at the American International School in Johannesburg, South Africa. The only problem is time. Maybe we could share info another way: facebook...

connected classroom geography


Separating Higher Ed resources from K-12? - 24 views

While it's great to see the exchange of information for K-12 teaching & learning here, my professional interests are limited to higher ed. So, the question: Is there any systematic way to limit con...

diigo question filter higher education

started by anonymous on 25 Nov 15 no follow-up yet
Jotaeme Li

no dejes abiertas tus sesiones por el mundo - 3 views



started by Jotaeme Li on 04 Nov 15 no follow-up yet

Peer Wise - 47 views This is a fantastic double student driven learning tool. Just register (takes about 1 day) then assign you classes, students and topics and the students proceed...


started by mdeschamps67 on 20 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
kscharaldi liked it
Joe Hirsch

Lessons from a Flipped Classroom - 62 views

I've made 100 videos for flipped learning. What have I learned along the way?

started by Joe Hirsch on 19 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
Evon Zundel liked it
Patricia Marcino

"DE_design_ET" - 29 views

Hi All in EDUC 8844,I have used many multi-media tools over the past years both in my Masters class, at school with elementary and middle school students. I have also used different tools in this c...

started by Patricia Marcino on 07 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
Norman Reynolds

Mindfulness Summit - 39 views


started by Norman Reynolds on 05 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
Sandy Avoa-Belinga

Usage des technologies pendant l'enseignement en Afrique - 1 views

L'Afrique est un continent à la traîne quant à l'usage des TIC. Plusieurs enseignants n'ont pas de boîte e-mail, alors comment serait-ce facile de les convaincre de se mettre aux technologies pour ...

TIC enseignement Afrique

started by Sandy Avoa-Belinga on 03 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
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