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Kenuvis Romero

Memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Encoding of working memory involves the spiking of individual neurons induced by sensory input, which persists even after the sensory input disappears (Jensen and Lisman 2005; Fransen et al. 2002). Encoding of episodic memory involves persistent changes in molecular structures that alter synaptic transmission between neurons. Examples of such structural changes include long-term potentiation (LTP) or spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP). The persistent spiking in working memory can enhance the synaptic and cellular changes in the encoding of episodic memory (Jensen and Lisman 2005).
  • Recent functional imaging studies detected working memory signals in both medial temporal lobe (MTL), a brain area strongly associated with long-term memory, and prefrontal cortex (Ranganath et al. 2005), suggesting a strong relationship between working memory and long-term memory. However, the substantially more working memory signals seen in the prefrontal lobe suggest that this area play a more important role in working memory than MTL (Suzuki 2007).
  • Consolidation and reconsolidation. Short-term memory (STM) is temporary and subject to disruption, while long-term memory (LTM), once consolidated, is persistent and stable. Consolidation of STM into LTM at the molecular level presumably involves two processes: synaptic consolidation and system consolidation. The former involves a protein synthesis process in the medial temporal lobe (MTL), whereas the latter transforms the MTL-dependent memory into an MTL-independent memory over months to years (Ledoux 2007). In recent years, such traditional consolidation dogma has been re-evaluated as a result of the studies on reconsolidation. These studies showed that prevention after retrieval affects subsequent retrieval of the memory (Sara 2000). New studies have shown that post-retrieval treatment with protein synthesis inhibitors and many other compounds can lead to an amnestic state (Nadel et al. 2000b; Alberini 2005; Dudai 2006). These findings on reconsolidation fit with the behavioral evidence that retrieved memory is not a carbon copy of the initial experiences, and memories are updated during retrieval.
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  • Physical exercise, particularly continuous aerobic exercises such as running, cycling and swimming, has many cognitive benefits and effects on the brain. Influences on the brain include increases in neurotransmitter levels, improved oxygen and nutrient delivery, and increased neurogenesis in the hippocampus. The effects of exercise on memory have important implications for improving children's academic performance, maintaining mental abilities in old age, and the prevention and potential cure of neurological diseases.
  • At the Center for Cognitive Science at Ohio State University, researchers have found that memory accuracy of adults is hurt by the fact that they know more, and have more experience than children, and tend to apply all this knowledge when learning new information. The findings appeared in the August 2004 edition of the journal Psychological Science.
  • Interference can hamper memorization and retrieval. There is retroactive interference, when learning new information makes it harder to recall old information[59] and proactive interference, where prior learning disrupts recall of new information. Although interference can lead to forgetting, it is important to keep in mind that there are situations when old information can facilitate learning of new information. Knowing Latin, for instance, can help an individual learn a related language such as French – this phenomenon is known as positive transfer.[60]
  • Methods to optimize memorization[edit] Memorization is a method of learning that allows an individual to recall information verbatim. Rote learning is the method most often used. Methods of memorizing things have been the subject of much discussion over the years with some writers, such as Cosmos Rossellius using visual alphabets. The spacing effect shows that an individual is more likely to remember a list of items when rehearsal is spaced over an extended period of time. In contrast to this is cramming which is intensive memorization in a short period of time. Also relevant is the Zeigarnik effect which states that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. The so-called Method of loci uses spatial memory to memorize non-spatial information.[72]
Amy Burns

Memorize Now - Home - 2 views

    A free online tool to help you memorize information.
maureen greenbaum

Knewton Salon: How has the internet changed the way you think? | Knewton Blog - 20 views

  • why school is so important. On a raw level, school can show students what it feels like to concentrate at different levels–what it feels like to write a paper, solve a difficult math puzzle, and synthesize various skills. That way, students develop a taste for cognitive satisfaction and learn to look for it throughout their lives.
  • , I don’t think that skills like memorization have decreased in importance. Sure, it may seem like we don’t need to commit facts to memory anymore and that the relevant skills today are navigation, retrieval, and analysis (how quickly you can find something, whether you can find it again later, and absorb what you need from it as quickly as possible). But memorization is still important; even in today’s world, where you have a universe of information at your fingertips, you have to remember how to navigate information, how to find it again, how to use tools to find it again as well as what you found in the past and how that might relate to the information rushing at you in the present. So in this sense, memorization is inextricably linked to navigation, retrieval, and analysis. The more you remember at any given point, the more space you have left in your “working memory” to perform complex cognitive processes.
Blue Lan

