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Nathan Goodyear

PPARs, Obesity, and Inflammation - 0 views

  • increase of 61% within 10 years
  • Many of the inflammatory markers found in plasma of obese individuals appear to originate from adipose tissue
  • obesity is a state of chronic low-grade inflammation that is initiated by morphological changes in the adipose tissue.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • secretion of MCP-1, resistin, and other proinflammatory cytokines is increased by obesity, the adipose secretion of the anti-inflammatory protein adiponectin is decreased
  • the peroxisome proliferators- activated receptor (PPAR) family are involved in the regulation of inflammation and energy homestasis
  • natural agonists, including unsaturated fatty acids and eicosanoids
  • PPARα also regulates inflammatory processes, mainly by inhibiting inflammatory gene expression
  • upregulation of COX-2 is seen in alcoholic steatohepatitis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and has been directly linked to the progression of steatosis to steatohepatitis, the inhibitory effect of PPARα on COX-2 may reduce steatohepatitis
  • PPARα agonists have a clear anorexic effect resulting in decreased food intake, evidence is accumulating that PPARα may also directly influence adipose tissue function, including its inflammatory status.
  • PPARα may govern adipose tissue inflammation in three different ways: (1) by decreasing adipocyte hypertrophy, which is known to be connected with a higher inflammatory status of the tissue [3, 11, 59], (2) by direct regulation of inflammatory gene expression via locally expressed PPARα, or (3) by systemic events likely originating from liver
  • PPARγ is considered the master regulator of adipogenesis
  • Unsaturated fatty acids and several eicosanoids serve as endogenous agonists of PPARγ
  • PPARγ2, which is adipose-tissue specific
  • two different molecular mechanisms have been proposed by which anti-inflammatory actions of PPARγ are effectuated: (1) via interference with proinflammatory transcription factors including STAT, NF-κB, and AP-1
  • and (2) by preventing removal of corepressor complexes from gene promoter regions resulting in suppression of inflammatory gene transcription
  • diet-induced obesity is associated with increased inflammatory gene expression in adipose tissue via adipocyte hypertrophy and macrophage infiltration
  • PPARγ is able to reverse macrophage infiltration, and subsequently reduces inflammatory gene expression
  • Inflammatory adipokines mainly originate from macrophages which are part of the stromal vascular fraction of adipose tissue [18, 19], and accordingly, the downregulation of inflammatory adipokines in WAT by PPARγ probably occurs via effects on macrophages
  • By interfering with NF-κB signaling pathways, PPARγ is known to decrease inflammation in activated macrophages
  • Recent data suggest that activation of PPARγ in fatty liver may protect against inflammation
  • PPARs may influence the inflammatory response either by direct transcriptional downregulation of proinflammatory genes
  • anti-inflammatory properties of PPARs in human obesity
    PPARs play pivotal in obesity.  PPARs appear to reduce the inflammatory cascade associated with obesity.  Downregulation of PPARs are associated with increased inflammation.  Natural PPARs include unsaturated fats and eicosanoids.
Nathan Goodyear

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in inflammation control - 0 views

    PPARs are key regulators in inflammation control. PPARs are nuclear transcription factors that decrease NF-KappaB transcription.
Nathan Goodyear

Pathways | PPAR Resource Page | Jack Vanden Heuvel - 0 views

    great website as a resource to review PPAR pathways.  PPARs are transcription factors involved with inflammation.
Nathan Goodyear

Effects of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-α and -γ Agonists on 11... - 0 views

    PPAR alpha and/or PPAR gamma does not down regulate 11Beta-HSD1.
Nathan Goodyear

PPARs, Obesity, and Inflammation - 0 views

    PPARs and how they regulate lipid metabolism.  PPARs play a critical role in obesity and inflammation
Nathan Goodyear

Web of Knowledge [v.5.3] - Web of Science - 0 views

    animal model: showed that DHEA treatment resulted in increased adiponectin secretion from fat cells. This occurred with an associated increase in PPAR-gamma receptors.  The suggestion is that DHEA through PPAR-gamma increased fat cell production and secretion of adiponectin.
Nathan Goodyear

PPARγ and human metabolic disease - 0 views

  • PPARα and PPARδ appear primarily to stimulate oxidative lipid metabolism
  • PPARγ is principally involved in the cellular assimilation of lipids via anabolic pathways
  • PPARs are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Expression of PPARγ is highest in adipose tissue,
  • PPARγ also plays a key role in the entraining of adipose tissue lipid metabolism to nutritional state
  • Its expression is highest postprandially
  • its activation leads to upregulation of genes that mediate FA uptake and trapping
  • PPARγ may also promote futile cycling in adipocytes between triglyceride (TG) esterification and de-esterification
  • its high expression in macrophages, which are now known to infiltrate the dysfunctional adipose tissue of obese subjects
    • Nathan Goodyear
      PPAR gamma is associated with adipocyte differentiation and lipid storage.
    review of PPAR gamma
    very informative! Thanks for sharing!
Nathan Goodyear

