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Contents contributed and discussions participated by lauraschmitz1992


For better edtech purchasing, ask these 4 crucial questions - 0 views

  • Howard said that for developers, it’s not about whether the product can address a learning goal, but whether it can address variable learning goals. One strength of edtech is the ability to help teachers provide differentiated lessons, and Howard said the best edtech can be used for students at various stages and across a variety of abilities.
  • “How might tech support educators’ ability to differentiate learning in the classroom?”
  • Furman said he looks for third-party reviews, especially from classroom teachers, before he brings any tools to his teachers for testing. Howard encouraged educators to ask for documented and validated positive learning outcomes with students. Noakes added that most educators want to see results from a third-party evaluation because they don’t trust research run and validated by the publisher.
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  • Furman said once he’s examined a product, he brings in a small team of teachers — typically one from each grade level — to test it.
  • Once the test team approves, he then has a group of teacher ambassadors train their colleagues and advocate for the new tool

Alexa boosts student engagement, productivity at Park University - 0 views

  • Located in Parkville, Missouri, a Kansas City suburb of 5,500 residents, Park University has a main campus of about 2,000 students. However, with more than 40 campuses across the nation and students on more than 30 military bases, the vast majority of Park’s 16,290 students are distance and online learners,
  • t was designed to provide services to students and connect all those students across the country into one university,
  • With more than 400 available commands, students can use the university-specific feature to receive answers to frequently asked questions, information about school programs and events, as well as course schedules, grades and GPAs by linking a university ID to Alexa.
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  • and that number grows by double digits every month.
  • Presently, the “Ask Park…” feature is being used by more than 4,500 students and facult
  • “We set out with the understanding and the hypothesis that voice is really going to be the next evolution of user interface,
  • Students are also able to search through research databases, submit help requests to IT services and inquire about financial aid, housing, meal plans, and courses.
  • voice assistants are becoming increasingly popular.
  • They have become a part of our lives, Nelson said, and just as current students expect services to be compatible with mobile devices, the next generation of college students will expect voice-command technology to be available to them.

elearn Magazine: Academic Integrity in the Online Classroom - 0 views

  • There are several products in the technology-based proctoring solution marketplace, and the needs and environment of individual schools need to be taken into account when choosing a vendor. No technology-based proctoring solution fits every need, therefore it is imperative to have a set of alternative options established. Policy Establish recommended syllabus language for a technology-based proctoring solution to add clarity for instructors as well as students. Establish recommended usage guidelines for instructors for a technology-based proctoring solution to add clarity for instructors. Culture To change the conversation of academic integrity across campus, a technology-based solution must: Be identified and deployed in partnership with the campus community; they must have a voice in the decision-making process for new technology and policies. Be presented alongside best practices and authentic assessments and not as the single solution to ensure academic integrity. Be presented and recommended to instructors as one option, along with best practices and authentic assessments, to help ensure academic integrity. Funding Establish a funding model that allows for an enterprise deployment of a technology-based proctoring solution to ensure usage clarity for instructors as well as students.

The Best Uses of EdTech: Giving Every Student a Voice | Emerging Education Technologies - 0 views

  • One meaningful use of education technology is the ability to change how students can share their voice
  • Here are a few of things we explore in our discussion (with apologies to regular readers for duplicating much of this list from just a week or so ago
    "Of course, a key consideration is what kind of tech students have available to them in the classroom. If they have computers, that makes it easy, but if they have tablets, portable devices, or smartphones the options are also also many. Mobile access is available for many popular CMS/LMS platforms. Mobile devices also work well with popular social media tools, some of which can also work in the classroom environment. "

CoSN names top resources for personalized learning - 0 views

  • Data analytics and adaptive technologies, while still emerging in K–12 education, could help educators overcome barriers and accelerate innovation, the report says.
  • Schools have been collecting student data for many years. However, the human process of sifting through mounds of data is tedious and inefficient. Data analytics has shifted this workload from educators to algorithms, freeing up time for teachers to support student needs and giving them more meaningful insights into what those need may be.
  • Similarly, adaptive technologies are able to monitor and adjust to student learning in the moment, catching and helping students when they exhibit a wobbly conceptual understanding of competencies and advancing them to more challenging content as soon as they have met learning objectives.
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  • Other tech enablers identified in the report include mobile devices, cloud infrastructure, and extended reality, which includes virtual reality and augmented reality.