Anki - friendly, intelligent flashcards - 92 views

shared by Blue Lan on 02 Jul 12 - Cached
  • Anki Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it is a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn. Anyone who needs to remember things in their daily life can benefit from Anki. Since it is content-agnostic and supports images, audio, videos and scientific markup (via LaTeX), the possibilities are endless. For example: learning a language studying for medical and law exams memorizing people's names and faces brushing up on geography
    • Blue Lan
      anki is a kind of flash card
    Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it is a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn. Anyone who needs to remember things in their daily life can benefit from Anki. Since it is content-agnostic and supports images, audio, videos and scientific markup (via LaTeX), the possibilities are endless. For example: learning a language studying for medical and law exams memorizing people's names and faces brushing up on geography mastering long poems even practicing guitar chords!
Mariusz Leś

The Nerdy Teacher: What Makes Project Based Learning Effective? #Edchat #EngChat - 132 views

    1. OWNERSHIP is key. For this project, the students were not listening to me on why Twain was or was not a racist, they were showing me and the rest of class what they thought. They were invested in winning their argument. They knew that their work was going to determine if he was guilty or not. Although I gave the assignment, the students were in charge the rest of the way. It was their project and they wanted to do it win. When students feel they own what they are doing, they will work harder. When the audience is larger, they want to impress everyone. These are not crazy ideas, they are the results of owning the work they are doing. OWNERSHIP is a major factor in the value of PBL. 2. CREATIVITY is the another major part of the PBL and is closely linked with OWNERSHIP. Students were allowed to be creative in their work as a lawyer or witness. Witnesses needed to stay within character, but could add their own elements on the witness stand. Allowing the students to create gives them a bigger sense of OWNERSHIP. 3. Another part of the PBL is the COLLABORATION. Students were working with each other trying to decide the best plan of attack. Witnesses would meet with their lawyers and discuss how the questions they were going to ask and how they should dress. The Jury worked on group projects researching the previous public opinions on Twain and his writing. Students were sharing ideas freely with one another. I had three sections of American Lit at the time, so I had three trails running. Lawyers would help others in the other classes and trash talk the opposing lawyers as well. It was all in good fun, but the collaboration had students working hard with one another to accomplish this goal. 4. Depending on how you set up your project, CRITICAL THINKING, is also an important part of PBL. With my Twain Trail, students needed to think about both sides of the argument. Students needed to prepare their witnesses for potential cross-examination questions. They needed to

How I Rewired My Brain to Become Fluent in Math - Issue 17: Big Bangs - Nautilus - 2 views

  • By championing the importance of understanding, teachers can inadvertently set their students up for failure as those students blunder in illusions of competence. As one (failing) engineering student recently told me: “I just don’t see how I could have done so poorly. I understood it when you taught it in class.” My student may have thought he’d understood it at the time, and perhaps he did, but he’d never practiced using the concept to truly internalize it. He had not developed any kind of procedural fluency or ability to apply what he thought he understood.
  • Time after time, professors in mathematics and the sciences have told me that building well-ingrained chunks of expertise through practice and repetition was absolutely vital to their success. Understanding doesn’t build fluency; instead, fluency builds understanding. In fact, I believe that true understanding of a complex subject comes only from fluency.
    "How I Rewired My Brain to Become Fluent in Math Sorry, education reformers, it's still memorization and repetition we need."
Randy Yerrick

Appropriate Assessments for Reinvigorating Science Education | Edutopia - 27 views

    This article provides examples for how to make assessment meaningful and useful for real life.It shows assessment as an investigation and a longer process than simply memorization.
Maureen Greenbaum

The crucial need to hold students to a higher standard - The Week - 6 views

  • Even some high school valedictorians are taking remedial courses in college. Too many students are completely unprepared for the future.
  • Last year, the unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma was 14.1 percent. For those with a Bachelor's degree, it was 4.9 percent.
  • Common Core State Standards, orient instruction around critical thinking and problem solving, requiring students to demonstrate a deep understanding of concepts and then apply them to new situations.
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  • they are internationally-benchmarked and based on evidence and research about what it takes to be prepared for first-year college courses and entry level jobs leading to careers.
  • A student, for example, would no longer be required to simply memorize the formula for volume. Instead, they would need to use their conceptual understanding of volume to build different containers with the same volume. This approach differs from current standards and teaching practices, which too often place an emphasis on rote memorization over deeper understanding. 
  • Second, the standards are clear, focused, and rigorous
  • standards allow for economies of scale and the ability to share and compare across state lines.
  • Teachers in states that have adopted the Common Core can share effective practices and materials and collaborate more easily
Peter Beens

