Contents contributed and discussions participated by Chai Reddy
Design Thinking: An Introduction - 6 views
Don't Confuse Technology With Teaching - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 108 views
Education is not the transmission of information or ideas. Education is the training needed to make use of information and idea
We provide individualized instruction in how to evaluate and make use of information and ideas, teaching people how to think for themselves.
A set of podcasts is the 21st-century equivalent of a textbook, not the 21st-century equivalent of a teacher
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John Lundberg: Should Students Be Memorizing Poetry? - 2 views
Memorizing a poem, in a strange sort of way, gives that poem access to you more than you're giving yourself access to it.
A poem can be a sort of anchor in the drift of the world. Whether it serves as a bit of wisdom that helps keep you centered, or, in my case, as a feeling, a moment of beauty and power that helps keep my other feelings in perspective.
Do you agree?
Randi Weingarten: Financial Knowledge Can Be Economic Destiny - 21 views
Michael Sigman: When Everyone Gets a Trophy, No One Wins - 61 views
"A" grades, which once conveyed excellence, are now given to 43 percent of all college students, according to a study by grade-inflation gurus Stuart Rojstaczer and Christopher Healy.
a scandalous 86 percent of private school students, it turns out, get nothing lower than a "B."
the vast majority of all private school children are virtually guaranteed to be above average.
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My View: Flipped classrooms give every student a chance to succeed - Schools of Thought... - 8 views
Quality Homework - A Smart Idea - - 111 views
Let Kids Rule the School - - 110 views
We want young people to become independent and capable, yet we structure their days to the minute and give them few opportunities to do anything but answer multiple-choice questions, follow instructions and memorize information. We cast social interaction as an impediment to learning, yet all evidence points to the huge role it plays in their psychological development.
They named their school the Independent Project.
Finally, they embarked on a collective endeavor, which they agreed had to have social significance.
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Degrees and Dollars - - 64 views
Bill Gates: Flip the Curve: Student Achievement vs. School Budgets - 65 views
Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say - - 17 views
Taking a test is not just a passive mechanism for assessing how much people know, according to new research. It actually helps people learn, and it works better than a number of other studying techniques.
“I think that learning is all about retrieving, all about reconstructing our knowledge,” said the lead author, Jeffrey Karpicke, an assistant professor of psychology at Purdue University. “I think that we’re tapping into something fundamental about how the mind works when we talk about retrieval.”
Teacher Evaluations May Get a Video Assist - - 26 views
Mr. Gates is tracking the research closely. The use of digital video in particular has caught his attention. In an interview, he cited its potential for evaluating teachers and for helping them learn from talented colleagues.
The meticulous scoring of videotaped lessons for this project is unfolding on a scale never undertaken in educational research, said Catherine A. McClellan, a director for the Educational Testing Service who is overseeing the process. By next June, researchers will have about 24,000 videotaped lessons. Because some must be scored using more than one protocol, the research will eventually involve reviewing some 64,000 hours of classroom video
Teaching for America - - 24 views
75 percent of young Americans, between the ages of 17 to 24, are unable to enlist in the military today because they have failed to graduate from high school, have a criminal record, or are physically unfit.
Tony Wagner, the Harvard-based education expert and author of “The Global Achievement Gap,” explains it this way. There are three basic skills that students need if they want to thrive in a knowledge economy: the ability to do critical thinking and problem-solving; the ability to communicate effectively; and the ability to collaborate.
Wagner thinks we should create a West Point for teachers: “We need a new National Education Academy, modeled after our military academies, to raise the status of the profession and to support the R.& D. that is essential for reinventing teaching, learning and assessment in the 21st century.”
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