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Le retour de l'humain en communication - 3 views

  • on fournit même les comptes Twitter des chiens de l’entreprise !  
    #marketing #trends #humanisation #communication

Les communications unifiées et la collaboration en hausse de 6,5% en France | - 1 views

  • Dans l’Hexagone, les dépenses d’entreprises en solutions de communications unifiées et de collaboration pourraient atteindre près de 2 milliards d’euros en 2020, selon le cabinet IDC.
  • Les dépenses en solutions de communications unifiées et de collaboration (UC&C) d’entreprises ont atteint 1,5 milliard d’euros en 2016, en France
  • Ainsi, les solutions UC&C hébergées et managées par un tiers sont les plus souvent citées (42%), devant les solutions on premise gérées en interne (38%). Les solutions accessibles depuis un Cloud public ou un Cloud privé virtuel arrivent ensuite (32%), suivies des solutions sur site (on premise), mais gérées par un prestataire externe.

MOOCs Are No Longer Massive. And They Serve Different Audiences Than First Imagined. | ... - 2 views

  • Actually these days you don’t hear much about MOOCs at all. In the national press there’s almost a MOOC amnesia. It’s like it never happened.
  • Shah is our podcast guest this week, and he argues that MOOCs are having an impact, but mainly for people who are enrolling in MOOC-based degrees, where they can get a credential that can help them in their careers without having to go back to a campus. Of course, that’s a very different outcome than the free education for the underserved that was originally promised.
  • I think it's still new, so colleges think that if they get in now they might establish the degree and maybe capture the market early. I think it's a bigger advantage for smaller universities than the bigger because they get to sort of undercut the big players. For many colleges, they might be locally well-known but not globally. They get a chance to reach more users plus it's good money if it works out.
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  • What about the students? Who are the people who end up taking these MOOCs?It's extremely diverse, the ones who end up paying for them, usually it's people like me who are out of the education system and looking for a promotion or a new job. There's an entire group of people where just one dollar is too much—they only want free. But, there's another group of people where if they are charged $900 or $1,200 bucks, it’s not a big difference (and they’ll pay either). And then if you know the outcome could be getting 5 percent or 10 percent increase in salary over a lifetime, [you realize] you recoup that money very quickly.
  • In the earliest days of MOOCs, which had large communities, [it was easier for students]. The community provided the support and the encouragement. Now, MOOCs are no longer massive. The community engagement is not there, so that makes it more difficult [for many students]. But community isn't really a feature that people sign up for. The reason people pay is the credential. So unfortunately community has fallen down the priority list of the designer of these products

Le WebRTC, un nouvel avantage compétitif pour les entreprises ? - JDN - 0 views

  • Selon un rapport publié par Infonetics en 2014, le marché de la VoIP et des communications unifiées (UC) va croître de 68 milliards de dollars à 88 milliards de dollars en 2018. La VoIP et la communication unifiée ont récemment évolué pour inclure le WebRTC ; cette API open-source développée au sein du W3C permet des communications web en temps réel, sans une application externe ou plugin. Lors d'un récent sommet mondial sur le WebRTC qui a eu lieu à Londres début 2015, il a été révélé qu'il y a plus de 1,5 milliard de navigateurs compatibles WebRTC et plus de 600 entreprises qui bâtissent sur ce type d'applications.
  • L’utilisation d’une solution WebRTC provoque une gestion de la force de vente plus mobile, ce qui impacte la productivité et la qualité de la communication.

Tendance : le rôle essentiel de la communication interne enfin reconnu ! - 1 views

  • sondage réalisé auprès de 125 cadres dirigeants
  • 80% des cadres dirigeants interrogés pensent que la communication interne est devenue plus importante ces 12 derniers mois 99% d’entre eux ont affirmé que l’engagement collaborateur est important pour le business 84% indiquent avoir une stratégie pour améliorer l’engagement collaborateur Ainsi, l’étude a montré que les employés attendaient de plus en plus de leur top-management : ils attendent d’être inspirés, guidés par des dirigeants qui savent communiquer. L’un des problèmes en jeu : la trop grande quantité de messages en circulation et la rétention d’informations par les middle-managers. Or ceux-ci doivent apprendre à reconnaître les messages capitaux et à les délivrer aux équipes de manière efficace.

