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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sasha Thackaberry

Sasha Thackaberry

Unbundling And Re-bundling In Higher Education - 15 views

  • With the explosion of online learning, a disruptive innovation, there has been significant attention paid to the likely unbundling of higher education (see Michael Staton’s AEI piece and this University Ventures Fund piece, for example). We’ve written about unbundling ourselves. In every industry, the early successful products and services often have an interdependent architecture—meaning that they tend to be proprietary and bundled. The reason for this is that when a technology is immature, in order to make the products reliable or powerful enough so that they will gain traction, an entity has to wrap its hands around the whole system architecture so that it can wring out every ounce of performance.
Sasha Thackaberry

History of Distance Education by Jamie McCartney - 1 views

    History of distance learning as described by Jamie McCartney - excellent presentation.
Sasha Thackaberry

Timeline: A Brief History of Distance Education - Valerie Feagin Reed - 1 views

    An excellent, interactive timeline by Valerie Feagin Reed on the historical development of distance education.
Sasha Thackaberry

Hack Education - 31 views

    I've read articles from here, but amazing stuff. Audrey Watters #herooftheday
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