'Tech for Rural Districts' brings new resources to remote schools - 0 views

  • he Consortium for School Networking on Wednesday announced a new initiative in partnership with the online educator network designed to improve technology for rural school districts. The project, “Tech for Rural Districts,” will offer support for district leaders through a webinar series and a new online platform.
  • Topics will include broadband access, avenues to acquire technology funding, and community involvement. The webinars will be archived on the initiative’s online learning community, which launched today and is open to the public.

elearn Magazine: Intentionally Equitable Hospitality in Hybrid Video Dialogue: The cont... - 0 views

  • VConnecting is a connectivist learning movement [5]. Using synchronous video technology, VConnecting hosts informal conversations between people who are attending academic conference onsite and people who are unable to attend. These conversations are livestreamed and recorded. We call these “hybrid conversations” since we seek to give equitable weight to onsite and virtual participation. VConnecting's purpose is to extend the onsite conversation, allowing the marginalized voices of those who are not present to participate (such as adjuncts, unaffiliated academics, graduate students, parents of young children, people with health issues, Global South scholars, or others who cannot regularly travel to conferences), while also allowing those who cannot attend an opportunity to network and learn from those who are present.
  • What we have learned about IEHospitality in hybrid spaces can be useful to other learning contexts. For example, those of us who teach online making aspects of equity and hospitality explicit within online group work, helps to prevent many of the common problems students face [15]. What volunteers learn and practice in VConnecting often transfers to our teaching and professional practice, a reminder how we can benefit greatly from using online learning techniques and technologies in our own learning first. In addition, buddies often gain social capital of their own through greater communication with each other and with guests who are often high-profile academics.

Here's How Engaging Digital Tools Level the Playing Field | Emerging Education Technolo... - 0 views

  • Classrooms have plenty to share with one another from one area to another, which this platform would allow, and I really like having the kids join me live, ask questions back and forth or collaborate on a single podcast. Accessibility is key to ensuring that every student has access to a quality education, and the live transcript feature would also be very useful for our English language learners. You can’t learn a language unless you speak it, write it and work with it. From a personal perspective, I have a hearing deficiency and appreciate that we now have this tool to amplify one’s voice so that everyone can better hear what we’re saying. I actually recorded a four- or five-minute rant on Storytellers about the challenges I face at conferences when speakers don’t use microphone because they’re uncomfortable about it, and shared it to Spotify. Too often, we're focused on the specifics of how kids are sharing information rather than what they're sharing. Kids need options. If they don’t want to write that paper or present in front of the class way to show what they’ve learned, a podcast can support the same outcome.

New Ways To Communicate: Social Networking And Online Collaboration In University - eLe... - 0 views

  • 2. Attracting Prospects When high-school graduates are going to enroll in particular educational institutions, they are more than likely to follow them on social media to get more information about them. Current students can share their experience, thoughts, and opinions on the platforms so that candidates and their parents can get a deeper insight into the on-campus life. In a nutshell, online collaboration helps universities to stand out from the crowd.
  • When someone wants to complain about or give recognition to a particular service provider, they prefer doing that through online collaboration. This is mainly because there are many users who are ready to pass their own opinion on this issue instantly. This is how universities can use social media to monitor what has been said about their services and find a way to maintain or restore their reputation. It is important for unis to have a good reputation; otherwise, they may face problems associated with funding and recruitment.