Formation : les cinq grandes tendances de 2017 - 0 views

  • ’explosion du mobile learning
  • Une dimension encore plus collaborative
  • Le rôle des « learning community managers » L’explosion des outils digitaux dans la sphère de l’éducation a profondément modifié le rôle des formateurs
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  • My Mooc, « le Tripadvisor du MOOC », qui compare les cours en ligne sur différents critères.
    Article très intéressant sur les comportements dans la formation pour 2017 : mobile learning, réseaux sociaux, aspect plus communautaire (apparition de Learning Community Managers)

New Ways To Communicate: Social Networking And Online Collaboration In University - eLe... - 0 views

  • 2. Attracting Prospects When high-school graduates are going to enroll in particular educational institutions, they are more than likely to follow them on social media to get more information about them. Current students can share their experience, thoughts, and opinions on the platforms so that candidates and their parents can get a deeper insight into the on-campus life. In a nutshell, online collaboration helps universities to stand out from the crowd.
  • When someone wants to complain about or give recognition to a particular service provider, they prefer doing that through online collaboration. This is mainly because there are many users who are ready to pass their own opinion on this issue instantly. This is how universities can use social media to monitor what has been said about their services and find a way to maintain or restore their reputation. It is important for unis to have a good reputation; otherwise, they may face problems associated with funding and recruitment.

MOOCs : moins de communication et plus de pédagogie, SVP - 0 views

  • aller voir ce qui se passe ailleurs que sur les plateformes EdX ou Coursera, en matière de formation à distance. En des lieux où l'on se préoccupe du taux de rétention des apprenants, et du taux de diplômation.
    "Étudier à distance gratuitement dans une université prestigieuse"

Popularity of Online and Community Learning Predicted to Boost the demand for Flipped C... - 0 views

  • “The flip model of learning offers a considerable cost saving opportunity to learners as well as educational institutions. Many institutions are using LMS to facilitate the delivery of content to the users. Although end-users have to make substantial upfront investment in the required infrastructure such as adequate Internet bandwidth, the long-term benefits of flipped learning considerably outweigh that of traditional classroom teaching and training,”
  • Global flipped classroom market by product Software 54.89% Hardware 33.54% Services 11.56%
  • The global flipped classroom market by hardware was valued at USD 165.9 million in 2015. The hardware segment comprises devices such as document cameras and tablets that are required to create, capture, and access learning content. These devices are finding more acceptance in schools and colleges. Lecture capture is used to facilitate learning for both students and teachers and helps in recording and delivering lectures in multiple formats including text and video. Vendors are equipping hardware with advanced features for lecture capture such as high-resolution video and display to improve quality. The devices used to facilitate lecture recording include microphones, cameras, screen capture devices, desktop recorders, DVD players, electronic whiteboards, and videoconferencing devices.
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  • The global HMI market in the automotive industry was valued at USD 388.3 million in 2015. These investments are anticipated to expand the market for automation solutions, including HMI solutions that monitor continuous flow of information related to plant operations and processes. In addition, the rising purchasing power of the middle class in developing countries, such as India and China, may lead to the establishment of new automotive plants in these nations. These factors will cast a positive influence on the automation systems market during the forecast period.

Why Rich Media Matters For Learning And Development - eLearning Industry - 3 views

  • Visuals improve your learning and drive engagement because our brains like getting information in multiple mediums. This article discusses the Why Rich Media Matters slideshare from Allen Communication and explains why rich media is critical to Learning and Development.

Find Out the Key Benefits of a Cloud-Based Knowledge Base | Learning Technologies | Tra... - 0 views

  • Find Out the Key Benefits of a Cloud-Based Knowledge Base
  • It is important to acquire new tools that can help your business grow. As technology and trends evolve, your company should follow suit and your approach to your work should be altered to some degree. There are many tools available that can help you increase productivity, make management easier, and boost efficacy. Even though you might have to pay for these tools, they end up saving you money in the long run, and they also make the whole job a lot more pleasant.
    Des points à relever pour notre communication sur l'UbiCloud ?

e-learning : Harvard et le MIT font cause commune - 0 views

  • Deux références de l’enseignement supérieur aux États-Unis, l’université Harvard et le Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) proposeront aux internautes des cours en accès libre dès l’automne via la plateforme edX.