How to remember what you read | Polyglot Tutor - 145 views

    In our information-saturated century most of us need help to memorize things efficiently. But it's hard to remember what we have learned. What can we do? Ability to appreciate and organize your study time may help to improve memory skills. Here are some tips.
Chai Reddy

John Lundberg: Should Students Be Memorizing Poetry? - 2 views

  • Memorizing a poem, in a strange sort of way, gives that poem access to you more than you're giving yourself access to it.
  • A poem can be a sort of anchor in the drift of the world. Whether it serves as a bit of wisdom that helps keep you centered, or, in my case, as a feeling, a moment of beauty and power that helps keep my other feelings in perspective.
  • Do you agree?
Brianna Crowley

If You're a Teacher, You Can Be a Public Speaker - Education Week Teacher - 33 views

    A high school teacherpreneur shares practical tips on how to prepare for and create a memorable presentation. Rule 1: Remember all your teaching tools!
Dora Gonzalez-Bañales

Simple free learning tools for students and teachers | Quizlet - 44 views

    Quizlet is a lightning fast way to memorize vocabulary lists. It's like flashcards, but much more fun and interactive.
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    Create your own flashcards or use already-made ones. Can use definitions (or words) already stored on the site. Share with others. Useful for ESL students.
    Vocabulary tool. Create flashcards, play games, search for word lists, etc.
    Create flashcards. Play matching games.
    Quizlet is the largest flash cards and study games website with over 5 million free sets of flashcards covering every possible subject. It's the best place to play educational games, memorize vocabulary and study online.
    Recently created flashcards for literary terms, every term my students need was there! Fast, easy, efficent use of time.
    This is a comprehensive flash card study aid site. Make your flashcards to study anything. Add pictures, text and it supports a range of non-alphabetical languages like Chinese and Japanese. You can choose to learn, spell things, test yourself or play games with the information. Browse thousands of sets made by other users without signing in. A free account is required to make your own flashcards.
    My students have loved making their own flashcards for Greek/Latin roots on Quizlet!
    Quizlet is the largest study site in the U.S., providing powerful learning tools and games to over 7 million students and teachers each month.
    Vocabulary Resource
Josh Flores

Common Core Curriculum Maps | - 215 views

    • Josh Flores
      Rote Memorization? Don't they know that's a Lower Order Thinking Skill? 
    • Josh Flores
      Writing an original poem could have the same effect. 
  • Moreover, once students have memorized a poem, they are able to carry it with them everywhere. It becomes part of their lives.
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  • Seminar discussions
    • Josh Flores
      Substantive Conversation Socratic Seminar Think-Pair-Share
  • research essays
    • Josh Flores
      Good use of EasyBib premium account's notebook feature
Kelly Boushell

Smilebox - 59 views

    What is Smilebox? At Smilebox we believe that how you share your photos should be as memorable as the photos themselves. So we've designed a new way to bring your photos and videos to life. Our simple application lets you quickly and easily create slideshows, invitations, greetings, collages, scrapbooks and photo albums right on your computer. With more than 1000 customizable templates to choose from, you'll find inspiration around every corner. Whether you want to drop a photo into an everyday greeting, put together a slideshow for your sports team, or create a special holiday keepsake book, the result is professional and one-of-a-kind.
Linda Morosko

iPads help Salem County students learn | - 36 views

    Third-grade students at the Upper Pittsgrove School mastered fractions in Mrs. Markert class Friday afternoon not by memorization or flash cards, but with Apple iPads. School districts throughout Salem County have now entered the age of technology using the touch sensitive innovative device as a learning tool for students. Superintendents say they are attracted to the devices for two reasons: It's user friendly and inexpensive compared to other technology like laptops.
    Kidd, who also moderates a district-wide blog, said he was amazed with how user friendly the technology is, even for severely challenged students. He said he remembered the first time he let one of the autistic students in the school use the iPad. "One of the students showed interest and when I gave it to her she sat for over 20 minutes engaged in the device," said Kidd. "Her teacher said she has never sat for that long in the classroom."
Wayne Holly

8 Tips To Use Personal Experiences In eLearning Course Design - eLearning Industry - 31 views

    Chances are that you have a variety of insights and knowledge that you'd like to impart upon your learners. So, why not take full advantage of the wisdom and life experience you've earned, by applying your personal experiences in eLearning course design. Here are a few tips that will help you use your own experiences when creating memorable and powerful eLearning courses.

Music Memory | Learning Games For Kids - 15 views

    Great games for music learning and memorization of solfege, instruments, music notes and the like.
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