How to plan for your edtech's total costs - 0 views

  • Strategic planning for edtech is an endless journey — and not just because of constantly evolving hardware and software. Upgrading infrastructure, device maintenance, and ongoing professional development, in addition to program and device costs, means tech initiatives need permanent budget lines that take into account the total cost.
  • In any good budget, said Soumakian, boards should base spending on their goals and strategic priorities. So, if a priority is to be able to measure student outcomes based on new tech initiatives, then the board needs to reprioritize and invest in that goal.
    "How to plan for your edtech's total costs "

Innovation en formation : vous allez adorer apprendre ! - 0 views

  • Tendance n°2 : l’innovation en formation devient indissociable du « Tech Learning »
  • pas d’innovation en formation sans outils collaboratifs, services et résultats tangibles
  • Nous distinguons ici les solutions relevant essentiellement d’une dimension collaborative, qui s’appliquent au travail collaboratif et à l’apprentissage de même nature. Il s’agit de l’un des aspects clés de l’innovation en formation

How Will IoT Change the Education Sphere? | Emerging Education Technologies - 0 views

  • According to a research study, “IoT in Education Market” by MarketsandMarkets, the global market size is expected to “grow from $4.8 billion in 2018 to $11.3 billion by 2023.”
  • Personalized Learning One of the biggest hurdles with the typical education system is the lack of flexibility in the course work. The course is the same for each and every student. The human-to-human interaction in a classroom space is collective and does not take into account the individual pace and needs of the student. Building on the idea of Big Data collection, with IoT each student can be evaluated and monitored on an individual basis. Weaker students may be granted a modified course work that caters to them individually to bring them up to speed. On top of that, the aggregate data can guide the instructors to modify the coursework on the go depending on the collective class needs.
  • More Human-to-Machine Interaction
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  • Thus IoT has the potential to not only save time and physical resources, but also human resources all the while maintaining a better standard of teaching.
  • Financing Issues Financing is another hurdle. Government expenditure on Education is already stretched to its limit in most countries around the world. Plus, education isn’t really the sector that sees significant improvement in budget increase every fiscal year. It is general knowledge that education is kept on the back burner since it is not the topic that wins votes. Information Technology hardware can be expensive and IoT infrastructure can demands a lot of it. To implement IoT, either government or private investments may need to subsidize it.

How a small IT investment can produce campus-wide results - 0 views

  • he average annual information technology budget for campus operations ranges from just 5 to 7 percent of total revenue at public and private 4-year universities, a budget that includes salaries and the ongoing maintenance and equipment to keep all things running smoothly. T
  • The budget allocation for IT has not gone up more than a 1 percent over the past 10 years, yet the technology expectations continue to double annually.
  • Every IT leader needs to see the world of campus technology from a fresh, yet exciting perspective. This fresh perspective is what some are calling the NetGen Campus, Smart Campus, or Empowered Campus designs.
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  • The small details of IT can make big things happen.
  • Retention has reached 95 percent for fall and spring semester freshman, and placement has hit an all-time high of 99 percent. Technology has played a key role, but so did all the processes, people, leaders, and vendors. Collectively, it all works together to leverage the small investment in technology across all areas.
  • I believe technology leaders and campus technology teams can leverage a major shift by taking the 4 to 8 percent of funding they receive and using technology to leverage the appropriate growth to transform their campuses.
    "The small details of IT can make big things happen."

Social Learning : pourquoi nous apprenons mieux avec les autres - 0 views

  • Le Social Learning repose sur la théorie de l’apprentissage social développée par le psychologue canadien Albert Bandura. L’enfant apprend davantage par l’observation de ses pairs et l’imitation de modèles comportementaux que par le biais de conditionnements. Issu des travaux du pédagogue américain Edgar Dale, le cône de l’apprentissage [1] valide par ailleurs la démarche du Social Learning. Nous retenons 90 % de l’information que nous partageons ou enseignons contre 10 % seulement de ce que nous lisons et 20 % de ce que nous entendons.
  • Cette co-construction des savoirs s’incarne de plusieurs façons : En insufflant l’esprit du Social Learning dans le cadre de formations Blended ou à distance ; Des temps de partage et d’expérimentation en commun structurent la formation présentielle. La construction de nouvelles pratiques s’appuie sur des approches de codéveloppement professionnel[1] Un groupe WhatsApp prolonge par exemple la réflexion. Le partage de bonnes pratiques se poursuit à l’occasion d’un e-coaching (Blended learning). En constituant de véritables communautés d’apprentissage qu’il convient alors d’organiser et d’animer pour les doter d’un maximum d’efficacité. Dans cette optique, la connaissance des motivations de l’apprenant à rejoindre la communauté d’apprentissage est importante. L’animation d’échanges réguliers autour du thème de la formation et la définition d’objectifs précis et réalistes vont permettre de nourrir des relations affectives et sociales. Si le Social Learning permet de « mieux apprendre », c’est notamment par que le partage de connaissances (qui en est son principe actif) conforte la confiance en soi de ceux qui le pratiquent. Il active également la dimension de solidarité et de lien social, réduisant le sentiment d’impuissance et d’isolement. Face aux multiples possibilités d’apprentissage et de progression professionnelle qui s’ouvrent à lui, l’apprenant social se révèle dynamique, agile et enthousiaste