Intel To Invest $40 Million in Global Research Communities - 0 views

  • The initiative will launch with three new institutes--a Sustainable Connected Cities ICRI based in the United Kingdom, an ICRI for Secure Computing in Germany, and another focused on Computational Intelligence and based in Israel

Enterprise Video Streaming Saves Money-Here's the Proof - Streaming Media Magazine - 0 views

    "By communicating with video, enterprise organizations are saving money on travel costs, training, meetings, and more."

YouTube for the Enterprise Finally a Reality - Streaming Media Magazine - 0 views

    "Social media and online video are changing the way employees engage and collaborate inside leading organizations. A mobile workforce needs information accessible at any time and from anywhere in the world. In this session, attendees hear from real end users about how they were able to harness the power of online video and Enterprise 2.0 strategies to crowdsource knowledge from employees, increase collaboration, and connect communities."

Entreprises, comment bien digitaliser vos formations ? - JDN - 0 views

  • la mise en place d'une stratégie de formation digitale ne peut pas uniquement tenir entre leurs mains. Les services informatiques, mais aussi la communication, ont un rôle à jouer dans le déploiement des modules.
  • "Opter pour une stratégie de formation basée sur le digital suppose une véritable gestion de projet qui va de la commande à la définition d'une palette de key performance indicators (KPI). Cela implique la collaboration entre plusieurs services. Par exemple, dans un département où les salariés ne sont pas suffisamment digitalisés, il faut mener un travail d'évangélisation en amont, ce qui est le travail de la communication et des managers. Le service informatique a aussi son mot à dire car c'est lui qui risque de gérer la plateforme au quotidien.
  • Les choses sont plus délicates pour des formations centrées sur une compétence précise ou des process internes. Dans ce cas, le prestataire doit très bien connaître le métier ou le secteur d'activité de son client. Certaines entreprises sont spécialisées sur des secteurs de niche, comme Learning Tribes pour le secteur de la relation client. D'autres comme 360learning, Unow ou Captain Spoc peuvent mobiliser des consultants rompus au digital sur des sujets précis.
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  • l'investissement de l'entreprise cliente est la clé du succès : "Pour des raisons financières, elles ne peuvent que s'investir. Il faut savoir qu'une formation digitale coûte entre 25 000 et 100 000 euros, un budget loin d'être négligeable. Mais suivre la conception de très près se fait également pour des raisons pédagogiques. Elles peuvent par exemple aller plus loin en faisant en sorte que les personnes qui présentent les formations soient issues de l'entreprise elle-même. Dans ce cas, il faut les former à la gestuelle ainsi qu'à la prise de parole devant une caméra".
  • Même les spécialistes sont surpris de voir à quelle vitesse les PME voire les TPE digitalisent leurs formations. Dernièrement, nous avons par exemple accompagné une coopérative agricole. Finalement, le retour sur investissement est bel et bien là",

Ressources humaines : 10 tendances fortes, Gérer et Motiver son équipe - Les ... - 0 views

  • Quatre sociétés spécialistes des solutions RH - Hogan, Lumesse, Talentsoft, et Top Employers Institute - ont recensé les tendances fortes et livrent leurs conseils. Synthèse en dix mots-clefs.
  • 1. Collaboration
  • « La communication à sens unique leur est complètement inconnue, et les médias sociaux font partie intégrante de leur quotidien », note le cabinet Lumesse
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  • La mise en place d'un  réseau social interne peut stimuler les échanges entre collègues, à condition que ce soit au sein d'une petite unité volontaire
  • Ces pratiques de collaboration « favorisent l'apprentissage informel, auto organisé et mis en réseau, et stimulent un bon workflow, » 
  • 3. Diversité
  • Les entreprises innovantes « ont bâti des équipes inclusives et diversifiées », afin de « gagner la course à l'innovation et à la transformation digitale »,
  • 4. Engagement
  • Autre notion essentielle : l'empowerment, qui place les collaborateurs au coeur des décisions et renforcerait leur fidélisation. Le principe ? « La direction cède une partie de ses pouvoirs aux collaborateurs. Ceux-ci ont alors un oeil sur le talent management et peuvent façonner activement leur parcours et leur activité. Ils découvrent des processus, obtiennent plus d'autonomie et de responsabilités, par exemple en matière de formation continue ». Avec la mise en place de mesures d'empowerment, on relève « une augmentation considérable de la satisfaction des collaborateurs »,
  • 5. Expérience collaborateur
  • Les responsables RH « doivent devenir des designers d'expériences pour les collaborateurs, leur proposer du sur-mesure, leur permettre de personnaliser l'organisation de leur cadre de travail, élaborer des expériences intégrées, personnalisées et à forte valeur ajoutée, 
  • 6. Formation à la carte
  • L'autre tendance forte est le « blended learning », mêlant coaching, réalité augmentée, réalité virtuelle et présentiel. Le salarié accède librement, y compris depuis son mobile, à la plate-forme de son entreprise proposant contenus, vidéos, exercices et autres catalogues de formations.
  • « Aujourd'hui plus de 75 % des Top Employers en France disposent de portails dédiés permettant aux salariés de piloter leur propre développement professionnel, avec un libre accès à une très large palette de ressources, internes comme externes. Oser mettre l'accent sur les choix individuels permet d'augmenter l'engagement et le taux de réussite des évolutions individuelles, tout en préservant la cohérence avec les besoins de l'organisation.
  • 8. Nomadisme
  • Le nombre de salariés pouvant télétravailler a augmenté de 14 % entre 2015 et 2018
  • 9. Performance opérationnelle
  • De quoi « permettre aux RH d'apporter la preuve de leur contribution à la performance métier de l'entreprise »