Treatment of Obesity-Related Complications with Novel Classes of Naturally Occurring PP... - 0 views

    natural PPAR agonists.  Maybe provide some of the anti-inflammatory improved lipid metabolism without the side effects found in their synthetic counterpart avandia
Nathan Goodyear

Nutritional protective mechanisms against gut inflammation - 0 views

    Nice review of inflammation originating from the gut.  This article nicely points out the pathway involving PPAR gamma and its anti-inflammatory effects in gut inflammatory conditions such as IBD. This article also specifically discusses natural compounds that activate PPAR gamma and thus reduce inflammation.  Good deep biochemical discussion of how natural therapies reduce inflammation.  
Nathan Goodyear

Adiponectin translation is increased by the PPARγ agonists pioglitazone and ω... - 0 views

    Omeg-3, DHA and EPA, increased adiponectin production.  In addition, blockade of the PPAR-gamma resulted in a reduction in adiponectin production.  Thus PPAR gamma activation results in adiponectin production by adipocytes.
Nathan Goodyear

Interaction between a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ gene polym... - 0 views

  • uniform dietary recommendations may not be appropriate for all individuals
    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma plays an important role in obesity and fat generation.  In this study, they showed how the genetic expression of different PPAR gamma genotypes results in altered physiologic response to fat intake in humans.  The interaction between genetics and the environment.
Nathan Goodyear

PLOS ONE: Overexpression of the Mitochondrial T3 Receptor p43 Induces a Shift in Skelet... - 0 views

    T3 induces beneficial oxidative changes in muscles through its interaction with mitochondrial receptors.  PGC-1alpha and PPAR-gamma were involved in this process.  The important point here is that T3 is increasing oxidative function of muscle through interaction with mitochondria.
Nathan Goodyear

Inflammatory Mechanisms in Alzheimer's Disease: Inhibition of β-Amyloid-Stimu... - 0 views

  • PPARγ agonists were shown to inhibit the β-amyloid-stimulated expression of the cytokine genes interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor α. Furthermore, PPARγ agonists inhibited the expression of cyclooxygenase-2.
    Not that we are recommending NSAIDS to reduce inflammation: but the learned biochemical pathways of inflammation involved with AD, allows a natural approach to reduce microglial associated inflammation through PPAR-gamma activation.
Nathan Goodyear

UCL Discovery - EPA and DHA reduce LPS-induced inflammation responses in HK-2 cells: Ev... - 0 views

    Omega 3, DHA and EPA, reduce LPS stimulated inflammation via PPAR gamma activation.
Nathan Goodyear

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Inflammatory Processes - 0 views

  • marine n-3 PUFAs have also been shown to alter the production of inflammatory proteins including chemokines, cytokines, growth factors and matrix proteases
  • Two transcription factors that are likely to play a role in inflammation are nuclear factor κ B (NFκB) and PPAR-γ
  • NFκB is the principal transcription factor involved in upregulation of inflammatory cytokine, adhesion molecule and cyclooxygenase-2 genes
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • PPAR-γ, is believed to act in an anti-inflammatory manner
  • PPAR-γ directly regulates inflammatory gene expression, it also interferes with the activation of NFκB creating an intriguing interaction between these two transcription factors
  • Both NFκB and PPAR-γ may be regulated by n-3 PUFAs.
    great review of the anti-inflammatory effects of omega 3 DHA and EPA.  EPA inhibits COX and 5-LOX and their downstream prostaglandin and leukotrienes.  EPA/DHA inhibited endotoxin-stimulated IL-6, IL-8,TNF-alpha, and NFkappaB.
Nathan Goodyear

EPA and DHA reduce LPS-induced inflammation responses in HK-2 cells: Evidence... - 0 views

    Omega 3 essential fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA, decrease LPS activation of NF-kappaB via PPAR-gamma activation.
Nathan Goodyear

Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors as Transcriptional Nodal Points and Therape... - 0 views

    PPARs and inflammation.
Nathan Goodyear

Transcriptional regulation of the GL... [Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2007] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Inflammation causes dysregulation of GLUT4 receptor.  This leads to insulin resistance and associated weight gain.  PPAR gamma plays a role here.
Nathan Goodyear

Figure 3 : Adipocyte dysfunctions linking obesity to insulin resistance and t... - 0 views

    TNF-alpha downregulates PPAR and increases FFA
Nathan Goodyear

Figure 5 : Adipocyte dysfunctions linking obesity to insulin resistance and t... - 0 views

    proposed TNF-alpha downregulation of PPAR and resultant increase in FFA and thus inflammation, insulin resistance, diabetes...
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