When Bringing Your Own Device Isn't Enough: Identifying What Digital Literacy Initiativ... - 0 views

  • Device ownership alone doesn't make people digitally literate; rather, digital literacy is about how and why they use devices to achieve particular goals and outcomes.
  • Definitions of digital literacy can include the ability to use and access digital devices, but studies from the past decade tend to deepen this definition. A commonly cited definition from Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel asserts that digital literacy is "shorthand for the myriad social practices and conceptions of engaging in meaning making mediated by texts that are produced, received, distributed, exchanged etc., via digital codification."
  • s." In other words, it's not just owning the devices that makes you digitally literate—it's how and why you use those devices to achieve particular goals and outcomes.

One way or another, schools are connecting their students to broadband - 0 views

  • She said that in fact states are starting to recognize the need for all students to have equal access to broadband while they are off campus. There is a growing movement around the country, she said, for districts to create innovative solutions like Wi-Fi on school buses and community partnerships to provide Wi-Fi hotspots that students can take home.

10 Essential Things I've Learned in 10 years of Writing and Running EmergingEdTech | Em... - 0 views

  • 1. Human relationships are so much more important than the technology
  • 2. Technology alone will never revolutionize education
  • Education is changing (albeit slowly) whether we agree with the changes or not, and you can either learn to change or gradually get pushed aside Change keeps coming. I know that significant changes in education occur at a snail's pace, but that may be a blessing. Yet things do change. For example, Western Governors University has been delivering Competency Based Education for decades. That's a big deal in the world of higher ed. We all know that online learning is more embraced year over year. Flipped Learning continues to spread and be embraced. Change is happening. Don't ignore it. We tell kids that they need to embrace life long learning. So do we. And administrators at all levels need to stay informed and be part of the conversation as we think about and plan for tomorrow.

Digital credentials could boost student confidence, higher education survey shows - 0 views

  • But although students generally feel unprepared to enter the workforce, 62 percent of recruiters who responded to the survey said they are confident that candidates have the skills to succeed.
  • However, there is already trust and perceived value in digital credentials.
  • Credentials are able to address the needs of both students and the workforce as the idea of becoming a lifelong learner is increasingly important to succeed in today’s workforce.

7 Advantages Digital Assessments Have over Paper Tests and Exams | Emerging Education T... - 0 views

  • In 2014, the Florida Department of Education gave a survey to students after taking end-of-course evaluations. The results showed that more students preferred computer tests over paper (53% of the students agreed to that statement). Another study in 2017 Saudi published in the International Journal of Information and Education Technology presented the opposite result. Here, only 42.5% prefer online over paper exam, which is still a considerable portion of the survey population. But while that may be the case, 77.5% of the total examinees liked the fact that they are able to receive results and feedback automatically after taking the test.
  • Below are 7 reasons to consider when deciding whether to incorporate online methods to your teaching and evaluation, from the perspective of students.
  • 1. Getting test results immediately give students peace of mind
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  • 3. Students can take the exam anytime, anywhere
  • 4. Fun and interactive with the use of multimedia, simulations
  • 5. Students can take the exam in a more comfortable environment
  • 6. Avoid commute that adds stress and saves money
  • 7. Technology easily accommodates students with disabilities
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