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Sharin Tebo

Guide: Using the SAMR Model to Guide Learning | That #EdTech Guy's Blog - 74 views

  • The SAMR Model (above) was developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. It enables educators to analyse how effective their use of technology is on teaching and learning.
  • – Enhancement (Substitution and Augmentation) – technology is used just to enhance a task
  • – Transformation (Modification and Redefinition) – tasks are designed in a way which would not be possible without the use of technology
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Substitution – at this stage, technology is simply used as an alternative tool for completing the original task with no real change in the tasks function.
  • Example: instead of writing by hand, learners use an app like Pages to type up a report.
  • Example: once again, if students are creating a document on Pages, using the collaborative tools available on iWork for iCloud, learners can work on a document together. Peers could add feedback comments to the document in real time which could be responded to, which would improve the end product further.
  • it still does not improve the students learning experience.
  • Example: again using Pages, however making use of features like spellchecking function or importing images to enhance the end product.
  • Modification – it is at this point where technology starts to enhance teaching and learning. It requires tasks to be redesigned, in order to make the most of the technology available.
  • Augmentation – here, technology is still used as a direct substitute like above, however it offers improvements in terms of the function of the task.
  • Redefinition– this is the point at which technology really enhances the learning experience for students and has the greatest impact. Through the use of technology, educators are able to design tasks that were previously impossible.
  • Example: like before, learners may be collaborating on a document in Pages. However, this time the end product will be uploaded to a website or perhaps a class blog. Students are usually excited by the prospect of their work being on display in a classroom, so the use of a real audience is huge for them. Furthermore, this builds their literacy skills as they need to consider the audience that they’ll be writing to and adapt their work accordingly. Finally, this opens up the possibility of feedback from this global audience which they can respond to.
    SAMR Explained with Definitions and Application Examples
Glenn Hervieux

SAMR in 120 Seconds - Check your level of tech. Integration - 90 views

    This short video demonstrates different levels of tech. integration using the SAMR model. For more information on SAMR & Bloom's taxonomy, check out this blog post: The Padagogy Wheel … it's a Bloomin' Better Way to Teach @
Maryann Angeroth

Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners: SAMR Through the Lens of the Common Core - 135 views

    "One of my goals is to weave digital tools into the Common Core to design flexible, student driven learning experiences that are Above the Line as defined by the SAMR model. While this might sound like a mouthful of EdTech, I assure you that combining all that is on our crowded plates is far better than tackling each individual initiative in isolation. This idea is supported by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills."
Mark Gleeson

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Samrl model - 149 views

    "SAMR is one of the relevant learning models teachers can use to effectively integrate technology in education. I have been doing some readings into it and have also posted a wide variety of articles and graphics on what teachers need to know to apply this model in their technology practices in the classroom."
    A good collection of links to resources discussing the SAMR model, including practical examples. 
Sasha Thackaberry

SAMR Model - Technology Is Learning - 72 views

    Great examples for the SAMR model.
Chema Falcó

Reconsider the Use of the SAMR Model - 26 views

    If we look closely at the fundamental presupposition of SAMR model use then we will see that there are serious issues in how the model can enhance learning.
tom campbell

IPads in the classroom: The right way to use them, demonstrated by a Swiss school. - Sl... - 244 views

    • kwan tucksoon
      iPad as a creation tool rather than a consumption tool.
  • Ten years ago, Stanford’s Larry Cuban noted that computers in the classroom were being oversold and underused. In short order, the iPad craze could take the same turn. My lesson from ZIS is that we should make sure we have teachers who understand how to help children learn from the technology before throwing a lot of money into iPad purchasing. It wasn’t the 600 iPads that were so impressive— it was the mindset of a teaching staff devoted to giving students time for creation and reflection. Are American public schools ready to recognize that it’s the adults and students around the iPads, not just the iPads themselves, that require some real attention?
    • Steve Ransom
      "It wasn't the 600 iPads that were so impressive- it was the mindset of a teaching staff devoted to giving students time for creation and reflection." So correct! So, how do we develop such a mindset? Does PD ever emphasize this?
    • Michael Dreyfus
      When you introduce anything new in most schools, you have to sell it to teachers as making their lives easier.  An app that reteaches a math skill makes teacher's lives easier, whereas asking them to develop an authentic assessment with multimedia does not.  The challenge is, how can we use these technologies to something different and more effective, not to do the same things easier.
    • Catherine Graham-Smith
      The SAMR model developed by Dr Ruben Puentedura is the one that will help teachers use technology most effectively.
    • tom campbell
      Need to remember the SAMR model. The NEW alsways IMITATES the old: e.g. early TV a film of radio etc.
    • kwan tucksoon
      Mindset rules, not technology
    • Catherine Graham-Smith
      Following Dr Ruben Puentedura's SAMR model should help teachers use technology in the classroom more effectively.

40 iPad Apps for SAMRL Model ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 16 views

  • SAMR model is a system which you can use to measure your application of technology, or its level of use. This system consists of four levels: Redefinition, Modification,Augmentation,  and Substitution. Let us now have a look at what these terms mean starting with the least important and moving up to the most important
    " SAMR model is a system which you can use to measure your application of technology, or its level of use. This system consists of four levels: Redefinition, Modification,Augmentation,  and Substitution. Let us now have a look at what these terms mean starting with the least important and moving up to the most important "
Roland Gesthuizen

New Padagogy Wheel Helps You Integrate Technology Using SAMR Model - Edudemic - Edudemic - 186 views

    "Sometimes a visual guide comes along and it just makes total sense. That's how I felt about Allan Carrington's clever 'Padagogy Wheel' which we featured on Edudemic last week. Check out the previous version then view the one below to see the differences. From what I can tell, putting the wheel on this site has generated a bit of buzz and I'm glad we could help spread the knowledge. "

SAMR and Bloom's Taxonomy: Assembling the Puzzle | Common Sense Education - 37 views

  • Augmentation/Apply: Using a simple yet powerful tool for visualization like GeoGebra, students explore the concepts covered in the resources described in 1., and solve related standard problems. The scope and number of the problems is not governed by what is available in the “back of the book,” but rather driven by the evolution of student understanding, as measured by suitable formative assessment processes.
  • Substitution/Remember: Students use ebooks and other Open Education Resources to acquire basic knowledge about statistical tools and procedures. 2. Substitution/Understand: At the same time, they begin a process of gathering information online describing applications of these statistical tools to an area of interest to them, using simple bookmark aggregation services (e.g., Diigo, Delicious) to collect and tag these resources, relating them to the knowledge gained in 1.
Robyn Holsman

SAMR as a Framework for Moving Towards Education 3.0 | User Generated Education - 71 views

  • Similar to Web 2.0, Education 2.0
    • Robyn Holsman
      Where do you think Center falls?
Camela Giraud

Technology Is Learning (website/blog) - 51 views

    Some good resources linked here. SAMR model, etc.
Marc Patton

Ruben R. Puentedura's Weblog - 36 views

    Resources and ideas for integrating technology into the curriculum through evaluative processes.
    Creator and advocate for SAMR methods, Ongoing thoughts on education and technology.
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