Lecture capture: watch and learn - Installation - 1 views

  • Today’s students are intimately connected to the latest technology and gadgets and use them constantly. Their familiarity, combined with an innate and intuitive ability to control it, means that not only do they use video and audio communication for their own social communication but expect it to be present in all aspects of their lives. This expectation extends to the provision of learning services, particularly at higher levels; with the current high cost of educational services, prospective students demand sophisticated and effective use of technology at universities to elevate their education experience. They choose their university on a number of factors, with technology and modern teaching methodologies rating highly in that decision. Universities that fail to meet their expectations are ignored as students vote with their feet and select another establishment.
  • The process of recording classes and other live sessions, generally referred to as lecture capture, features highly on the lists of students’ criteria during that assessment. While still a relatively young technology compared with others in the AV world, it has rapidly gained acceptance in the academic sector, proving its ability to aid the educational process and rapidly penetrating the industry
  • Early reticence to deploy and use lecture capture systems has largely abated. Fears that students would skip lectures if there were to be a recording available online later, and lecturers’ concerns over job security once their classes had been recorded, were generally unfounded. Instead the system has stimulated new methods of teaching, including that of ‘flipping’,
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  • This allows them to concentrate on the delivered speech rather than on note-taking, and has greatly improved understanding. Lecture capture systems are often used in preparing the recordings to be used in lecture flipping
  • “The market is becoming mature, not necessarily in terms of current installations but certainly with the numbers of universities that have a plan in place to roll out capture to all rooms. Many universities have a policy of recording all lessons and lectures and it is being implemented widely. Some universities automatically schedule recordings along with the lecture timetable
  • The use of video capture solutions to record classes as well as enable lecturers to create their own supplemental videos requires robust technology.
  • The lecture capture system should be automated, allowing faculty or campus IT staff the ability to easily schedule recordings. A lecturer may also want to record a video prior to class in an empty classroom or right from the comfort of his or her home or office.
  • “The success of lecture capture is influenced by the user experience of the student and also by the user experience of the teacher,” points out Robert de Jong, director of product marketing EMEA at Vaddio.
  • Handling many simultaneous camera feeds on a network can also present problems. “Some universities are starting to install IP cameras as they are fast coming down in price,” says Mark Rogers, product manager, Datapath
  • Lecture capture is almost becoming a victim of its own success,” continues Lipps. “Students nowadays are demanding it in all their classes and will often stop a lecturer to point out if the system is not recording. The result is that it is becoming an essential piece of equipment in all active lecture rooms. A large university may have 500 rooms but it is not economically viable to put top-of-the-range equipment in all of them. However with the right video platform, there will be hardware and software capture options that make sure lecture capture can be included in as many classrooms as possible.”

'Tech for Rural Districts' brings new resources to remote schools - 0 views

  • he Consortium for School Networking on Wednesday announced a new initiative in partnership with the online educator network designed to improve technology for rural school districts. The project, “Tech for Rural Districts,” will offer support for district leaders through a webinar series and a new online platform.
  • Topics will include broadband access, avenues to acquire technology funding, and community involvement. The webinars will be archived on the initiative’s online learning community, which launched today and is open to the public.
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